

  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    QOTH Tuesday: What are your top 3 reasons for losing weight and what is one thing you are going to do once you lose it?

    GREAT question - love it!!

    1. to have more confidence and be who i feel like inside
    2. to be as healthy as possible
    3. to set an example for my child(ren)

    Thing I will do:

    I really want ot have a boudoir shoot done! i have always wnated to try it but never felt confindent in front of a camera - let alone with next to nothing on! lol.
    Also i would like to run a half marathon or a whole one!
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    QOTD Tuesday 9/27/11: What are your top 3 reasons for losing weight and what is one thing you are going to do once you lose it?

    1. I don't want to be bigger than my husband. This is nuts because he is 6'2" and 165 lbs, but I want to weigh less than him. I want to feel smaller than him.
    2. I want to be able to wear anything in my closet without worrying that it won't fit, and for that matter, I want to go shopping and buy things without agonizing over them in the fitting room.
    3. I want to be happy when I look in the mirror

    Thing I will do:
    I want to get pictures taken. I'm not sure what kind of pictures, but something. I don't have many pictures of my husband and I (except on our cruises).
  • ChatSournois
    QOTD Tuesday 9/27/11: What are your top 3 reasons for losing weight and what is one thing you are going to do once you lose it?

    1. Last year's holiday photos were bad and this year's are just the same. I'm sick of hiding my stomach in photos, either with my arm or bag or my kid!.
    2. I am tired of thinking that I only 'deserve' frumpy clothes. I used to wear nice clothes and they're all hanging inthe wardrobe gathering dust. If I could just shake the weight off, I wouldn't need to buy anything new for a long time.
    3. I want to eat healthier. I always seem to feel tired. I want to be one of those people that you see running when the sun is just coming out.

    Thing I will do: Book a beach holiday for next Summer and spend every waking hour of the day of that holiday playing with my son on the a bikini..and not holding my stomach in!
  • nenabug
    nenabug Posts: 156
    QOTD Tuesday 9.27.11: What are your top 3 reasons for losing weight and what is one thing you are going to do once you lose it?

    1. Be healthy and have the strongest body possible
    2. Believe that I am good enough and strong enough to change family culture/behavior
    3. Hopefully reverse some health problems

    One Thing I'll Do After Losing: Take dance classes with my hubs!
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    Love it! I've always wanted to take Ballroom Dancing (like on Dancing with the Stars!)
  • jereedy1089
    jereedy1089 Posts: 15 Member
    Tuesday 9/27/11: What are your top three reasons for losing weight and what is one thing you are going to do once you lose it?

    1. I want to be the always happy, fun, confident and outgoing girl that I usually am and not let the weight hold me back from being myself
    2. I want to be able to put on anything and look great in it! Especially a bikini!
    3. I want to get back into shape and get fit so I can play soccer again!

    When I lose this weight....

    I am going to buy a new wardrobe! And then I am going to go on vacation with my wonderful boyfriend and show off my hot, new body to him! And I am going to sign up to play on a soccer league!
  • Tiffany517
    Tiffany517 Posts: 117 Member
    QOTD Tuesday 9/27/11: What are your top 3 reasons for losing weight and what is one thing you are going to do once you lose it?

    1. Feel better about myself, since gaining weight i really don't like to do the things we (boyfriend and I) used to do just not cmforable in my own skin...
    2. Have the enegry to do things with my kids especailly my son who is eight and loves to stay active running around all the time, which helps when we are walking the track and he says mom lets run =)
    3. For my clothes to fit better and feel more healthy

    When i lose this weight ....

    i am going shopping and i am going on vacation as a reward one where i wont have to crop myself out because i look horrible!!!
  • 6eighteen11
    QOTH Tuesday: What are your top 3 reasons for losing weight and what is one thing you are going to do once you lose it?

    1. To re-gain my confident and outgoing personality
    2. To fit into all my favorite clothes sitting in my basement (and that INCLUDES my bikini)
    3. To be more active

    I have a friend who does "rock the dress" photo shoots, which is where you do a photo shoot in your wedding dress. You know those photos where people put on their old jeans to show how much weight they've lost? I'm going to rock how much weight I've lost since my wedding!
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    I have a friend who does "rock the dress" photo shoots, which is where you do a photo shoot in your wedding dress. You know those photos where people put on their old jeans to show how much weight they've lost? I'm going to rock how much weight I've lost since my wedding!

    that sounds brilliant!! ive never heard of that before! lol.
  • mariahhatfield
    QOTH Tuesday: What are your top 3 reasons for losing weight and what is one thing you are going to do once you lose it?

    - I am a collegiate athlete, so I would love to be able to improve my performance, stamina, and endurance. It's hard to be the "big girl" on the team.
    - I want to feel confident and feel good about the way I look.
    - I want to inspire others (my family) to lose weight.

    I'm going to buy cute clothes for the first time!
  • legacysh
    QOTH Tuesday: What are your top 3 reasons for losing weight and what is one thing you are going to do once you lose it?

    1) My health
    2) My stage presence
    3) My overall feelings of self-worth

    I have almost acheived my goal, I celebrated with a new wardrobe already. I think my final present to myself will be new Head shots. But mostly my goal is to keep it off.
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    QOTD Tuesday Sept 27: What are your top 3 reasons for losing weight and what is one thing you are going to do once you lose it?

    1. To be healthy
    2. To have more energy
    3. To just be an all around better person (cause I feel better about ME!)

    The one thing I would love to do once I get there is to go on a romatic vacation with my hubby - of course I am out of work and the economy stinks so I may have to make it an weekender in the next county but hey that works too!
  • jnell82
    jnell82 Posts: 136
    QOTH Tuesday: What are your top 3 reasons for losing weight and what is one thing you are going to do once you lose it?

    1. I want to be healthier for my children
    2. I want to feel and look better
    3. I want my confidence back

    Once I lose the weight, I plan on being me again. I definitely plan on maintaining the weight and staying where I am comfortable. Maybe I will even buy a bikini :)
    hello ladies, well I had to revise our team list. I moved some people around so please see the update below. I'm sorry for the changes but someone drop out of the challenge and I didn't want anyone to be without a partner.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.



    Team by starsnyc21, on Flickr
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    QOTH Tuesday: What are your top 3 reasons for losing weight and what is one thing you are going to do once you lose it?

    1) I want to look amazing in any clothing styles I want to buy - or at best I want to look *okay* in any clothing styles even though some will always be less flattering. I want to fit into more stylish things like designer jeans and ted baker dresses.

    2) I love being fit- I want to be able to drop and do pushups whenever I want (ok I can already do this but I want to do more of htem) and reach up and do a pullup at the park whenever I want (cannot do this!). I want the remaining loose puffy fat around my arms and back gone (I am getting close to this ladies, huge improvements here).

    3) ................I have no idea.

    Once I lose it I'm gonna go on maintenance and do that for a few weeks or a month and make sure everything is ok and THEN I'm gonna go buy some clothes.
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    QOTD Tuesday 9.27.11: What are your top 3 reasons for losing weight and what is one thing you are going to do once you lose it?

    1. To be emotional, physically and spiritual healthy.
    2. To set an example for my family and my friends.
    3. I want to look good to myself when I look in the mirror.

    The 2nd part of the question is a good one. I haven't really decided what I'm going to do when I lose this weight. I'm hoping to finally be walking down the aisle and having a baby honestly. Who knows what the future holds:flowerforyou: .
  • Wfortner
    Wfortner Posts: 77 Member
    QOTD Tuesday 9/27/11: What are your top 3 reasons for losing weight and what is one thing you are going to do once you lose it?

    1...I want to be healthy
    2...I want to look and feel better in my 40s than I did in my 30s
    3...I want to be a good example/inspiration to others...especially my children

    When I reach my goal I wanna go shopping for a new wardrobe and go out somewhere with my hubby....uh, and NO children...looking and feeling self confident and fabulous!!
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What are your top 3 reasons for losing weight and what is one thing you are going to do once you lose it?

    1. So, I can keep up with my 3 yr olds.
    2. So, I can live longer and feel better.
    3. So, I can have fun shopping again, right now it sucks.

    One thing I want to do when I lose this weight is go shopping, and try on clothes for my husband. :blushing:

    Nice question...
  • Eatone1
    Eatone1 Posts: 105 Member
    Sorry gals for being behind on the QOT*Day*---somehow *day* translated to *week* in my brain! lol Anyways----QOTD Tuesday: What are your top 3 reasons for losing weight and what is one thing you are going to do once you lose it?

    Here are my top reasons:
    1) I want to be a useful disciple of Christ.....the Bible says that in everything we do we should do it to glorify God....I want my body to be a holy temple for Christ

    2) My mom & aunt have struggled with obesity their whole lives....I want our family legacy to change....I don't want to be obese 10 years from now

    3) I want to fit into my clothes and FEEL good in them. I want to FEEL sexy for my husband!

    Once I lose the weight, I think I'll just go "shopping" in my closet. I have soooo many cute clothes that I would love to wear again.
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    Wow! Gosh darnit! I'm already behind! I will answer the questions once I logon at home. I'm straining my eyes trying to read this on my phone. Lol. Sorry I have been moving all weekend and packing the week before... I will be back to do my homework