October 10 lb Bootcamp Challenge



  • jazziesaj11
    jazziesaj11 Posts: 351 Member
    You ready for this?!?!

    Weigh in every Friday (or whatever day you normally weigh in - and just post by Friday) on the spreadsheet
    If you don't log a starting weight by 10/7, you will be deleted from the spreadsheet
    If you don't log an updated weight for 2 weeks in a row, you will be deleted from the spreadsheet
    No negative comments

    Mini-Challenge for Week 1:
    >As always - 64oz water/day - just DO it!
    >360 push-ups...with a twist...this is only 60/day, but I want you to do it in 15 minutes...yes, that's all...60 push-ups in 15 minutes...4 per minute. I got this idea from a guy in spin class - he said they would do 1, 3, or 5 push-ups every minute for an hour and that it ended up being a KILLER ab workout. We might work up to that, but for now I just want you to do 4 per minute for 15 minutes. If you can't do a real push-up and need to be on your knees, that's fine, just do them somehow. (great for commercial breaks!!)
    >3 mile run - not necessarily all at once - divide it up however you like, but by the end of next Thursday, I want you to have ran 3 miles. If you can do it all in one shot - more power to you - if you have to walk it because you can't run - that's fine - just get in 3 miles on your feet.

    Not so bad, huh? Well - we still have 3 more weeks for me to add to it... :devil:

    Best of luck to everyone!!! :drinker:

    o.o" Oh my.....gah. :noway: LMAO!!! XD jk can I just say, you.... are... awesome. :bigsmile: I'm actually looking forward to this, I'm taking boot camp classes right now. 6am, 60minutes, 4 days a week... Oh yeah and sweat... lots of sweat. XD lol. But it definitely works and you feel great afterward. :)
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,161 Member
    I'm in...I can't wait to weigh myself and get started tomorrow!
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    Loving the pushup and running idea :) I already do pushups and I've begun to jog in place, woohoo! :)
  • NHLove88
    NHLove88 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm in, thanx for setting this all up again! :)

    Good luck everyone!
  • immz35
    immz35 Posts: 59 Member
    count me inn for october ...

    need all the motivation support i can get...

    bring it on.....
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    Hope its not too late, I want to enter myself and MaudeBeige.
    Mostly for the exercise challenge bit
    Although the push-up part is going to be interesting!!
  • Thank you SOOO much Sallie!!!! I've never run a mile in my life!!!!

    Now, how will I manage the push-ups?! I don't think I can manage 3!!!!
  • sheppeyescapee
    sheppeyescapee Posts: 329 Member
    Count me in! I managed 6.8lbs in September. Will push even harder for 10 in October.
  • bump
  • I am new to the MFP and this sounds like fun as well as keeping me accountable:bigsmile:
  • daniellesb1
    daniellesb1 Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks for setting this all up again ! It holds me accountable, and is DEFINETELY a push to try your hardest. It Sept I managed to lose 8.7 Lbs ! Was 1.3 Lbs shy of the 10 Lb mark, but I will take it anyways !!

    I might not lose as much in October, as I am starting the 30DS today - and I have heard that you really dont lose the Lbs, but more so inches.....

    Good luck to us all ! :drinker:
  • I'm in!!
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    Oh my boot camp! Okay. I'll do my best! I don't run, but I can walk pretty fast. I can't do a normal military pushup anymore, but I can do incline pushups.

  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    Love the running part. The push-ups will be difficult as I haven't done them since highschool gym class and that's a good 15 years ago. :laugh: But I am happy last month I lost 7.3lbs which is great cause after losing 60 pounds I was on a 3 month plateau. So I hope I keep losing and NO MORE plateaus. Good luck everyone!:bigsmile:
  • Bunn11
    Bunn11 Posts: 47 Member
    Count me in again! just started 30DS -really wanna make October count!!

    Good luck everyone :wink:
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    I'm in! Bootcamp sounds terrifying! LOL. I've got a 10-day vacation coming up this month, but I'm hoping the challenge will help me stay on track more than I otherwise would. Looking forward to it! :)
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Oh man!

    I've got the water down no problem.

    I've been practicing pushups but the max i could do was 16 at a time! This will be interesting.

    I usually walk 3 miles but I will try running/jogging just to see if I can do it.

    Yay! Fun!!

    Thanks for doing this!
  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    I am SOOOO in for October! I have a cruise at the end of the month for Halloween, I need serious motivation so that I don't have to dress like a pumpkin! :)
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    You ready for this?!?!

    Weigh in every Friday (or whatever day you normally weigh in - and just post by Friday) on the spreadsheet
    If you don't log a starting weight by 10/7, you will be deleted from the spreadsheet
    If you don't log an updated weight for 2 weeks in a row, you will be deleted from the spreadsheet
    No negative comments

    Mini-Challenge for Week 1:
    >As always - 64oz water/day - just DO it!
    >360 push-ups...with a twist...this is only 60/day, but I want you to do it in 15 minutes...yes, that's all...60 push-ups in 15 minutes...4 per minute. I got this idea from a guy in spin class - he said they would do 1, 3, or 5 push-ups every minute for an hour and that it ended up being a KILLER ab workout. We might work up to that, but for now I just want you to do 4 per minute for 15 minutes. If you can't do a real push-up and need to be on your knees, that's fine, just do them somehow. (great for commercial breaks!!)
    >3 mile run - not necessarily all at once - divide it up however you like, but by the end of next Thursday, I want you to have ran 3 miles. If you can do it all in one shot - more power to you - if you have to walk it because you can't run - that's fine - just get in 3 miles on your feet.

    Not so bad, huh? Well - we still have 3 more weeks for me to add to it... :devil:

    Best of luck to everyone!!! :drinker:

    Wow, what a challenge. I can't wait to start.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member

    60 pushups- DONE!

    I can't even believe I could do it! That was a nice surprise ;) Yes, they were on my knees but still!