Step Into the New Year Challenge (CLOSED GROUP)

First I'd like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to miracleminded!!

Now that I have most of everyone's information I think it's time to start a new thread.

There are no other rules besides the ones posted. I do suggest drinking at least 64oz of water and staying under your calories but it is not mandatory.

Welcome to all the new comers. We are excited to have you.

I hope all of you are ready to step into the new year with a healthier lifestyle as well as a better weight. I know I am!!

We will post are weights and how many miles we've walked in this thread every Sunday and please no later then Monday morning ASAP.

I wish all of you great success and that this will help get you motivated to move and help you out on your weight loss journey or even just being able to run a 5-10k.

Our members are:

ecronick #3=25mpw 211.6
jaimieht #4=30mpw 171.2
tammierich #2=20mpw ?
NoDairy #2=20mpw 129
irunn2doorz #1=15mpw 182.5
rae_mayer #1=15mpw 259.8
Sixxbaby #3=25mpw ?
FitJ1210 #4=30mpw 161
ngallaway #1=15mpw ?
destiny150 #3=25mpw 175
miracleminded1 #1=15mpw 169
jellybean1971 #4=30mpw 208.5
lazyspice #3=25mpw 218
Anderia #4=30mpw ?
wildbeal #3=25mpw 301
luvlyluv #1=15mpw 198.2
MzBHavin #1=15mpw 235
sandrahg #1=15mpw 225
LifeAfter29 #3=25mpw 353
Touched670 #4=30mpw 254
bigmama65 #1=15mpw 292

If I do not have all of your info in here please post it.

Let the walking/running begin!!

<3 Erica


  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,515 Member
    Thanks for starting this Erica :flowerforyou:
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    Thanks for this challenge!! I will try to friend everyone now

    Happy Birthday miracleminded!!
  • miracleminded1
    Good morning and thanks for the birthday wishes!!

    I think I posted last night in the other forum that my weight was 169.

    I did get out this morning and go walking/running but I'll be doing more at lunch today so I'll wait to post that. :)

    Thank you so much for being in charge of this group! I'm looking forward to this!!
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    Oh of course! I figured if I was going to do it why not have others do it also.
  • FitJ1210
    I'll post a link for this new closed group thread at the old thread.
  • rae_mayer
    Hey everyone! I got a new pedometer last night. Well, it's not new really. I'm borrowing my friends old weight watchers pedometer. It seems to be reading correctly so I should at least have a better count of my daily walking! Hope everyone has a good day, or as the case may be, birthday! :drinker:
  • jaimieht
    Awesome! I've been wearing my pedometer all day so far and it motivated me to go walk around outside for a while before my daughter's bus got here instead of chilling... lol

    Tu/Th/Sat are my c25k training days so the miles will be more those days, but with the pedometer and my normal treadmill cardio I am hoping to stay on track every day :)

    Yay! Excited! Will post tonight :)
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,515 Member
    I can't wait to update my ticker tonight - how sad am I?! I just want to see her start moving :blushing:
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    I am soooo glad to see everyone is so motivated and excited for this challenge. That is turn helps keep me motivated and wanting to move my bum. Finishing house work and then my son and I are going to walk to walmart to get me a new pedometer. Mine stopped working yesterday. I even tried changing the battery but got nothing. :( Oh well...I'll just put the pedometer on as soon as I buy it and then double the amount to make it for the whole trip.
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    I did a 2mile Walk Away the Pounds DVD right after breakfast and will do the 4mile DVD this afternoon when the baby goes for his nap. No walking outside today its pouring with rain.
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Woo Hoo my little ticker moved 2 down, 418 to go. We can do this ladies
  • Touched670
    Touched670 Posts: 97 Member
    bump :tongue:
  • destiny150
    1 hour of spinning in without my pedometer. Just put a new battery in so I will walk away. Happy walking/running everyone.
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,515 Member
    First up - first to bed!

    5.3 miles today - check out the ticker, she's on the move :laugh:

    Good night America!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Just did another 2 mile walk away the pounds dvd

    So a total of 4 miles for the fist day, going to have to do better then that tomorrow to meet my weekly goal. Hopefully the rain will blow else where tomorrow.
  • miracleminded1
    I've walked/run 4.5 miles today! Yippie!
  • irunn2doorz
    I installed a pedometer app on my phone. But most likely I will be getting most of my walking in at the gym :)
    Once again, great idea for a challenge.
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    So glad everyones tickers are moving. Keep up the great work!!
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    I ran/walk 5 miles today! I'm so excited. I got mine pedometer this morning. I've set my goal for 12,000 steps a day so I still have 2,000 miles to go!
    I weighed myself this morning as well and I was at 168.

    Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    Our members are:

    ecronick #3=25mpw 211.6
    jaimieht #4=30mpw 171.2
    tammierich #2=20mpw ?
    NoDairy #2=20mpw 129
    irunn2doorz #1=15mpw 182.5
    rae_mayer #1=15mpw 259.8
    Sixxbaby #3=25mpw 222
    FitJ1210 #4=30mpw 161
    ngallaway #1=15mpw 220
    destiny150 #3=25mpw 175
    miracleminded1 #1=15mpw 169
    jellybean1971 #4=30mpw 208.5
    lazyspice #3=25mpw 218
    Anderia #4=30mpw 168
    wildbeal #3=25mpw 301
    luvlyluv #1=15mpw 198.2
    MzBHavin #1=15mpw 235
    sandrahg #1=15mpw 225
    LifeAfter29 #3=25mpw 353
    Touched670 #4=30mpw 254
    bigmama65 #1=15mpw 292

    If I do not have all of your info in here please post it.