Embarassing Food Confessions!!



  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    Little Caesar's Hot and Ready. Would eat a bag and a half of crazy bread before I had 3/4 of a pizza.

    Ice cream for dessert.
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    Soo many bad choices I used to make! Id eat garbage food everyday ie: candy pastries cakes anything with sugar also fried foods or like going out to retaraunts it was nothing to get like chicken alfredo dish (big plate) and finish it..or pizza I could eat a whole one on my own or little debbie snacks I would eat a whole box if I knew I wouldn't get caught! I'm ashamed I'm even admitting that! That's my past that's not me anymore!
  • shagybear33
    A whole M&M Meat Shops Chicken Pot Pie.......... ugh
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Too much to name....i would also get either a double cheese burger and mcchicken or 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry.....then i upgraded to just one big angus burger and large fry....

    I would have at LEAST 1 liter of diet soda a day, and go a week without drinking actualy water.....

    i would go to 711 to get some food, and keep driving around until i didn't say anyone in there because i was embarrased at just buying food that late at night.....well not food, more like candy bars, a slurppe, and some nachos
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    When I worked nights at a supermarket I'd go next door to McDs & get a big mac, fries, coke & a chocolate sundae. Before I went on my dinner break I'd buy a chocolate bar to put in the sundae.

    ......And I wondered why I was putting on weight & had no energy!!??
  • CreativeRedhead
    I have been known to eat those king sized candy bars like they were going out of style. I still indulge every once in awhile, but just the regular sized ones these days.

    I've also been known to consume an entire frozen pizza for dinner with some chips on the side. :noway: I mean really, a whole pizza?

    Ice cream was my daily friend for awhile then I gave it up for a year of so. I only have it every couple of months now, just a small serving.
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    I used to make pillsbury cinnamon rolls.. the 8 pack and eat the whole thing myself for a snack.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    2 full plates of spaghetti, and then finish it off with ice cream.( Blue Bell Vanilla, man oh man, how could I have let it go on...........
  • jemko
    jemko Posts: 91 Member
    Ain't that the truth. Those are the devil. Drive by KK everyday to work.

    I thank God that I don't have to do that; I'm not sure I'd make it. Just thinking about it now has me wanting one so badly. Ugh.
  • richiefixo
    richiefixo Posts: 104 Member
    I used to order two 12" pizzas and wings and consume it all in one sitting!!!.............while watching tv or on my laptop offcourse! :)
  • jemko
    jemko Posts: 91 Member
    Reese's peanut butter eggs/pumpkins/christmas trees, etc. Those things are my downfall. I'd buy 3-4 6 packs a week and hide them in my room so my roommate didn't know my shame. I would do the 'eat all of something and replace it before anyone noticed' thing as well. I did so much secret eating it was ridiculous. I still WANT to do that, I'm just fighting the urges now rather than giving in.
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    One large Papa John’s pizza. I could probably even eat more if the self hate didn't get to me.

    THE BOMB (gas station burrito!) if anyone knows what I’m talking about then you'll know how bad that is!

    probably about two times a week (mostly the weekends) at night time I could eat 3 microwave corn dogs and 2 microwave burritos (plus dipping sauce. Like: Ranch, Ketchup, fast food dipping sauces) and that was a late night "snack" after dinner! I did this for about 3-5 months!

    Thank God I learned about calories!!! I could be huge right now if I kept those habits up!

    although i still will eat 4 slices of pizza. 6 if I’m not sober! :(
  • Cheez-its, by the box. The Costco-size box.

    This made me giggle....

    me too! hahah
  • angelabishop20
    I one time ate an on-cor family sized meal in a day. it was a poor time for us so in a day i had it for breakfast lunch and dinner.

    I am not a big soda drinker but i am a big coffee drinker. so i am probably replacing one with another. two a day usually

    pizza and pasta are two big demons for me, it's like once i start it's hard to stop.
    oh, and bueno y sano, they make these ginormous burritos and i can eat a "grande"..usually once i eat one, i am done for the rest of the day.

    the last fast food job i had i had actually lost 30 lbs, working with the food didn't make me want to eat, so maybe i should get into fast food again..j/k

    i probably have a lot more and hate to say that i am such a yo-yo eater. sitting at home i am not as active as i like which is why i signed up for the gym, right now i got a temporary job and i have never been a big eater while working so depending on how busy i am, really affects my eating.

    add me people, i will take hints on any tips you have
  • slavaheroyam
    This whole thread actually makes me feel really relieved. I'm not the only one with such skeletons in my closet.

    My big one was was probably the buying two value meals and pretending one was for another person although I'd try an even sneakier route and buy a regular value meal for like me, and then two kids' meals, make sure they came one with a soda and one with milk, and then ask for one to be a girl's toy and the other a boy's. Or I'd go to McDonald's and get like the Southern Style Chicken Sandwich, med fries, a sweet tea, two McChickens and a pack of cookies. I'd also drive around town and go to different fast food places so people wouldn't think of me as a regular.
    Baked goods are one of my biggest weaknesses. If someone was having a birthday or gave us something like a cake or pie, it wouldn't last through the night because I would find it. It got to the point that we'd throw away any leftover cake or pie because I'd go in and eat all the rest.
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    I would go to a drive thru on the way to work and get a meal combo and inhale it between the restaurant and my work, which was only like 5 miles! And then wehn we would order dinner at owrk (night shift) I would order a whole new meal even thought it was only like 2-3 hours later. And then about 2 am I would hit the snack machine. But I only drank water and diet soda so I thought it all evened out! No wonder I was over 300 punds at my highest weight!
  • Ireshgurl
    LIttle Ceaser's pepperoni pizza..... usually 4 pieces and half the bag of breadsticks.... wow. The calories.......
  • nikki_1979
    When going through the drive through, I would order 2 seperate value meals with 2 different drinks because I didn't want the drive through people to know that I was really ordering 2 hamburgers for myself. Or, I would order the hamburgers different ways (one with no pickles, one with no onions, etc) so they wouldn't think they were both for me.

    I can't believe I ever got that bad. Ugh.

    So glad I'm not the only person who thought that would work...lol
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    Fresh Einstein's bagels with cream cheese. 3-4 in a sitting. Betty Crocker Funfetti icing by the spoonful.

    When I was a kid, my dad would always give my skinny minny mom a hard time for eating anything unhealthy, so she would hide candy around the house and only eat it when he wasn't looking. My sister and I both kind of picked up this bad habit - we both hide candy from our significant others and sneak-eat it. My hubby caught me with a bag of hershey kisses once...I think he cared more that I was hiding it from him than the fact that I was eating it.
  • dwnlynn
    Buying a Cheeseburger and fries from a Coney Island when I work at a produce company. All the fruits and veggies I want just on the other side of a door.