Most Embarrassing Gym Moment...



  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I had just started weight lifting and was still really insecure in the weight room - it was me and about 5 guys. I went over to the chest press bench and piled it up with what I thought was my poundage (80lbs at the time) and very confidently, laid down and went to work - I actually lifted it okay but then brought it down and literally could not move it an inch off my chest. I had to roll it down my body (painful) and then sit up and try to lift it back up to the bar rack. I realized after that I had loaded the bar with my typical squat press amount....which is about a 40 lbs difference. Schmuck.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I don't know if you can count it as a gym story.. but we were in a gym (high school gym)

    We were doing football practice inside because of lightning. The football team was on one side, cheerleaders on the other. Well we were doing these drills were you'd catch a ball, run threw a agility ladder then drive over some pads onto a wrestling mat on the other side. Well I forgot to tie my shorts up tight.. I took the pass, ran threw the ladder and dove over the pads. When I landed my shorts and boxers went one way, I went the other. Needless to say everyone got to see me in all my glory. Including half the cheer squad :blushing:
  • harmonysdream
    harmonysdream Posts: 92 Member

    I don't know how many times I've watched this but it always makes me laugh! ha

    Hehe, so that's the original! I raise you this version!! Watch it all!

    Luckily i haven't done anything as...noticeable so far. Best I've managed to do it punch myself in the face while doing bicep curls. Heave! Yeah, lets see that bicep! HEAVE!!! OWWW!! MY FACE! I guess i moved my head too far foward, combined with not concentrating....

    I love the other guy in this video. How he just sits there watching his friend get owned by the treadmill and doesn't even offer him a hand up lol.
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    BUMP! we need more stories!! :laugh:
  • allie0630
    allie0630 Posts: 139 Member
    Yay... another excuse I can use for not going to the gym... LOL
    I'm laughing so hard I think my abs just got a workout equal to 200 crunches:laugh:
  • kittuk86
    kittuk86 Posts: 192 Member
    m laughing so hard.. it takes a lot to share such embarrassing moments.. keep them coming guys!!!
  • onesillygirl
    Here are the three I've done recently while working w/ my personal trainer:

    1. I was swinging a weight at my side as part of a cardio circuit. Mid-rep, my trainer told me to bend my legs so I did. When I bent my legs, I inadvertently shifted so that my leg was in the way of the weight. I hit myself in the knee with the weight and fell backwards. I wasn't hurt. As soon as my trainer knew I wasn't hurt, he laughed really hard.

    2. I was finished doing chest presses. My trainer was re-racking the weights. Instead of lifting the bar to get out from under it, I wriggled myself under the bar to get out. I realized how dumb it was after I did it and started laughing.

    3. One of the first times I was working out with my trainer, I accidentally dropped the weights on the Smith before I had even started lifting.
  • Saksgirl1
    I totally forgot how funny these stories were!!!! Great stuff guys!
  • celmes11
    celmes11 Posts: 58 Member
  • run4yourlife
    run4yourlife Posts: 379 Member
    I am dying here - thanks for the laughs people :laugh:
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    Best thread ever!!!
  • KBoddu
    KBoddu Posts: 237 Member
    Well, my embarrassing moment was TONIGHT! I didn't have time to do my elliptical this morning so I decided that I would do it after work at my apartment complex. Work was hell and I didn't get a chance to change to my workout clothes, but nobody ever comes into the gym anyway (I have NEVER seen anyone in our gym in over a month!) so, I didn't think it would be a big deal. Sooo... I get on the elliptical in my Ugg boots, black tights and dress then ONE minute into my workout a girl comes in and says, "Oh! You look cute!"... FML!!
  • longoverdue
    longoverdue Posts: 57 Member
    bump for later
  • trixylewis
    trixylewis Posts: 197 Member
    bump for my laugh later!
  • hozik
    hozik Posts: 369 Member
    Thanks everyone for your stories!
    Here's mine: Once I was on my back stretching out at the end of aerobics class and the instructor said to roll up by pulling one knee to chest and rocking forward. I usually rolled to my side instead since my abs were too weak to roll up the other way. Well, this time I thought perhaps I was getting stronger and should give it a go. The pressure of my knee on my belly caused me to blast out a super loud fart as I rolled up that echoed in the studio like a cannon had been fired. The whole class and instructor went silent and just stared at me for what felt like hours. I was so embarrassed I never went back.
  • Ashlea82
    Ashlea82 Posts: 191
    Well, this happened when I was like 12 and randomly at the gym with my dad... I was running on the treadmill and closed my eyes because I wanted to pretend I was running in nature. Sure enough, I fell right off within 5 seconds and they told me I was too young to be on the equipment. LOL

    lol I did something similar to this a few months ago... lmao.. id never used a treadmill before... I've since learnt not to close your eyes on a treadmill unless your holding on hahaha..
    thankfully I didn't actually fall just felt myself going backwards and jumped off
    there was only 2 other people in the gym at the time and i don't think they noticed hahah.. it was still embarrassing tho I'm sure the cameras saw me lol
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Got crushed by the leg press machine while I was trying to escape a guy's fart that was doing squats next to me.
    I also slipped in the steam room and fell on a naked dude on my way out, felt so bad and disgusted at the same time.

    Sadly my gym is quite close to my work so you usually see all the colleagues butt naked in the sauna and steam room, can only imagine the horror if I would have fell on my boss instead of a random dude.

    lmao! You must have serious time logged in the gym for the probability of both of those things to have happened!
  • trustyone
    I was on a weight machine where you have to lock in a bar right above your knees. I did my 10 or so reps and then could unlock the bar. One guy walked past me and I asked in a squeaky voice for help, he didn't hear me so I kind of begin to panic. Then another guy comes by and helps me out. I was mortified and really was all the machines fault!! LOL
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    My parents bought a family gym membership when I was like 12. My friend and I used to go and eff around on the equipment "working out". One day - I was on the treadmill (small town gym, very little space in the whole thing - old, old, old equipment) and my friend got on the one next to me. She couldn't get it going and I stepped to the side of mine without turning it down - I got hers started and forgot mine was on. So I stepped on the running belt and realized what was happening and somehow grabbed on to the bars and tried to hit the speed button down - now I'm holding on for dear life, knees dragging on the belt, trying to turn the damn thing down - and my friend Amy just sat there laughing at me - not at all helping.

    I ended up just letting go - and flying into the wall behind me. My knees were black from the belt and bleeding. She was laughing so hard she had tears running down her face and was drawing attention to me piled up in a corner from all the boys in the weight lifting room. They came to the door to see what was up and I just got up and limped to the changing room pretending everything was a-ok.

    She called me tread for about 10 years.
  • MendaraLynn
    MendaraLynn Posts: 4 Member
    - getting on a machine and getting off a minute later. even though it's probably not true, i feel like everybody is judging me

    O I hate this! I have suffered through 10 minutes on a machine feeling like a might die to try and avoid looking like I can’t handle it.