40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Hi there..the weather is beautiful here in Hilton Head....Going home Sat Send everyone much love and good health in the new year
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Today I hoped on the Elliptical: One Minute Intervals for 60 minutes

    Welcome again to all the new comers! Now start posting :P

    *LP: Glad the weather is cooperating!

    *alf: I had to do dumbbell deadlifts for awhile before I got my barbell. This is a good video I found on how to do them:


    Try not to get too distracted while watching him :D

    *Robin: Are you doing the Lean version? If you are, and if you want more cardio, you might want to consider switching out the Cardio X day with Plyo instead (if your knees are in good shape).
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Chris--I am doing the lean version. That's a great idea. I actually wanted to do Plyo but was bummed when it wasn't in the lean program. But I really thought that one was best for me, rather than the classic. It's funny, at first I wasn't sure if I wanted to do this as a full program, but once I said I would do it, I tend to be a stickler to doing it exactly as they say, even though it's probably not necessary.

    Alf, I so wish I had another hour on top of the one I already give for more cardio! I'm just crossing my fingers. Not weighing myself ( I think it has been 2 months!), and hoping the 1/3 fewer calories/wk won't make much of a difference.....

    Rich, running stairs is such a great idea! Great to have that strength goal going into 2012. Stick with MFP and I'm sure you'll get a ton of ideas on where to start.

    Enjoy your day everyone!
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Wow, good for all of you who exercised throughout the holidays! I slacked off for a few weeks because I had a sick toddler and wasn't getting much sleep. No way could I get up at 4:30am to exercise. That, coupled with a family emergency the day after Christmas, caused me to lose a lot of sleep & I didn't have any energy. Oddly enough, the family emergency caused me so much stress that I lost 2 pounds this week. Gaahh!

    Looking forward to getting back in the swing of things and doing my workout DVDs in the morning again. Happy new year everyone! :drinker:
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    My name is Kim, 48. I would like to join your group. I have 90 lbs. to go to get to my weight and I am determined to do it this time.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hello all,

    Sounds like you are all doing so well!
    My goal was to exercise at least 30 min each day over the holidays. I did very well up until yesterday. It was so bitter cold out that there was no way I was running outside. My plan was to do my P90X workout when I got home, but the World Junion hockey was on so DH was monopolizing the TV. So, today, it is warmer and I've brought my running clothes in to town to head out for run. :happy:

    Eating has been horrible - not a lot, just all the wrong stuff. Too many cookies! I packed all my food for today and so far it's been a good day. We've been invited out for dinner, which is always a little scary. As long as I get my run in, I should be okay. :tongue:

    Someone posted an excellent article on the science behine weightloss. What an interesting article!


    It's a bit long, but very informative. I have been wondering why I have such difficulty losing weight and my guess was that genetics had something to do with it - this article goes on to explain it.

    :flowerforyou: tladame - hope everything is okay. Stressful family emergencies usually cause me to drop weight as well. Not a pleasant way to shed the pounds though.

    :flowerforyou: Robin - great job on your workout program. I am hoping to finish my P90X and then maybe try insanity. i'll have to see as I will be in full marathon training mode by then.

    :flowerforyou: Chris, you continue to inspire me with your hard work, dedication and knowledge!

    Have a wonderful day all. :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello everyone!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful day in San Antone!!!!!!!!!! I took a break today since I taught last night plus did a strength trng workout yesterday morning. I am off work tomorrow so I am lifting again tomorrow plus practice a few Zumba routines. That will be my cardio. I am a little sore from my workout yesterday.

    Chris, I checked out the video, thanks!!! Well, couldnt concentrate much though...LOL just kidding... He is actually doing the romanian (kinda straight leg) deadlift. I was referring to the one that looks like a squat which I dont like much because I dont feel I am working my hams and glutes as much. One question for you, have you used those things called fat gripz? They came out as one of the top 20 fitness gagdets (sp?) of 2011. They are supposed to help with the grip when you work with barbells and dumbbells so you can lift more and your wrists dont give out. That has been a problem for me in the past. Maybe I should do a little research here and see if some people have used them.

    Sdereski, dont sweat one day, you are doing great!!!

    Tladame, good to see you again!!!

    Robin, I was suggesting doing the cardio that you love on alternate days when you are not doing P90X...like I said, the year I was doing P90X (09) I also ran 2 half marathons, a 10 miler and several little races. Of course I was not teaching Zumba at the time plus I still had other responsibilities, family and my regular job.

    Hi Kim!!! Welcome!!! Stay positive but consistent!! You can do it!

    I'm at work, I'd better go!!! :flowerforyou:
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Inline Skate (Lunch): 2 miles

    Haven't mentioned it much before, but these days I am also doing push ups and pull/chin ups through out the day. Pull/Chin Ups in the morning, lunch and after work. Pushups at 10am, 1130am, 2pm & 4pm. That's M-F.

    *alf: No, on the FatGripz. My grip strength has increased pretty much in line as my workouts progressed. Although, I do have to do a switch grip on the working set of barbell deadlifts now. Maybe riding a motorcycle the past several years has helped the grip :D Many also use chalk or drihands.

    *sdereski: Thanks :) Hope you had a good run today!

    *Kim: Welcome! You know you can do it ;)

    *tladame: welcome back :)

    *Robin: Glad to be of help :) The great thing about P90X is that you can modify it quite a bit, or not at all, depending on goals. Very flexible.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Chris, you are a MONSTER!!! LOL

    We are on page 20, will need to start a new thread soon! Let's start the new year with a catchy title!!!! Ideas!!!!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Chris, you are a MONSTER!!! LOL

    We are on page 20, will need to start a new thread soon! Let's start the new year with a catchy title!!!! Ideas!!!!

    Not yet, but I'm trying :laugh:

    Hmm, how about "40+ Club: And we don't mean degrees..."

    Or, "40+ Club: Wonderful Winter Workouts" or maybe "40+ Club: Where the cool kids are"
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Check in day!!!! Well, not a good one but you know I really need to learn from my mistakes!!! I weighed in this morning and I took all my measurements. Everything and I mean everything is up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Weight 131.8 from 127.2 back in Oct. Waist 30.5 (relaxed of course, less if I suck it in LOL) up from 29 relaxed in Mar 11. All other measurements higher and last time I had taken them was in Sep 09!!! I need to monitor myself closer now for sure!!!!

    So my plan:
    I started this week on the new rules of lifting for women program (thanks Chris), I joined a group here in MFP and another one at JP Fitness. It is a strength training program. My goal is to become stronger and leaner.
    Cardio: Teaching Zumba 4 days a week
    Flexibility: Stretching before and after my workouts. Bikram Yoga (hot yoga): once a week or at least 3 times a month
    Nutrition: Most important aspect IMO. Eat as clean as possible most of the time (80-90%) of the time, cut back or avoid sugars, increase veggies and fruits, continue drinking lots of water, cut back on caffeine especially at night, consume more protein, less simple carbs.

    Chris, I like all your suggestions for the thread title! Any others?

    At home today, did my workout this morning and will start practicing some Zumba routines soon. I am home so I will be able to monitor my eating better. Hubby and I going to Austin tomorrow to celebrate the New Year! It will be crazy!!!! LOL

    Take care!!! :flowerforyou:
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    I love where the cool kids are personally. Sunday is my birthday and I can run 3 miles without dying at the end. We are pretty cool!!!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Pavement Run (Lunch): 1/4 mile warm up walk, then 3 mile slow run in 30m41s (splits: 10m18s, 10m28s, 9m55s), then 3/4 mile cool down walk.

    Upper Body Work today: 80 pushups (20 each at 10am, 1130am, 2pm & 4pm) and pushups/chinups before breakfast, lunch and after work. Not saying how many pull/chin ups, 'cause it's still pretty low :P

    *Lady Persia: Cool job on the run! Happy Birthday :)

    *alf: that's a long time between measurements! Sounds like you have figured out a great plan!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Inline Skate: 3.5 miles in 22m59s, Avg speed 9.1mph. That includes 2 stops at intersections. Max speed 14mph. Was 77F and sunny with a slight breeze during my skate today. Just about perfect :) Love watching the ibis, ducks and herons scurry away from me as I zoom by, lol.

    Today, Charlie, my neighbor, gave me off-brand chocolatey marshmallows "for Christmas" he said...This is the same neighbor who is constantly asking me about losing weight and working out. The same neighbor who asks me all the time if I want a Coke. The same neighbor that I've told at least 25 times now, "I no longer drink Coke, it's not healthy." And he gives me off-brand chocolatey marshmallows "for Christmas" on New Years Eve...if it wasn't so annoying, it would be hilarious.

    Happy New Year all :)
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Happy New Year folks!

    Alf - you will work those pounds off in no time. This time of year is brutal!! As much as I've tried to stay away from the cookies, I'm eating more than I normally do.:tongue:

    Yesterday I attempted to do the YogaX. That has to be my least favourite of the P90X workouts. So many downward dogs!!UGH. I managed 30 minutes of it, then DH and I went for a good long snowshoe. Now that burned some calories. :happy: I'm sure the wine I consumed last night used them all up though.

    Having the family over for dinner today, so I'd better get working on getting ready. :happy:

    Have a wonderful day everyone.:flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Happy new year everyone.... So glad the holidays are over

    Chris... My husband actually does that to me. Two years ago when I started to lose the weight he would come home and hand me a candy bar saying he thought of me today.... Sweet but weird. He hasn't done that in 20 years.

    Alf... Considering how long it's been in-between measurements and considering all the holidays I don't think your doing too terribly bad. I know it's frustrating because it takes so much work to lose the weight and in a blink of an eye it's back again.

    Going to Nevada tonight to do the last minute things before inspections on tuesday. I hope everything goes smoothly with this sale.

    Sdereski.... Snow shoeing??? We haven't had a winter at all so far. So unusual for where I live. We had a dusting of snow a few months ago and then nothing.... Cold but no rain or anything. Now it's even warming up. I'm not really complaint considering then last two winters don't get me wrong.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Asphalt Run: Did 3 miles at a slowish 9:30 per mile pace.

    I multi-tasked on this one...messaged a girl on OK Cupid earlier in the day and we ended up chatting and setting up a Run Date for the afternoon :) Amazing how fast the time goes by when your running with a date :D
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I haven't been here in a while. Actually, I found myself too busy over the holidays to keep up with my friends here.:angry: So, I am back now.

    I have gained 5 pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I have lost one of them already. I am signed up for three different classes at the YMCA. A total of 7 hours a week.

    Has anyone heard from sing yet?
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hi, everyone! It's been a long while...

    My 2012 goals are:

    1) Drink more water/fluids (still struggle with that :ohwell: )--ultimate goal 120oz/day, current target 70oz/day
    2) Move my body--starting Couch to 5k (c25k) program this week :smile:
    3) Take all my required vitamins--it's somewhere between 30 and 50 pills per day :frown:

    I'm actually a bit under my goal weight, so no more weight loss new years resolutions! Yay! :bigsmile:
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Day two of the new year. Cold and windy......getting ready to workout. Have we picked a new name yet?