30 day unbiased Shakeology review



  • pstansel74
    pstansel74 Posts: 130 Member
    If you are using the vegan chocolate, it is really really bad (in my opinion). I like the regular chocolate with 12 oz almond milk and a scoop of my chocolate protein powder. Have to use a blender in my opinion, but its just right for me. I think I have had that mix for breakfast 60 of the last 65 days ;)
  • tricia156
    tricia156 Posts: 13 Member
    I love Herbalifes pumpking spice it is yummy but u can only get it around christmas time so I always hoard a bunch...has anyone tried Jay robbs protein shakes?
  • jae530
    jae530 Posts: 2
    Well I ended up getting a blender for work, using 8 oz. of vanilla almond milk, 2 oz. of water, heaping tablespoon of Better'n Peanut Butter and I can say that I now don't have to wince with every sip. I think I'm getting used to the taste too. When I drink this at lunch... I no longer have cravings for snacks and I'm more regular & losing weight already. Yay to Shakeology :)
  • Thanks for your review
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member

    Or better yet...EAT FOOD.

    Now stop it right now you know this isn't the place for Common Sense.:happy:
  • frankie204
    frankie204 Posts: 4 Member
    Different strokes. I am a Beachbody coach, but not because I want to sell Shakeology. I like the discounts and have used the programs for the last five years (long before coaching available in Canada). I resisted buying Shakeology for the past five years, believing in the real food ethic. I still believe in it in fact. But, I appreciate that some days with my workout schedule and activity level I am going to need a bit more and a supplement makes sense. Where I did eventually make the choice to try Shakeology was after looking at what I was spending on other supplements (protein powder etc) and how many questionable ingredients were in the products I was using.

    I appreciate your feedback on the product and especially appreciate that it was unbiased. With all the social marketing going on, it's hard to sift through to find the real scoop.

    It is important to note that not all Beachbody coaches should be painted with the same brush...many of us just love our results and love fitness and want to share it...not sell anyone something they don't need or won't like.
  • I got a bag of chocolate Shakeology a few years ago and loved it. I can't justify dropping that much cash now.
    However, I truly believe it is the best shake product out there and it runs about 4$ a shake. I love mixing ice and orange juice with the chocolate shake. It makes it so indulgent. It's also the only shake I have tried that doesn't taste like death when only mixed with water. Very filling. I wish I could still afford it!!!!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I agree with everything Acg said. A good protein powder will run roughly $25 for a month's supply. A good multivitamin will also run roughly $25 for a month's supply. So, for less than half the cost of a month of Shakology, I have much better quality, as let's be honest, Shakeology is incredibly skimpy in the quality of the ingredients they use, as Acg has already pointed out.

    If Shakeology was $40 a month instead of $100 a month, I would consider it a decent product, but it's absolutely ridiculously overpriced for what you get, and there are many, many, many far better options out there for way less money.
  • I don't know why everyone says it's so expensive. It's cheaper per meal than most meal deals and it's fulfilling your body's needs. It's not crap and empty calories like fast food. So it's cheaper and BETTER FOR YOU.
  • shadowkat57
    shadowkat57 Posts: 151 Member
    Yeah... I can cook myself and my partner a healthy meal for under $4... These shakes are 'spensive, yo.
  • been looking for an unbiased review. I find it interesting and intriguing . . . . Here's my opinion . . . I'm not big into sweet things for meals. SO, if they ever start making a meatloaf flavored shakeology . . . I'm SO there!.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I agree with everything Acg said. A good protein powder will run roughly $25 for a month's supply. A good multivitamin will also run roughly $25 for a month's supply. So, for less than half the cost of a month of Shakology, I have much better quality, as let's be honest, Shakeology is incredibly skimpy in the quality of the ingredients they use, as Acg has already pointed out.

    If Shakeology was $40 a month instead of $100 a month, I would consider it a decent product, but it's absolutely ridiculously overpriced for what you get, and there are many, many, many far better options out there for way less money.

    I agree. $100 or $4 a shake is etremely high. They should be using the best ingredients of everything for that price. I think I will take your suggestion instead.
  • I tried shakeology and liked it but I thought it was a little expensive. I am now doing body by vi along with my Beach body work outs and I have never felt so much energy.
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    I never understood what the point of spending so much money on a shake was... so many great shake and smoothie recipes out there that use real food, and you can always add protien powder for an extra boost of protien and nutrients... not to mention a good quality multi - vitamin... why make losing weight more expensive when there are better and cheaper alternatives? Pinterest is great for finding good healthy and yummy recipes... not to mention the freedom to experiment with your own recipes is a lot of fun and keeps your meals from being just another boring shake :p
  • I too could not stand the taste of the shake at first and wondered how on earth I could ever consume a shakeology shake every morning in the place of my breakfast. I tried a lot of recipes, and combinations and found my shake to be really delicious now and I can't wait to have it every morning.
    I just use one scoop vegan chocolate powder, 1 cup almond milk vanilla flavour, two ice cubes, and many shakes of cinnamon because it's good for you and I like it. Sometimes if I have some around i throw in some walnuts too. Crush it all in a blender and pour into a tall glass. yummy!
  • Sorry I didnt realize everyone was reading it just the ones I responded to....my apology.
  • Inform your self thats all and its not spam and it changes lives and Discovery channel did a documentary on Moringa Oleifera. Go to www.pubmed.gov

    There are over 16,000 medical reports documenting Moringa's effectiveness for over 300 diseases and ailments. National Institute of Health named Moringa the Tree of the Year in 2008. And research shows it arrests, reverses and cures over 300 diseases in the world. To name just a few, lupus, fibromyalgia, crohn's, MS, IBS, edema, arthritis, tendonitis, ADD, asthma, epilepsy, ulcers, bronchitis, prostate, diabetes, cholesterol, thyroid, digestion, migraines, blood pressure, hormones, liver conditions, kidney function, malnutrition.
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member

    Or better yet...EAT FOOD.

    Now stop it right now you know this isn't the place for Common Sense.:happy:

  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Thanks for your input and I may consider that in the future but as you can see from my starting weight I have a long way to go and for right now I'm going to stick to what's working. And 16 pounds in 30 days feels pretty good to me :)

    I hope you understand that a good % of that 16 lbs is likely water weight. I only say that so that if at any point you eat regularly and 5 -10 lbs go back on, you aren't completely disheartened.

    3500 cals per lb of fat

    In order to lose 16 lbs, you would have had to be at a calorie deficit of 56,000 over the whole month or 1,800 cal deficit each day day.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Inform your self thats all and its not spam and it changes lives and Discovery channel did a documentary on Moringa Oleifera. Go to www.pubmed.gov

    There are over 16,000 medical reports documenting Moringa's effectiveness for over 300 diseases and ailments. National Institute of Health named Moringa the Tree of the Year in 2008. And research shows it arrests, reverses and cures over 300 diseases in the world. To name just a few, lupus, fibromyalgia, crohn's, MS, IBS, edema, arthritis, tendonitis, ADD, asthma, epilepsy, ulcers, bronchitis, prostate, diabetes, cholesterol, thyroid, digestion, migraines, blood pressure, hormones, liver conditions, kidney function, malnutrition.

    It's not spam because of the information you posted but because you posted the exact same thing 3x in a row.

    Oh, and the Discovery channel also on the Amish Mafia. So being on that channel should not stand as a basis for factual information.