30DS Challenge from Sept 20 till Oct 20



  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    D10 L1 DONE!!!!!!!!!

    VERY nervous about level 2 tomorrow. But I'm going to try it!

    Great job ladies on keeping up the great work!
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Day 8 completed. still hate those front raises and dont feel i am getting any better at them, but did manage to do 10 "normal" pushups to start with - well semi normal - not sure I go down far enough!
  • Corruptkitten
    Corruptkitten Posts: 157 Member
    I just completed Day 8 Level 1. My performance was weak. I didn't sleep much last night and did and hour and a half cardio prior. Tomorrow I am going to focus on this first then cardio..
  • legacysh
    Day 7 level 1 completed. Wow, it looks like i will move to level 2 on Saturday, good thing i can rest after that. I'm feeling better about the push-ups especially.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    L1D6 complete. I slacked off yesterday and took a rest day. Today just blew my mind over what a difference a mere 5 days made in my endurance.

    Not only did I do the shred today, I added in 20minutes of Zumba for cardio. I think I am going to try to add that in at least every other day. I really want amazing results and to get under 200lbs. Hopefully this will do it for me. Hubby says he already notices a difference. I think he's just being kind. :flowerforyou:
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    Ok Day 1 Level 2 is COMPLETE!!!!

    I was so nervous about doing this level, BUT I LOVE IT!!!! It was hard, don't get me wrong. But I enjoyed it a lot more than level 1. I had to do the modified version on almost everything, but I could do the push up part on the planks at the begining! I also thought the cardio was easier. The abs exercises are hard but I can feel them working!! I am so glad I didn't talk myself out of trying level 2. I honestly thought about staying on level 1 the whole 30 days, but I am glad I didn't.

    Great job to all of you are sticking to this!~! There is nothing we can't do that we put our minds to! Don't let fear or negative thoughts win...keep working hard!

    Also...I increased my water intake a little today and it seems to have helped my fatigue!

    Well I just finished level 1 today going to start level 2 tomorrow. Was also thinking about just staying on level one for 30 days! What am I getting myself into tomorrow? I am VERY nervous because my knees are killing me. But I am going to do it tomorrow! Wish me luck! Great job on pushing through it and doing it!

    Great job on finishing Day 10!!! You can do level 2. I think it will be easier on your knees. I had to do the modified on most of the cardio that had modified movements, but you can certainly do it!! Keep up the great work!
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    Day 8 completed. still hate those front raises and dont feel i am getting any better at them, but did manage to do 10 "normal" pushups to start with - well semi normal - not sure I go down far enough!

    Awesome job!! I still can't do 10 push ups!!! Made it to 4 lol then had to switch back to the modified! And I still couldn't do all of the front raises when I was done with day 10 on level 1. You are doing great!
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    So, I thought that I would share this little NSV from last night. I am walking through the house last night in a t-shirt and pair of running shorts (that I thought fit a little better than the last time I wore them, but thought that it was just my mind playing a trick on me). My boyfriend says "hon...please don't take this the wrong way, but I can already tell a difference in your body since you started working out." I was so excited that he could tell a difference!! :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile: It meanst that it is really working!!! Gave me the boost of confidence I needed to keep going.

    Keep it up ladies!!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    Level 2 Day 1- I can do this, not a fan of planks but did manage to do some in the harder position :smile: Yeah!!!!!!

    Keep it up ladies!
  • mezzosoprano89
    mezzosoprano89 Posts: 81 Member
    Finished Day 10 Level 1 yesterday and just finished Day 1 Level 2!!! Not as bad as I thought it would be but it was an awesomely sweaty workout haha!! But those planks sure are something else...geez!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    L1D6 complete. I slacked off yesterday and took a rest day. Today just blew my mind over what a difference a mere 5 days made in my endurance.

    Not only did I do the shred today, I added in 20minutes of Zumba for cardio. I think I am going to try to add that in at least every other day. I really want amazing results and to get under 200lbs. Hopefully this will do it for me. Hubby says he already notices a difference. I think he's just being kind. :flowerforyou:

    It does blow your mind on how just a few days can change your endurance. Its crazy!
    Awesome job on adding in the zumba! I'm hoping to add in some elliptical time into my routine.
    My husband told me he can tell a difference...so I figured id catch him in a fib and ask him where he's seeing the difference...so I thought he'd say everywhere because its the easiest thing to say. But he said he's noticed in my mid-section. So I believe him...even though I can't tell.

    Keep up the great work!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Ok Day 1 Level 2 is COMPLETE!!!!

    I was so nervous about doing this level, BUT I LOVE IT!!!! It was hard, don't get me wrong. But I enjoyed it a lot more than level 1. I had to do the modified version on almost everything, but I could do the push up part on the planks at the begining! I also thought the cardio was easier. The abs exercises are hard but I can feel them working!! I am so glad I didn't talk myself out of trying level 2. I honestly thought about staying on level 1 the whole 30 days, but I am glad I didn't.

    Great job to all of you are sticking to this!~! There is nothing we can't do that we put our minds to! Don't let fear or negative thoughts win...keep working hard!

    Also...I increased my water intake a little today and it seems to have helped my fatigue!

    Well I just finished level 1 today going to start level 2 tomorrow. Was also thinking about just staying on level one for 30 days! What am I getting myself into tomorrow? I am VERY nervous because my knees are killing me. But I am going to do it tomorrow! Wish me luck! Great job on pushing through it and doing it!

    Great job on finishing Day 10!!! You can do level 2. I think it will be easier on your knees. I had to do the modified on most of the cardio that had modified movements, but you can certainly do it!! Keep up the great work!

    Thank you! I'm glad to say I'm very proud of myself for sticking with this! I am nervous but I know I will do it! Ill do my best and work at it everyday and be able to do moreveryday like I did with level one! I always look so forward to my workout. I also like the sore feeling because it let's me know I'm working hard...so hope to get some of that with today D1 L2!

    You keep up the great work as well!!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    So, I thought that I would share this little NSV from last night. I am walking through the house last night in a t-shirt and pair of running shorts (that I thought fit a little better than the last time I wore them, but thought that it was just my mind playing a trick on me). My boyfriend says "hon...please don't take this the wrong way, but I can already tell a difference in your body since you started working out." I was so excited that he could tell a difference!! :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile: It meanst that it is really working!!! Gave me the boost of confidence I needed to keep going.

    Keep it up ladies!!

    Way to go on the nsv!!!! I bet it feels great!
    My first NSV I noticed the other day is my watch needs to have 1-2 more links taken out its starting to get really lose and sliding too much on my wrist I'm afraid it will scratch...but yeah the first NSV is nice =) keep up the great work!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Finished Day 10 Level 1 yesterday and just finished Day 1 Level 2!!! Not as bad as I thought it would be but it was an awesomely sweaty workout haha!! But those planks sure are something else...geez!

    Way to go on starting level 2! But now you have me nervous with all this plank talk! I can only do girly push ups...not ready for planks...but I will get through this!
    But I myself love working out and sweating from it makes me feel so accomplished!

    Keep up the awesome job!
  • Lesah0808
    I got up this morning and completed D8L2!!! Yes, I went to Level 2, I just wanted to see how it was & I was motivated. It was a good change and I like the fact that I now have a greater challenge and something to look forward to. I burned a lot and the change beteween Level 1 & 2 is a good, smooth transition. I got on the scale just because I was curious and I gained 2lbs but my clothes fit a smig different?? I never got into measuring myself I usually go strictly by the scale but I'm seeing a difference. Good Luck everyone.
  • Lesah0808

    Level 2 is not that bad and the modified versions of the planks is definitely doable. Your are going to get your workout in!!! Good Luck!!!
  • Lesah0808
    Level 2 Day 1- I can do this, not a fan of planks but did manage to do some in the harder position :smile: Yeah!!!!!!

    Keep it up ladies!

    I hate planks but these were not that bad, I'm referencing the modified version. I had surgery on my toes and they don't bend so I very cautious of what I do on and with my toes. It's a great challenge. Keep up the Excellent work!!!
  • Lesah0808
    Finished Day 10 Level 1 yesterday and just finished Day 1 Level 2!!! Not as bad as I thought it would be but it was an awesomely sweaty workout haha!! But those planks sure are something else...geez!
    I agree it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be but it is a great workout!!! Good Luck & Keep Up the Great Work!!!
  • treatdream
    treatdream Posts: 104 Member
    Wow. Everyone is doing so great. You all actually have me excited to get to level 2 now! Haha. Awesome job, everyone!

    D7L1 complete.

    A little easier today but didn't completely keep up the whole time. I'm feeling good though. My energy level seems to be higher today - even after my workout. Still having a pain in the middle of my back (behind my boobs) during all the jumping exercises. Maybe I need to get some better sports bras? And the back of my knee is a little wonky but neither of those things is gonna stop me!

    Oh ya! And I lost 5.4 lbs in the last 9 days! I kept forgetting to weigh myself and figured I'd wait till day 10 but I thought about it this morning before I ate and went for it. This is the first time I've been under 220lbs for a long time.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    L1D6 complete. I slacked off yesterday and took a rest day. Today just blew my mind over what a difference a mere 5 days made in my endurance.

    Do you think having the rest day helped?? I am curious if taking the odd day off would give more benefit than a straight 30 days.