October 10 lb Bootcamp Challenge



  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I can't run! Too many health problems on one side of the lower body.. but I do walk!! Will walking be ok instead of the run?

    Yep! Just do whatever you can do!
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    I had walked before I joined this challenge. Hope it's ok to add it in. Walked 4.57 miles today.. couldn't run the 3 miles..and got my H20 in... now just gotta work on those pushups!! ugh!!
  • randylevy
    randylevy Posts: 67 Member
    I can't run! Too many health problems on one side of the lower body.. but I do walk!! Will walking be ok instead of the run?

    I'm walking too. I like to do Leslie Sansone's 1 or 2 mile walk program on Exercise TV. She also has a walk and tone and a family walk. When the weather cools down (I'm in South Florida), I'll probably start walking outside.

    Good Luck.
  • russdev
    russdev Posts: 163 Member
    Added myself to sheet. Weigh in today so will update the sheet then etc.
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    I am down for this week's challenge. I know I can work to do the push ups. The 3 mile walk/run is for the whole week (not per day)?

    Already posted my starting weight. I am weighing in at 275.6 lbs. I didn't quite make the 10 lbs in September but I am still down and will continue to do so.
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Done my 60 pushups for the day, not sure yet about jogging a mile. Water is no problem :)
    I can't run either.. so walk it.
  • harmonysdream
    harmonysdream Posts: 92 Member
    I haven't done push ups since I was a kid, so those were tough. I had to do the ones on my knees for now. I'm gonna have to work up to the full ones lol. I also can't run like a few other people have mentioned, so I walked it and threw in an extra mile today =) This is great fun and motivation so far! Thanks for letting me join in. This is my first challenge and I LOVE it already.
  • Seraph1120
    Seraph1120 Posts: 194 Member
    You ready for this?!?!

    Weigh in every Friday (or whatever day you normally weigh in - and just post by Friday) on the spreadsheet
    If you don't log a starting weight by 10/7, you will be deleted from the spreadsheet
    If you don't log an updated weight for 2 weeks in a row, you will be deleted from the spreadsheet
    No negative comments

    Mini-Challenge for Week 1:
    >As always - 64oz water/day - just DO it!
    >360 push-ups...with a twist...this is only 60/day, but I want you to do it in 15 minutes...yes, that's all...60 push-ups in 15 minutes...4 per minute. I got this idea from a guy in spin class - he said they would do 1, 3, or 5 push-ups every minute for an hour and that it ended up being a KILLER ab workout. We might work up to that, but for now I just want you to do 4 per minute for 15 minutes. If you can't do a real push-up and need to be on your knees, that's fine, just do them somehow. (great for commercial breaks!!)
    >3 mile run - not necessarily all at once - divide it up however you like, but by the end of next Thursday, I want you to have ran 3 miles. If you can do it all in one shot - more power to you - if you have to walk it because you can't run - that's fine - just get in 3 miles on your feet.

    Not so bad, huh? Well - we still have 3 more weeks for me to add to it... :devil:

    Best of luck to everyone!!! :drinker:

    Awesome! I've already got half the running down from yesterday! Water is no problem, the pushups will be a little bit of a challenge, but doable. (no commercial breaks for me...no tv!)
  • zumbawhit
    zumbawhit Posts: 115 Member
    Push-ups... Do those already. Running... I love, but my foot doesn't. Better keep the ice pack and insurance card handy! LOL!!!

    Don't hurt yourself! You probably run more than 3 miles in a week chasing after all those kiddos, though!!

    That's probably true! LOL! I always count my time in Wal-Mart wrestling them and a shopping cart as "pushing stroller with child"... LOL!
  • WendyTricia
    WendyTricia Posts: 81 Member
    Hi all, I am so excited about this month's challenge!!! I REALLY need to lose these 10 pounds. I fell into a slump over the past few months and haven't been able to snap out of it. Being held accountable by others will truly help, and I am SOOOOOOOO ready for this!

    I would love to gain some friends on MFP from this, so please feel free to add me as a friend.

    Thanks for the support! LET'S DO THIS!!!
  • This is my first challenge and I am ready to make it happen. Challenges bring out my competitve side (it's been asleep for awhile)...lol. Please feel free to add me so we can motivate each other.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I am down for this week's challenge. I know I can work to do the push ups. The 3 mile walk/run is for the whole week (not per day)?

    Correct - 3 for the whole week.
  • Joj43
    Joj43 Posts: 54
    Anyone else sore from the push-ups??? I can't move my arms today but I've still pushed through 20 this morning :bigsmile: Just a question....can a Zumba class count towards my 3 miles for the week? I wear a HRM so I should be able to work out how many miles (or in my case kilometers!) I've done?
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    Oh my, my shoulders are soooo sore. I will make the 60 a day though, I WILL! Doesn't help that I do pushups already in 30DS, lmao.
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    Still working on water, 30 more push-ups to go. A little sore today. Great, Challenge.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Definitely sore from the push ups yesterday but I did my 60 for today in about 8 minutes. I did have to rest. Whew.

    I'm not looking forward to doing those pushups AND my 30DS...
  • sarashleyj
    sarashleyj Posts: 85 Member
    I am sooo soooorrreeeee from the pushups! I guess now I can tell where I need to work! LOL!!

    The running is not the issue for me... I run about 8-12 miles per week. But man. pushups are KILLER!! lol
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    I did the 60 pushups!!!OMG!!! I feel like my arms are gonna fall off!!!.. Gonna get them done though, no matter how hard I have to push. Guzzled the water, and got half mile in walking!!!

    (Too many spellings mistakes!)
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    LOL - I thought we were running 3 miles per day! Cumulative for the week though - what a relief! :) I was gonna gamely try it though... and might still!

    I've jogged 1/4 mile so far, just doing intervals on a treadmill. I haven't tried to run in ... 10 years! Woohoo! :)

    2.25 miles total so far
    60 pushups so far (with exercise ball...)
  • bwesser
    bwesser Posts: 61
    I am in! I didn't get a chance to work super hard for September. I got really sick and then swamped with classwork because I missed a couple classes. I want to loose more than 2lbs this month! lol!!

    Good luck everyone!