40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Spent the day at the hospital. My son woke up complaint about stomach pains. You could tell he was in pain. Took him to the hospital and sure enough it was appendicitis. Good thing he's still covered under our insurance.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Wishing you well and a speedy recovery for him!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    OMG tron !!!! I am guessing that your son had emergency surgery? My oldest granddaughter had her's rupture. This was a few years ago and she is doing fine now.

    Does sing live in PA? My huband was raised there and when we go back to visit his family we always stop at Hershey's candy factory. What we visit isn't the actual factory...more like a store. But, they do have a demonstration of how the candy is made.

    hewhoiscd, good for you..doing the inline skating. I have not been able to stand on skates for years. I used to skate all the time as a child, but now I am too afraid to let go of the wall.

    alf, you are right. This does make one go "hmmm".

    Today is my last day of work this week. I am taking a vacation day tomorrow.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Hersey Plant is about 40 miles south of me. I have never been but my hubby has worked construction there. I did think Sing lived in NEPA.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    NE PA is closer to Ohio. And, that is where I live. My husband's family is in Williamsport which is in the north central portion of the state. Oh my, we haven't been back there is years. I am thinking maybe 5 or 6. We really should make an effort to visit this year.
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning~ so sorry I have been MIA lately....busy time. But also I haven't really felt like I have had much to talk about! Anyway, hope everyone is doing well!

    Things here are good. We woke up this morning to our first real snow (not counting the one at Halloween.....). I'm wondering where those snowshoes of mine are --I think I may have to dig them out for the morning dog walk. Other than that, the last few months have been decent. I assume I may have gained a few lbs from Thanksgiving, but I did stay on track w/exercise. And I am at this stage where I honestly don't care what I weigh---I have no plans to hop on the scale---am just back to judging my weight by the way clothing fits. And they do, although maybe a little bit tighter.....

    Exercise lately had been a mix of No more Trouble Zones and Banish Fat Boost Met. (both Jillian), and then the elliptical and some walks or raking leaves (a surprisingly GREAT way to burn calories!). Over Thanksgiving I did try 3 workouts from P90x w/my brother, who had it, and I no longer am afraid of it! I talked my mother into buying it for me, and just started yesterday. I am doing the "lean" program, that is supposed to be a little more cardio-based. I'm not going majorly gung-ho (as great as you look Chris, I don't really need to be that buff!)....just looking for something different and a challenge....so we will see!

    I need to catch up on all the posts so sorry if missed everything. I hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for some fun holidays ahead! Robin
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Inline Skated 8.17 miles. Had an awesome time doing the Full Moon Skate tonight. Weather was perfect.

    Time for bed. Will comment on posts tomorrow :)
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    *Tron: Sorry to hear about your son! How's he doing now?

    *Robin: Welcome back to the thread :) I think you will love the P90X lean version! I did Lean for 3 months, then the Classic for 2 months.

    So far today I have walked 2.4 miles outside, about 3mph average. May do Yoga X or X Stretch (P90X DVDs) later, or maybe I'll just take a nap, lol. I'm still a bit tired from last night.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Debated whether to run or not, since I had done the 8 miles of skating late last night. Decided, what the heck, I'll give it a try. On the theory that some running is better than no running. But I surprised myself.

    Treadmill: 3 miles in 26m40s, beat last weeks time by 59 seconds :) Ran at exactly 6.7mph the first 2.7 miles, then 7mph for a tenth, then 7.3mph for a tenth, and then 8mph for the last tenth of a mile.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Another thread in which I was posting has dissolved. They are only posting in a group now. So, I am wondering if the same is going to happen here. I really hope not as I like this forum.

    I am having another bad weekend of eating. A company Christmas dinner on Friday and my husband is now baking more cookies. I give up. I know that come Monday all will be fine.

    tron, how is your son doing?
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I tried to post on here yesterday but as soon as I hit post reply my server went down... :ohwell:

    Thank you for asking about my son. He is well, and out of the hospital. We caught it early so his appendix wasn't even close to rupturing which made everything a little bit easier on him.... Right now he's sore which he doesn't like. He said he feels like an old man because it's hard to do anything. :laugh: He was happy that he was able to eat more that just chicken broth and jello yesterday but sense he had foods that actually filled him up he slept a lot more. I know, he needs the sleep I was just getting used to him being awake and talking to me.

    Swiss.... I love this group! I don't want to go anywhere either.... I will. I'll more of an effort to come on here I promise. :heart:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    It posted twice... Guess that makes up for yesterday! :laugh:
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Tomorrow is my anniversary with hubby. Going for Brazillian....SO YUM Not going to eat until then cause its four hours of food...LOL and yes I am going to eat it all!!! Tuesday will be my additional run day.

    Have a great week everyone!!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Another thread in which I was posting has dissolved. They are only posting in a group now. So, I am wondering if the same is going to happen here. I really hope not as I like this forum.

    I am having another bad weekend of eating. A company Christmas dinner on Friday and my husband is now baking more cookies. I give up. I know that come Monday all will be fine.

    tron, how is your son doing?

    I like our forum I dont like the groups I would like to stay this way too....I love our 40+

    tron- Glad your son is better
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I agree that there is a cause to have this thread and I am glad that we will be keeping it. Anyone can post here but not so with a group.

    I am back to work today. I will be taking more vacation days, leaving at noon on Wednesday and returning on Friday. That will be the last of my vacation days. I will also have off (with pay) the week between Christmas and New Years. YES !!!!
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    I've also been sort of MIA due to the holiday hustle & bustle. Too many tempting foods around, and unfortunately my DVD player was out of commission for over a week so I couldn't do my exercise DVDs. Luckily I didn't gain much. Back on track today!

    (Until this weekend of course, when I bake cookies and host a party...) :embarassed:
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Pavement Run: 1 mile in 8m20s.

    First time running in the real world and not on the treadmill. Hardest thing for me was getting into a consistent pace. I was all over the place. Ran way too fast for the first 1/4 mile. You will laugh, but it felt "unnatural" to run on the pavement instead of on the treadmill :D

    *LP: Happy Anniversary!
    *Tron: Glad your son is doing well!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Lady Persia .... Happy anniversary!

    Chris..I've been told that its supposed to be a harder workout switching from the treadmill to the outside world....don't know if that's true or not.

    I finally got out and did some Xmas shopping today... Every year I swear I'm gonna start way before Xmas and every year I don't and regret it.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all

    popping in to say hello and glad to see a few of you still posting daily.

    Tron - so glad to hear your son is doing well.

    lady Persia - Happy Anniversary!!!:flowerforyou:

    Chris - your first outside run? It does take some adjusting, but I would rather run outside anyday. I finally ran again yesterday. Did a short 2 mile run and it felt so good. Best part - no hip pain!

    I've still been doing my P90X workouts but I still don't see much of an improvement. In fact, I went to wear a skirt this morning that I often wear and it was too tight around my hips!:sad: When I told my husband, he asked me if I was retaining water. :laugh: :laugh: II laughed so hard - Around my *kitten*?!! Well, he was trying to be kind, which was sweet, but ahhh...NO. Still it was worth the chuckle.

    Swiss, I like this thread and don't really want to change it to a group thing. another forum I post on is now a group, which is okay, but I don't understand why we needed to switch. O well, as long as we can still "chat" with one another. :happy:

    I had a busy weekend. Finished cleaning and decorating and got my tree up. I hosted our staff Christmas party, so was busy getting everything done. Now, to finish up the gift buying, wrapping and baking. I'm sure it will get done, but the thought of it all is still hanging over my head.

    Hope you are all having a great day. :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: tladame, probably the best thing to do is to try to get in more cardio. Burn off the extra calories that we are consuming over the holidays. I wish the best for you.:heart:

    :flowerforyou: tron, congrats on getting in some shopping. I always wait til the last minute. My ex and I actually did all of it one Christmas Eve.

    Oh hewhoiscd, I can imagine having trouble going from a treadmill to pavement. Completely different footing. You will probably grow to love the outside with all the different sights.

    Tonight is Zumba !!!:heart::heart: