VERTICAL CHALLENGERS! Home to all shorties out there. (OPEN)



  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    BTW I am practising what I preach. I went to Zumba last night and tonight I'm off to Body Combat. This will help me in so many ways.

    To shake up my routine as I'm the type of person to get stale with things very quickly - so bouncing around my living room was starting to lose it's shine.

    To get me mixing with different people. I can sometimes get so immersed in certain aspects of life/people that it's nice to chit-chat and smile at each other because you're both feeling like you're about to have a coronary.

    To improve my fitness and shake my body up a bit. I actually like the sweaty, 'OMG I'm dying' feeling, I like to push myself. It makes me feel alive and I can feel more of a link to my body and my life (I know that makes no sense, but it does to me). I feel alive, awake and in the present. I know they say moderate exercise is better...and it is, but I also like feeling I've pushed it.

    My energy levels increase, amazingly so.

    I spy bodies that I want - if they can do it, so can I.

    Get's me away. I love the people and children in my life, but sometimes I think all of us (although particularly women) can feel 'taken over'. Like everyone elses priorities are your priorities and what are actually yours gets buried. I am showing me...and them...that I am also a priority. That I also have things I want FOR ME (of which they'll benefit from anyway). Let's face it...and my husband knows it...a happy me equals a happy family. It's in everyones best interest :wink:

    In short (pun intended), exercise is the key. Yes, 'they' (who?) say it's 80% food 20% exercise. But, for me, it's the exercise that moves my mood, my self esteem and my flab.

    It also makes me less hungry - that's known as a win/win in my book.

  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 230 Member

    Hope you all are moving forward and having wonderful days!! Hitting the gym this afternoon, and the off to work. Weigh in tomorrow.....CAN'T WAIT!!!!
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    Goooooood Morning, Afternooon, or Night Ladies!!

    How are we all doing this Tuesday? How did you all feel like you did this challenge? well? Easy? or did you have to reach out of your comfort zone?
    Sorry I have been MIA. I've been playing my role as mom/doctor with a sick bebe. And now that she is almost completely better, I feeel soo much relief. I totally was off track last week, not able to get hardly any excersise in and I didn't log a thing. But, seeing you all staying committed and seeing the pride in this group, I have to say I am soo motivated to blow this challenge away this week! =)
    I have a question. .. that might seem so basic that no one wants to answer lol.. but, How do YOU stretch? I'd like literal example of what exactly you guys do to stretch..? I always feel like I don't stretch well enough.. and I've never been really sure on HOW to stretch and for how LONG..? Suggestions anyone?

    I wanna say thanks to the lovely leaders who stay ever so faithful to this group..and always being a forum comment away from support.
    And I also wanna say to everybody here that I think you're amazing. this mission isn't exactly always rainbows and sunshines, but dedication and determination will pull us all through. And soon enough, we can all post our befores and afters. and that will be awesome! Hope you all have a fabulous, productive day. Sending positive vibes to you all.

  • bethgrayster
    bethgrayster Posts: 56 Member
    I have to jog every once in awhile to keep up with my husband while we are walking. He thinks its hilarious (he is 6'1").

    Have you all made goals for yourselves? To lose a certain amount by a certain time?

    Yes! I have to do a full power walk to keep up with my man's stroll! He is 6'3"

    I struggle with time goals. I have bouts of anxiety and at the moment I am having big family issues on my mum's side and with us building the house I am a little nervy and easily slip into a funk. I think at the moment as long as I do the right thing by my body by keeping up with the exercise and eating within my limits...the numbers will follow when they are ready.

    I would love to hear if anyone else has similar issues (of course only if you are comfortable talking about them!) and how they tackle those times? Sometimes I just feel like I am being weak and dramatic, but I know if I put too much pressure on myself and then the numbers don't's enough to tip me over the edge and not want to get out of bed for days.

    I am TOTALLY there with you guys, hubby is 6'1" and I have to do the same. Sometimes if we are in a busy area, and I don't feel like running I will walk at my pace, then when he realizes I'm "not there" he slows down a little.

    I'm Lucky! My 6'5" boyfriend likes to stroll. He is usually the one who tells me to slow down the power walk!!
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Im still a bit giddy over the scale numbers :D

    Mrsblobs gives great reasons for going to the gym and taking classes.
    I do plan to take some as soon as I see my losses start to slack off. I go in to the gym now twice a week after work for an hour of cardio. I also do six days of workout dvds. This month im cycling through :
    Jillians Shred It with Kettlebells
    Jillians No More Trouble Zones
    Leslie Sansone Burn the Fat 3 Mile Walk

    Im cycling them because they are pretty hard workouts and I dont think I could do the same one every day without overdoing it.

    Next month I will just be doing Jillians Ripped in 30.

    Im trying to keep my workouts switched up because they say one reason for plateaus is if you are just doing the same workout over and over then your body becomes super efficient at it and therefore doesnt use as many calories during the workout.
    I *really* dont want to deal with a plateau!
  • VickiMitkins
    VickiMitkins Posts: 249 Member
    Goooooood Morning, Afternooon, or Night Ladies!!

    How are we all doing this Tuesday? How did you all feel like you did this challenge? well? Easy? or did you have to reach out of your comfort zone?
    Sorry I have been MIA. I've been playing my role as mom/doctor with a sick bebe. And now that she is almost completely better, I feeel soo much relief. I totally was off track last week, not able to get hardly any excersise in and I didn't log a thing. But, seeing you all staying committed and seeing the pride in this group, I have to say I am soo motivated to blow this challenge away this week! =)
    I have a question. .. that might seem so basic that no one wants to answer lol.. but, How do YOU stretch? I'd like literal example of what exactly you guys do to stretch..? I always feel like I don't stretch well enough.. and I've never been really sure on HOW to stretch and for how LONG..? Suggestions anyone?

    I wanna say thanks to the lovely leaders who stay ever so faithful to this group..and always being a forum comment away from support.
    And I also wanna say to everybody here that I think you're amazing. this mission isn't exactly always rainbows and sunshines, but dedication and determination will pull us all through. And soon enough, we can all post our befores and afters. and that will be awesome! Hope you all have a fabulous, productive day. Sending positive vibes to you all.


    I think the thing that helped me learn to stretch is doing regular hatha yoga. Before the yoga, I did not hold the stretch long enough and would sometimes bounce. So two things specific, don't bounce and hold for the stretch for a 15 count or even longer if you want. I was also a bit limited in what I did as a stretch, you know toe touches or a lunge or two and that was it. The yoga really helped me figure it out. I also find that since I do yoga several times a week, I don't need to spend as much time stretching after my work out. Start out with a beginners DVD. There are some good ones and they have 15 minute routines that will give you good ideas of what to do before and after a work out.
  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    I hope everyone is doing well with their working out/ drinking water goals!

    And feel free to friend me! :)
  • Shellitz
    Shellitz Posts: 188
    Hmmmmmm. This thread was on page 7. C'mon ladies, lets' keep this page up at the front, even if it's to say hi - we need to be visable at our heights or we may well disappear.

    I was reading some of the posts people have put up and I thought this might help to either confirm what you already knew or spur you on a bit

    Nowadays, you are just as likely to get a free or reduced gym membership with your anti-d's/anti-a's as you are a talking therapy (at least in the UK) or even instead of medication. That is how beneficial moving can be to your mental health.

    I just want to say...also...that I am very proud of all your achievements and am very thankful MFP is here. Seeing you all push yourselves on is really something to behold. Well done all of you :drinker:

    Thanks for the link MrsB, very interesting read. Funnily enough I have found that working out can sometimes be the only thing that calms me down (even if it takes a bit of mental bargaining to get to the gym). And I have figured out why. It's the only thing that is 100% MINE. Nobody else gets a say, nobody else gets to judge, and it is genuinely entirely FOR ME.

    Yes I'm thankful for MFP too - it's nice to be able to share our goals and not be told that you're obsessing or being too diet conscious and boring.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    100 minutes done so far. 225 more planned by Saturday for a total of 325. Thats high for me.

    For some reason I've been slacking the last two days on water. Still getting in my 8 but usually I'm over.

    So, Thanksgiving (for us stateside folks) is coming up! Anyone have amazing plans?

    I never have been one to stuff myself over Thanksgiving. I only like turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes and corn (all mixed up) so I never get to that awfully full feeling. I dont even like the traditional desserts of assorted pies.

    How 'bout you?! Are you gonna need someone to pull you away from the marshmellow topped sweet potatoes, drag your face out of the whip cream on your pumpkin pie, take the gravy ladle out of your hand so you stop drinking it, or hide your wine glass before you dance on the table???
  • Shellitz
    Shellitz Posts: 188
    I have a question. .. that might seem so basic that no one wants to answer lol.. but, How do YOU stretch? I'd like literal example of what exactly you guys do to stretch..? I always feel like I don't stretch well enough.. and I've never been really sure on HOW to stretch and for how LONG..? Suggestions anyone?

    I have always stuck to these basic stretching rules:

    1. I don't do static (stretch and hold) stretches before a workout, always just gently start to warm up and 'flex around a bit' before getting into it.
    2. Static stretches after I'm done - for every stretch that I do, I do x 3. Holding for 15-20 counts each time (you should be able to stretch a little further each time)

    Here's a great website that gives good stretching demos for all muscle groups

    I don't claim to be an expert, but doing the above has always worked for me :)
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    I love the people and children in my life, but sometimes I think all of us (although particularly women) can feel 'taken over'. Like everyone elses priorities are your priorities and what are actually yours gets buried. I am showing me...and them...that I am also a priority. That I also have things I want FOR ME (of which they'll benefit from anyway). Let's face it...and my husband knows it...a happy me equals a happy family.

    Making myself a priority was the hardest thing to overcome, but the most important in making myself healthier. It was, and continues to be, the biggest obstacle towards consistency. Love this, can completely 100% relate to it, thanks.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Vicki I agree with you on yoga. It stretches so wonderfully and you are constantly feeling stretched if done regularly, which of course the downside is how aware of being tight if you aren't consistent all of the sudden.

    Thanksgiving will be a challenge only in the fact that my family will not be happy with me unless I eat a lot. It's a real bummer.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    100 minutes done so far. 225 more planned by Saturday for a total of 325. Thats high for me.

    For some reason I've been slacking the last two days on water. Still getting in my 8 but usually I'm over.

    So, Thanksgiving (for us stateside folks) is coming up! Anyone have amazing plans?

    I never have been one to stuff myself over Thanksgiving. I only like turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes and corn (all mixed up) so I never get to that awfully full feeling. I dont even like the traditional desserts of assorted pies.

    How 'bout you?! Are you gonna need someone to pull you away from the marshmellow topped sweet potatoes, drag your face out of the whip cream on your pumpkin pie, take the gravy ladle out of your hand so you stop drinking it, or hide your wine glass before you dance on the table???

    I thought I was the only one. I never actually eat that much on Thanksgiving. Before I started MFP, I ate more on a regualr day lol.
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 230 Member
    So I have weigh in and meeting with the trainer tomorrow morning, I am excited for it. I feel like I am doing well, and I feel GREAT too!! I am so happy that I am doing this for me! I don't feel like I have anyone to impress (the pressure of thinking what someone else will think, etc) on my back, just ME!!

    I am happy I have found my "home" here with all of you as well, and all the other friends I have gained/met on here. Thank you all for being there for me through all this so far, and it's just the beginning. I know there will be ups and downs, hoping mostly ups (not scale wise lol) but I know where I can go to to vent, chat, or just lean on someone.
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    Is it too late to join? At the moment I have been sworn off the scale (it's hiding under some pillows) and for now I'm only weighing in at the beginning and the end of the months.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Is it too late to join? At the moment I have been sworn off the scale (it's hiding under some pillows) and for now I'm only weighing in at the beginning and the end of the months.

    It's absolutely not too late to join and welcome!! I like your pic btw!

    If you haven't already please fill out your information for the new challenge (if you would like to participate) on the roster. Our current challenge is to exercise 150mins throughout the week and also to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day throughout the week. On the bottom of the roster there are tabs and you would click the Oct.-Nov tab for the current challenge. Welcome again!!

    Welcome again!!
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Goooooood Morning, Afternooon, or Night Ladies!!

    How are we all doing this Tuesday? How did you all feel like you did this challenge? well? Easy? or did you have to reach out of your comfort zone?
    Sorry I have been MIA. I've been playing my role as mom/doctor with a sick bebe. And now that she is almost completely better, I feeel soo much relief. I totally was off track last week, not able to get hardly any excersise in and I didn't log a thing. But, seeing you all staying committed and seeing the pride in this group, I have to say I am soo motivated to blow this challenge away this week! =)
    I have a question. .. that might seem so basic that no one wants to answer lol.. but, How do YOU stretch? I'd like literal example of what exactly you guys do to stretch..? I always feel like I don't stretch well enough.. and I've never been really sure on HOW to stretch and for how LONG..? Suggestions anyone?

    I wanna say thanks to the lovely leaders who stay ever so faithful to this group..and always being a forum comment away from support.
    And I also wanna say to everybody here that I think you're amazing. this mission isn't exactly always rainbows and sunshines, but dedication and determination will pull us all through. And soon enough, we can all post our befores and afters. and that will be awesome! Hope you all have a fabulous, productive day. Sending positive vibes to you all.


    I too have trouble with the stretches. It wasn't until I started doing EA Active 2 that I learned some good stretches and how long to hold them. I do stretches on the ground ex. indian style seating and bending over, or having both feet out trying to reach my foot. The EA has be do stretches called good morning's where you squat down then bend over and then left your hands over your head. Hard to explain, also I'm not good at it haha. You're not along though with stretches... I totally have a problem with it.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    So I have weigh in and meeting with the trainer tomorrow morning, I am excited for it. I feel like I am doing well, and I feel GREAT too!! I am so happy that I am doing this for me! I don't feel like I have anyone to impress (the pressure of thinking what someone else will think, etc) on my back, just ME!!

    I am happy I have found my "home" here with all of you as well, and all the other friends I have gained/met on here. Thank you all for being there for me through all this so far, and it's just the beginning. I know there will be ups and downs, hoping mostly ups (not scale wise lol) but I know where I can go to to vent, chat, or just lean on someone.

    Glad you feel comfortable coming to the group. I have to say I also like your feedback and conversation topics!
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Goooooood Morning, Afternooon, or Night Ladies!!

    How are we all doing this Tuesday? How did you all feel like you did this challenge? well? Easy? or did you have to reach out of your comfort zone?
    Sorry I have been MIA. I've been playing my role as mom/doctor with a sick bebe. And now that she is almost completely better, I feeel soo much relief. I totally was off track last week, not able to get hardly any excersise in and I didn't log a thing. But, seeing you all staying committed and seeing the pride in this group, I have to say I am soo motivated to blow this challenge away this week! =)
    I have a question. .. that might seem so basic that no one wants to answer lol.. but, How do YOU stretch? I'd like literal example of what exactly you guys do to stretch..? I always feel like I don't stretch well enough.. and I've never been really sure on HOW to stretch and for how LONG..? Suggestions anyone?

    I wanna say thanks to the lovely leaders who stay ever so faithful to this group..and always being a forum comment away from support.
    And I also wanna say to everybody here that I think you're amazing. this mission isn't exactly always rainbows and sunshines, but dedication and determination will pull us all through. And soon enough, we can all post our befores and afters. and that will be awesome! Hope you all have a fabulous, productive day. Sending positive vibes to you all.


    I think the thing that helped me learn to stretch is doing regular hatha yoga. Before the yoga, I did not hold the stretch long enough and would sometimes bounce. So two things specific, don't bounce and hold for the stretch for a 15 count or even longer if you want. I was also a bit limited in what I did as a stretch, you know toe touches or a lunge or two and that was it. The yoga really helped me figure it out. I also find that since I do yoga several times a week, I don't need to spend as much time stretching after my work out. Start out with a beginners DVD. There are some good ones and they have 15 minute routines that will give you good ideas of what to do before and after a work out.

    Do you have any recommendations on hatha yoga, dvd's or youtube videos etc.?
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Finally - I've broken out of that plateau!!!! Thank goodness for that!