30DS Challenge from Sept 20 till Oct 20



  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    Day 7 check

    i'm finding the skipping the toughest, it burns so bad, but on the upside i'm getting off the floor a lot quicker, lol.
    Still feel like puking during the bicycle crunch at the end.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I did complete L1D3 yesterday. Focusing on laundry tis morning and afternoon. :( I WILL get L1D4 done today. As a matter of fact... I'm going to go put my socks and tennies on right now.
  • legacysh
    I was out sick yesterday and tried to do day 5, but my husband made me go to bed.

    I have completed day 5 today level 1.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • legacysh
    Day 7 check

    i'm finding the skipping the toughest, it burns so bad, but on the upside i'm getting off the floor a lot quicker, lol.
    Still feel like puking during the bicycle crunch at the end.

    I thought I was alone...but i see we are two peas in a pod on this one.
  • Corruptkitten
    Corruptkitten Posts: 157 Member
    I haven't been in the forum for a couple days, but I completed Day 6 this morning. The soreness is gone for the most part. I originally started with 2lb weights since that is what I had at home, but now bought some 3lb'ers that I will be using from here on out. Tomorrow I am going to add my regular routine back in. Spin Monday, Yoga Tuesday, Spin Wednesday not sure about the rest of the week, but that's what I have so far.

    I saw Jillian's Ripped in 30 at Target today and see she has similar circuits. I hear it is harder though. Has anyone attempted RI30?
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    Day 8 Level 1 complete!! I cannot believe that I have actually stuck with this so far!! I REALLY did NOT want to do this workout today, but I did :) I really struggled with the lunge & shouler raise....not sure that is going to get eaiser EVER lol

    I did 4 REAL push ups today. I am going to try and increase that every day. As every day passes I get more and more nervous about Level 2.

    Great job to everyone else who has been sticking to this program. Seeing all of the before and after photos and results is going to be great!!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    D7 L1 DONE!!!!!!

    Still can't get thru the push ups =( the only other thing I can't fully do and can almost do it is the side lunge with the arm raises.....oh and the lunges with bicep curls get me too lol but I can do all the cardio!

    For some reason to me the last cardio round with all four is easier than the beginning!

    I was worried bout the weekends cause I usually took a break on exersize....I feel better when I workout so I'm very happy I bought this dvd!

    I also find the last cardio to be very easy! I think it is because we know we are almost done!!! lol Good job on day 7 complete!

    Thank you!!!! I think your right, we know were almost done so we are pushing harder! Ready to get done!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Day 8 Level 1 complete!! I cannot believe that I have actually stuck with this so far!! I REALLY did NOT want to do this workout today, but I did :) I really struggled with the lunge & shouler raise....not sure that is going to get eaiser EVER lol

    I did 4 REAL push ups today. I am going to try and increase that every day. As every day passes I get more and more nervous about Level 2.

    Great job to everyone else who has been sticking to this program. Seeing all of the before and after photos and results is going to be great!!

    I myself am also nervous about starting level 2! I was SOOOOO sore the first 2-3 days but I am getting less sore everyday. I liked the soreness because it made me feel like I was actually doing something. But I know just because I am not as sore now doesn't mean I am not working it and doing good! I am supposed to weigh in Wednesday which is my normal weigh in day, But I might weigh in tomorrow because I started this last Monday. We'll see!
    And I did take before photos I believe on Monday or Tuesday I will take them on Day 30 for the after!
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Completed day 5 today.

    My stats are

    Height 5'4"
    SW 123lbs
    GW 112lbs
    Waist 28"
    Hips 34"
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    L1D4 has been completed! Funny thing - I was so incredibly sore yesterday that I was wondering if I would have any better luck asking my own hubby to put a seat riser on one of our toilets. Today, I'm not so sore. Even after the workout, I'm still not that sore. A little but I think less than any other day so far.

    I think my endurance is slowly creeping up as well. I made it through more jumping jacks, more jump rope, more squat and press things (I didn't put down my weights even though I didn't push up on all of them) and ALL BUT 2 of the butterfly crunches.
  • Lesah0808
    I did it!!!! I got my butt up this morning and completed my exercise!!!! D6L1 Completed!!!!!! I feel great this morning partly because I did my workout and the energy and proudness I have from accomplishing my goal!! It was a workout so I will definitely be on Level 1 until day 10 but I'm not sore. Everyone have a Great Day!!!!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Wanted to say great job ladies, keep up the great work!!!

    And correction I'm not on level 2 yet. Today will be D8 L1 still. Won't be able to workout until after work. I workout after work Mon-Fri then weekends I can do it in the morning. So I will update when I get todays done!

    Also when are you weighing? Are you going to do it weekly or after the full 30days or what?
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Fell behind a little but day 4 is done! Needing some heavier weights for most of it. I've been using a combination of a 1.5 lb wrist weight and a 1 lb can in each hand. Still barely able to finish the shoulder presses with only 1.5 lbs, but the rest is definitely more than ready for 3-5 lbs.
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    Day 8 Level 1 complete!! I cannot believe that I have actually stuck with this so far!! I REALLY did NOT want to do this workout today, but I did :) I really struggled with the lunge & shouler raise....not sure that is going to get eaiser EVER lol

    I did 4 REAL push ups today. I am going to try and increase that every day. As every day passes I get more and more nervous about Level 2.

    Great job to everyone else who has been sticking to this program. Seeing all of the before and after photos and results is going to be great!!

    I myself am also nervous about starting level 2! I was SOOOOO sore the first 2-3 days but I am getting less sore everyday. I liked the soreness because it made me feel like I was actually doing something. But I know just because I am not as sore now doesn't mean I am not working it and doing good! I am supposed to weigh in Wednesday which is my normal weigh in day, But I might weigh in tomorrow because I started this last Monday. We'll see!
    And I did take before photos I believe on Monday or Tuesday I will take them on Day 30 for the after!

    Glad I am not the only one nervous about level 2 lol. Today will be day 9 of level 1. In a way I am kind of glad to switch it up so that I don't get bored, but just afraid I will get discouraged if I cannot do it. I weigh in more regularly than I probably should. I think I weigh in every few days, but that is to keep myself in check. I weighed in this morning and probably won't again until Friday. Keep up the great work!
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    I started a little earlier but:

    Age: 26
    Starting Weight: 112
  • mezzosoprano89
    mezzosoprano89 Posts: 81 Member
    Day 8 Level 1 completed

    Nervous for level 2 in 2 days, but I'm feeling level 1 getting easier which is good, shows that my body is adapting and changing.
  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    Day 8 Level 1 complete!! I cannot believe that I have actually stuck with this so far!! I REALLY did NOT want to do this workout today, but I did :) I really struggled with the lunge & shouler raise....not sure that is going to get eaiser EVER lol

    I did 4 REAL push ups today. I am going to try and increase that every day. As every day passes I get more and more nervous about Level 2.

    Great job to everyone else who has been sticking to this program. Seeing all of the before and after photos and results is going to be great!!

    I myself am also nervous about starting level 2! I was SOOOOO sore the first 2-3 days but I am getting less sore everyday. I liked the soreness because it made me feel like I was actually doing something. But I know just because I am not as sore now doesn't mean I am not working it and doing good! I am supposed to weigh in Wednesday which is my normal weigh in day, But I might weigh in tomorrow because I started this last Monday. We'll see!
    And I did take before photos I believe on Monday or Tuesday I will take them on Day 30 for the after!

    Glad I am not the only one nervous about level 2 lol. Today will be day 9 of level 1. In a way I am kind of glad to switch it up so that I don't get bored, but just afraid I will get discouraged if I cannot do it. I weigh in more regularly than I probably should. I think I weigh in every few days, but that is to keep myself in check. I weighed in this morning and probably won't again until Friday. Keep up the great work!

    Day 8 check,
    Oh i so hear you girls, still not able to do the but kicks so i jog on the spot, bit of a two sided coin, i know i'm getting comfy with the routine, but am so scared of whats coming next..
    dropped 1.6lb in the week and can see some definite body changes, so still motivated to get to the end.
    good luck for the coming week.
  • treatdream
    treatdream Posts: 104 Member
    D4L1 completed.

    This was the hardest day for me so far. I fell behind this weekend. Was planning on resting Sunday but not Saturday. I think two days of rest made it way harder to get back to today. I don't think I pushed myself enough to do my best today. Lesson learned and I will avoid that as much as possible in the future. I am proud of myself for getting back to it today but I am disappointed that I didn't give it my all.

    Great job to everyone who's sticking with it! I'm also scared of level 2 and not finding some of the exercises getting easier (not even sure if I'm doing the side lunge & shoulder raise properly) but trying to stay focused on level 1 and do my best. Keep up the good work ladies!
  • treatdream
    treatdream Posts: 104 Member
    A lot of people have been asking about rest days...I have heard so many different answers. Some say take a break once a week, some say take a day off between levels and others say do the full 30 days with no rest. I am taking today off (which would have been day 7). I plan to take one day of rest per week so that my muscles have a break. I think the important thing to remember is to listen to your body and do NOT make excuses to not do the workout if you are capable. I was afraid to take the day off because I don't want to fail at this, but I also felt strongly that my body needed a break. SO, I feel that the important thing is to keep going if you can, but there is no fault in needing a day of rest as long as you keep going. I think that we are all doing a great thing by eating healthy and doing this workout. I have been reading a lot of posts and it sounds like each day we are getting stronger! Keep it up!

    I just really liked what you had to say here. I wish there was a "like" button.
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    A lot of people have been asking about rest days...I have heard so many different answers. Some say take a break once a week, some say take a day off between levels and others say do the full 30 days with no rest. I am taking today off (which would have been day 7). I plan to take one day of rest per week so that my muscles have a break. I think the important thing to remember is to listen to your body and do NOT make excuses to not do the workout if you are capable. I was afraid to take the day off because I don't want to fail at this, but I also felt strongly that my body needed a break. SO, I feel that the important thing is to keep going if you can, but there is no fault in needing a day of rest as long as you keep going. I think that we are all doing a great thing by eating healthy and doing this workout. I have been reading a lot of posts and it sounds like each day we are getting stronger! Keep it up!

    I just really liked what you had to say here. I wish there was a "like" button.

    Thank you :smile: