VERTICAL CHALLENGERS! Home to all shorties out there. (OPEN)



  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 230 Member
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    1. What is one place you haven’t travelled that you would love to go to?

    Ohhh, That's really hard! Just one place? Ummmmm...China, because my FiL has been there and he said when the blossom is out it's an absolute sight to behold. Spiritual, almost.
    However, I would also love to see NYC, Egypt, Brazil, Ireland, Florence and Rome in Italy, New Zealand...the lst is endless.

    2. Do you know any jokes? If so, tell us one.

    Three pieces of string walk into a pub. They ask for a pint and a packet of crisps each. The landlord says 'Sorry - we don't serve string in here'. So they go out and have a discussion. They start wrapping themselves around each other and then one starts pulling at his threads. They then all go back to the pub. The landlord asks 'Weren't you the strings I turned away earlier?' They reply 'No, we're a frayed knot'.

    Daughters favourite - What's red and sits in the corner? A naughty strawberry!

    3. Do you know how you got your name?

    Haven't a clue. My mum considered Claudia and Venetia and I think she was overruled. I think my mum had an aunt called Elizabeth and then obviously.... there is the Queen (Super Lame!!!!!). I don't like it.

    Hope you are all doing well? Nice to see so many of us and some more newbies!! More the merrier.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    1. What is one place you haven’t travelled that you would love to go to?

    Ohhh, That's really hard! Just one place? Ummmmm...China, because my FiL has been there and he said when the blossom is out it's an absolute sight to behold. Spiritual, almost.
    However, I would also love to see NYC, Egypt, Brazil, Ireland, Florence and Rome in Italy, New Zealand...the lst is endless.

    2. Do you know any jokes? If so, tell us one.

    Three pieces of string walk into a pub. They ask for a pint and a packet of crisps each. The landlord says 'Sorry - we don't serve string in here'. So they go out and have a discussion. They start wrapping themselves around each other and then one starts pulling at his threads. They then all go back to the pub. The landlord asks 'Weren't you the strings I turned away earlier?' They reply 'No, we're a frayed knot'.

    Daughters favourite - What's red and sits in the corner? A naughty strawberry!

    3. Do you know how you got your name?

    Haven't a clue. My mum considered Claudia and Venetia and I think she was overruled. I think my mum had an aunt called Elizabeth and then obviously.... there is the Queen (Super Lame!!!!!). I don't like it.

    Hope you are all doing well? Nice to see so many of us and some more newbies!! More the merrier.

    Yeah picking one place is hard. I have so many too. I loved NYC! I wanted to move to NYC since I was 13. I was obsessed with NYC during middle school and high school. I remember people telling me well have you been there? If you haven't I bet you'd change your mind. When I was 19 I was finally able to go and LOOOOOOOOVED IT! I told people I don't know what your problem is but I still loved it. The people that I ran into at least were super nice. To be honest, they were nicer than Chicago. I went to school and work out in Chicago right now so I thought New York was nicer lol.
  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    My aunt is named "Susan" and my other aunt is named "Anne" so my parents put their names together and named me "Suzanne". :)
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    Heyy, Hope everyone is out there having a fabulous, oroductive day!!! So happy to see more and more new members. This is becoming a real party! haha.

    1. What is one place you haven’t traveled that you would love to go to?

    Hawaii. Cliche', I know. but, I must go there and experience it myself =) Or Jamaica, or somewhere in the Virgin Islands..

    2. Do you know any jokes? If so, tell us one.

    hmm... no, not so good with the jokes. ere's an old knock knock joke I was reminded of when my daughter picked it up from school:

    Knock, knock.
    (who's there?)
    (Banana who?)

    Knock, knock.
    (who's there?)
    (Banana who?)

    Knock, knock.
    (who's there?)
    (Banana who?)

    Knock, knock.
    (who's there?)
    (orange who?)
    Orange you glad I didn't say banana?

    3. Do you know how you got your name?
    Um, My mother says my aunt picked my name out. How my aunt picked it, I'm notsure. They say it WASN'T after the movie though, I get that question all the time. . Little Mermaid.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    **************** Here is the original question that was left on the old message board.**************************

    Hey everyone!

    I hope everyone is doing well on the challenge

    Let’s start round 2 of getting to know each other. It would be great to have more participation to keep the chat up and alive. We have close to 90 people in the group, we can do it!

    So here are some hopefully fun questions.

    1. What is one place you haven’t traveled that you would love to go to?

    Mines would be anywhere in South America.

    2. Do you know any jokes? If so, tell us one.

    I have one that I always thought was so lame but given that I’m in the field I thought It was funny. Here it goes…

    How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb?

    ...................................... Give up? …………………………….

    One, but the light bulb has to want to change! HAHAHA I know I’m probably the only one laughing.

    3. Do you know how you got your name?

    My mother ended up picking Lisa because her boss was having a child at the same time and his daughter was born before me and he took the name she was going to name me. I hate my name and always wanted to change it. My name was supposed to be Christina. Another name she had for me was Illiana. Which sounds pretty in Spanish. I thought it was cool because it looked like my state and my neighboring state combined Indiana and Illinois. However, I’m glad she didn’t because that was the name of our garbage company later on and I could imagine the jokes that would come my way. LoL

    Now it’s your turn to answer the questions!
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Yeah picking one place is hard. I have so many too. I loved NYC! I wanted to move to NYC since I was 13. I was obsessed with NYC during middle school and high school. I remember people telling me well have you been there? If you haven't I bet you'd change your mind. When I was 19 I was finally able to go and LOOOOOOOOVED IT! I told people I don't know what your problem is but I still loved it. The people that I ran into at least were super nice. To be honest, they were nicer than Chicago. I went to school and work out in Chicago right now so I thought New York was nicer lol.

    I so want to go. I've seen people on here saying it wasn't what they expected or they didn't like it - but I would love to go. London is a bit mental so I'm certain I would be alright!!
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Spreadsheet Link:

    I hope that works. If it doesn't, then hopefully someone with knowledge will fix it :D

    One place I really want to go is:

    Scotland! And Ireland. Everything is so old and I want to see castles!

    A bad joke:

    What happens when you cross a turtle and a porcupine?

    ***A slowpoke!***

    As for my name... it's Sarah but it was almost Mary Jane. Thank GOD they went with Sarah. I can think of a million horrible jokes for Mary Jane >.<

    How is everyone doing with their exercise?? So far I'm at 125 minutes for the week but I should be adding 100 more in the next three days. Jillians 20 minute workouts are SO easy to incorporate into my day.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Yeah picking one place is hard. I have so many too. I loved NYC! I wanted to move to NYC since I was 13. I was obsessed with NYC during middle school and high school. I remember people telling me well have you been there? If you haven't I bet you'd change your mind. When I was 19 I was finally able to go and LOOOOOOOOVED IT! I told people I don't know what your problem is but I still loved it. The people that I ran into at least were super nice. To be honest, they were nicer than Chicago. I went to school and work out in Chicago right now so I thought New York was nicer lol.

    I so want to go. I've seen people on here saying it wasn't what they expected or they didn't like it - but I would love to go. London is a bit mental so I'm certain I would be alright!!

    Hmm, yeah I've had the same reaction. I don't know what people would expect lol. I would have that reaction to Paris. According to my cousin it smells like pee everywhere since you have to pay to use the restrooms and noone wants to pay. I don't know if she was so traumatized later on she denied every saying that, but she's always been strange to me. LoL
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Spreadsheet Link:

    I hope that works. If it doesn't, then hopefully someone with knowledge will fix it :D

    One place I really want to go is:

    Scotland! And Ireland. Everything is so old and I want to see castles!

    A bad joke:

    What happens when you cross a turtle and a porcupine?

    ***A slowpoke!***

    As for my name... it's Sarah but it was almost Mary Jane. Thank GOD they went with Sarah. I can think of a million horrible jokes for Mary Jane >.<

    How is everyone doing with their exercise?? So far I'm at 125 minutes for the week but I should be adding 100 more in the next three days. Jillians 20 minute workouts are SO easy to incorporate into my day.

    Haha, I have to share that joke. I haven't counted my mins yet. I think I'm close if not already there. The water needs work though. I only drink water but I don't drink very often.
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 230 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I got in a GREAT workout with my trainer today, 60 min. I lost the 8lbs, and am under my calories!! Today has been a GREAT DAY!!

    I LOVE the slowpoke joke!! made me laugh out loud!

    I am so excited for this time around for my journey, I have a lot of confidence right now that this will go VERY well!! I am looking forward to next weigh in!

    Hope you all are doing well today!
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Yeah picking one place is hard. I have so many too. I loved NYC! I wanted to move to NYC since I was 13. I was obsessed with NYC during middle school and high school. I remember people telling me well have you been there? If you haven't I bet you'd change your mind. When I was 19 I was finally able to go and LOOOOOOOOVED IT! I told people I don't know what your problem is but I still loved it. The people that I ran into at least were super nice. To be honest, they were nicer than Chicago. I went to school and work out in Chicago right now so I thought New York was nicer lol.

    I so want to go. I've seen people on here saying it wasn't what they expected or they didn't like it - but I would love to go. London is a bit mental so I'm certain I would be alright!!

    Hmm, yeah I've had the same reaction. I don't know what people would expect lol. I would have that reaction to Paris. According to my cousin it smells like pee everywhere since you have to pay to use the restrooms and noone wants to pay. I don't know if she was so traumatized later on she denied every saying that, but she's always been strange to me. LoL

    There is such a thing as Syndrome de Paris. Which seems to particulalrly affect those from Japan. There have been reported stories where Japanese tourists have had to be hospitalised and repatriated after visiting Paris! Although I wouldn't trust my sources on that one.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Yeah picking one place is hard. I have so many too. I loved NYC! I wanted to move to NYC since I was 13. I was obsessed with NYC during middle school and high school. I remember people telling me well have you been there? If you haven't I bet you'd change your mind. When I was 19 I was finally able to go and LOOOOOOOOVED IT! I told people I don't know what your problem is but I still loved it. The people that I ran into at least were super nice. To be honest, they were nicer than Chicago. I went to school and work out in Chicago right now so I thought New York was nicer lol.

    I so want to go. I've seen people on here saying it wasn't what they expected or they didn't like it - but I would love to go. London is a bit mental so I'm certain I would be alright!!

    Hmm, yeah I've had the same reaction. I don't know what people would expect lol. I would have that reaction to Paris. According to my cousin it smells like pee everywhere since you have to pay to use the restrooms and noone wants to pay. I don't know if she was so traumatized later on she denied every saying that, but she's always been strange to me. LoL

    There is such a thing as Syndrome de Paris. Which seems to particulalrly affect those from Japan. There have been reported stories where Japanese tourists have had to be hospitalised and repatriated after visiting Paris! Although I wouldn't trust my sources on that one.

    Oh wow. I've never heard... I must google lol
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member

    i'm catching up on the exercise. instead of doing occassional monster sessions, i need to do shorter ones more often. but because of work and kids, that's not happening at the mo. i'm doing ok with water- it's easier for me to drink heaps when i'm working, and i can control my diet better at work too- less chance to munch.

    i've heard of that Parisian syndrome too- something to do with the disappointment of how normal Paris is distresses Japanese people to the point of despair!

    i'd probably like to do the wonders of the world. i'm lucky in that i've already done a fair bit of travelling. i'd like to trek Macchu Picchu (?sp). TBH, i'd go anywhere i haven't been before. and i'd go back to some places i have! i loved Vegas, but could only cope with it for a few days. and i'd like to take my hubby to Rarotonga and Aitutaki- awesome snorkelling.

    anyway, i'll catch up more on this soon. i've got to go shower- i've just finished a 90 min workout and i'm humming!
  • bethgrayster
    bethgrayster Posts: 56 Member
    1. What is one place you haven’t traveled that you would love to go to?

    I would love to go visit the Oregon coast and maybe take a whale watching tour in the pacific while there!

    2. Do you know any jokes? If so, tell us one.

    Did you hear the one about the agnostic dyslexic insomniac? He stayed up all night wondering if there really was a dog. :laugh:

    3. Do you know how you got your name?

    I was named after one of my mom's dearest friends from college.
  • Shariegreen
    Hi all, here are my responses:

    1. What is one place you haven’t traveled that you would love to go to?

    Italy, especially Sicily to visit the village my great grandfather was born in or England because I'm a complete Anglophile. I loved seeing people responding to this question with NYC as I live within a 45 min drive outside of the city - I take one road right in - and I always take it for granted even though I LOVE going in.

    2. Do you know any jokes? If so, tell us one.

    None that I can think of that wouldn't get flagged by MFP.

    3. Do you know how you got your name?

    I was named after an ex-girlfriend of my father's from when he was a teenager that always held a special place in his heart. My mother liked the name too so she was cool with it. My mother is clearly a saint. The only downside for me is that I was born in the 70s and given a name that was popular in the 40s so I've always felt that my name (Sharon) is a bit like Ethel or Mildred and older-sounding because I've never really met anyone my age with it - they're always my parents' age.

    On a completely unrelated note....
    My hot water heater is taking its last breaths so showering today is not an option. I think it's finally time I joined the gym that is literally 10 minutes from my house AND on the way to work. I had checked it out months ago - small, friendly, very clean, reasonably priced, they limit membership so it doesn't get too crowded, and no meatheads, really - but didn't do anything about it. The gym thing isn't really me but I have to change my thinking on that one. It has a lot of negative associations in my mind so if anyone has some pearls of wisdom to help me get over myself, please share.

    After watching my food intake for the last 3 weeks and losing only 1.5 lbs, I'm pretty convinced that the gym is a needed step at this point. I just don't wannnnnnnaaaaa... (starting to whine....sorry...)

    Funny how the thought of working out at a gym isn't enough for me to join, it's the hot shower that does it. :)
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Don't get discouraged, Sherie! Yes, exercise is a healthy option for you but 1.5lbs in 3weeks is actually quite normal. If I eat 1200 calories I'm only supposed to lose .8lbs a week. At least that's what MFP says for me.

    So YAY for including exercise and if you have an opportunity, Jillian Michaels DVD's are fun! Good luck!
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member

    i'm catching up on the exercise. instead of doing occassional monster sessions, i need to do shorter ones more often. but because of work and kids, that's not happening at the mo. i'm doing ok with water- it's easier for me to drink heaps when i'm working, and i can control my diet better at work too- less chance to munch.

    i've heard of that Parisian syndrome too- something to do with the disappointment of how normal Paris is distresses Japanese people to the point of despair!

    i'd probably like to do the wonders of the world. i'm lucky in that i've already done a fair bit of travelling. i'd like to trek Macchu Picchu (?sp). TBH, i'd go anywhere i haven't been before. and i'd go back to some places i have! i loved Vegas, but could only cope with it for a few days. and i'd like to take my hubby to Rarotonga and Aitutaki- awesome snorkelling.

    anyway, i'll catch up more on this soon. i've got to go shower- i've just finished a 90 min workout and i'm humming!

    Oh wow how awesome about machu picchu which by the way I had to google to see how in world to spell it lol. I loved Vegas too but like you, couldn't handle it for long. It was so hot I went in Aug and I'm actually allergic to the sun sooooo that was always a blast being outside lol. I still loved it though.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Hi all, here are my responses:

    1. What is one place you haven’t traveled that you would love to go to?

    Italy, especially Sicily to visit the village my great grandfather was born in or England because I'm a complete Anglophile. I loved seeing people responding to this question with NYC as I live within a 45 min drive outside of the city - I take one road right in - and I always take it for granted even though I LOVE going in.

    2. Do you know any jokes? If so, tell us one.

    None that I can think of that wouldn't get flagged by MFP.

    3. Do you know how you got your name?

    I was named after an ex-girlfriend of my father's from when he was a teenager that always held a special place in his heart. My mother liked the name too so she was cool with it. My mother is clearly a saint. The only downside for me is that I was born in the 70s and given a name that was popular in the 40s so I've always felt that my name (Sharon) is a bit like Ethel or Mildred and older-sounding because I've never really met anyone my age with it - they're always my parents' age.

    On a completely unrelated note....
    My hot water heater is taking its last breaths so showering today is not an option. I think it's finally time I joined the gym that is literally 10 minutes from my house AND on the way to work. I had checked it out months ago - small, friendly, very clean, reasonably priced, they limit membership so it doesn't get too crowded, and no meatheads, really - but didn't do anything about it. The gym thing isn't really me but I have to change my thinking on that one. It has a lot of negative associations in my mind so if anyone has some pearls of wisdom to help me get over myself, please share.

    After watching my food intake for the last 3 weeks and losing only 1.5 lbs, I'm pretty convinced that the gym is a needed step at this point. I just don't wannnnnnnaaaaa... (starting to whine....sorry...)

    Funny how the thought of working out at a gym isn't enough for me to join, it's the hot shower that does it. :)

    LoL I haven't joined a gym either. Idk I'm not into hot people sweating and what not around me lol sorry if I made it worse. I can't say that I wouldn't join ever. I just don't find the need right now. Sounds like your gym is pretty cool. You can do it! However, don't waste the money if you won't make it there because then you'll really not like the gym :)