40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hello all,

    Welcome Krista and Tina.

    Alf - I'm still here. Have been so tired this past week and just didn't feel up to posting. Barely felt like logging. I have been getting my workouts in - think that is what is tiring me out. That combined with the other stuff that I was doing last week. My french class has come to an end - thank goodness. They made for very long Tuesdays and Thursdays.

    We tried to find our Christmas tree yesterday, but didn't. We'll try again next week. Slowly starting to get my house decorated. Have to begin the wrapping this week - that may help me get myself organized. I have no idea where I am with my gifts, and who I still need to buy for. I am not normally this disorganized. :noway:

    Have another busy week, but my nights shouldn't be that late. I do have to make dessert for our Christmas bridge this week - enough for 14! I am thinking of making a Candy Cane Red Velvet Trifle. Have read over the recipe a couple of times, and am pretty sure I can do it. :laugh: Am not a huge candy cane fan, so am hoping I'll steer clear of it. :wink:

    Well, have to be up early tomorrow.
    Have a great night all. :flowerforyou:

    O yeah - sexy looking legs Chris! Very impressive. :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Tron, I am glad you are doing ok!!! I wouldnt be able to concentrate on working out with all that is happening around you! Hugs!!

    Chris, great job!!!!

    sdereski, you sound soooo busy!! Good thing you are still keeping up with your workouts.

    Mommyfancy, keep up the good work!!!!!! You are doing great!!!

    My fundraiser event on Sat went well. I had a little more attendance than I expected but I was nowhere near my goal. But overall it was a great event for a great cause. I tried my best and that is all I can do...the rest is up to everyone to do their part and you never know who will follow through on their promise. I posted pics in my facebook for those of you who can see my page. Now I can relax some and concentrate on my regular classes and myself and my family. I need some extra motivation to start strength trng again. I really need it!!!! I stopped when my family came over at the end of Oct and havent been able to get back to it!!!! What is wrong with me??? I have always been in love with it. I am truly thinking about investing in a program, perhaps Cathe's STS, something that will keep me motivated. I have P90X (too long and wont be doing some of the exercises), did it twice in 09, and I also have ChaLean extreme, not really interested in doing that one again although I liked it, did it twice as well in 09 and 2010. Feeling a little soft now...Ugh!!!!

    Have finally started my Christmas decorations. I need to finish outside, it's been raining in San Antonio, would you believe it??? And a couple of things inside and I am done...then some shopping!!! :)

    Have a wonderful day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Today: Treadmill (short fast run day) - 1 mile in 7m56s, beat last weeks time by over 40 seconds :) Considering my inline skating mis-adventure on Saturday, I'm very happy with the time. Quite relieved actually.

    So, Saturday afternoon, I went out to a local spot to get more experience on my inline skates. Was feeling pretty good, and got over confident. Ended up falling back on my right upper butt and lower back. That hurt, lol. Skated back to base, about a mile, and then drove home. Was hobbling pretty bad rest of the day, Sunday was a bit better, Monday morning a little better yet, and was feeling like I could try a run after work. Still sore, but obviously on the mend :)

    *Tina: Grats!!

    *Tron: Wow! That's quite a storm! Must of been scary. Glad you and yours are OK!

    *sylvania: Thanks! :happy:

    *alf: Thanks! :happy: Maybe get into a Free Weights routine, like The New Rules of Lifting for Women?
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Hi you lovely people!! A pre-mid week reminder that you are awesome! Has anyone spoken to sing???
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I am going to message sing. Has anyone heard from him at all?
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!!! I did it!!!! hee hee I did a little ST workout, upper body, this morning. It was just about 20mins but it is a good start. Planning on doing a quick lower body tomorrow morning. Speaking of Sing, I have messaged him twice already, nothing. That is not him at all!!!! I dont want to sound negative but I truly think something happened to him...Swiss and LadyPersia, send him a message and see if he responds.

    Chris, I ordered the book at my local library. I am going to check it out. I was really looking for a video instead of a book but will see... I do enjoy doing free weights at home, no time to go to the gym.

    Have a great day!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I messaged sing this morning but have not heard anything. He has not logged in here for a month.

    I am going to the abs class here at work and then to Zumba at the YMCA. I have been eating way too many of my husband's cookies.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    We finally got our power back on Sunday night around 10pm. Yay!!! Still no cell service which isn't a big deal but I do like texting better than talking on the phone.... I actually despise talking on the phone.

    Went to Nevada to start the eviction process on someone who hasn't paid rent in the last two months. I feel horrible because it's so close to Christmas but we really have tried working with them. I just can't afford supporting them.

    Today I'm gonna get caught up on my laundry and get my butt on the treadmill along with something else. I'll report more later.

    Maybe Stiring might know a better way to get a hold of Sing.... She's met him in person. Hope he's ok...

    I've posted pictures of some of the damage done here on my facebook. If anyone is interested let me know and I will add you.
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello everyone - thought I'd let you know I haven't dropped off the face of the earth:laugh: .

    Past few months have been hard on me knowing that both hubby and youngest daughter are leaving right after New Years - daughter leaves for Army basic training on Jan 3 and hubby leaves for a year in Korea on Jan 7. My fitness motivation is zero - haven't been to Curves in almost 2 months :frown: Weight is stable between 133 and 135 with just watching what I eat, so that's one small bright spot. Right now I'm enjoying the time I get to spend with them while they're here and I figure I'll have plenty of time and more motivation once they've both gone. Yes, I know that's a pretty pathetic attitude, but it's about all I can handle right now!

    Hope everyone is doing OK - I'll try to catch up after the holidays!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    mkwood.... I'm sorry to hear that your husband is leaving again.... It seems like he just got back. And your daughter leaving too.is she the last one still at home? I think you need a huge (((((HUG)))))

    Alf... How many days a week do you teach zumba? It seems like you have a lot of classes.

    Chris.... I just wanted to say your legs look great. Lots of definition! Great job!!!!

    My niece had her baby today, a boy. He's such a cutie.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: tron, congratulations on the new baby.

    :flowerforyou: mkwood, good to see your smiling face again. You are doing a great job at maintaning your weight. You might want to get back to Curves to keep your muscle definition.

    :flowerforyou: stiring, have you heard from sing???

    I missed the abs class that was offered here at work last night. It was from 500 to 5:45. I worked until 5:30 so I figured that I might as well just skip it.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: tron, congratulations on the new baby.

    :flowerforyou: mkwood, you are doing a great job of maintaining your weight. Maybe you should get back into Curves in order to keep your muscle definition.

    :flowerforyou: stiring, have you heard from sing???

    I miss the abs class that was held here at work. It was from 5:00 to 5:45. I had to work til 5:30 so I figured I will not even bother trying to go.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Well, I accidently posted twice and I can't seem to delete either of them.:grumble:
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    I hope everyone is well. I hope Sing is well. Exercises are going great!! Have a great day!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Hi everyone. I am over 45 and have seemed to somehow let myself gain back about 30 lbs I lost about 4 years ago. Something I thought I would never do. I knew I was gaining but kept thinking I was ok as my clothes all still fit - now all of a sudden I can hardly get my pants and skirts buttoned. I need some motivational support.

    I have just started a personal training class three nights a week and as of yesterday have downloaded MFP to my phone and am going to start calorie counting again. I did good yesterday. Only went a little over my goal and even though I thought about getting something else to eat after dinner before bed - did not.

    I am going to try babysteps. Focusing on getting back into my work out schedule for the next month. Going to my class Mon., Wed. and Friday and hitting the gym for some cardio on Tues. and Thurs., and trying to get at least 20 min of walking during my lunch hour instead of sitting on my bum and eating.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!! Good to hear from so many of you! I am a little sore from my 20 min upper body trng yesterday. LOL Today I did a little under 20 mins of lower body workout, only 2 sets of squats, lunges, deadlifts and calf raises. My legs felt like jello afterwards. I feel good about starting resistance trng again even if it is little sessions like that. That is definitely much better than nothing.

    Tron, glad your power is back up. Congrats on the new addition to the family. I teach 4 Zumba classes a week. That is more than enough for me!! And of course usually on Sundays I work on choreo and practice new routines.

    Swiss, good job on keeping up with your fitness during this time!!!! It can be really tough. I have been emailing with Stiring and she hasnt heard from him either. She is doing ok, just very busy. She said she was going to message him again. I am not sure if she has his phone number and if she wants to give him a call instead of emailing. It is definitely really strange that he has not responded to any of our messages.

    Mkwood, great to hear from you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You do what you need to do and make you feel good. It is tough to keep up with a lot during this time of the year. Enjoy your loved ones now that they are with you. The new year will motivate you to treat yourself to fitness and health. You might want to surprise your husband with a brand new you when he returns from Korea. ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))

    jchrisman, welcome to this group!! I think you are doing a sensational job!!! The weight creeps up on us, especially after we hit the big 40!! I have always been pretty active but when I was younger I used to think I could anything I wanted and not gain as long as I was exercising. Well, that is not the case after the big 40, little by little my pant size kept increasing, almost "unnoticeable" until one day it hit me!!!! Luckily I found MFP which makes it easier to track the calories and get support from others who are on the same boat. Keep up the good work!!! Those 30 lbs will be in the past in no time!!!

    Have a wonderful day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Just a thought alf....does sing's wife have a profile at MFP?

    :flowerforyou: jchrisman717, losing and the gaining the weight back is so common. I have done it and I am sure that others here have also. I had lost 55 pounds and then gained back 30 when I got divorced. I am still about 10 pounds over what I was at back in 1999. Glad to have you here.

    My husband baked cookies over the weekend. I finished them off last night.:sad: Help!!!! I need to hide those things. He is now talking about baking my favorite ones. I said "NO WAY". But, I know that if he wants to bake then he will.:ohwell:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Swiss, I dont think she does. What town/city he lives in? I think Zebras knows. I am going to ask Stiring if she has his phone number. Maybe she can give him a call instead of sending him an email. His computer might not be working but he also uses the one at his work. Things that make you go hmmm....
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Yesterday and today I did the inline skate thing during lunch. Feeling more and more comfortable on them. Doing a long skate Friday night with some friends, full moon.

    *alf: let me know what you think of the book

    *tron: thanks :) Glad the power is back!

    *alf: keep it up!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Hi All! Sorry, I too, haven't been around much, Its crazy busy at work, so I havent' been posting.

    Alf: I only know the general region Sing lives in, as I went to college near Hershey for a year back in the day. I know he's a little bit of a drive from there. I hope its just that he's got no access to his computer right now, and that everything else is OK.