

  • tartz66
    tartz66 Posts: 75 Member
    QOTD Friday 9/30/11: When do you find that you are at your weakest point during your weight loss journey. How do you get around it? What ARE your weakest points?

    I am a little behind. We have family here so it has been hard for me to get on.

    I am at my weakest point when it is my time of the month. I crave a lot of sweets!! My weakness is sweets for sure. The only way I can over come it is to not have it in the house.
  • tartz66
    tartz66 Posts: 75 Member
    QOTD Saturday October 1- Today marks the end of week 1. How has being in the star challenge affected your journey this week?

    I have met new friends and I think it has really helped me to have a team buddy. Sarah and I have been pretty committed messaging each other and giving each other support. I also feel that being on a challenge group has helped be accountable. Although I have not lost much this week, being on this challenge has kept me going and wanting to strive to do better.
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    QOTD Saturday October 1- Today marks the end of week 1. How has being in the star challenge affected your journey this week?

    Great question! Well I have been so focused this week. If I even thought about going off plan I stopped and thought but what about my team - what would they do or what would they say and I knew that I would be encouraged not to lose focus.
    This has been a great week and I am really looking forward to the weeks to come as we all get closer to being new STARS!

    Thank you all for your support and encouragement!!
  • Andrewmm29
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    QOTD Saturday October 1- Today marks the end of week 1. How has being in the star challenge affected your journey this week?

    It has been a big help because I don't want to let my partner down! So I am trying extra hard these days to make good choices and when I do make bad ones I just try to limit them and move on. Without a partner I would most likely give up on the whole day if I made one bad choice. And the support has been so great!
  • nenabug
    nenabug Posts: 156
    QOTD Saturday October 1- Today marks the end of week 1. How has being in the star challenge affected your journey this week?

    It's helped me to be more focused and to make it more of a priority to track consistenly. Plus it's given me a push to want to workout daily and not drag my team down. I committed and want to hold up my end of the bargain. I love the accountability and my team mate is freaking awesome! It's nice having some outside support.

    Here's to another great week to come!
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    QOTD Saturday October 1- Today marks the end of week 1. How has being in the star challenge affected your journey this week?

    The start challenge has defintely influenced me this week. It's helping keeping my on track. Checking in more frequently, always thinking about the team and being positive.
  • Kaesize6
    I feel a lil more motivated. I find myself pushing myself just a lil further
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    QOTD Friday 9/30/11: When do you find that you are at your weakest point during your weight loss journey. How do you get around it? What ARE your weakest points?

    I am at my weakest points during te weekends when I get around my friends. Sometimes I seem to fall back into bad eating habits. I am also at weak points when I get depressed about other areas of my life.

    I get around it by staying positive and using my weight loss to inspire other parts of my life. Today I brougt my own cooler so I didn't eat bad all day. I just ate one meal like tat.

    My weakest points are definitely some of my friends and my family.

    QOTH: 10/1/2011: How has this challenge really affected your life?
    I feel like I have to do well because I ave someone depending on. me. It also feels good to have someone to talk about this journey with that I know is going through the same thing. I have support.
    I feel like I have to work harder.
  • Eatone1
    Eatone1 Posts: 105 Member
    QOTD Saturday October 1- Today marks the end of week 1. How has being in the star challenge affected your journey this week?

    I've really enjoyed the communication and having like-minded people to encourage one another daily. It motivates me to get little "nice jobs, etc..." when I post an exercise or stay under in my calories. I also enjoy sending messages to my partner. This challenge is fantastic!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    QOTD Saturday October 1- Today marks the end of week 1. How has being in the star challenge affected your journey this week?

    I have been ridiculously busy this week between moving and work, and this has really helped me with daily accountability (although sorry sboo, I haven't been as good on messages as I could be)
  • prizmaa
    prizmaa Posts: 62 Member
    QOTD Saturday October 1- Today marks the end of week 1. How has being in the star challenge affected your journey this week?

    It has helped hold me accountable and I have made much better choices!! :D
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    QOTD Sunday October 2 - Although they are ALL important and memorable, what is the MOST memorable NSV since you have started your weight loss journey?

    For me it was last month when I went to get my drivers license renewed and they took my picture and the computer compared to previous picture (guess this is something to do for fraud purposes) and the computers said "this is not a match". So I had to show other forms of ID and explain I had lost weight and that I was a match (but not the same person - inside).

    Ladies - I have really enjoyed this challange and it has kept me focused on the plan at hand this week. Thank you ALL especially my team mate jnell! Good luck and I hope you all have a blessed week!
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    QOTD Sunday October 2 - Although they are ALL important and memorable, what is the MOST memorable NSV since you have started your weight loss journey?

    On Friday this week I went to my sons highschool band concert. For the first time in about 10 years I didn't touch the sides of the small auditorium seats with my butt when I sat down! It felt so crazy to just sit down and not touch! I was so much more comfortable and didn't feel like I was gross and spilling over into the next person!

  • mariahhatfield
    QOTD Sunday October 2 - Although they are ALL important and memorable, what is the MOST memorable NSV since you have started your weight loss journey?

    I haven't experienced that special moment yet (I'm sure I will soon enough), but I do love the feeling of my clothes fitting just that much looser. It makes all my hard work worth it!
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    QOTD Sunday October 2 - Although they are ALL important and memorable, what is the MOST memorable NSV since you have started your weight loss journey?

    Well this was actually before I got off track at the begining of the summer. I went from a size 22/24 to a size 18/20. I wore a size 20 jean for the first time in over 5 years. This was really exciting for me. Unfortunately now I am squeezing into those jeans. But with the help of the challenge I'm sure I will be fitting them again in no time.
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    QOTD Sunday October 2 - Although they are ALL important and memorable, what is the MOST memorable NSV since you have started your weight loss journey?

    Well, there are two recent ones - Getting into my size 6 jeans ( I don't remember when I could rock a size 6 since junior high) and having our guitar player tell me he thinks I'm really hot now (he's young and handsome and it made my day)!
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    So i just ready through the other posts, and I must say, you are a very inspiring group. I am very lucky to be part of it and I can't wait to see your successes through this short journey. Some of you are just starting your journey, and some are close to the end. This is an amazing time for all of us as we re-discover our self's through personal reflection, weight loss, friend therapy etc...

    i feel so blessed! THANK YOU ALL! and Thanks to my very cool team partner!
  • ChatSournois
    QOTD Sunday October 2 - Although they are ALL important and memorable, what is the MOST memorable NSV since you have started your weight loss journey?

    I am going to say that finding all that energy to workout every morning last week was my nsv. I hope to see a lot more in the next few weeks. I love checking out the Success Stories on MFP so this is a great question-looking forward to reading everyone's replies.
  • 6eighteen11
    QOTD Sunday October 2 - Although they are ALL important and memorable, what is the MOST memorable NSV since you have started your weight loss journey?

    At work Friday, I discovered I can pull my pants up and down without unbuttoning them! LOL, for the rest of the day, whenever I went to the bathroom I did it, just because I could.