Most Embarrassing Gym Moment...

Yesterday when I was training with my personal trainer, i totally farted!

BUT, I'm sticking with the story that it wasn't my fault! He had me on some sit-up bench with a bouncy medicine ball, I had to sit up (angularly) while bouncing the medicine ball on either side of me for 10 reps on each side. It just happened! haha

What's your most embarrassing gym moment?


  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    i tripped and fell on a treadmill, sprinting, and hit it, and it immediately shot me off the back into the wall.....................
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    i tripped and fell on a treadmill, sprinting, and hit it, and it immediately shot me off the back into the wall.....................

    OMG that is my absolute fear every time that I'm on the treadmill!!!
  • Lucylaser
    Lucylaser Posts: 94 Member
    Uh, I totally cried at my bootcamp class the other week. It was so hard! And the worst part was it happened both times I went to the class last week. BUUTT.... This week I made it through tear free.
  • isabellammm
    isabellammm Posts: 49 Member
    Well, this happened when I was like 12 and randomly at the gym with my dad... I was running on the treadmill and closed my eyes because I wanted to pretend I was running in nature. Sure enough, I fell right off within 5 seconds and they told me I was too young to be on the equipment. LOL
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    - crying at jazzercise
    - getting on a machine and getting off a minute later. even though it's probably not true, i feel like everybody is judging me
    - dropping the weights on the weight machines!
    - seeing a super hot guy and realizing this is the day you are wearing a big tee-shirt and glasses instead of nice workout gear!
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    Bumping because I just KNOW this thread is going to be my favourite.

  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    i tried to bench too much and couldnt get the bar back up
  • BeckyO
  • sarahbetherck
    sarahbetherck Posts: 270 Member
    Yesterday we were throwing medicine balls (squishy, but still weighted ~10lbs) at the wall behind us and when I didn't throw it hard enough it totally dropped right on to my head. Doh!
  • corona304
    Bench pressing and couldn't bring the weight off my chest. Yelling for help and it took like forever for someone to come and help. He lifted off the weight with one hand like it was a paper weight.
  • chelleydee33
    Some fellas from Team Quest were working out at my gym and I was watching their workout. They're crazy strong so I was totally enthralled. They moved and I turned to follow but it was too much turn for my body and I fell off the elliptical onto the elliptical next to me and then onto my *kitten* on the floor.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    -Doing skip rope and feeling like I'm about to pee all over
    -Wednesday I was doing a box jump, got done, did my little assisted pull ups on the machine-jumped off and didn't realize the steps for the box jump were so close. I definitely fell back right on my butt. I felt like a winner.
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    I was on the ellip machine and talking to the three people with me about the Giants game in the background. I was totally feeling kind of awesome because I usually don't talk at all at the gym.

    And then I burped. Like a giant man burp. Like one of those burps you see on tv and think must be fake.

    The dude next to me yelled "Holy *kitten* that was loud"
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    BUMP!!! gonna read this tomorrow morning while having breakfast :0) nighty night
  • mags2504
    bump, by the time i get home from work tonight i'm gona be crying at this one.hahaha
  • BuffTexan
    last week I was doing my 1st set of concentration curls. I somehow grabbed a lighter weight than normal, sat down, picked up the dumbbell and the 1st rep nearly KO'd me! I moved my head and it bumped the side of the cheek.

    Reality check: ya'll come back to this thread... I will eventually trip on a treadmill and get shot off the back. It's inevitable.
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    Bench pressing and couldn't bring the weight off my chest. Yelling for help and it took like forever for someone to come and help. He lifted off the weight with one hand like it was a paper weight.
    You can either:
    1. tilt the bar to one side and dump the plates
    2. drag the bar down your torso and thighs to dump the bar on the ground
  • fraanncciiss
    Oh man..I was on the treadmill and I dropped my phone while it was running and without thinking I just bent down to get it and it was going about 6 mph and in 2 seconds it had pushed me onto the floor and everyone was just staring at me...haha so humiliating
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    I was once doing plank jacks for my personal trainer, was wearing the wrong bra and my boobs popped out of my shirt!! I wanted to cry I was so embarrassed..instead I got up readjusted myself and went on to the next exercise. .
  • BeverageTreats
    BeverageTreats Posts: 149 Member
    I pretty much do embarrassing things on a regular basis.

    Almost falling over when doing walking lunges.

    Having to bring a table over to the pull up bar so I can jump up and do my negative pull ups since I can't do a positive one yet and am also short. There are often dudes waiting who are able to do many positive pull ups.

    Lifting light weights... to the point of failure with fairly low reps. I am not trying to lift light weights because I'm afraid to build muscle, I just started out pretty weak and that's all I can lift. No one wants to change that more than I do.

    Leaving my phone and water bottle all over the place and having to go look for it.

    Let's not even discuss the various ways in which I fail at yoga, which I have only been to four times.

    I'm sure there are many, many more that are not even coming to mind right now.