Most Embarrassing Gym Moment...



  • SerenityNow76
    SerenityNow76 Posts: 38 Member
    Bumping this to read later :laugh:
  • Swanz21
    Swanz21 Posts: 42 Member
    What a great thread, I have been working out at home but just recently joined a gym. I wonder what my first story will be?
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member
    girls, get a sports bra! You can get them for, like, fifteen dollars at TJ Maxx. Don't get the cute, flirty tank top bras. Those are for runners, not jumpers or plankers. You need something that will get you flat chested. It sucks and is unattractive, but its the most comfortable and you don't have to worry about flailing or falling out. :)

    LOL tank top bras for running?! I need the most heavy duty bras ever for running, otherwise I bounce all over the place (which is my most embarassing gym moment - not having the right bra and running!)
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member
    Before I joined the gym, I worked out mostly by walking on the boardwalk or beach (i live about 3 blocks from the ocean). One day, I'd gone back and forth within myself about whether or not to work out. It was a gorgeous sunny day but I was feeling extremely lazy. I then watched an episode of Biggest Loser I'd DVRd the night before and was highly motivated to get off my *kitten*, which I did. Unfortuntately, my timing was pretty bad: I made it the three blocks to the boardwalk and walked about one block on it before the sky opened up and p*ssed on me. It was raining way too hard to see more than a few feet in front of me let alone actually jog (I'm very clumsy) so I just angrily walked as fast as I could home. About two blocks from home, I came across a criminally gorgeous man waiting to cross at the light and persevere through his run. He said hi, talked about the rain a little bit, and was VERY smily. I was feeling pretty good because this was not a man that I normally would ever have expected to pay me any attention, so I thought "hey--this working out is clearly working!" Then I looked down and realized the light pink hanes t-shirt I was wearing was COMPLETELY soaked through, as was the white sports bra I was wearing underneath. I then slunk the rest of the way home in shame...but not before walking past about 25 teenage boys on a crew team out for their run.

    This reminds me of one of my embarrassing moments! I once went running with my best friend outside when it was raining a little bit. We were training for a 5K that was coming up (we had never run a 5K before at that point) and so were fairly serious about getting the training in. Mid-run, the skies opened up and it just DOWNPOURED. My shirt, pants, and sneakers got completely soaked through in a matter of minutes and my shirt was weighing me down. What's a girl to do? I decided to just take off my shirt and run in my sports bra (yes, people do this, but not ME, especially because I feel like everything jiggles when I run!!) and by the time the run was over, I was sopping wet but felt completely invincible. Quite a few people drove by and were probably staring at me, but oh well!

    My other embarassing moment was when I was at krav maga and had forgot my workout pants. I decided to do the hour long class (including an exhaustion drill) in business casual dress pants, and it just failed so bad! My zipper kept coming down and every two seconds my pants would slide down and nearly fall off in front of the whole class (of mostly all guys)! It was awful!
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member
    Accidentally made contact with one of my fellow students. We were doing the move where if someone does a two handed choke from the front you "pluck" their hands and at the same time knee to the crotch. Yeah we're not actually supposed to knee them. I hit her so hard she went to the ground. If she had been a guy I would be dead. I felt SO bad.

    We do a similar move in krav maga... during one of the exhaustion drills where we were defending against multiple attackers when I first started, I plucked and promptly kneed a guy full force in the groin so hard that he literally fell to the ground! I found out later that I'd cracked his cup in half. I've never felt so bad in my life. Luckily, my control has improved since then!

    Some of the groundfighting positions were also awkward for me at first, like when you're in the guard position (on your back with your legs wrapped around your partner, for those that don't know).
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    i tripped and fell on a treadmill, sprinting, and hit it, and it immediately shot me off the back into the wall.....................

    I would have laughed, sorry, then made sure u were ok
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    Well, this happened when I was like 12 and randomly at the gym with my dad... I was running on the treadmill and closed my eyes because I wanted to pretend I was running in nature. Sure enough, I fell right off within 5 seconds and they told me I was too young to be on the equipment. LOL

    "because I wanted to pretend I was running in nature..."

    ^^^ That is officially the funniest thing I have heard all day. Granted, it's only noon time, but it made me smile.
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    i tripped and fell on a treadmill, sprinting, and hit it, and it immediately shot me off the back into the wall.....................
    LMAO one time when I was on the treadmill I had my arms going back and forth and caught the cord on my ear I attempted to catch my [falling] iPod I lost my balance and fell forward as the treadmill was forcing my feet backwards.... I miraculously caught the handle bars but my heals hit the wall behind me and I went flying forward onto my knees ...finishing with my iPod shooting off the back of the treadmill and then the rest of me not far behind.... I made so much of a racket... people were laughing once they saw that I was alive to walk it off (red faced/bruised pride) ...I wasn't hurt...and my iPod survived to play another song...he he
  • TeutonicKnight
    TeutonicKnight Posts: 367 Member
    I took some horny goat weed right before a workout because I was going to meet with my girlfriend later on that day and I was told it took 2-4 hours to take effect. Well, in the middle of doing shoulder presses and shrugs, guess who decided to make himself noticeable in sweatpants. A young lady walked by, looked down, and saw my 'salute' and laughed. She said, "Wow, you get aroused by working out, that is a first!" I stopped right then and there and hit the showers.

    I could never look that girl in the face again. Thank goodness that was over 10 years ago!
  • knelson422
    I met with the trainer to do my fitness evaluation. He had me start doing sit ups (this is after having 5 babies). After 3 situps I said I couldn't do anymore. I started to pee my pants. And, I never did get the results of my evaluation. I think he was too embarrassed. Oh well, didn't stop me from going, but I NEVER do sit ups, or jump on a trampoline unless I have a diaper on.
  • charlenekco
    About two years ago the hospital where I work had an Employee Fitness program. I must state that I am a civillian working on a military base. You had to go get fitness testing at the beginning of the program.

    I couldn't do most of the exercises and almost passed out after doing the "steps". Then a couple of the Trainers ran over to me and yelled "ON THE FLOOR - DON'T GET UP UNTIL i TELL YOU". I wanted to cry, but didn't so I could maintain some type of dignity.

    The exercises we were to do were the same ones the soldiers have to do...THEN WHY DIDN'T THEY SAY THAT?

    Needless to say, I dropped out of the program.

    Now, I'm going to the YMCA where I can work at my own pace :)
  • 2dayirun4me
    2dayirun4me Posts: 336 Member
    While running on the treadmill I seemed to have caught the eye of a couple of nice looking guys lifting weights...They made a few trips to the drinking fountain smiling :happy: . I'm thinking they must think i'm in pretty good shape and that I lift ... After my running I went to the girls room only to see in the mirror THO! :noway: I was so embarrassed the girls were saying HELLO! and I had no idea. I was so embarrassed took me awhile to go back with my new padded bra.
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    bump. this is too funny!
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    Yesterday when I was training with my personal trainer, i totally farted!

    BUT, I'm sticking with the story that it wasn't my fault! He had me on some sit-up bench with a bouncy medicine ball, I had to sit up (angularly) while bouncing the medicine ball on either side of me for 10 reps on each side. It just happened! haha

    What's your most embarrassing gym moment?

    :laugh: :sick:
  • TiffanySuscheck
    TiffanySuscheck Posts: 123 Member
    i tripped and fell on a treadmill, sprinting, and hit it, and it immediately shot me off the back into the wall.....................

    Yup. That happened to me the other day. As if once wasn't bad enough, after I got back on, but before I had built up more dignity, I did it again!
    I was mortified.
    I bowed my head in shame and decided perhaps jogging was too much of a task for me that day and did some nice safe abs.
  • traceracer
    traceracer Posts: 303 Member
    I was working out with this guy(It was like a first date thing) and I fluffed about 3-4 different times. It got to the point where he finally asked if I needed to take a bathroom break!:/ Ha!
  • shellimus
    shellimus Posts: 158 Member
    My parents bought a family gym membership when I was like 12. My friend and I used to go and eff around on the equipment "working out". One day - I was on the treadmill (small town gym, very little space in the whole thing - old, old, old equipment) and my friend got on the one next to me. She couldn't get it going and I stepped to the side of mine without turning it down - I got hers started and forgot mine was on. So I stepped on the running belt and realized what was happening and somehow grabbed on to the bars and tried to hit the speed button down - now I'm holding on for dear life, knees dragging on the belt, trying to turn the damn thing down - and my friend Amy just sat there laughing at me - not at all helping.

    I ended up just letting go - and flying into the wall behind me. My knees were black from the belt and bleeding. She was laughing so hard she had tears running down her face and was drawing attention to me piled up in a corner from all the boys in the weight lifting room. They came to the door to see what was up and I just got up and limped to the changing room pretending everything was a-ok.

    She called me tread for about 10 years.

    LOL. I think I was there that day. I witnessed a very similar event and felt so bad for the girl whose legs were bleeding from falling on that treadmill. Her friend thought it was hilarious.
  • MicMar66
    MicMar66 Posts: 186 Member
    Too funny not to bump!
  • Guardien
    Guardien Posts: 109 Member
    As one of the heaviest guys on my football team in high school, ( about 230 @ 5' 7 1/2"), I felt the need to prove that I was more than just a short, fat lineman. One day doing our plyometric box jumps, I tried a height a little out of my range. I ALMOST made it, but my foot caught the front edge of the box, my knees slammed the top, and I tumbled over front of half the team.
    There was also getting pinned in the 1st round during my 1st wrestling match. My girlfriend was there. Tough thing about the heavy weight the time the weight range was 190-275. I was 232 and my opponent barely made weight.
  • mmcorner
    mmcorner Posts: 154 Member