Do you obey the speed limit?



  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I go 10 to 15 (sometimes 20) over on highways and freeways but do the speed limit through neighborhoods and school zones. I'm pretty mellow - no road raging - just mellow at higher speeds. Several years ago when I was in college I got pulled over on the freeway - I didn't know that my license had been suspended for having six speeding tickets in 18 mos. - and the cop made me leave my car on the side of the road. I got taken to my accounting final in a cop car.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    Max 4 over on surface streets and 9 over on freeways and some arterials, with the exceptions of short bursts to pass, or situations where a higher speed is necessary to not interfere with the flow of traffic. I am NEVER the fastest moving car for more than 3 seconds.

    I stay out of the left lane unless I'm passing, which means I'm passing people on the right all the time!

    The driving I enjoy is on roads with no posted speed limit (which means 55mph max) and it's all about the twisties, with very few straight stretches long enough to break the speed limit. Posted corner speeds are a recommendation, not a requirement.

    I no longer gain any pleasure from going fast in a straight line. I don't waste any time getting up to speed from a stop, unless there is someone next to me doing the same thing. I will not do anything that could be considered street racing. I gave that up about 10 years ago.
  • julsofdenial
    julsofdenial Posts: 225 Member
    I think my problem comes from the fact that I am always running late everywhere I go unfortunately.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    I'm on island time. I have nowhere to be in a hurry. I give myself enough time to take it easy and jam out to the Bobs (Marley and Dylan).
    I miss that. Can I move in?
    Well, I'm literally on a peninsula, but we take things slowly here too. You're welcome to move here - everyone else does.

    hell i'm coming too
  • SwtKittN
    SwtKittN Posts: 176 Member
    Usually never more than 5 over.. I used to be a leadfoot bad, seemed every month or two I was getting a ticket.. Guess I just got older and speeding around didn't appeal to me anymore? It's weird haha.

    BUT I do have a bad case of road rage and if you're one of those jerks who knows the right lane is ending a mile ahead and you choose to speed up to cut off everyone else, screw you I'll run you off the road and you can get in behind me and behind the other 5 people you cut off. Nothing makes me laugh more than when everyone behind me bumpers close and that jerkoff has to sit there and wait for the entire lane to go through before he can get back over.

    But of course those people that are out of state or just thought they were going to pass someone that changed their mind and isn't going to turn, the people that don't drive like maniacs I always let those people over and I never block entrances to places pisses me off SO much when people can't just stop back 1 car length and not block stuff, it's so inconsiderate.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I drive pretty much at the speed limit. If I go over it is only because I'm not paying attention, so on the freeway/highway I usually use cruise control and stick in the left lane (in Australia that's where I'm meant to be!)
    Feel free to speed past me... and I'll wave to you on the bus when you lose your license or visit you in the rehabilitation ward when you get a head/spinal injury.
  • brianward81
    brianward81 Posts: 217 Member
    I obey the speed limit. Having a close family member die because of speed reinforces the importance of it. I HATE and I mean incredibly hate the people who will go bumper to bumper with you, risking your life (nevermind their worthless lives) because they want to get to the next red light before you. I have kids that need looking after and if you kill me you will destroy their lives, let alone my wife and the rest of my family. If my family is in my car and you do this I will use all my mind power to will every untoward thing I can think of to happen to you. Use your f***ing brains and stop tempting death and having the audacity to gloat about it.

    Wait until you kill someone, or someone you know dies or you see an accident because of speed and hopefully that will change your attitude. It just sucks that some people need an experience like that to get it through their thick heads.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I obey traffic laws! There are a few occassions on the freeway that I'll get in the fast lane and go up to 10 over to pass, etc., but I'm really not interested in getting speeding tickets, so I follow the rules. Really, I don't feel like spending a few hundred bucks in an attempt to get to work two minutes earlier, you know?
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    When the kids are in the car, always.

    When they aren't I tend to go a bit faster!

  • I stay out of the left lane unless I'm passing, which means I'm passing people on the right all the time!

    The driving I enjoy is on roads with no posted speed limit (which means 55mph max) and it's all about the twisties, with very few straight stretches long enough to break the speed limit. Posted corner speeds are a recommendation, not a requirement.

    I don't waste any time getting up to speed from a stop, unless there is someone next to me doing the same thing.

    Mainly this. I sooooo miss the roads in Marin County, CA. They were AWESOME to drive on. And you didn't really have to worry about getting pulled over even if you DID see a cop because there was no where for them to turn around!!!

    However, I am a speed freak and i get that from my husband. He does not know the meaning of the words speed limit. I am a very aggressive driver. When I lived in Marin County, there were not very many places to "legally" pass a slow *kitten* car, so I'd pass when the coast was clear and i could see if there were cars comin. I CAN NOT stand to be behind someone who can't atleast do the speed limit.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    For me, it's usually 5-10 miles over the limit on the freeway, but I obey residential signs because of children possibly in the vicinity.

    I'm exactly like this. I used to be a super lead foot, but at some point I just wasn't as stressed anymore. I'll get there when I get there.
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member

    there was a point in time on two different highways of about 160 miles each.... if you told me which highway patrolmen pulled you over I could tell you where you were pulled over at... or vice versa....

    i have since moved from that area to a bigger city (obviously the other was kinda rural)... and managed to get two speeding tickets with in 6 months for doing 16 over each time....... so no i do not obey the spped limit.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I grew up and learned how to drive in Florida. I drive like a bat out of hell. I have done 80 in a 45 past cops (they didn't even look at me). I've been pulled over for suspicious and erratic driving.

    Hmm... I miss driving.

    Edit: I never drove this way out of impatience. It's just... fun.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I do in residential areas and school zones. But highways.... usually about 10 over
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I never speed 5 over. I'd rather not get a speeding ticket and I like my low insurance rate. My husband just got a speeding ticket for going 6 over the other day and had to pay $85. Which totally blows! We used to have a crystal clear driving record but oh well... give it 5 years hopefully. I don't see the point in speeding when you only shave a couple seconds and if you hit a red light which always seems to happen you save no time at all.

    As far as being aggressive it's non existent. Earlier today someone honked behind me and flipped me off like a 100 times for going the speed limit. (The only thing I could come up with lol). I just smiled and waved. I've got nowhere to be because I leave early enough to give myself time to be there. Being stressed does nothing for you. :)
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Depends on the circumstances. . I come from a family of lead foots and fast cars. . . Just in the blood. . . . .but I don't mess around if my daughter is in the car.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I love to drive fast, especially in fast cars. I'm also lucky that I live in an area with unlimited speed on the highways, south of Munich. I have driven every single car my family has to it's top speed, at least once. I drive really fast when I can, but I always slow down and drive the speed limit in areas with 30kmh or 50 kmh limits, like in villages where there are children and animals and such.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Only on the interstate. Everywhere else Im good. The reason is cops pretty much realize we are just trying to get to work or school, they dont care to much, as long as you slow down when you see them, shows your paying attention. I normally go about 80-85 on i75 (speed limit is 70). On the michigan highways I vary my speed greatly, especially when Im on the bike. There is one strip I will let out the throttle, its 50mph, but I normally do about 75 on it (so does all the traffic around me)
  • Phoenix1401
    Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
    Ha! When it says 35 b**** i hit 85! :D
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    My car is too slow to "speed". My bike is a different matter :tongue: