New 30ds challenge and lose 10lbs by Halloween.



  • loopylis
    loopylis Posts: 116 Member
    Count me in! I was actually just going to post to see if anyone wanted to start tomorrow, I have never got past L1 day 6 before :( but I am also doing the Christmas Challenge, and my other goal (aside from my target weight by Christmas) was to complete the 30DS. I need the motivation of others doing it at the same time and level as me to keep me going!
    Im planning on doing it first thing tomorrow morning, getting up bright and early to do it then jump straight in the shower so hopefully I dont ache so much for the rest of the day!
  • Madiann
    Madiann Posts: 177
    The more I think about it, I'm going to Wal-Mart tomorrow and buying the 30DS. Then I can do the 30DR. This way I will be doing axactly what all of you are doing. Have to find my measuring tape also!
  • Pinnagerjaggin
    I'm in. I too want to lose a good amount of weight before halloween. I started doing it but I didn't have any weights but yesterday I bought weights and got remotivated. I think this'll be good.
  • Bovaryoo
    Bovaryoo Posts: 1,374 Member
    I did level one for 10 days but then wimped out after day 2 of level two. (I haven't done it for a week). This is a good excuse to restart with level one, and I hope level 2 will be a bit easier for me this go around!
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    I'm in. I lost track of how many times I've started this friggin workout but I'm hoping this challenge will help me FINALLY stick to it and finish it. I'd love to say I actually did it and I know this workout delivers great results! And my birthday is right before Halloween so I'd love to be 10 lbs lighter when I turn 24. :smile: Great challenge!
  • AquaAura
    Damn if y'all all in then I'm in too !! I've never made it past level one !! I wanna fit a costume for halloween its birthday party time :D.
  • charlottebronte
    ... or the fact that I used 5lb weights? But it is terrible. There is no way in heck I could even do the warm up arm circles today. No way!

    Yikes!! 5 lb weights?? Back down to 2 or 3 lb weights to start. Then you'll be able to function the next day even though you will still be sore!
  • GoCanada
    GoCanada Posts: 92 Member
    Definitely in on this too!
  • Pinnagerjaggin
    How are we counting this in our exercise log? I looked and there's no '30 day shred' exercise. Is there any comparable exercise we can list it as?
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    L1D7 finished.

    and like always when I start going to the gym and working out. Instead of loosing weight I have gained a lb. And I know it isnt what I am eating. And before when this happened to me I was eating my exercise calories back. But this time, since it is such a low calorie burn *only 200 instead of the usual 450-600 I usually burn at the gym* I decided to experiment and NOT eat them back and still gained a lb. When I finish level 1 I am going to take measurements again and see if at least I loose inches. It does seem like the little spare tire is disappearing. *sigh* is frustrating when the scale doesn't move though.
  • loopylis
    loopylis Posts: 116 Member
    L1 Day 1 done!! My legs feel like jelly now! But I got up at 7am to do the shred, had a quick shower and I feel great now, feel wide awake and ready for the day!
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    DAY 1 Level 1 : DONE :D

    I didn't really think I could be bothered, my littlest boy has had us up all night, so had about 2 hours sleep.... but, I decided NO EXCUSES! I made sure I did my shred in front of a mirror, with a crop top on, so I could SEE why I was doing it lol wibble wobble!

    I reckon my arms are gonna be sore tomorrow haha.

    I log this as 'circuit training' Pinnagerjaggin.

    I forgot to take some pics yesterday so will do them today as well as taking measurements and a weigh in. After todays weigh in, I am going to give my scales to my mam so I can't weigh again till the 30 days are up (I'm a bugger for weighing myself everyday!)

    Keep up the good work everyone! :)
  • abellamom
    abellamom Posts: 12 Member
    Day 1 done!
  • odessablondie
    odessablondie Posts: 76 Member
    I finished L1 D3 last night. Almost didn't fit it in but decided there were no excuses. I really need to get some heavier weights. My little 1 lb walking weights aren't cutting it. I think I'm going to run out at lunch and pick up some 3 lb weights. Don't think I'm ready for 5 lb just yet. That'd likely kill me. LOL :)

    Good job everyone! Keep it up!
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    Level 1, Day 1 done :wink:
  • Geordie_Girl
    Geordie_Girl Posts: 175 Member
    L1D1 Done :happy:

    :sad: (see that, that's not tears, that's sweat! LOL, I. AM. KNACKERED!!!!!)
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    sweat is just fat crying ;) aw boohoo poor fat go bother someone else! :D
  • Geordie_Girl
    Geordie_Girl Posts: 175 Member
    sweat is just fat crying ;) aw boohoo poor fat go bother someone else! :D

  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Today is Day 1 and I'm ready to start. I bought the video over the weekend and also a few hand weights. I still need to take pictures and redo measurements.
    On days that daughter does not have practice, she is going to do the videos with me. So we may extend each Level out 2-3 days so that she gets the same number of workouts per level. And it won't hurt me to throw in a few extra each week.
  • Pinnagerjaggin
    Day 1 Done.

    Is everyone going to workout straight through? I was planning on utilizing some break days and finish closer to halloween time.

    I did it using 3 lb weights and it was pretty difficult for me. And on that note I noticed people saying they' were using 5 lbs. Wow! good job!