Most Embarrassing Gym Moment...



  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    oh ****!! bahahahahah damn!
    Got crushed by the leg press machine while I was trying to escape a guy's fart that was doing squats next to me.
    I also slipped in the steam room and fell on a naked dude on my way out, felt so bad and disgusted at the same time.

    Sadly my gym is quite close to my work so you usually see all the colleagues butt naked in the sauna and steam room, can only imagine the horror if I would have fell on my boss instead of a random dude.
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    I was on the ellip machine and talking to the three people with me about the Giants game in the background. I was totally feeling kind of awesome because I usually don't talk at all at the gym.

    And then I burped. Like a giant man burp. Like one of those burps you see on tv and think must be fake.

    The dude next to me yelled "Holy *kitten* that was loud"

    I am so sorry that happened to you... But THAT IS FUNNY. I am about to cry I am laughing so hard.. lol I've done that in my office before.. hahha Good thing I dont embarass easily!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    i tripped and fell on a treadmill, sprinting, and hit it, and it immediately shot me off the back into the wall.....................

    That's why you're supposed to wear the cord. Though I notice the cord doesn't stop it all that fast...
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    what a good laugh!! thanks for sharing everyone BUMP!! keep them coming!!
  • kyylieeeeee
    kyylieeeeee Posts: 197 Member
    I feel like the gym might be the most embarrassing-moment-prone location in the world, especially because if you're at the gym, you're there because you're just a littttttle bit vain about yourself.

    I've done this twice: scrolling through songs on my iPod, I dropped it on the treadmill while I was running and the fast-moving belt turned it into a projectile missile. And both times, rather than just hitting the wall or floor, it hit people squarely in the shins (though this relatively soft surface of flesh versus concrete wall might be the reason my iPod didn't break!).

    I also recently was walking on the indoor track at the gym (which circumscribes the basketball court) and someone made a very, VERY poorly-aimed pass...and the basketball hit my knee in just the right place to make me go straight down. That was mostly hilarious, because it's not something that could happen again even if I tried.
  • ladycomix
    Not at the gym but....

    When I was in high school I used to run Cross country. We were in the middle of a meet at Mt Sac (Very hilly terrain and switchbacks that are crazy) when I noticed my shoe was untied. Being arrogant and not wanting to stop until I got to the top of the damn hill, I kept going, stepped on my shoeleace and executed a cartoon tumble halfway down the hill.

    The worst part? I had to run UP the damn thing again!
  • GreenLifeGirl
    GreenLifeGirl Posts: 381 Member
    I laughing OUTLOUD!!!! These are absolutely hilarious! Makes me glad to know I am not the only one who can be a klutz. LOL
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    I was once doing plank jacks for my personal trainer, was wearing the wrong bra and my boobs popped out of my shirt!! I wanted to cry I was so embarrassed..instead I got up readjusted myself and went on to the next exercise. .

    Good for you! And this had me dying of laughter.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    These are soooo funny! I guess the only one who sees me is Jillian. Probably a good thing!
    I feel sorry for all of you, but at the same time if I saw an ipod or phone shooting across the room or someone flying off the treadmill I don't know if I could hold a straight face and continue excercising! That's so funny!

    I don't know how many times I've watched this but it always makes me laugh! ha
  • harmonysdream
    harmonysdream Posts: 92 Member
    ~When I was younger I would go work out at the YMCA, mainly because I had a crush on a guy who worked as a lifeguard there in the afternoons. I was walking around the pool staring at him instead of paying attention to where I was going and ran into this guy who was built like a brick wall. It knocked me off my feet and I not only fell into the pool but lost my top as I fell and hit my head too, so the boy I had a huge crush on in high school had to come drag topless me out of the pool.

    ~I was done with my workout and talking to a few people who had been in the class after. Someone said something funny and we all laughed...and I farted. But it wasn't just a fart it was incredibly loud and my fart "laughed" with me. Everyone heard it and we couldn't help it because it sounded so much like a laugh...we laughed at it...which caused me to fart laugh again...and again...and again. By the time my body decided to stop being a side show attraction we had all laughed ourselves into tears.
  • istalkzombies
    istalkzombies Posts: 344 Member
    I was the gym and was walking by the back wall talkin to my buddy and he gave a small shove and I tripped over a mat and slammed right into the emergency exit door which caused the alarm to sound and fell on my *kitten* so the alarm is goin off and im sitting on my *kitten* blocking the emergency door exit with EVERYONE staring at me while my buddy just stands there laughing his *kitten* off lol
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Wow this thread is awesome and a lot of brave people, so I'll share mine.

    1. Usually revolvs around gas. One instance in particular I was on a leg press machine doing some heavy sets and this really attractive woman starting working at the leg press next to me. It was my last set and I was tired and I just kept farting on every rep, I was so embarrassed. My stepson trains with me in the offseason and we were on the treadmills. Again, a very attractive woman gets on the treadmill next to him... he farted she stopped and moved over a couple treadmills. I almost moved too. LOL

    2. Doing Push Presses once I had a reall strong rep but instead of pushing it straight up I managed to push back in a little and I slammed 135lbs into my gym. I was able to throw it back on the rack before I fell on my *kitten*; I damn near knocked myself out.

    3. The day I tore this tendon under my arm bench pressing. Luckily I had a spotter but it was so embarrassing. He thought I was struggling with the weight and was going to get the last rep and I'm lying there yelling for him to take it. LOL
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    i tripped and fell on a treadmill, sprinting, and hit it, and it immediately shot me off the back into the wall.....................

    My WORST fear in the gym...but only because I had a major running accident a few years ago that I have had 2 surgeries to fix. I hear people say they can't stand to see people hanging on for dear life on the treadmill, but I DON'T CARE!!! Much better than dislocating my shoulder again and having ANOTHER shoulder surgery. Heck to the no!!
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    AT the gym on the treadmill, I have never done more than 10 mins.. I was on the treadmill, ear phones in and I passed wind! No idea how loud it was, but I just know it was, I stayed on there for ages.. when I got off no one was around, but when I had got on, there where several people behind me.....

    Another one, out jogging with my good friend Andy, anyway, I always say about Bristol and how people dont smile, this day everyone was smiling at us and taking a look back!! Well this was after about 5/6 miles of a sweaty jog, yes you guessed it.. When we where stretching I bent forward and where I had sweated it looked like I had wet myself! I NEVER EVER wear joggers unless they are of the lycra sort!! I also had to get home like this!

    Yeah I am sure there will be more.. xx Thank you all for posting this xx
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    I hate it when someone near you rips one and you feel like everyone thinks it is you. Someone did today and it was NASTY. I had to leave it was so bad. Everyone always looks at the big person when there is a smell (I have heard!!).
  • JaenaM
    JaenaM Posts: 251 Member
    ~When I was younger I would go work out at the YMCA, mainly because I had a crush on a guy who worked as a lifeguard there in the afternoons. I was walking around the pool staring at him instead of paying attention to where I was going and ran into this guy who was built like a brick wall. It knocked me off my feet and I not only fell into the pool but lost my top as I fell and hit my head too, so the boy I had a huge crush on in high school had to come drag topless me out of the pool.

    ~I was done with my workout and talking to a few people who had been in the class after. Someone said something funny and we all laughed...and I farted. But it wasn't just a fart it was incredibly loud and my fart "laughed" with me. Everyone heard it and we couldn't help it because it sounded so much like a laugh...we laughed at it...which caused me to fart laugh again...and again...and again. By the time my body decided to stop being a side show attraction we had all laughed ourselves into tears.

    Fart-laughing....had me in stitches!! and not feeling QUITE as bad about my yoga shart. This thread gave me the courage to relive that dreadful day!
  • timeforme23
    yearssss ago, I stepped onto a treadmill that was already on. I got thrown off the back into a large metal garbage can that fell over and and make a loud SMASH noise, drawing everybody's attention to the mangled girl on the floor - me!

    This happened to me too! Who leaves a treadmill on!?!?!
  • moniquelessard
    yearssss ago, I stepped onto a treadmill that was already on. I got thrown off the back into a large metal garbage can that fell over and and make a loud SMASH noise, drawing everybody's attention to the mangled girl on the floor - me!

    This happened to me too! Who leaves a treadmill on!?!?!

    I know, it's kinda dangerous. Glad we both survived! xo
  • moniquelessard
    I sweated so much during cardio-kickbox class the girl next to me slipped and fell. :embarassed:

    Sounds like something I could potentially do. I sweat like a freaken river..
  • odessablondie
    odessablondie Posts: 76 Member
    Bump for later. LMAO