30 day unbiased Shakeology review



  • Good idea! Thanks for reminding me about adding vegetables. I used to blend a little fruit (not too much due to sugar) and then more vegetables for a complete "meal" only drank 1x a day. 3-5x a week. I got tired of blending and cleaning the 5,000 parts of a blender, but it was good nutrition. Keep posting please! Thanks!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    In my opinion, a loss of 16 pounds in 30 days means one of two things: you are eating so little that you are on the road to harming your body or you have lost an awful lot of water weight.

    I'm all for protein shakes, but I refuse to pay exorbitant prices for them. A homemade shake with freshly squeezed cucumber and carrot,,Greek yogurt, flax seed, peanut butter, and a banana, and maybe a bit of coconut milk, sounds like a great meal replacement when I'm in a hurry.
  • bingefreeaubree
    bingefreeaubree Posts: 220 Member
    I have been using Herbalife shakes for a little over a week now, and it has all the benefits you are saying about your shakes. But it has a ton of AWESOME recipes. Everything from Wedding cake, to candy cane, to cherry cobbler. (and that is all with the vanilla formula) I have one every day and I feel incredibly better than before. and I liked it from the first time I tried it. You could friend me if you want and look at my food diary to see more. Glad you are making a change for the better. Congrats!

    I've tried the Herbalife shakes before but I noticed they didn't have as much protein as my shakeology shake and to get the same amount of protein it'd be more calories. They are tasty though! They only contain 25% your recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals though, while Shakeology has more than 50% your RDA.

    To the person looking for shakes, I found this site! Based on the reviews if you scroll down, 310 nutrition sounds pretty good. Haven't tried it testify, but just wanted to share the link so you can read reviews of all meal replacement shakes and protein shakes. http://shakedietreviews.com/reviews/herbalife-formula-1/ :happy:
  • yeah I totally think Shakeology is a good idea, if you can afford the price tag. it's quite expensive but I guess you get what you pay for. In the long run you can just stop buying it and apply what you've learned to your life! theres more about it here; http://www.howtogetbigforearms.com/3/post/2013/09/shakeology-reviews-the-good-bad-and-the-ugly.html
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    A coworker who is a coach gave me samples. But also said he add stuff to it to make it better. If I am paying that much it shouldn't need additives. For less than that price I use about time protien http://tryabouttime.com/ add all the flax and berries I want and still be way cheaper. The protien is a dollar a serving.

    This...not sure why someone would spend 100$ a month on something like this...

    I paid 89$ for my nutribullet, bought some protein powder, frozen fruit, activia yogurt, flax seed and wham shakes for less...

    instead of 4$ a shake I might spend 2$ a shake and it's full of protien, omega and fruit etc...

    These might be 4$ a shake but that doesn't include the stuff you have to add to make them drinkable so really it sounds like more of 6$ a shake...
  • I have been using Full Strength Shakes for quite a while and can't see how Shakeology would be better. http://fullstrength.com/
    The taste is great...even though it says "for Men" there are no ingredients that would not be okay for a woman. Shawn Phillips doesn't do a lot of advertising but he sure makes a great shake and he is very invested in making a great product.
  • It seems a bit funny to me that people are worried about having to add things to their shakeology. I mean if you don't like the taste thats totally fine and all but the whole having to buy extra things to add to your shake seems a bit off. I'm not sure about everyone else but i generally have fruit (frozen and fresh) and either orange juice or almond milk that i would drink anyway in my fridge. I have also tried other protein powders and haven't had the same results. Not to mention the fact that i'd have to add all these other things that others are worried about having to buy over and above shakeology anyway. So i'm not sure how that would be a contributing factor to not buying shakeology. I understand some things are not for everyone and that it may be expensive for some. Just a thought.
  • Hi , I have tried j Robb s shakes, I have used both the vanilla and the chocolate, both Tate good in a blender ,I usually add about 4 oz plain unsweetened almond milk water and 1/2 a banana for chocolate and berries or mango for the vanilla for 12 oz shakes . Tastes great. I like them because they use stevia and not the other sugars.
  • Honestly, those complaining about price, go buy from ebay. I got two brand new bags of Shakeology for $100.
  • I was wondering if you recommend any protein powders in particular and what the best ways to get antioxidents are (when making an MRP shake)
  • I was wondering if you recommend any protein powders in particular and what the best ways to get antioxidents are (when making an MRP shake)?
  • dlike64
    dlike64 Posts: 9 Member
    I am not a BB coach. My step-brother, who is a Dr. and has been in incredible shape for years, is a BB coach. He suggested I try Shakeology. I guess he told my mom first, because when he asked me to give it try, a months supply arrived via Fed Ex from dear old mom! I would have never bought this stuff on my own as I thought it was expensive and I did not like the idea of skipping a meal for a shake. So I had this free box on the island of my kitchen for two days staring at me, I figured what the heck. I have been using chocolate for three weeks now. At the end of week two I really noticed my increased energy levels. My digestive system is working better then it has in years and I felt so good I began exercising again. I have been on the up and down rollercoaster of diet and exercise for years and found myself tipping the scales at 250 lbs. I am 6' 1" and really need to lose 50 lbs. I got on the scale this AM and I am 240.5lbs!!!! So far it has been really working well for me as a meal replacement. Low cravings and I am more conscious of what I am putting into my mouth for regular meals. I don't know yet if I am just riding that rollercoaster down a really steep incline on my way to gaining another 10 lbs. I do know that I feel great while using this product for now and I will continue to use it I will post again in another month to let you guys know what has happened.
  • yflores65
    yflores65 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks this was very helpful :)
  • denuf23
    denuf23 Posts: 2 Member
    When I first took Shakeology I took a picture of myself, calculated my body fat %, and jumped on the scale to get my body weight. After that I took my first shake in a blender with milk and was really impressed by how good it tasted. I went about my normal routine of school, work, and exercise and continued to take it every morning with my breakfast. After about 4 days I really noticed an overall feeling of fulfillment. It was at this point where I noticed that my energy levels were enhanced and I had motivation to be active. (I sometimes struggle with energy) When I trained at the gym or at home, I noticed that my strength and endurance had increased as well. Within a month I had lost 8 pounds and felt absolutely incredible. By far the best I have ever felt. Now, I never go a day without the stuff.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I'm interested, how do I find a beachbody coach to buy it from?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I'm interested, how do I find a beachbody coach to buy it from?

    Go to beachbody.com
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    Thank you so much for posting. Yesterday was my first experience with Shakeology and I almost threw up. I couldn't eat the rest of the day because I was so sick to my stomach. I woke up today and I'm hoping to start fresh. Your post revitalized me. Thanks!

    The first time I had shakeology, it was a little rough on my stomach. It gets better, and now I really like it. However, I have switched to the Vega shakes because 1. they are cheaper and 2. I can get them at the store instead of ordering. I like shakeology more, but my budget and lack of organization works better with the Vega brand.
  • dlike64
    dlike64 Posts: 9 Member
    I am not a BB coach. My step-brother, who is a Dr. and has been in incredible shape for years, is a BB coach. He suggested I try Shakeology. I guess he told my mom first, because when he asked me to give it try, a months supply arrived via Fed Ex from dear old mom! I would have never bought this stuff on my own as I thought it was expensive and I did not like the idea of skipping a meal for a shake. So I had this free box on the island of my kitchen for two days staring at me, I figured what the heck. I have been using chocolate for three weeks now. At the end of week two I really noticed my increased energy levels. My digestive system is working better then it has in years and I felt so good I began exercising again. I have been on the up and down rollercoaster of diet and exercise for years and found myself tipping the scales at 250 lbs. I am 6' 1" and really need to lose 50 lbs. I got on the scale this AM and I am 240.5lbs!!!! So far it has been really working well for me as a meal replacement. Low cravings and I am more conscious of what I am putting into my mouth for regular meals. I don't know yet if I am just riding that rollercoaster down a really steep incline on my way to gaining another 10 lbs. I do know that I feel great while using this product for now and I will continue to use it I will post again in another month to let you guys know what has happened.

    Ok it's been a month since I posted this. I am still having chocolate shakeology everyday for breakfast. I have it with almond milk and a tablespoon of peanut butter. I am now 225lbs! Lost 25lbs since October. Now, it is not all from shakeology. MFP keeps me making better choices when it comes to food. But, my energy level has been incredible. I have been able to exercise consistently and I feel great. My digestive system is still working better then it has in years. My wife started it and she has lost 13lbs since beginning of November and has noticed the increased energy level as well. My friends and neighbors have asked me how I have been losing weight. I told them about it and MFP. I have become a BB coach. It saves me money on my Shakeology and maybe it will help them get a start on feeling better too. So I guess I can no longer give an unbiased review on Shakeology! I am a new believer. I have my 76 year Dad drinking it and he is suddenly exercising again and has lost 8lbs. I also got him started on MFP. I think the combination of this site and Shakeology can really give some people a great jump start on getting into better shape!
  • dlike64
    dlike64 Posts: 9 Member
    Oh, one other thing I forgot to mention. This weekend my five year old said, "Daddy I can't call you fat anymore". I love that kid! :smile:
  • bump even though it's like 3 years old