What size is too big for a bikini?



  • kel9680
    kel9680 Posts: 173 Member
    I sometimes wish people would consider what age they should stop wearing bikinis, rather what size.

    I don't think there should be an age, if an older person has a rockin body that they are proud of why shouldn't they be able to show it off!! I hope that when I'm old I still have the confidence to wear one!!
  • AliDarling
    id say what ever you feel comfortable in. a lot say size 12, i'm a 16, 12 isnt too far off but i dont think id feel comforable untill im in the 170's
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    i imagine everyone will have a different opinion! i have seen so many different shapes and sizes in bikinis... honestly i think its the wearers choice, but please no thongs!!! i hate when i go to the pool and the old, chunky lady wearing a thong has to bend over frequently in front of my 5 yr old... unfortunately modesty and shapely bodies aren't the only types out there.
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    For me, when I was 150 lbs and about a size 8 I did, now that I'm 180 lbs, and about a size 14 absolutely not. As for what other people wear, I could care less.
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    As long as the persons comfortable, I don't see a problem.

    If they're not something I wanna be looking at, I won't.

    ^^^This!!! There's a lot of people walking around in bikinis that probably should not be, but if they feel confident then who am I to stay what they can and can't wear? I personally have never worn one in my life and it'll take a while before I feel confident enough to.
  • chantell7
    chantell7 Posts: 167 Member
    I think its all about dressing for your size, so if your a 16 maybe a sexy one suit would b more flattering . But than Again if bigger girls have the confidence to wear a bikini "go girl I say" if people don't like it they don't have to look =)
  • IndigoVA
    IndigoVA Posts: 164 Member
    As long as the person is comfortable wearing it, I don't think there's any age or weight limit.

    I personally quit wearing one when I got above a size 8, and that was pre-kids. Now, after having 2 kids, I don't think I'd wear one even if I got down to a size 2, unless there were some plastic surgery involved.
  • Multistyles
    Its all about proportion, this question is hard to answer without sounding shallow or judgmental
  • katecotton
    katecotton Posts: 6 Member
    no size is too big for a bikini in my opinion, as long as you feel good then nothing else matters. its all about body confidence, if you have that then you can where whatever you like x
  • redhead91
    Hopefully one day I'll have the confidence for one! I really don't care if someone else wears one and they're "big". Other people's fat doesn't disgust me as long as it's not too too bad! I just want to have the confidence some day.....
  • sdwelk11
    I sometimes wish people would consider what age they should stop wearing bikinis, rather what size.
    I agree!! Got a friend that is in her mid forties and she is still trying to pull off this look. She isn't in shape anymore and still tries to wear the bikinis from when she was in shape... To each their own I say. If you are comfortable enough in your own skin then wear but don't get mad or insulted if someone makes fun of you because there are mean people out there that have no idea what you have been thru.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I sometimes wish people would consider what age they should stop wearing bikinis, rather what size.

    So what age do you think is the cutoff for wearing a bikini? Just curious. Because Im 44yo and wear a bikini.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I think it's as big as you feel comfortable when wearing one yourself.
    That being said, I don't much care to look at some people in bikinis. But that's my problem, not theirs.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    Size 12 is about the limit in my opinion. i think a bikini is only for small people, young people, or very smooth, toned people if they are a bit bigger (like 14+).

    i wouldn't ever wear a bikini again, not in this lifetime. Gravity, stretch marks, c-sections and pregnancy have all got the best of me, and even when i get to my goal weight, the boobs and the excess skin will be an issue.

    to be honest, nothing looks worse than fat overhang, or even loose skin overhang, wobbly cellulite, old stretch marks etc... less is not always more. you look at some seriously hot chicks, they don't always have everything all out there and flaunted. You can see, even with clothes on, that they are hot. they don't need all their skin out.

    I just hate all these new cut out bathers that are available at the moment, so many people shouldn't wear them and do.

    Also, age is an issue, there is this chick at the gym why wears bra tops and short shorts to the gym and she is seriously old, she is sooooo fit, and sooooo thin, but the wrinkles, look terrible. she would wear a really nice fitted tank and look awesome for her age, instead she wears near nothing and shows her age.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    People can wear whatever they want. I seriously don't care.
  • sdwelk11
    I sometimes wish people would consider what age they should stop wearing bikinis, rather what size.

    So what age do you think is the cutoff for wearing a bikini? Just curious. Because Im 44yo and wear a bikini.

    gonna have to say that the 70+ year old woman at the local Walmart that was wearing a bikini top and daisy dukes really needs a reality check because there was nothing attractive about old saggy wrinkly skin in that outfit! in her defense I think she was a little mentally off.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I think personally that there is more of a proportion size issue then actual waist size. Size 12 is a good place to start for waist size but if you have huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge boobs or back fat or anything I wouldn't recommend it. I won't wear one personally because I think my chest is a bit large yet and I have fat under my arms and a bit of back fat I wouldn't want to show. But I'm not losing out on anything. I have a super cute sporty tankini to wear that covers stuff up, looks girly, and isn't a one piece. :)
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    A size 18 is too big for me right now, but that's the only one I have for the time being, I'd probably buy a size 16 so it fit, but it's already fall and all that....


    As long as you have the confidence to walk out on to that beach in your bikini, I don't give a fvck what size you are. Wear it like you own that beach/pool/hot tub.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I wear a bikini... and I'm maybe a 12-14, however built like an athlete... I don't think there is one size, but more how well it "flatters" your figure. The deal breaker for me is when I start seeing your stomach folds down by your nethers... it's time to cover up.
  • dckim
    dckim Posts: 311 Member
    Too big if people around you start walking away. Similar to fat dudes wearing speedos. :noway: