So American peeps - which state are you from and what do you



  • tallteacher
    tallteacher Posts: 74 Member
    ....and for those of you who HATE humidity? Another thing I love about Colorado (CO) is that it isn't very humid. In fact, it humidity gets over 35%, we are complaining about how awful it is! LOL!
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    I'm in GA and I am a SAHM to a 7 year old and almost 5 month old.
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    I was born and raised in the Panhandle of FL before moving up to GA
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    ATL GA

    I am just south of you in Henry County
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    I'm in Kansas. The Sunflower state. I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen sunflowers out here though. I'm in Wichita, which is home to Wichita State University in in Wheat...they are an angry grain? Don't worry. If you don't get it, neither do I. Lots of wheat fields out here. And all the farmers burn their fields in the spring. Apparently, it replenishes nutrients. But mostly, it obstructs the view of the road because of smoke.

    There are kinda seasons in Kansas...but not really. There's "Damn, it's really hot" and "Holy ****, it's 0 degrees"...with not much variation in between. You'll have to excuse my disdain for this God-forsaken state. I'm not from here. I don't like it here.

    I'm originally from Virginia - the Eastern Shore, specifically. Located on the DelMarVa peninsula. The "slower lower Shore". A simple way of life with high humidity, mild temperatures and 3 different cardinal directions that lead to water. People say y'all, rarely use the 'g' at the end of verbs and consistently "Bless your heart" or "Love you to death, but..." (the sweet form of insult) - I love being from the South!

    I've also stayed in Hawaii. Gorgeous. I climbed a mountain and went to the beach all in the same day. It was glorious and I miss it terribly. There are no seasons there. It's just gorgeous, all the time. If it rains, it doesn't rain on the whole island and there's a 95% chance you'll see a big ol' rainbow. Beautiful.
  • Phoenix1401
    Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
    I live in Texas and Im a student. :)
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member
    NYC baby! Best place on Earth. Enough said.
    Although it does get a bit crowded...
    ...and it's a bit dirty...
  • vsharkey
    vsharkey Posts: 20 Member
    I live in New Orleans, LA and am variously a receptionist, a voice/piano teacher, and an opera singer (depending on the time of day).

    Great things about southeast Louisiana: Delicious food! Beautiful wetlands. Lots of historic and cultural sites and activities. The music. Mardi Gras. Rare freezes, and even rarer snow. The four seasons: crab, crawfish, shrimp, and oyster. The laissez-faire attitude. Parades and festivals for everything.

    Bad things about southeast Louisiana: Delicious food (if you're trying to be at all healthy). Terrible roads. Mardi Gras. The four seasons: almost summer, summer, still summer, and January 15. The humidity (dear god, the humidity!). Rampant corruption and the good-ol-boy system.

    Before moving here, I lived in Atlanta, GA and I grew up in northern NJ.
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    True Alabama Girl!! It's not called "Alabama The Beautiful" for nothing! We have beautiful woodlands, white beaches and colorful fall mountains. The humidity is tough on some but if you live here long enough you get used to it. The whole state practically shuts down at the mere mention of snow but the kids love it because that usually means no school! I live in a small town that some might compare to Mayberry from the Andy Griffin Show. It has a "Main Street" with a courthouse in the middle of town and a drug store with a snack bar offering the best homemade milkshakes you have ever tasted. It is a close knit community where kids can be kids and I don't think I would want to live anywhere else.

    Alabama residents are obsessed with football. We are divided by University of Alabama fans or Auburn University fans. Makes for a fun fall as long as you keep it all in good fun! As a University of Alabama Fan we say "Roll Tide"!!!! Alabamians also like to go to church. It is a family thing, if you are not there on a Sunday, everyone will be calling to check up on you. They will take care of you in your time of need through tragedy or just small bumps in the road. I had surgery in June & was down for a few weeks, I still have frozen food in my freezer from my church family!!

    I have to say that I think the state has come a long way on the racism front and I wish people would visit the state before they automatically think we are a bunch of dumb hicks that hate someone for the color of their skin. It is not the case at all!!

    If you ever visit and someone says "Bless your heart" just know, it is not a compliment, it's the #1 southern insult. We can't be harsh even when we try!! haha

    I have been a stay at home mom for 10 years, before that I was a buyer for a major healthcare company.
    Hope I gave you a little better view of Alabama!

    I'm also from the Great State of Alabama and I think PlumLovin's description of our state is pretty spot-on! I LOVE Alabama ... I've lived here all my life and yes, while there are some things that aren't perfect and there are some issues, the same can also be said for absolutely every other state in the nation as well. I get frustrated when people make broad, sweeping comments about the entire state being "racist" or "redneck" or whatever other derogatory term they choose ... have they met every single one of the 4.7 million individuals that live in the state? In my humble opinion, such comments only show their own ignorance and intolerance.

    I work for a major company located in downtown Birmingham with a group of racially and ethnically diverse individuals that are all college educated, literate and intelligent individuals. One of the great things about being centrally located within the state is that I can drive just a few hours south and be at some of the most beautiful beaches in the country ... or I can drive a few hours north and enjoy the incredible views of the Great Smoky Mountains. Yes, the summers here get hot and humid, but since I love summer and hate winter, that works out just perfect for me! :)

    Here's something I read somewhere once before that pretty much sums it up .... :)
    A few of the things that make Alabama a great place to live:

    Front porch swings
    Home-made ice cream
    Grilling burgers out back
    Friday night football at the high school
    'Roll Tide' and 'War Eagle' on Saturday
    Church on Sunday, no matter what
    Kids playing in the yard until it's too dark
    Catching "lightnin' bugs" in a jar
    Flowers and berries in the spring
    Sweatin' in the summer
    Colors of the fall
    Maybe one snow in the winter
    Flying the flag more than one day a year
    A Christmas parade that lasts 5 minutes
    Staying 2 hours after the parade to say hello to everyone
    Knowing the neighbor's dog by name
    Saying sir and ma'am
    Having a neighbor show up with a "mess of fish" to share
    Covered dish suppers and "dinner on the grounds"
    Vacation Bible School and kids with koolaid stained faces
    Knowing the difference between family and community, but not making a big deal out of it.
    And most of all, thinking of Alabama FIRST when you hear the word HOME.

    No, our state's not perfect ... none of them are ... but I'm proud to call it my home and there's no place else I'd rather live! Y'all have a good day now! ;)
  • Masterchef2000
    Masterchef2000 Posts: 127 Member
    England in general does have rubbish weather, we just cannot seem to accept it and as usual have been whinging about the lack of 'summer' this year. The last good summer we had was 2006, we need to get over it and stop moaning.

    I love your weather! I'll trade with you! We lived in England (RAF Lakenheath, near Brandon in Suffolk) from December 2003-December 2007. Summer '06 *was* fantastic, but I loved the weather as a whole. I desperately miss living in England, I would give an arm and a leg if we could move back. The only thing I don't miss is the cost. The exchange rate was 2:1 when we lived there, so every time we did anything off base we had to remember we were paying twice as much as we thought.

    I love the weather here as well. We moved from Germany to here and even though the day might turn cloudy, at least most mornings we wake up with sun! How I missed the sun living in Germany. We live in the opposite direction from where you lived here but we love it so much! And the exchange rate is soooo much better as well. It's still high but not 2:1 anymore.

    It's supposed to be hot here this weekend...I'm sure people will complain about that as well although anytime the heat is are the people!

    London is one of my favorite places to go to. I wasn't into Paris so much. London however, is right up my alley. :-)
  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
    ....and for those of you who HATE humidity? Another thing I love about Colorado (CO) is that it isn't very humid. In fact, it humidity gets over 35%, we are complaining about how awful it is! LOL!

    ^^That right there is one of the many reasons I am moving that way next month! My hair will be so grateful!:laugh:
  • mamabearr
    I live in Northern Maryland. About 45 minutes north of Baltimore and 5 minutes below the Mason-Dixon line. It's a very rural area. My road is about 2 miles long and has around 7 farms on it. It's very gorgeous here. We get the best of all worlds. The big city life (baltimore), the historical charm of the closest actual town (30 minutes away), and the beauty of the country. This is a bad reference because not a lot of people saw the movie, but in Tuck Everlasting, his eiffel tower is our King and Queen seat in Rocks State Park, and where they go swimming is our Falling Branch. They also filmed the beginning of August Rush (you know, in the rye/wheat field) on a family friends farm. So that gives you an idea of the area.

    Winters are cold, summers are humid, and fall and spring last for maybe a month and a half.

    You drive into PA and it's like you are in a different country. Although the Amish are awesome. We buy a lot of amish furniture because they just do a gorgeous job.

    Maryland is all about their crabs and NatyBo. And when the weather is nice, you see quite a few hot air balloons on a daily basis.

    I don't think I'd trade my little chunck of MD for anywhere else. I love it here.

    Falling Branch:


    King and Queen Seat:


  • canela023
    canela023 Posts: 88 Member
    I am from New York state.

    Not the city. I'm in what is called upstate. Everyone else not not in NYC or long island is upstate. I sit right along the southern part of Pa. but still upstate, crazy huh? I also do not carry a gun, own a 9mm and I am not in gang. Most people from out of state assume I am full of it, and that I live in a giant city, carry a gun, and have to take a taxi or subway everyplace I go. I also do not eat my pretzels out of carts on the street, and no one is pushing around hotdogs. I do still hate the red socks and pretty much don't talk about the Mets, as is required by New York common law.

    I'm an IT professional, I am a network administrator for a k-12 school district. Its great having a staff, and working with kids and teachers, but still being able to manage projects.

    Wow, if you were a woman I'd think I wrote this!!!! lmao :drinker:
    I'm also from NY STATE (not city) and work in a school district. However, I commute to the lovely state of NJ for my paycheck, and am a female :wink:

    Either way, I ditto everything you just said.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Masterchef2000 - such lovely things you say about London, I do love London :heart:

    As for the pictures of king and queen seat, I want to be there now! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    This was a great thread, thank you for sharing :drinker:
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    I am from Wild and Wonderful West Virginia (aka Almost Heaven). I lived here until age 25, I moved to be with my now husband to the suburbs of DC. After 3 years there, we moved back to WV. I love our weather. We have all 4 seasons, we don't have to worry about tornados, hurricanes, or earthquakes. We just have some flooding in low lying areas, and snow, sometimes lots of it, but usually doesn't cause problems. We have no pro sports teams, so we are crazy about our WVU Mountaineers (my alma mater). WV is very rural, but not in the farm and ranch way, we have a lot of forests and mountains, it is an absolutely beautiful place to live and visit. West Virginia people are the best, and you'll never meet a stranger.

    I am an Accountant in the capitol city of Charleston.
  • mamabearr

    As for the pictures of king and queen seat, I want to be there now! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    It's really pretty there but REALLY high up. A lot of people have died from falling off.
  • reese1206
    AZ...Stay at Home Mom
  • Leia81

  • Kristy144
    Grew up in Michigan, lived 7 years in San Diego... just moved from there to living in Hell, oops.. I mean TN, most boring state ever. Moving back to Michigan soon though.

    SAHM & Cosmetologist.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I grew up in Minnesota, but have adopted Florida as my home.

    Minnesota is absolutely beautiful, but where I lived in the suburbs of Minneapolis, was crowded and ugly. I lived there until I was 24.

    I'm now on the east coast of Florida near Melbourne, after previously living in Palm Beach and Orlando. I'm 1/2 mile from the ocean now. I love the people, the scenery, and (sometimes) the weather. We get some spectacular thunderstorms and winter is wonderful for being outside, but summers can be beastly hot and humid.