Do you obey the speed limit?



  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I drive a Prius (in which, of course, the Smug comes standard), so I don't push the highway speed beyond 72--because that, my energy efficiency plummets. In town, I'm usually right at the speed limit or + 1/2.
  • Unwrapping_Candy
    Unwrapping_Candy Posts: 487 Member
    Are you a cop? :P

    I tend to go 5-10mph over regardless of where I am because that's typically the flow of traffic anyway. And I get really, really frustrated if someone in front of me is going even 1 mph under the posted limit, especially if I cannot pass. I am a "aggressive driver"--this likely explains why my insurance rates are still so high. O_o
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    On the highway and low traffic areas I speed. In school zones and main streets I follow the speed limit.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    I'm on island time. I have nowhere to be in a hurry. I give myself enough time to take it easy and jam out to the Bobs (Marley and Dylan).
    I miss that. Can I move in?
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    Yes! I have a 17 yo with a permit and a 15 yo who is getting ready! All laws are obeyed so I can lecture without being a hypocrite! ;)
  • LOL. I love this! I speed ALL THE TIME. I hate slow drivers, they annoy the crap out of me. If I am not in front, I will be soon enough! One reason why I drive a mini-van? If I had a V-8, I probably would have a million speeding tickets by now. I don't speed in school zones - ever. Otherwise, the faster the better..... Watch out for the crazy mom in the green minivan with my I Love Dogs car magnet.
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    I pretty much do the speed limit, but I make the most ridiculous U turns...illegal doesn't do them justice lol
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    No, I tend to go over on the freeway.
  • julsofdenial
    julsofdenial Posts: 225 Member
    i almost always speed (about 10mph over the limit)! and i HATE it when other people on the road try to act as a pace car (driving in the left lane, doing the speed limit right next to the person in the left lane)!!! it also annoys me when people get mad (honk, flip me off, etc) for simply passing them. if you don't wanna be passed, go faster. :-)

    OMG this exactly!! I also HATE when people stroll along in the left lane and I can just tell they have decided that I should not be allowed to speed so they will stop me..LOL.

    I will also add that when someone speeds down my residential street I want to chase them down and do a citizens arrest for endangering my kids. yes, apparently I am a total hypocrite. (although I do try not to speed in residential areas since I have kids myself)
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I go the speed limit. I'm the jerk that stops at the yellow light.

    If I ride with you, I promise to stomp my right foot, watch the speedometer, and cringe the whole time. I know it's going to happen and I don't mean to do it. Usually folks don't notice it and I'm always prepared to make fun myself, laugh about it, and try to hide that I'm horribly embarrassed about it.

    Long ago, I accepted that I am... uptight. It is who I am.

    In other news, I rode in the car with a coworker today and was almost carsick, so I think I learned a little about WHY I am this way. We didn't go very far, but he sped and corned faster than my stomach liked. lol
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    My motto never drive faster than an Angel can fly
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I go the speed limit. I'm the jerk that stops at the yellow light.

    If I ride with you, I promise to stomp my right foot, watch the speedometer, and cringe the whole time. I know it's going to happen and I don't mean to do it. Usually folks don't notice it and I'm always prepared to make fun myself, laugh about it, and try to hide that I'm horribly embarrassed about it.

    Long ago, I accepted that I am... uptight. It is who I am.

    In other news, I rode in the car with a coworker today and was almost carsick, so I think I learned a little about WHY I am this way. We didn't go very far, but he sped and corned faster than my stomach liked. lol
    Im the same way thats why I always drive
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    I have a lead foot and road rage. My daughter asked me one day if I wanted her to show somebody the finger so I had to calm down the rage a bit. Although my 2 year old will yell "45" at drivers in front of us lol
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    ehhhhh not especially..i'm always 5-10 miles above it. and i learned to drive in new orleans so i weave in and out of traffic if i'm in a rush
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    I'm not very competitive and am pretty patient in general. I'm not the one who's going to freak out if the guy ahead of me stops at a yellow light or takes a long time to make a left hand turn out of a parking lot. But I do tend to end up zipping along without realizing it if it's clear ahead, so I like to use my cruise control a lot. I usually set it at 10km over...sometimes 15km over if it's a long divided highway in good weather. So far, now tickets. :smokin:
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I'm on island time. I have nowhere to be in a hurry. I give myself enough time to take it easy and jam out to the Bobs (Marley and Dylan).
    I miss that. Can I move in?
    Well, I'm literally on a peninsula, but we take things slowly here too. You're welcome to move here - everyone else does.
  • ScotsLenny
    ScotsLenny Posts: 139 Member
    on the open road anything up to 100mph, if the machine is up to it
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    My motto never drive faster than an Angel can fly

    but how fast can Angels fly??? I think my gardian angel likes to fly really fast!!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Yep I knew I could pull the speeders out! What I've also found it that your driving habits usually equate to how you lose weight in most cases. If you speed, you want instant results. If you're a slower driver, you're okay with slow progress. Of course this is my own observation.
    I always speed, but I'm slow and steady when it comes to weight goals.
    I am the opposite. I keep it to no more than 5 miles over when driving, but I am super impatient with weight loss.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    speed limit. I have precious cargo in my car.