AWESOME POSSUMS......10 Wks and 20lbs (CLOSED GROUP)



  • bigchid88
    here is a little quote that i look to when i feel down. Hopefully it will help you all as we continue this journey to a healthier us.

    "You have failed only when you quit trying. Until then, you're still in the act of progression, so never quit trying and you'll never be a failure." -Tommy Kelley
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    How you eat is far more important than exercise! Good plan! :)

    I worked out all week, some days twice and didn't lose at all. I wasn't tracking food though. Well yesterday I exercised twice and have 200 cal added for breast feeding and still barely made my goal sooooo I can see what my problem was all week. I was probably over eating thinking I had room from the exercise. UGH.
    Today was a great day for food...

    Monitored my hunger level and planned my day to avoid making bad decisions...

    It was difficult for me not to work out (huh?!) but I need to concentrate on my food right now as i have been consistent with working out and have only managed to lose 7 pounds since June (plateau from hell anyone?)

    Wishing everyone a great night!

    E xo
  • cccgrillo
    cccgrillo Posts: 42 Member
    Sorry I didn't check in yesterday, I was in Disney! Talk about diet sabotage! I tried to sticknto salads for lunch and chicken for dinner. I maintained my weight, thanks to lots of walking and a 13 mile run! Still at 165, hopefully back on track today and losing 2 lbs this week!
  • reese1206
    reese1206 Posts: 229