Most Embarrassing Gym Moment...



  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member

    I don't know how many times I've watched this but it always makes me laugh! ha

    Hehe, so that's the original! I raise you this version!! Watch it all!

    Luckily i haven't done anything as...noticeable so far. Best I've managed to do it punch myself in the face while doing bicep curls. Heave! Yeah, lets see that bicep! HEAVE!!! OWWW!! MY FACE! I guess i moved my head too far foward, combined with not concentrating....
  • Hannerling
    I LOVE this post! I haven't had any truly embarrassing moments at the gym yet but after reading these I know my time is coming.
  • tkacomet
    tkacomet Posts: 73 Member
    oh my gosh, this thread just cheered me immensely. so I guess it's my turn!

    I am "living the remote life" so no gym, but plenty of other opportunities to make an *kitten* of myself.

    I was co-instructing a yoga class on twists, and being the example as 20+ students stood around. I got into a nice deep twist and my old broken rib decided to tweak on me, causing an extremely painful muscle spasm in my ribs. There I am, like a pretzel, the other instructor telling everyone about form and placement in her very soothing voice, and I had to do this little squeaky mumble thing, "help! can't move! stuck!" the other instructor them carefully extracts me from the twist with me whining like a sissy-girl the whole time. needless to say the students weren't all that excited about the pose. after I got my breath back I said something along the lines of, "and this illustrates why self-awareness is so important. you must know your limitations and never go too far..." as I had tears running down my cheeks.

    I once decided to illustrate the old squat-thrusts we used to have to do in HS to a bunch of kids and my jeans ripped from belt line to knee, exposing my giant white butt to the whole village park. that was awesome. I sort of backed into the bar nearby (where I work) snuck back to the kitchen and used a stapler for a temporary mend.

    my favorite which was embarrassing at the time, now just makes me laugh. I was out running on a path through the woods early in the morning with my headphones on and the endorphins were working overtime. I was buzzing and grooving so when a song came on that has great energy but is really kind of stupid lyrically and teen-girl poppy (you know the type) I stopped running and started to dance like a total spaz while singing along at the top of my lungs with my eyes closed. oh yeah. I was having a moment. After probably a good two minutes - most of the song - I opened my eyes to find one of my neighbors standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME in his running clothes, watching me and grinning from ear to ear. I quickly removed the earbuds and stammered something and he said, "don't mind me! I just didn't take you for the Avril Lavine type!"

    later on in the day a picture of the moment appeared on facebook. of course. damn camera phones!
  • corona304
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    i tripped and fell on a treadmill, sprinting, and hit it, and it immediately shot me off the back into the wall.....................

    I'm sorry, this must have been horrible but, I totally laughed out loud. Caught me off-guard. Hope you weren't hurt.
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    when i first started running, i would fart will i was running,lol. i was pray no one would walk up and want to talk to me will i was running. At least it didnt smell.

    SN: I dont do it anymore and i dont know why i did it then
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    I had the walking farts on the treadmill once the guy next to me got off his machine and left really
  • bonnynblithe04
    bonnynblithe04 Posts: 123 Member
    In my yoga classes this summer I have had several near misses with nip slips doing downward dogs! (I'm a big girl, LOL) :embarassed:
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    ~I was done with my workout and talking to a few people who had been in the class after. Someone said something funny and we all laughed...and I farted. But it wasn't just a fart it was incredibly loud and my fart "laughed" with me. Everyone heard it and we couldn't help it because it sounded so much like a laugh...we laughed at it...which caused me to fart laugh again...and again...and again. By the time my body decided to stop being a side show attraction we had all laughed ourselves into tears.

    HAHAHAHAHA this made my day! I'm sorry xx
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    i tripped and fell on a treadmill, sprinting, and hit it, and it immediately shot me off the back into the wall.....................

    I'm sorry, this must have been horrible but, I totally laughed out loud. Caught me off-guard. Hope you weren't hurt.

    I laughed.....afterward....a skinned knee was the only injury. But s 250lb guy getting shot into a wall off a treadmill going 9mph gets EVERYONE'S' attention!
  • kristarablue
    I lift free weigths three times a week, every time I lift and I mean evey flippin time I get nip ons.....I try to will them down, but nothing I say to the girls will make them not stand at attention. So yep every time I am lifting in the boy area of the gym I have nip ons.....I thought I was going to die once when they were not even, I had to run to the locker room just to straighten the girls out so now I make sure I am even before I venture to the weights...UGH...the things I put up with to get into this shape thing I am longing for....I am the nip on girl at the gym yep...good times:tongue:
  • moniquelessard
    I lift free weigths three times a week, every time I lift and I mean evey flippin time I get nip ons.....I try to will them down, but nothing I say to the girls will make them not stand at attention. So yep every time I am lifting in the boy area of the gym I have nip ons.....I thought I was going to die once when they were not even, I had to run to the locker room just to straighten the girls out so now I make sure I am even before I venture to the weights...UGH...the things I put up with to get into this shape thing I am longing for....I am the nip on girl at the gym yep...good times:tongue:

    Two words: Band Aids (if you're that bothered by it. ;)
  • kristarablue
    I lift free weigths three times a week, every time I lift and I mean evey flippin time I get nip ons.....I try to will them down, but nothing I say to the girls will make them not stand at attention. So yep every time I am lifting in the boy area of the gym I have nip ons.....I thought I was going to die once when they were not even, I had to run to the locker room just to straighten the girls out so now I make sure I am even before I venture to the weights...UGH...the things I put up with to get into this shape thing I am longing for....I am the nip on girl at the gym yep...good times:tongue:

    Two words: Band Aids (if you're that bothered by it. ;)
    Nah I was at first, horribly, now I have kind of embraced
  • shelbym87
    shelbym87 Posts: 122 Member
    Bump for later! Love the one about falling in the naked guy in the sauna.
  • Baroness
    Baroness Posts: 35 Member
    I got some new bluetooth headphones for my iphone - so I can listen to music with out getting all tangled up in the cord.
    The first day I was using them, on the treadmill for a warmup - gym is full, I forgot to turn the bluetooth on. I thought the sound quality wasnt that good, so I amped up the volume on my phone, only to realise after I was the *kitten* listening to music playing directly from my iphone on the treadmill - shame!
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    There are times I've feared this at home as sometimes it's the position I'm in. lol I'll think thank god I'm not working out with others right now.
  • j9hannum
    j9hannum Posts: 18 Member
    My most embarrassing moment was in the locker room after my workout. I headed for the showers and was totally not thinking and pushed open the shower curtain to one of the shower stalls. Well, there was a reason the curtain was closed (DUH!!!) I'm not sure who was more surprised - me or the poor woman facing me, buck naked, holding a towel and reaching behind herself to dry off her *kitten* crack. Oh, and my gym is at WORK!
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    hahahahaha poor lady!! i totally pictured her in my head lol
    My most embarrassing moment was in the locker room after my workout. I headed for the showers and was totally not thinking and pushed open the shower curtain to one of the shower stalls. Well, there was a reason the curtain was closed (DUH!!!) I'm not sure who was more surprised - me or the poor woman facing me, buck naked, holding a towel and reaching behind herself to dry off her *kitten* crack. Oh, and my gym is at WORK!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    i tried to bench too much and couldnt get the bar back up

    Is that what happened to the dog in your picture?
  • gogonunubean
    gogonunubean Posts: 160 Member
    Signing up for a personal training session for the first time. He told me to cycle for 10 minutes to warm up before we started. After about 6 minutes I was so knackered, I just got up and went home!