C25K 9 Week Challenge



  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I'm on Week 5 of my 5K training plan. I got a little away from it when I did my 5K race a few weeks ago, but now I'm back. I've decided to continue the 5K training, but also mix in Adventure Race training. I've decided to do a 5K obstacle course race. This is one located near me:


  • jlc1243
    jlc1243 Posts: 287 Member
    Very Cool Princess!

    I started week 6 last night. Skipping a day tonight to do some circuit training. Will hopefully resume on Friday or Saturday.

    Have a great rest of the week ladies!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    great work everyone :)

    Day 2 week 6 done and some I did 50min on the treadmill but in the pattern of the program then did strength training also last night. Planning to get day 3 done tomorrow morning :).
  • jlc1243
    jlc1243 Posts: 287 Member
    Did D2W6 On Saturday. Finishing off week 6 tonight. Keep on jogging ladies!
  • jlc1243
    jlc1243 Posts: 287 Member
    Finished up week 6 last night and it was hell. One little thing after the next (spilling my water the treadmill, much needed potty break 5 min in- sorry TMI, dropping of smart phone, pain in my foot and hamstrings--ugg!) and I was not really into it from the beginning, and so I found myself having to walk a little during the run. But I finished.

    I'm not sure I feel ready to do the consistent 25 min runs. I was hoping by the start of week 7 that not only would I be ready, but I'd also enjoying running. Well, turns out I'm starting to dread it. Much rather the circuit training or aerobics DVDs. Not sure what I want to do moving forward.

    Do I go back and try to repeat week 6? Do I just say the heck with it, I don't really enjoy running so why torture myself? Or do I attempt to just start week 7 and see how it goes? I don't really want to give up, but I don't much see myself incorporating this into my routine.

    Well enuff rambling, how are you all doing?
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    sorry I`ve been MIA the last few days have been crazy with all the events going on for my kids. I am on day 2 week 7 tonight :) and can`t wait I`ve really begun to enjoy the jogging/running time :) even thinking about upping my speed alittle on the treadmill tonight
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    Finished up week 6 last night and it was hell. One little thing after the next (spilling my water the treadmill, much needed potty break 5 min in- sorry TMI, dropping of smart phone, pain in my foot and hamstrings--ugg!) and I was not really into it from the beginning, and so I found myself having to walk a little during the run. But I finished.

    I'm not sure I feel ready to do the consistent 25 min runs. I was hoping by the start of week 7 that not only would I be ready, but I'd also enjoying running. Well, turns out I'm starting to dread it. Much rather the circuit training or aerobics DVDs. Not sure what I want to do moving forward.

    Do I go back and try to repeat week 6? Do I just say the heck with it, I don't really enjoy running so why torture myself? Or do I attempt to just start week 7 and see how it goes? I don't really want to give up, but I don't much see myself incorporating this into my routine.

    Well enuff rambling, how are you all doing?


    personaly I don`t like to quit things but if your not upto doing the 25min there isn`t any harm in taking a few min walking breaks kwim. The program isn`t set in stone you can alter it to your needs if your body says its not ready for 25 min running then give it some time.

    I am in the same boat though on not know what I want to do when this program is done I may redo it at a faster speed or try something new just not sure yet.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    just popping in will finish off week 7 on Saturday and start week 8 on Monday :) hope your all doing well
  • jlc1243
    jlc1243 Posts: 287 Member
    Came down with walking pnemonia last week so I've been on an extended break. I'm not giving up but need to work up to getting back on track. I plan to do week 7 day 1 on Tuesday and see how it goes.

    Hope all is well with you!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    Came down with walking pnemonia last week so I've been on an extended break. I'm not giving up but need to work up to getting back on track. I plan to do week 7 day 1 on Tuesday and see how it goes.

    Hope all is well with you!

    oh huggs don`t over do it if your ill hugs

    I finished up day 1 week 8 last night and am going for day 2 tonight and day 3 on Saturday
  • jlc1243
    jlc1243 Posts: 287 Member
    Thanks! I did some low impact aerobics last night so I think I'm feeling better to jump back in tonight. May have to go back to the start of week 6 so I don't hurt myself (and my pride) in the process!

    By the way, you are doing so awesome! Keep it up!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Totally excited about my workout last night and thought I'd share.

    I usually do intervals on my own on the treadmill when I train, but I happened to choose a LifeFitness treadmill at the gym last night, rather than the one that is in my usual spot. I was pleased that there was a speed interval button on it. I really blasted calories and felt like I got a better workout by using. I finally hit the 15 mile a minute pace by alternating between 4 and 5mph.

  • jlc1243
    jlc1243 Posts: 287 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I think I'll have to see what my treadmill is capable of doing for me. That would be an awesome treat.

    I stalled out again on Day 2 of week 6-- can't seem to get the motivation to do day 3. I have been keeping up on the workouts, just the running has pretty much stopped. maybe I should see about doing some intervals until I get ready to just run! Thanks!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    popping in I finished up round one of c25k and am starting round 2 but at a 5.5 speed on the treadmill this time and it really dose feel like I am starting all over again just by adding that .5 to the speed lol but I feel so powered that I can do it lol :)
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing a fantastic job with their training. Keep up the good work during the holidays!

    I'm planning on doing a 2.8 mile adventure race this spring/summer in central PA. I've done two 5Ks prior, but now I'm upping the ante and doing strength training another 5K training program to make sure I'm fit enough for it.

    I've decided for the strength portion to use the Spartain Virgin weightlifting training guide. I've been doing it for two weeks already and already feel toned, regardless of the Thanksgiving feast!:-D
