Do you screen your friend requests?



  • anberlingasm
    I don't screen mine, I just add people if they want to be my friend... SHOULD I be screening?
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I just realized that my whole diatribe on why I want messages included in my request....

    Probably doesn't get read since my profile is private.

    I"M SUCH A DOLT!!!!!!
  • quichebradford
    quichebradford Posts: 327 Member
    I don't deny, I just don't accept, like facebook.

    Also no no-pics, or anyone too old or too young. People a lot taller then me I don't accept cause I feel intimidated, and really short ones scare me. Girls with dark hair I don't really like, unless its dyed dark then, I'll accept them. Same goes for redheads, but I usually accept blonds, unless its bleached. I don't think I have any room in my friends list for someone with a beard or mustache, men included. If you're a regular girl with glasses, I will accept because you look smart, but if you're a smart girl withOUT glasses, you might not make the cut. Sometimes when there aren't many people to talk to online, I accept just for someone to talk to, then the next day I delete. Usually weekends I accept everyone , because Sunday is a church day, and a day of acceptance and forgiveness. Nobody with the same name as me, or who would look like they'd have the same as me. Nobody within the same province.If you live on a coast near the ocean, that gets me jealous so I don't want friends postin fun, beach pics makin me wish i was them. I don't really like jeans, as i find them too tight in the pockets. That's not really an issue when it comes to me accepting people, but may be relevant when someone is thinking of accepting me.

    thats basically it, otherwise I accept everyone.
    Oh, and no psychics.

  • boomboom011
    I don't. I figure if they are crazy enough to request me as a friend, they are as crazy as I am. were my FIRST friend!!!
    I am not sure if that is something to be proud of.

    Actually I have made one requirement...all new friends have to post something pervy or offensive on my wall, just so we are on an even playing field.

    Also...boomboom011...I sent a request in hope of being deleted in record time.

    You dont really want to be my friend? Its all fake? Now my feelings are hurt. :sad: Too bad for you! You are stuck with me until you become a pervert.
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    Come one come all. I usually check out the profile before hand but I have yet to find nor can I imagine seeing anything there that would make me decline them. Then after 6 months of not logging in they get deleted. What can I say? Guess I'm just easy like that :-)
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I don't. I figure if they are crazy enough to request me as a friend, they are as crazy as I am. were my FIRST friend!!!
    I am not sure if that is something to be proud of.

    Actually I have made one requirement...all new friends have to post something pervy or offensive on my wall, just so we are on an even playing field.

    Also...boomboom011...I sent a request in hope of being deleted in record time.

    You dont really want to be my friend? Its all fake? Now my feelings are hurt. :sad: Too bad for you! You are stuck with me until you become a pervert.
    I can believe I am still around! My pervyness is slipping. *sad panda*
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Come one come all. I usually check out the profile before hand but I have yet to find nor can I imagine seeing anything there that would make me decline them. Then after 6 months of not logging in they get deleted. What can I say? Guess I'm just easy like that :-)

    I'd be willing to bet more women screen than men.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    *I coulda left the part out about the psychics, since they already knew what I was gonna say.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I accept anyone willing to accept me, I have yet to have a problem with anyone

    What she said.
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    I accept anyone willing to accept me, I have yet to have a problem with anyone

    Same here. I may start dialog with someone who wants encouragement, then if they send me a friend request, I accept. If I see someone of similar goals, philosophies, age and/or location (read: similar Time Zone), I may even initiate the friend request with words of encouragement and a bit of blabbering about myself.

    Looking at my friend list the other day and they are all logging on every day. Proud of you guys !

  • Tiffanydepiano
    Tiffanydepiano Posts: 169 Member
    I accept all of them. I figure, I don't mind if someone disagrees with me. If they are confrontational, they better have balls enough for a confrontation. If they are abusive to others, they're out! That's it.

    I give every one the benefit of the doubt and figure I can delete them if they creep.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member

    I don't request very often because I get my feelings hurt if I'm rejected. Even cyber rejection is painful :sad:
    I'm kinda like this. I don't request a lot. There's gotta be some reason for wanting to connect. I don't like just sending out random requests for someone I know pretty much nothing about.

    I rarely screen either. Only had to deny a few. I did get hit on by one guy though - that made the decision easy.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    No msg, no pic = no friend. Unless it's a really good looking guy.

    Also - if no msg or the msg doesn't entertain me, I'll ask the masses on my friend's list. If they are a mutual friend, I KNOW we'll get along just fun.

    this exactly! word for word!

    (and yet we're not friends! :laugh: )
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    . I did get hit on by one guy though - that made the decision easy.

    awwww totally accepted that *kitten*.......:laugh: :wink:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    So far I've been accepting most, but I feel like I've got too many friends and can't really support them all. Come the end of the day I have too many complete diaries to look at (and I won't compliment until I check the diary).
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    . I did get hit on by one guy though - that made the decision easy.

    awwww totally accepted that *kitten*.......:laugh: :wink:
    Haha! You know me :laugh: :love:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I did get hit on by one guy though - that made the decision easy.

    i thought we agreed to just keep that as our little secret. :laugh:
  • fairygirl716
    I simply don't accept friend requests, unless I know them in real life.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I accept Everyone (female only). ( I am always afraid I will miss out on someone great even if they don't "know they are supposed" to leave a note with a FR)

    All new friends are on a trial only basis.

    People who do not interact are usually deleted within two weeks

    Agreed. . . . I am generally pretty open to friend requests. . . and honest about who I am. . .
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I did get hit on by one guy though - that made the decision easy.

    i thought we agreed to just keep that as our little secret. :laugh:
    If I'm coming out, you're coming with me!