VERTICAL CHALLENGERS! Home to all shorties out there. (OPEN)



  • Shellitz
    Shellitz Posts: 188
    As an aside - I'm joining the gym! Yes, you heard correctly - I am joining the gym. The girl who, for the past decade was allergic, is taking the plunge - £33 a month and swimming and all classes included. I'm going to give it a 3 month trial to see if I'm motivated enough to make it work out money wise (as opposed to pay as you go).

    Looked round today and it was really quiet and lots of machines so hopefully there won't be any waiting or feeling bad because you're on something someone else clearly wants to be on. Anyway, it's getting friggin' cold here now and that, coupled with the motivation of investing in myself, I'm hoping will help me get off the plateau I'm currently on.

    Looked at those eliptical thingies everyone is on about and thought 'Yeah, right!'. I'm not certain, but I don't think they'll be for me. I'm just too short. I don't think I could do the foot stuff while still hanging on the the hand/arm things. We'll see.....

    Well done girl :) I find the simple fact that I am paying for a membership makes me pull my finger out and actually go often. And I make sure I go on my way home for work, if I go home first I find it's too easy to get distracted with cooking housework etc and I don't end up going.

    The Eliptical trainer - it's a mighty nemises. When I first started (and even years ago when I was younger and should have been fitter) I really struggled to stay on this machine, in fact, I was lucky to get past 2-3 minutes. BUT after the last 6 months or so of really focusing on improving my fitness...I can do a half hour without too much thought. Don't get me wrong, it is hard work and I sweat like a pig, but hey, that's how I know it's working :) I never believed in the old breaking through the wall phenomenon, but it's honestly true. The first few minutes are hard and then like magic you just start cruising. I began by putting my towel over the timer on the machine, to remove that mental hurdle and just go by my how my body felt. Little by little I would lift that towel and get a nice little victory!

    Keep us up to date on how you go :D
  • Shellitz
    Shellitz Posts: 188
    I have to jog every once in awhile to keep up with my husband while we are walking. He thinks its hilarious (he is 6'1").

    Have you all made goals for yourselves? To lose a certain amount by a certain time?

    Yes! I have to do a full power walk to keep up with my man's stroll! He is 6'3"

    I struggle with time goals. I have bouts of anxiety and at the moment I am having big family issues on my mum's side and with us building the house I am a little nervy and easily slip into a funk. I think at the moment as long as I do the right thing by my body by keeping up with the exercise and eating within my limits...the numbers will follow when they are ready.

    I would love to hear if anyone else has similar issues (of course only if you are comfortable talking about them!) and how they tackle those times? Sometimes I just feel like I am being weak and dramatic, but I know if I put too much pressure on myself and then the numbers don't's enough to tip me over the edge and not want to get out of bed for days.
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    Michelle, other than being in the middle of a divorce I don't have much drama going on (:laugh: ) but I also have an anxiety disorder. I've come a long way but it still kicks up at times...I kept having that heart racing feeling on Saturday and was thinking I must be getting sick and I shouldn't go to the gym (blah, blah, blah...) but deep down I knew it was 100% anxiety and I wasn't sick so I went...10 minutes into my workout my body forgot it was anxious and I've been fine since then. :flowerforyou: I do find though, that social anxiety has held me back quite a bit, and I'm pretty self conscious ALL the time, especially at the gym. If I didn't have a meeting with the trainer, I never would have got in there after buying my membership. I've learned with my anxiety issues I have to say to myself..."It's anxiety. It's nothing physical no matter how much it feels like it is. Power through, RoseAnne, power through."
    1. What is one place you haven’t traveled that you would love to go to?

    It's really hard to pick one place because I am heavily afflicted with the travel bug, but one of the places high on the list is Greece. I don't really know why...I'm just curious. lol Aside from maybe a few little countries in Europe, there's really not many places I'm NOT interested in experiencing.

    2. Do you know any jokes? If so, tell us one.

    I'm not good at retaining jokes, so I'll tell you about one I heard from a little old man who was a regular at the store I used to work at. One day he was in to pick up and order and he said, "When I was going to be born, God gave me the choice of either having a great memory, or a big penis. I don't remember which one I picked." Then he grabbed his bag and left. :laugh: His timing and delivery was so perfect it makes me giggle to this day when I remember it.

    3. Do you know how you got your name?

    My mother left a dysfunctional home at 16 and got pretty attached to her landlady, Rose, who became somewhat of a mother figure to her. Rose, God rest her soul, was feisty and gruff and opinionated, but my mother adored her and always kept in contact. When my mom was pregnant with me she wanted to name me Rose, but my dad wasn't as they compromised by adding Anne. So I became Rose-Anne. However, I stopped using the hyphen when I was about 18 or so because people tended to disregard the Anne and just call me Rose.
  • Shellitz
    Shellitz Posts: 188
    Michelle, other than being in the middle of a divorce I don't have much drama going on (:laugh: ) but I also have an anxiety disorder. I've come a long way but it still kicks up at times...I kept having that heart racing feeling on Saturday and was thinking I must be getting sick and I shouldn't go to the gym (blah, blah, blah...) but deep down I knew it was 100% anxiety and I wasn't sick so I went...10 minutes into my workout my body forgot it was anxious and I've been fine since then. :flowerforyou: I do find though, that social anxiety has held me back quite a bit, and I'm pretty self conscious ALL the time, especially at the gym. If I didn't have a meeting with the trainer, I never would have got in there after buying my membership. I've learned with my anxiety issues I have to say to myself..."It's anxiety. It's nothing physical no matter how much it feels like it is. Power through, RoseAnne, power through."

    Thanks RoseAnne. Oh the heart racing....yep that happens. I get to the point where it effects me physically (toilet wise and throw up wise - sorry to be graphic!) which of course makes me more self consious about it and stresses me further! Vicious cycle huh! I am slowly learning to control them to a point, and getting to recognise when they are coming on, but by geez it's a tough battle sometimes. My dear fiance tries to be supportive, but he is just a naturally calm person that just doesn't stress about anything, so he finds it difficult to understand how I get into such a state. "Just don't worry about it babe" is his mantra of choice lol....easier said than done!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    you guys were talking about goals- i'm quite good at goal setting- it's part of my job!
    so, if you want to set a goal, there are some things to keep in mind. we call them SMART goals.

    S- specific. don't be vague, have something that you can actually pinpoint.
    M- measurable. if you can't measure it, you can't tell if there's been any improvement.
    A- achievable. don't plan to run a marathon in 3 weeks, otherwise if you don't get there you'll be down on yourself.
    R- realistic. if you're 90lbs, it's not likely that you're ever going to be able to pull a jumbo jet,
    T- time. set an appropriate time frame to help you achieve your goal, otherwise it could go on forever!

    my goals have never been weight related. i've never been thin, and i've never cared about being thin either!
    when i began, my goal was to complete c25k. absolutely realistic- completed it in 5 weeks. now i've bumped up the training a bit, and i'll be running my 2nd half marathon next sunday. after that, i think i'm going for a full marathon next april.
    my shorter term goals after the half are to complete the 30 day shred. i've nearly finished it (1 day left!), but it's taken me about 90 days to do 30 days worth of shredding! once sunday is out of the way, i want to complete it in 35 days max. and i'm going to take before and after pics and measurements too. i regret not having many before pics ( i started at 220lbs ish) and sometimes i don't see how far i've come because i have little to compare it to.

    i tried running on my treadmill today- it's so different to running on the road...... i don't think i like it! but i'm not going to tell my hubby that!

    how are we all? are we keeping up with the water intake and doing the exercise that we should?

    anyway, today is a great day here in new zealand! it's the day after we won the rugby world cup (a HUGE deal!), the weather is great and it's a bank holiday. apart from the fact i'm in work! but even so, i get paid double time and a day in lieu!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Hi everyone, I hope it is ok to join in with you all :happy:

    I am 5'2 or thereabouts :laugh: I have been using this site for ages and have done ok so far but I did have a little fall off the wagon for the last couple of months and have gained around 5kg/10 pounds :sad: . So I am kicking myself in the butt and getting back to it!!

    I live in Australia and summer is just around the corner, I want to feel good in shorts and even possibly a dress (I have never been a dress person, always thought I had the wrong shape for dresses), would be nice not to have to wear clothes to cover up all the lumps and bumps :wink:

    Looking forward to getting to know some fellow shorties :smile:

  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    **************** Here is the original question that was left on the old message board.**************************

    Hey everyone!

    I hope everyone is doing well on the challenge

    Let’s start round 2 of getting to know each other. It would be great to have more participation to keep the chat up and alive. We have close to 90 people in the group, we can do it!

    So here are some hopefully fun questions.

    1. What is one place you haven’t traveled that you would love to go to?

    Mines would be anywhere in South America.

    2. Do you know any jokes? If so, tell us one.

    I have one that I always thought was so lame but given that I’m in the field I thought It was funny. Here it goes…

    How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb?

    ...................................... Give up? …………………………….

    One, but the light bulb has to want to change! HAHAHA I know I’m probably the only one laughing.

    3. Do you know how you got your name?

    My mother ended up picking Lisa because her boss was having a child at the same time and his daughter was born before me and he took the name she was going to name me. I hate my name and always wanted to change it. My name was supposed to be Christina. Another name she had for me was Illiana. Which sounds pretty in Spanish. I thought it was cool because it looked like my state and my neighboring state combined Indiana and Illinois. However, I’m glad she didn’t because that was the name of our garbage company later on and I could imagine the jokes that would come my way. LoL

    Now it’s your turn to answer the questions!

    Yippee, a place for the vertically challenged :bigsmile:
    If it's okay I'd love to join?

    I'm 4' 11" and love my height except when I need something on the top shelf,
    but that's what my 2 tall adult children are for :wink:

    1. What is one place you haven’t traveled that you would love to go to?
    Canada - the love of my life is currently over there and we plan on meeting up and having a big holiday.

    2. Do you know any jokes? If so, tell us one.
    Okay, I'm not good at these but here goes....
    "An Irish man walks into a pub...Ouch!"

    3. Do you know how you got your name?
    My dad had an aunt by the same name, oddly I've never liked the name :laugh:
  • goodthings
    Hi ladies! I'd like to join the thread. I'm 4´11.5 but just let's call it 5' =) I have about 10 lbs to lose, and so far it's been a month with no results.

    Quick question....has anyone here tried Spin classes? I have a hard time getting comfortable in the bike, and end up spending half the class readjusting the seat and handles! It's great tha teach part of the bike is adjustable but I'm wondering if the proportions just don't work well at my size. Anyone had luck with this?
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Ask the spin class instructor to show you the proper way to position your bike. Do it before class or after class (whenever you can catch her/him).
    There *is* a formula to all the adjustable part madness!
    I went once and the instructor helped me figure it all out but it was awhile ago. She told me to remember the numbers I had all the notches on but...

    The only thing that was uncomfortable was my butt afterwards. They say you get used to that but ooooooo, that wasn't pretty :D
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    Good morning! Sorry I didn't check in Saturday. I went out of town for the weekend and had a great time.

    As of Friday evening I drank 64 glasses of water. That's 512 ounces!

    I just made 150 minutes of exercise. I had a lazy week. Will try to do better next week.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Welcome new members!

    If you haven't already please fill out your information for the new challenge (if you would like to participate) on the roster. Our current challenge is to exercise 150mins throughout the week and also to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day throughout the week. On the bottom of the roster there are tabs and you would click the Oct.-Nov tab for the current challenge. Welcome again!!
  • VickiMitkins
    VickiMitkins Posts: 249 Member
    I tried to answer on the old page, but it lost my post. It must have been right around the time it was locked.

    1. What is one place you haven’t traveled that you would love to go to?

    Ireland/Scotland or Russia - Don't really know why other than I like old stuff. Maybe the fact that they are a little mystical.

    2. Do you know any jokes? If so, tell us one.

    I'm not good at the jokes and would probably have to go look one up to answer this.

    3. Do you know how you got your name?

    My mother was the first of her friends to marry and have a baby. She had several friends that she wanted to name me after, but did not want to hurt anyone's feelings. She decided to name me after herself (Vicki short for Lorena Victoria) and my aunt (Linda), hence the double name VickiLynn. I don't have a middle name though. She thought about Louise, but decided against it because she was not terribly fond of someone she knew named Louise. That's how this Pennsylvania transplant to South Carolina ended up with a seemingly southern double name.
  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    Hi ladies! I'd like to join the thread. I'm 4´11.5 but just let's call it 5' =) I have about 10 lbs to lose, and so far it's been a month with no results.

    Quick question....has anyone here tried Spin classes? I have a hard time getting comfortable in the bike, and end up spending half the class readjusting the seat and handles! It's great tha teach part of the bike is adjustable but I'm wondering if the proportions just don't work well at my size. Anyone had luck with this?

    I agree that you should get the instructor to help you. I'm just about your size- 5' with about 10lbs to lose. When I spin I have the handle bars all the way down, the seat all the way forward, and the height of the seat goes right in the middle of the letter "E" on the bike. I tried spinning for 8 weeks and I've come to the conclusion that I don't love it. The music is great and it is a fantastic workout, but I don't like being so stationary for an hour...and it hurts my butt...and I'm kind of not that great at it... I'll probably do it once every couple weeks or so though because all of the "cool kids" are doing it. :)
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member

    I just have to say that I seriously feel like running around in circles, screaming and waving my arms. :D I just hit the 10lbs lost mark (and PASSED it by .8lbs)!!!

    And its only been six weeks!!!

    Only 20lbs more to go!!

    Six more pounds till I start *really* freaking out over every pound lost.

    I'm so glad I'm doing this! I'm so happy its *working*!
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    1. What is one place you haven’t traveled that you would love to go to?

    I would love to go to Morocco. The culture is interesting and it seems like a very exotic place.

    2. Do you know any jokes? If so, tell us one.

    Two men are sitting at a bar located on the roof of a building. They start talking with each other and the first guy says to the second, 'You know this building is magical... the way the air flows around it. When you jump off the edge, the wind hits you just right that it lifts you back up, pushes you around and deposits you back on the edge again.' The second guy laughs and says, 'Ya right! I'd have to see that to believe it!' The first guy says, 'Seriously, I'm not kidding. Watch this.' He then proceeds to the edge of the building and jumps off. Just as he said, the wind lifted him back up and brought him around to the edge of the building again. The second guy is total amazed. 'I can't believe it... that's amazing!! I've got to try this.' So he proceeds to the edge of the building, jumps off and plummets to his death. The bartender then looks at the first guy and says, 'You know you're a real a-hole when you drink Superman.' :laugh:

    3. Do you know how you got your name?

    A friend of my grandmother's suggested it to my mom and she liked it.
    you guys were talking about goals- i'm quite good at goal setting- it's part of my job!
    so, if you want to set a goal, there are some things to keep in mind. we call them SMART goals.

    S- specific. don't be vague, have something that you can actually pinpoint.
    M- measurable. if you can't measure it, you can't tell if there's been any improvement.
    A- achievable. don't plan to run a marathon in 3 weeks, otherwise if you don't get there you'll be down on yourself.
    R- realistic. if you're 90lbs, it's not likely that you're ever going to be able to pull a jumbo jet,
    T- time. set an appropriate time frame to help you achieve your goal, otherwise it could go on forever!
    Thanks for this tip!! :happy:
    Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness. – Earl of Derby
    The only disability in life is a bad attitude. – Scott Hamilton
    Love these... and have always enjoyed that poem by Robert Frost. :bigsmile:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    My motivation was just to lose weight at first. I wanted to get down to 115 lbs. Well a couple of weeks ago I hit that. It was tunnel vision and more easy to lose the motivation because I couldn't appreciate the slow pounds coming off.

    Now I have a goal to be stronger. It's a vague goal that I have great, glorious NSV moments with. Like this weekend: my husband is younger, and he is a marine. We went hiking on Sunday, and I've never been able to keep up with him. We took a trail labeled "strenuous". After an hour, he was out of breath but I was still fine (but not too much longer). It's moments like this that make me realize I am accomplishing my goal of "stronger".

    The NSV moments are what I believe truly keep me motivated, it's important for me to pause and realize and appreciate them. Not keep looking ahead, but appreciate how far I've come in the moment that I am in.

    I have another vague goal of "toned up". I believe it compliments my "stronger".
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 230 Member
    I have to jog every once in awhile to keep up with my husband while we are walking. He thinks its hilarious (he is 6'1").

    Have you all made goals for yourselves? To lose a certain amount by a certain time?

    Yes! I have to do a full power walk to keep up with my man's stroll! He is 6'3"

    I struggle with time goals. I have bouts of anxiety and at the moment I am having big family issues on my mum's side and with us building the house I am a little nervy and easily slip into a funk. I think at the moment as long as I do the right thing by my body by keeping up with the exercise and eating within my limits...the numbers will follow when they are ready.

    I would love to hear if anyone else has similar issues (of course only if you are comfortable talking about them!) and how they tackle those times? Sometimes I just feel like I am being weak and dramatic, but I know if I put too much pressure on myself and then the numbers don't's enough to tip me over the edge and not want to get out of bed for days.

    I am TOTALLY there with you guys, hubby is 6'1" and I have to do the same. Sometimes if we are in a busy area, and I don't feel like running I will walk at my pace, then when he realizes I'm "not there" he slows down a little.
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 230 Member
    Hi ladies! I'd like to join the thread. I'm 4´11.5 but just let's call it 5' =) I have about 10 lbs to lose, and so far it's been a month with no results.

    Quick question....has anyone here tried Spin classes? I have a hard time getting comfortable in the bike, and end up spending half the class readjusting the seat and handles! It's great tha teach part of the bike is adjustable but I'm wondering if the proportions just don't work well at my size. Anyone had luck with this?

    i ABSOLUTELY LOVE SPIN CLASSES!! They are very kick *kitten*! When you start out, go at your own pace, or one that is pushing you a little but not too crazy. I haven't had too much of a problem with the bikes i have been on, haven't done a spin class in a while though. But when I did I adjusted then was all set....
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 230 Member

    I just have to say that I seriously feel like running around in circles, screaming and waving my arms. :D I just hit the 10lbs lost mark (and PASSED it by .8lbs)!!!

    And its only been six weeks!!!

    Only 20lbs more to go!!

    Six more pounds till I start *really* freaking out over every pound lost.

    I'm so glad I'm doing this! I'm so happy its *working*!


    keep up the good work!!
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Hmmmmmm. This thread was on page 7. C'mon ladies, lets' keep this page up at the front, even if it's to say hi - we need to be visable at our heights or we may well disappear.

    I was reading some of the posts people have put up and I thought this might help to either confirm what you already knew or spur you on a bit

    Nowadays, you are just as likely to get a free or reduced gym membership with your anti-d's/anti-a's as you are a talking therapy (at least in the UK) or even instead of medication. That is how beneficial moving can be to your mental health.

    I just want to say...also...that I am very proud of all your achievements and am very thankful MFP is here. Seeing you all push yourselves on is really something to behold. Well done all of you :drinker: