Embarassing Food Confessions!!



  • juggalotus
    For all of you who would order 2 separate meals at the drive through, that was me....And it's sick! Another big thing of mine used to be going to the drive thru, but going to different locations everyday so the people who worked there wouldn't see you ordering on a regular basis.....That was a huge one of mine.

    I remember working the drive thru at KFC/Taco Bell (THAT JOB MADE ME FAT!!) and i remember we had a couple morbidly obese customers come in ALL THE TIME. They were regulars. And i always thought "damn, that's all for them? I see them all the time, this is all they eat!...No wonder they are fat!" And I can't help but to think this is what people think about me when I walk into any restaurant. Even if it's my monthly Chipotle visit. It's really sad to think that I let it get that bad :(

    I have control on my situation now, but everyday is a new temptation! There's always something....

    Working at KFC was a horrible, horrible thing for me too! I gained 100 pounds during my four years there!!!!!

    Honestly, most of this just makes me hungry. Eating until I felt sick was a triumph.

    I am in the same boat as you......I worked there for four years as well, and I gained around 100 lbs exactly.....I would eat popcorn chicken and biscuits like there was NO tomorrow. That job was SOOO bad for me, I wish i would have gotten out sooner :-/

    Gah! Biscuits! On days I opened, I'd make the cornbread, and have two pieces, still hot, with two butters, a honey, and a little pint of milk. Then for lunch I'd have a chicken breast, a leg, a mash, a mac & cheese, and I'd snack on hot wings all. day. long. I'd pretty much always have a pot pie for dinner. And all of the free Dr. Pepper I could stand. Gawd. I'm so so so happy to hear I'm not the only one that gained 25 pounds a year there! Good luck to you!

    Yeah girl, i feel you completely. Bad thing is, we had the taco bell part too....omg...so yeah....Didn't help that all the food was FREE and all the pop was FREE. They should not allow employees free food, anywhere! haha. good luck to you too!
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    It would be the norm for me to go to Sonic and order a combo meal (cheeseburger, fries, coke) AND a Sonic blast for dessert 3-4 times a week and eat the whole thing by myself. That was an extra 4000+ EACH WEEK just for the blast!!!!! I still crave them, but order a vanilla dish instead as my treat once or twice a month.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I use to down 2 double cheeseburgers, large fry and a shake like nothing. I think back to this and it sickens me.
    What's yours?

    Me too minus the shake. >_<
  • deex18
    deex18 Posts: 113 Member
    full tub of ben and jerrys... one sitting
  • azQmaster
    azQmaster Posts: 448 Member
    Asian buffet.......... enough said!
  • staceyGO
    At my worst, I could eat an entire pack of Double Stuf Oreos in a single day. And then, to keep my hubby from knowing what I'd done, I'd buy another pack to replace it & eat some of those, too!

    always.did.this. BAD.

    Boxes of cereal and things that come in bar form, triggers....ewie.

    And when I started working 2 jobs... sometimes on the way from one to the other.. 711, chocolate bars, 4 different ones so maybe they were for my fake family.. and timbits, and cookies... chocolate chip cookies.. big gooey ones.. oh I die. lol
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I used to live by THE best little drive up Chicago-food stand.

    I'd get a cheesy Italian beef, a chili cheese dog, and a regular fry...and sometimes a mint oreo shake with it.
    As one meal.

    At least once a week.
    Oh and me and the bf used to both get our "usual" and share this
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    I have literally sat down with a half gallon of ice cream....

    and not finished with it until it was gone. O_o

    Dont you know that Ice Cream is it's own food Group?
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    full tub of ben and jerrys... one sitting

    Solid recovery food after a night of drinking :) Been there, still do it from time to time :(
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Keep in mind i am *borderline* diabetic - according to my doctor.

    Chocolate ice cream, topped with caramel sauce, chocolate sauce and mini marshmallows. I did this this week.

    Now the real question is - if you do your "dirty eating" as i like to call it still - do you be completely honest and track it here.

    I know that i haven't! :embarassed:

    Come to terms and track it. Then it's not so Duuuuuuuuuuuuurty
  • akrebecca
    Another fav of mine was fresh bread (potato & rosemary!) & flavored dipping oil. I could (& have) eat half the loaf myself.
  • krbn2
    krbn2 Posts: 98 Member
    A dozen donuts.

    Now I can only handle three.
  • dkr55
    I am a sweet lover. I can skip the hamburgers and stuff but I used to eat a whole bowl of chocolate peanut butter Ice Cream, go back for a second bowl. Then have to have salt to balance out the sweets so I would eat 1/2 bag of nacho chips. Or I would eat a whole bag of chips and lawsons chip dip. (that stuff is the bomb.)
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    two Mcdonald filet-o-fish sandwiches, a large fry and a large diet coke and an 2 apple pies for dessert. ( 1 for .75 or 2 for 1.00 right?) I did this almost everyday for lunch, Mon - Fri for almost three years.
  • KassiV
    Whipped cream and a spoon...then I'd tell my boyfriend it "expired" and I threw it away whenever he noticed it was gone. :(
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    Carbs are my downfall. I use to go to Costco and get the croissants (12 count) and the whole thing would be gone by the next day. I don't keep a Costco card anymore. And bagels with cream cheese, oh yummy! I do let myself have one once a week! Now I don't "have" to have it. And the cookie dough....almost did that yesterday, but I resisted!
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member

    Bags and bags of chips.

    All kinds, I don't discriminate.

    Edited for typo.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    I truly thought I was the ONLY person who had such food issues. I "invented" the buy 2 sodas to go with whatever snacks I was buying so it looked like there was someone else in the car or someone else I was buying for... many times I'd say to the counter person "Oh, you're out of that? Oh, crap, I don't know what she would want instead... what other flavors do you have?" And then of course, since it was for me I'd have to just "guess" at what she might like.

    When I was in my early teens my father was obssessive about "his" foods... special thin wafer dark edged sugar cookies and his special ice cream... my sister and I would always sneak a cookie (they were SOOOOOOO good) --- and then realize we'd eaten too many so we HAD to eat the rest of the box, walk down to the grocery store (1 mile away) and walk back home (all before he got home) and eat however many were missing from the box in the first place so he wouldn't notice. (I'm guessing this is where my food issues started?)

    Good thing we never ran into the problem that the store was out of that particular cookie! :)

    I used to buy "2 for $1" items in the convenience store and then tell myself it was okay, no matter what it was, that it was $1, it was meant to be for one person... which of course meant the $1 menues were next on my list!

    2 double cheeseburgers, small fries.
    Chili, chicken nuggets and baked potato -- (it's all on the $1 menu!)
    A 12-inch sub from Sheetz and full on loaded nachos! Extra cheese!

    I haven't been to McDonalds or Wendys since I've been on MFP... Sheetz, I learned (before MFP) that I need to learn how much I can actually eat... because I would be too full and spend too much money for no reason.

    We're all here to teach ourselves better habits and to make better choices... I'm still learning, but I know that it's okay to have a couple slices of pizza every now and again... and if you're hungry enough for a loaded nachos, eat it, mark it down, exercise to help reduce your guilt and forget it.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Boxes of cereal. I've blasted through an entire box of cereal in one sitting. Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Honey Combs, Fruity Pebbles.. I am so glad I've learned some control. Actually, I just try to stay away from cereal in general now. It's not filling for me and most definitely empty calories from all of the sugar!

    As for the large pizza.. Papa Johns had their special during football season: $10 large pizza, plus a free topping for each touchdown our team made, and the toppings doubled when they won. I remember getting 10 toppings and eating the whole thing myself (and sometimes a couple slices from my boyfriend's pizza). We did this every Monday for a couple months.

    Now, I'll still eat pizza.. Sometimes even half of a large, but I make sure I work my *kitten* off enough to be able to afford it calorie-wise.

    Edit: And I forgot about half gallons of ice cream, and an entire box of Wheat Thins. Yikes.
  • sdwelk11
    So i just looked at the nutrition info for a whole jar of duncan hines chocolate frosting and by eating the whole jar I consumed
    1820 calories and 78 grams of fat!!!!!!! Wow!!!!!!! this was on top of the 3 huge meals I would eat each day on top of the frosting!