come say something not nice...



  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    The trolls on here from earlier stole my pic and posted it on their effn forum....


    Gimme a link. They want a war they can have one.

    And hey wouldn't it be nice if MFP united and attacked someone else for a change?
  • Gdzgal771
    Gdzgal771 Posts: 152 Member
    i wake up everyday TRYING to be positive..i have to depend on others to get stuff done. the love of my life has health issues which cause depression. i feel like just surviving is all on me :(:grumble: :grumble:

    its hard to motivate myself most of the time. i dont feel strong enough. getting older is HARD and for all you younguns you just dont get it..:frown: :frown:

    no one in skin cares how/why i feel like i do.. i have compassion for everyone on here no matter how BIG/SMALL your deal is.. (OOOPS IS THAT UN_CALLED FOR??:ohwell: :ohwell:
    that is all..end of transmission..
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    The trolls on here from earlier stole my pic and posted it on their effn forum....


    Gimme a link. They want a war they can have one.

    And hey wouldn't it be nice if MFP united and attacked someone else for a change?

    i'm sorry sweetie - however, pay no mind to them. they obviously are lil kids who have nothing better to do with their time.
    You are better than that.
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Happy Birthday:flowerforyou: :wink: :flowerforyou:HannahVenusBoga
  • PandaofDestruction
    The Mayweather V. Ortiz fight was a complete Sh%# Show...made me so upset it is spilling over to today! Oh and I ate cookies....and went over my fats for the day! Mondays are no bueno! ( I feel better LOL)
  • PandaofDestruction
    F*** the oil companies. I put $20 in my burped and asked "Where the hell is the rest of it? Don't tell me that's it!!!"

    This is too funny!!!
  • Scoobies87
    I hate my mundane new job. I hate the hour long bus I have to get there and half an hour walk afterwards. I hate that my back, neck and shoulders are killing me from being hunched over a desk. FML.
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    My boyfriend of 4.5 years went to my house when he knew I had no chance of getting home before he left to leave my key and phone and pictures... What a damn coward. Efiin douche I want to beat him up
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    My boyfriend of 4.5 years went to my house when he knew I had no chance of getting home before he left to leave my key and phone and pictures... What a damn coward. Efiin douche I want to beat him up

    Oh this dude deserves the camel curse I posted earlier...if you missed it, it is as follows:

    May the fleas of 1,000 camels infest his crotch & may his arms be too short scratch!
  • fallenangelloves
    fallenangelloves Posts: 601 Member
    Who need therapist? I think we have all saved a butt load of money venting here today!

    My foot still hurts!
  • LilysMom28
    LilysMom28 Posts: 293 Member
    I have a million bills due and $0 to pay them

    I hear that!!!!
  • LilysMom28
    LilysMom28 Posts: 293 Member
    I want to trade a week with my husband and see how he likes taking care of everything. He probably wouldn't even make it the whole time....
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    The trolls on here from earlier stole my pic and posted it on their effn forum....


    Gimme a link. They want a war they can have one.

    And hey wouldn't it be nice if MFP united and attacked someone else for a change?

    What happened here? Tell me the thread at the bodybuilding site got deleted.... (I went over there to raise hell)
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I had this customer that felt he had to school me on gun fool, check this out...go take ur huaraches wearing azz outta my store and eff yourself. I have cramps and I want to tell everyone to suck it up and pay for your shiet, I don't make the prices, upper management does, I'm just the fool that runs the place for em.
    And I got cramps and I'm effing bloated. Oh and my bf said if I lost anymore weight I'd be in seriously dude, I am so trying to GAIN THE EFFING WEIGHT back. :mad: :mad:
  • sdwelk11
    I'd like to punch everyone in the face today.
    I second that!
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    Stealing Sean's boss deserves a junk punch!
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    F*** the oil companies. I put $20 in my burped and asked "Where the hell is the rest of it? Don't tell me that's it!!!"

    Oh holy **** I snorted my Vitamin drink... *thumbs up*

    Okay.. I woke up. ****.
    Part II
    I went out to clean the pool but my cordless drill that I have TWO batteries for both are ****ing dead. OH wait, I have 3, It's a battery SYSTEM. **** you RYOBI. Make a battery that stays charged. Sure it was 6 years left unused, so where'd the power go? ;)

    So now I have to wait till tomorrow to sand down the rust. Then another day to fill. Then another day to heat. That's at least 4 days till i can workout again in my pool. All because that cheap *kitten* mother ****er when he "FIXED" my heater last fall, used an UNcoated copper core & it bled copper into the pool water contaminating the entire system. *kitten*.

    Thank you for this thread. I feel better now. That is all. ;)
  • jessbennett1986
    I have ZERO money to pay bills and now just recieved a $900 dollar bill from hospital because I needed to go to the ER and the insurance will only pay 80%.

    I called my mother on Friday because I was having a really bad week with being broke, my inconsiderate husband, dealing with a crying baby,our dogs not f***ing listening to me, and instead of just letting me vent and listen she said, "You should call a hotline or go to a psychiatrist because I don't know how to help you"!!!!!!!!!!!!:angry: Can't I just f***ing vent and YOU listen for once instead of giving me advice about how I need help??!!! I was just having a bad week for f*cks sake! I don't want help, I want you to LISTEN!! So I'm still fuming today about it and it puts me in a bad mood.

    All my husband can say when he ****s up is "I'm Sorry"....REALLY???!! Quit f***ing saying that cause it doesn't fix or change anything. If you want to fix something then fix it instead of using that stupid phrase!!!

    Don't usually swear this much but I needed to. Thanks for the vent!
  • uLinx
    uLinx Posts: 148
    Holy crap... I've eaten too much tonight and unhealthy the whole day. Bad day for my diet... :explode:
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    I posted earlier that I wanted to punch everyone in the face today.

    This is because 1) people have annoyed the mother effing shizz out of me all day and 2) I effed up my knee.

    I finally have a diagnosis after seeing 2 doctors and having my knee manipulated to the point I almost kicked the orthopedist in the face. I sprained my MCL.

    Everyone can now go eff themselves.