Not trying to start a argument but...... somethings really b



  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    While I doubt that this will be of any interest or change any of the firmly embedded beliefs expressed here. I am dyslexic, and have been for a long time. Please continue your Jihad.
  • woo1324
    woo1324 Posts: 168 Member
    Wow this post turned out to be something i didnt want it to be, im not exactly shocked but i didnt expect 4 pages of argueing from either side all i wanted was to point out hey im here for weight loss im not that great when it comes to clear and grammical posts and if you dont like it leave me alone i did make it pretty clear if you dont like the way i write to remember my name and skip my posts

    im not really understanding why that is so hard to understand no matter how bad my spelling, spaces and grammar is basically i just want to have the support from like minded people here and im sure so do you and for me that means having the support of friendly caring people who want to motivate me through kindness and understanding rather than being my teacher i get that some people are happy to recieve critcial help etc and thats good if that works for them but thats not what i want on this journey so i ask that you just move on to people who appreciate being taught by you
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Wow this post turned out to be something i didnt want it to be, im not exactly shocked but i didnt expect 4 pages of argueing from either side all i wanted was to point out hey im here for weight loss im not that great when it comes to clear and grammical posts and if you dont like it leave me alone i did make it pretty clear if you dont like the way i write to remember my name and skip my posts

    im not really understanding why that is so hard to understand no matter how bad my spelling, spaces and grammar is basically i just want to have the support from like minded people here and im sure so do you and for me that means having the support of friendly caring people who want to motivate me through kindness and understanding rather than being my teacher i get that some people are happy to recieve critcial help etc and thats good if that works for them but thats not what i want on this journey so i ask that you just move on to people who appreciate being taught by you

    Then why did you post this in the first place? And by the way, no one was arguing...
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I'm an English major, I can't turn off my editing. "A lot" is a real trigger, you spelled it very interestingly multiple times, it is very hard to ignore that.
  • KittyMul
    KittyMul Posts: 74 Member
    When you have a conversation with someone, your comprehension of what they're saying comes from their tone, body language and words. So someone could say, "I'm so happy you came!" but if they're tone is flat and their face is sour, you will understand it very differently to the literal meaning of the words. Words make up 7% of comprehension (I don't have a source for this, but I did a plain English course at uni and I remember that much at least!).

    When you're typing on a forum, you only have words to work with, we can't see your body language or hear your tone. So you need to use those words more efficiently. Typing without using full stops is like telling someone a story without taking a single breath! It's hard to follow and some people get frustrated.

    That said, I don't think it's right to be mean to someone because they've used incorrect grammar - it's petty and people usually only do it to feel superior. If you find it frustrating to read, don't read it! But, if you have a question that you'd like an answer for, it's probably in your interest to make it easier to read by putting in a few full stops, paragraph breaks and capitals.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    ...because there is a big difference between:

    Let's eat, Grandma!
    Let's eat Grandma!!!! Ahhhhhhhh:sick:

    I make lots of mistakes though so I would never call anyone out.
  • SeeMeShrinkDown
    Hi all i don’t want to sound mean or to start a negative post but this has been bothering me I’ve noticed that not allot but some people on here seem to be more concerned with peoples spelling and grammar than they do with the question the person is asking and being supportive I have had mine pointed out quite rudely a couple of times and i just don’t get it I am educated i understand full stops, spelling and general grammar but on forums I tend to treat them more like a conversation rather than an essay
    I like to type i guess like I’m talking to someone allot of the time there is emotion backing what I’m saying and asking and i don’t really stop to think about a apostrophe and full stop I’m sure that for some people it’s a real pet peeve and hey we all have those but when I read something that annoys me I move on I don’t waste my time and there’s having a silly whinge about it
    Anyway just had to get that off my chest and I hope if your one of those people that expects perfection when reading a post that you remember my name and skip over any that I make
    To everyone else thanks for reading and I hope you understand


    I don't expect perfection & I know I make my share of mistakes. But honestly, this is very hard to read, much less understand. And don't you want people to understand your post?
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    All I'm asking for is that you consider introducing some periods and commas into your writing. Otherwise, I skip over what you write because it is one big blob of words that makes my head hurt.

    If you want people to read your questions and answer them, you need to be friendly to their brains.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    So it is too bad that some folks can't see beyond the typing of the times and realize that this is 2011 and spelling is a thing of the WAY PAST! If you are getting the point across and maybe checking to see if a particular word might need to be spelled out, but wasting time nit picking over grammer is so the 80's. Just ignore people that are stuck in a rut. It probably explains why they are having issues with their health in the first place. Sorry to all that can't move on in the modern times. This place is about getting your health in line not your grammer.

    Geez, the first time in history that education has been available to all (in developed countries) but the priests, scholars, or royalty, and we're going throw the opportunity to become better educated away? Spelling is a thing of the "WAY PAST"? When more and more communication is through text? How did I miss the memo?
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    this is a place for weight loss, but as some other posts have said your writing can be difficult to understand. the general rule of thumb that i use is that if you were speaking slowly, where would you take a breath? then that's where a comma or a full stop can be used.
    then your posts will be easier to understand. i don't think that people care if people's spelling is a bit wonky or if you use a comma where a full stop should be used. but when i read things i like to understand them! then i can give appropriate suggestions.
  • _eislek_
    _eislek_ Posts: 198 Member
    Please, try using a period. Just once. Please.
  • Lakerlady5747
    Lakerlady5747 Posts: 77 Member
    I never criticize people for poor spelling and grammar, but I would be lying if I would say that it doesn't bug me. I understand that not everyone has strong grammar and spelling skills, but I think that at least trying to spell things correctly and use proper grammar goes a long way. I absolutely hate it when people try to use "text language" in online forums and in everyday conversations (both written and verbal), and I think that shows how lazy many people have become. In essence, I feel people need to TRY to use correct grammar and spelling to make it easier for their readers. When people don't TRY, I feel it shows a lack of respect and care for the reader.
  • katep2492
    katep2492 Posts: 81 Member
    I am probably the WORST speller ever! So I don't really correct anyone, but it doesn't really bother me when people give a correction. My BIGGEST pet peeve however is the misuse of their, they're, and there. I mean my grammar is not the best, but I do think it's beneficial to use a comma or a period every now and again.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    For future reference:

    Use the period (full stop) to denote a full stop at the end of a statement. The period ( . ) is one of the most commonly used punctuation marks.

    - MFP is a weight-loss tool.
    - I track food and exercise in my diary.

    The question mark ( ? ), used at the end of a sentence, suggests an interrogatory remark or inquiry.

    - How many times is someone going to ask about eating back exercise calories?
    - Is your keyboard broken?

    The exclamation point (exclamation mark, shout mark) ( ! ) suggests excitement or emphasis in a sentence.

    - I can't believe how easy this is!
    - Punctuation is as easy as pressing a button!
  • flomigrl
    I am one of those who feel it is difficult to understand a post that is not punctuated or has incorrect grammar. It only takes a second to go back and proof read! I don't make nasty comments to people though! I think it is important to use correct keeps it fresh in your mind so you always do it! Plus, I think it is important for the younger people to see it! We all know that they rarely use it anymore!! It is also a reflection of yourself, as is anything else you do... you always want to present your best self and not make yourself seem less than you are!! I am, however, sorry that people have mistreated you for it!! :) While we're on the topic, what is with the constant use of "so-and-so and I" lately? Don't people realize that that form is not always correct??!!
  • flomigrl
    How do you like P90X? I think I'm going to try it here soon! My cousin knows a girl who will loan it to us and we are going to make copies!
  • flomigrl
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Hi all i don’t want to sound mean or to start a negative post but this has been bothering me I’ve noticed that not allot but some people on here seem to be more concerned with peoples spelling and grammar than they do with the question the person is asking and being supportive I have had mine pointed out quite rudely a couple of times and i just don’t get it I am educated i understand full stops, spelling and general grammar but on forums I tend to treat them more like a conversation rather than an essay
    I like to type i guess like I’m talking to someone allot of the time there is emotion backing what I’m saying and asking and i don’t really stop to think about a apostrophe and full stop I’m sure that for some people it’s a real pet peeve and hey we all have those but when I read something that annoys me I move on I don’t waste my time and there’s having a silly whinge about it
    Anyway just had to get that off my chest and I hope if your one of those people that expects perfection when reading a post that you remember my name and skip over any that I make
    To everyone else thanks for reading and I hope you understand

    I haven't read other people's responses, so I apologize if I am repeating.

    I understand your point. However, there is a reason why grammar and punctuation exist. It assists the reader in being able to understand what is being said. Otherwise, we are forced to guess what terms belong together, for example. I won't spend the time to call you out on your poor spelling and grammar, as much as it annoys me - it isn't my place. But I do hope you understand that being able to communicate well is important, especially when it is in written communication and you are hoping others will read your thoughts. The internet should not be a free place to forget English.
  • mountiewife
    So, How is your weight loss coming along? Are you able to stay within your calories? What do you do for your diet and exercise programs?

    Yes, most people on this site have poor spelling an grammar. Yes it can be difficult to read or a bit frustrating for some. NO! It has nothing to do with weight loss.

    Sorry, just trying to get it back to the point of this site... WEIGHT CONTROL PEOPLE!!!!
    Well said!! :)
  • cownancy

    I am educated i understand full stops, spelling and general grammar

    the fact is I’m pretty hopeless at grammar and English etc.

    See why we get confused?

    THIS.....absolutely!!!! And there were parts of other posts where you knew to use periods, capitalize "I" and use paragraphs. This is going to sound rude, but I don't intend it that way....are you just lazy? Maybe it's more that than anything else.
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