Most Embarrassing Gym Moment...



  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    I also showed up at 5am at the gym once in two different shoes. um... yeah... LOL
  • jesserussellnoll
    Was lifting yesterday and I normally don't do a bench press, but decided to try to do one. Didn't think that the bar itself had any weight and after a couple of reps slowly rested and realized I couldn't get the bar off my chest. It didn't help that I was dying of laughter while this happened.
  • jesserussellnoll
    I did a whole spin class not realizing I had ripped a giant hole in the back seam of my pants.

    I'm always nervous that this is gonna happen to me!
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    My most embarrassing gym moment was when a little boy from my daughter's class came walking into the locker room while I was in my underwear....and I'm not talking sports bra...I'm talking Victoria's secret push up and cute little string bikinis! I was mortified! To make it worse he was WITH HIS MOM! Who brings their 7year old son into the women's locker room?!!?
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    I decided to try tae kwon do. Since I was the newest member and therefore the lowest rank, I had to be up front, right in front of the huge mirrors. The first thing he had us do was like, 100 or so jumping jacks. He was counting in Korean so I am not sure but it was alot. Ever since I had my daughter 3 years ago, jumping jacks are not my friend. Even though I had went to the bathroom right before class, I could feel myself leaking with every jump. The trainer and class were really intense so I felt like there was no way I could stop and so I kept going even though I was pissing myself and my legs were buckling. When we got done I saw in the wall length mirror that I had a HUGE wet spot. I never came back to class.
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    12 pages of absolute awesomeness makes my most embarrassing moment seem not too bad after all....

    I had left my armband home, so I was doing decline crunches with my ipod on my stomach.
    My ipod fell and after completing my set I bent down to pick it up, at the same time that I guy working out at the machine next to me....
    I ended up grabbing his balls.
    I didn't turn completely purple until his reaction:
    "don't u think we should have coffee first?"

  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    I :heart: this thread!! It makes me feel a lot better going to the gym :laugh:
  • kellykelz86
    kellykelz86 Posts: 23 Member
    omg these are too funny... def just made my day!
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    This thread saved my life (or at least my knees and dignity)
    I was on the treadmill yesterday, worked up to a jog when my iPod dropped onto the belt.. I so nearly stopped but quickly flashed to the fact "NO THE BELT MOVES!" and jumped onto the side instead! Winning! Didn't stop the guy beside me noticing what'd happened, and one of the trainers that I talk to coming over to make sure it wasn't me who fell off it. :p

    Then. Oh lord *shame* can't believe I'm admitting to this one, I was in the free-weights doing some dumbbell exercises, I have had a cough for months, it's a dry cough, no phlegm. Anyway, yesterday I had just done dumbbell presses, I sit up and I have to cough but I had 6kg in my hand so I couldn't cover my mouth so I turned my head and did, what I thought would be a dry cough, nope.. a massive massive phlegm-ball came flying out and hit the (THANKFULLY EMPTY) bench beside me. I was mortified.. the area was full of meatheads but I couldn't bring myself to look around.. I did my next set and then surreptitiously leant over and wiped up my golly.

    So gross, so mortified.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    LMAO Now I am REALLY scared to go to the gym!
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    Well, this happened when I was like 12 and randomly at the gym with my dad... I was running on the treadmill and closed my eyes because I wanted to pretend I was running in nature. Sure enough, I fell right off within 5 seconds and they told me I was too young to be on the equipment. LOL

    I've done the eye-closing thing before as well and had MANY close calls!
  • emilyc92
    emilyc92 Posts: 182 Member
    bumping for later! these are too funny!
  • famlyluv
    famlyluv Posts: 206 Member
    Totally farted in yoga class. Not just a little, polite *poot* but a long, juicy fart with teeth. Ok and it STUNK like it had just rolled right past a turd. It was awful. I was on a juice cleanse and sometimes you don't have control and your farts just can't be trusted. I heard someone trying to suppress their giggles, another person said "gross" under their breath. Mortified and frozen in place, I didn't how to damage control this one. I finished class as best I could and then as soon as they went into final relaxation I immediately got up, ran out of the studio and never went back. When I got home I discovered that yes, I had *kitten* myself a little.
    Thank you for the tears lol
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    Got crushed by the leg press machine while I was trying to escape a guy's fart that was doing squats next to me.
    I also slipped in the steam room and fell on a naked dude on my way out, felt so bad and disgusted at the same time.

    Sadly my gym is quite close to my work so you usually see all the colleagues butt naked in the sauna and steam room, can only imagine the horror if I would have fell on my boss instead of a random dude.

    haha. that's pretty bad.
  • Monkeymin
    Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
    Mine has to be when my PT got me to do knee drops onto a Bosu ball. First attempt and I couldn't get back up again. Had no hope for 3 sets of 10 reps. I skipped that one when she left.
  • shanilyric
    One of the first times I went to my gym, I was on the elliptical and zoning out staring at the TV. There was some program on about squirrels in the wild. From the back of the gym, a guy yelled, "YO D, WHAT UP DAWG?!" and a squirrel on the wildlife program whipped it's head around as if it was D, and the guy had been calling to it. I started laughing, and then had to grab onto the handle bars because I lost my footing.
    I lose my footing a lot on the elliptical. I also sweat buckets when I work out, and my earbuds slip out of my ears and I have to constantly readjust them.
    There are always awkward moments at the gym. I've learned to laugh at myself.
  • flip1329
    flip1329 Posts: 14 Member
  • cecilia0909
    cecilia0909 Posts: 188 Member
    I really pushed myself at my first spin class and I was pretty out of shape at the time. When I got off the bike, I took one step and my legs totally gave out and down I went.

    Another time I couldn't figure out how to turn the machine on. So after two minutes of trying what I could, I just got off lol
  • brocksmom
    brocksmom Posts: 103 Member
    You guys made me feel better, thanks:smile:

    Last week I am on the treadmill going faster then I ever have 3.8 I have Rick James blasting on my Ipod all of a sudden I farted, just a short blast, but don't know how loud it was I couldn't hear it (of course the guy next to didn't have head phones on) I left as soon as I could.
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    This happened yesterday. I was on the elliptical and hella nasty farted. The janitor walked behind me and proceeded to fan the air with her "caution wet floor" sign.

    AKA she fanned my fart out of the air standing almost directly behind me for like 5 whole minutes. I wanted to cry.
