What is your ultra goal weight?



  • Aussie4870
    im 5ft8.5inches...my ultimate goal weight is 150lbs...

    i started at 301lbs...current weight is 213lbs...
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    I'm 5'6 and my UGW is 99lbs, then I would have about 10% body fat and my stomach wouldn't sit in one saggy bean bag when I sit down.

    uh that doesn't sound healthy.

    ^^^ I 2nd that ^^^

    HEIGHT: 5'10"
    CW: 228
    GW: 173
    UGW: 158

    Just wanna be healthy, fit, trim and the best version of me possible no matter what the numbers end up being.

    this makes me sad to think about. I can't even imagine myself being 99 lbs and I am only 5' tall....being 6" taller....that is beyond underweight according to any standard you could go by, even BMI. I don't mean to be rude, but at 105 lbs I would be about 10% body fat - my lean body mass is about 95 lbs.... I would think that at 99 lbs & 5' 6" you would be farrrrr below 10% BF....like close to none or not even possible....your lean body mass would likely be at the very least 99 lbs....... :(
  • Fit4Life59
    I'm 5'4" middle built, solid and my ultimate weight loss goal is 160 lbs.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    Starting Weight: 152
    Goal Weight: 130
    Current Weight: 121.6
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 118

    I'm very satisfied with my current weight but I would be extremely happy with my UGW. I'd like to reduce my Body Fat Percentage and tone up.
  • Guerita83
    I'm 5'3 at 185, but my UGW would be 130, what I used to weigh after my 2nd child....
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    My goal weight is awesome abs. I don't believe in the scale, it lies. I'm 5'4" a strong size 0 at 123 pounds . . . about 4 pounds of muscle too light.

    My goal is un-fat thighs. If I start adding muscle, as in my plan, this might happen at my entered goal weight of 145, maybe slightly lower.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Someone here PLEASE explain what the hell the difference is between "goal" and "ultimate goal" ... because a goal implies a finish - and end to a challenge. If you reach your GOAL, you're at the appropriate weight for your body. That's your goal. It's been brought to your attention (all of you!) that the notion of "UGW" and "Ultra" is a term commonly used in the ED community - and you're all still just throwing it around like it's nothing. Your GOAL weight is your GOAL. Maybe think about what you're implying by saying you have a goal weight and an ultimate/ultra goal weight.

  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Ultimate weight? I'd rather concern myself with looking like Ultimate Thor or Ultimate Captain America.

  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I guess the way I understood it, goal weight would be where you want to be, buy a new wardrobe, all that... And then ultimate or ultra goal would be a bit lower than that when you've gotten the full body comp you want. For me, I want to be at 130-140 depending on how that looks by December, but I also want to eventually get to 20% body fat. That will take about a year at this pace, and will probably be a lower weight. I just can't wait a year to replace my already too big clothes.

    Also, I said this in another thread, but I've read that overweight people often set goals that are high and think that lower would be grotesque/impossible, but it actually is possible and that becomes obvious at the original goal. I've never weighed 130 in my life, but according to the charts, even if I have a large frame I should be able to get there... Seems impossible, but I'll try, and if I feel happy somewhere along the way that will be my new goal weight
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    My possibly naive understanding of OP was basically "ultra goal" as opposed to "mini-goals:.
  • cocacolababy
    cocacolababy Posts: 2 Member
    My ultra goal weight is 130lb and I am 5'7", right now I have about 60 lbs to go.
  • marcibar
    Someone here PLEASE explain what the hell the difference is between "goal" and "ultimate goal" ... because a goal implies a finish - and end to a challenge. If you reach your GOAL, you're at the appropriate weight for your body. That's your goal. It's been brought to your attention (all of you!) that the notion of "UGW" and "Ultra" is a term commonly used in the ED community - and you're all still just throwing it around like it's nothing. Your GOAL weight is your GOAL. Maybe think about what you're implying by saying you have a goal weight and an ultimate/ultra goal weight.


    I think "ultimate goal" is used for where people want to be in the end, but they set mini goals with deadlines along the way. I try to set monthly goals, and at the end of each month I reassess. I would like to lose 5 pounds by October (which is a goal) but I would like to be between 135 and 140 by next summer (ultimate goal). That final goal may change, if I decide I look/feel good at a different weight. I haven't been below 148 since I had my first child (and I was happy there) so I might decide I like that again, I don't know.

    That's how I see this.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    No specific number for the random number generator for me. Just be as strong, lean and fit as possible.

    And remember girls (and eye candy for the boys :tongue:

  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I'm 5'6 and my UGW is 99lbs, then I would have about 10% body fat and my stomach wouldn't sit in one saggy bean bag when I sit down.

    Toning would be more helpful for that then being underweight...
  • RuthAne
    RuthAne Posts: 130
    5'4" 110
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    No specific number for the random number generator for me. Just be as strong, lean and fit as possible.

    And remember girls (and eye candy for the boys :tongue:


    I don't know... She looks kinda "skinny"....
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    As I just posted on my wall - I no longer have a goal weight
    Read this http://nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/07/21/meet-staci-your-new-powerlifting-super-hero/
    Do it now
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    As I just posted on my wall - I no longer have a goal weight
    Read this http://nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/07/21/meet-staci-your-new-powerlifting-super-hero/
    Do it now
    Nerd Fitness is excellent!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    My possibly naive understanding of OP was basically "ultra goal" as opposed to "mini-goals:.

    No worries, you're not one of the 'you people' I was referring to. :D
  • txchik
    txchik Posts: 14 Member
    ht: 5'3"
    2yrs ago 224 been stuck, but finally overcoming the plateau
    Started on myfitnesspal @ 174 now @ 172
    My goal to lose 50lbs and be around 124.... I go to the gym everyday so I can lose the weight, but be tone not just skinny. :smile: