New 30ds challenge and lose 10lbs by Halloween.



  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    I am in! About to go downstairs and do day 5 of level one here in a few mins. So count me in! I have been looking for someone to do this with for support. I have a dress fitting for my wedding gown on Oct 20th. So hoping to get down 10lbs or at least loose the inches to get down to a size 10
  • luvmybee
    luvmybee Posts: 58 Member
    Do you work out every day with the 30ds? Is it the same workout every day? I am very curious. Thank you!
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    Do you work out every day with the 30ds? Is it the same workout every day? I am very curious. Thank you!

    I dont know about every one else. But after day 2 I was so sore that I had to take a day off I literally could barely walk. I think the goal after that is to do it every day for 30 days. Some people day a day of rest here or there and complete it in like 33 days. It is not the same work out every day. You do level 1 for 10 days then progress to level 2 and do it for 10 days then level 3 for 10 days. I am on day 5 of level 1 and it was still tough for me but starting to get a little easier. So while I let the sweat dry tonight I watched level 2 to get a sneak peak at what is ahead of me. It looks tough lol. But I can see how it will get results. I already see results :)
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    yeah it's the same workout for ten days, then another work out for another 10 and so on. progressively getting harder. I HATE level 3, i really don't like it at all :( I think that is the reason I quit before I finished the full 30 days last time.

    I felt like I had been hit by a bus for about 5 days, I couldn't walk up the stairs my calf muscles hurt so bad lol and my shoulders ached like mad. but it doesn't last forever, I just pushed through it and carried on, with lots of whingeing haha.

    I am gonna start it this monday coming. 26th.

    Last time I did it, I took the odd day off (nursing a hangover and trying to jump around doesn't mix well with me lol)
  • want_it_25
    want_it_25 Posts: 219 Member
    I'm in. I have never made it past level 2. So this time I am going to finish all 3 levels.
  • hecallsmeroses
    great video and a good challenge. I am on level 1 and day 8 but I don't feel ready to go to level 2 yet so I will be throwing in an alternate jillina dvd to change things up a little bit. It is a great workout and just push through the soreness.

    I recommend taking a one day rest early on if your just starting out because you may get very sore. My 4th day wa a rest day because my legs hurt so bad that I went for a nice long walk just to move the muscles and then the next day I was ready to get into it again.
  • Tishabell
    Tishabell Posts: 6 Member
    HI ;;

    I am new to this but would love to join in.

    Where do you get the work out from ? Need to lose weight about 15 pounds in total.
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    I got mine on amazon for £5 x

    I'm going to take a before photo tomorrow, then another after the 30 days, as well as measurements. be great to see some massive differences that way, as I didn't lose and LBS last time I did it, but did lose many inches. can't wait to be transformed! :D
  • Geordie_Girl
    Geordie_Girl Posts: 175 Member
    I'm a bit scared to take photos. Will take measurements though.
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    I'm a bit scared to take photos. Will take measurements though.

    Do it sis, you don't have to post them, but at least you will be able to look back and 'see' the change yourself. :)
  • Geordie_Girl
    Geordie_Girl Posts: 175 Member
    LOL aye ok then, I'll get DH to take them.
  • Madiann
    Madiann Posts: 177
    I would love to join your group, because it was a goal for me already! I just bought the "ripped in 30 days" by JM.
  • odessablondie
    odessablondie Posts: 76 Member
    Just finished L1 D2... my calves are KILLING me. LOL
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    I just don't understand it. I don't know how anyone can do it. LOL I did the first day of level 1 yesterday and today I can not lift my arms. I was up all night in pain, every single time I tried to roll over in my sleep I would wake up from the pain in my arms/chest. I am not sure if it was from the pushups (I only managed to do 5 of the girly ones!) or the fact that I used 5lb weights? But it is terrible. There is no way in heck I could even do the warm up arm circles today. No way!

    My legs don't hurt much at all, probably because I walk a lot already and do the elliptical often, but OMG my arms/chest are just killing me. I don't ever do anything with my arms so I guess that is why. Seriously, I had a very hard time driving to work today, turning the wheel was so painful!
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    I just don't understand it. I don't know how anyone can do it. LOL I did the first day of level 1 yesterday and today I can not lift my arms. I was up all night in pain, every single time I tried to roll over in my sleep I would wake up from the pain in my arms/chest. I am not sure if it was from the pushups (I only managed to do 5 of the girly ones!) or the fact that I used 5lb weights? But it is terrible. There is no way in heck I could even do the warm up arm circles today. No way!

    My legs don't hurt much at all, probably because I walk a lot already and do the elliptical often, but OMG my arms/chest are just killing me. I don't ever do anything with my arms so I guess that is why. Seriously, I had a very hard time driving to work today, turning the wheel was so painful!

    LoL I'm with you on this one, I remember the last time I did it, I seriously felt like I'd been hit by a bus! everywhere hurt.. my arms/chest/shoulders were total agony. it doesn't last forever, by week 2 it should be loads better! It's been ages since the last time I did 30ds so I imagine I'm gonna feel the same way I did once I start.... not looking forward to that but looking forward to the inch loss!! lol x

    No pain No Gain!!! :D
  • asalembier
    asalembier Posts: 124 Member
    I just don't understand it. I don't know how anyone can do it. LOL I did the first day of level 1 yesterday and today I can not lift my arms. I was up all night in pain, every single time I tried to roll over in my sleep I would wake up from the pain in my arms/chest. I am not sure if it was from the pushups (I only managed to do 5 of the girly ones!) or the fact that I used 5lb weights? But it is terrible. There is no way in heck I could even do the warm up arm circles today. No way!

    My legs don't hurt much at all, probably because I walk a lot already and do the elliptical often, but OMG my arms/chest are just killing me. I don't ever do anything with my arms so I guess that is why. Seriously, I had a very hard time driving to work today, turning the wheel was so painful!

    My arms aren't strong enough to support my weight for the push ups, so I try the best I can to stick with it. I use 3 lb weights, perhaps try something like that, or soup cans... in the beginning to work your way up

    I keep attempting and giving up.. this time I am going to push myself to continue and work through it... I need all the help and support I can get to make it work
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    I just don't understand it. I don't know how anyone can do it. LOL I did the first day of level 1 yesterday and today I can not lift my arms. I was up all night in pain, every single time I tried to roll over in my sleep I would wake up from the pain in my arms/chest. I am not sure if it was from the pushups (I only managed to do 5 of the girly ones!) or the fact that I used 5lb weights? But it is terrible. There is no way in heck I could even do the warm up arm circles today. No way!

    My legs don't hurt much at all, probably because I walk a lot already and do the elliptical often, but OMG my arms/chest are just killing me. I don't ever do anything with my arms so I guess that is why. Seriously, I had a very hard time driving to work today, turning the wheel was so painful!

    For me I think I need 5 lbs weights for my arms becouse I carry around stacks of dirty plates and plates full of heavy food at work all day and my arms were barely sore. But my legs, omg I kept falling every time I tried to sit down or get up and after day 2 i could barely walk I am still sore when I do the work out. But today after work I am going to do L1D7. Good luck. If it hurts that means it is making you stronger and doing its job
  • Geordie_Girl
    Geordie_Girl Posts: 175 Member
    I'm not sure I'm going to be able to start tomorrow. I'd forgotten that my son has a hospital appointment which is going to mean the ENTIRE day spent travelling :frown: . I think I'll have to start on Tuesday instead. Damn it. :grumble:

    Ah well, I'll still be there with you all, just one day later LOL
  • Dessertstressed
    ok - am on another 30DS challenge but will join here as well.

    Wil even take photos and measurements this time :smile:

    Combining 30 DS with 17 Day Diet and MAYBE (!) C25K, if I can fit it in.

    Aim is to hit 52 Kilos by 6th Nov.

    Haven't been logging food in ages so must start that too.

    You'd know it's a Sunday evening by my great intentions for a new week. Here we go again.
  • Dessertstressed
    ok - am on another 30DS challenge but will join here as well.

    Wil even take photos and measurements this time :smile:

    Combining 30 DS with 17 Day Diet and MAYBE (!) C25K, if I can fit it in.

    Aim is to hit 52 Kilos by 6th Nov.

    Haven't been logging food in ages so must start that too.

    You'd know it's a Sunday evening by my great intentions for a new week. Here we go again.