HCG Diet



  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    Good luck with your weight loss, but the HCG diet has done nothing but HARM to people I know that used it.

    The only reason people lose weight on that plan is you are only allowed to eat 500 calories a day. HCG has been scientifically proven to do NOTHING to help with weight loss or to make it safe to eat only 500 calories a day. It will not protect muscle, reset your metabolism or do anything else the snake oil salesmen that sell it claim. Dr. Simeons was a quack doctor. His "HCG protocol" has absolutely NO scientific backing and is not worth risking your health on.

    Any doctor that pushes the HCG diet plan should be stripped of their license to practice medicine because they are being totally unethical and giving advice that goes against the conclusions of all reliable scientific research on the subject.

    The HCG diet has been studied by many scientific organizations, and they all concluded that HCG, even the "real" injectable version, is no more effective than a placebo, and eating only 500 calories a day for weeks, as recommended by that plan, can cause more health problems than it solves.

    Please read the articles on these websites before you try HCG. I know some people that put their faith in the HCG diet, and became very ill from malnutrition as a result. Then they regained more weight than they lost. Now they wish they never heard of HCG.

    The Government is now in the process of getting all that fraudulent stuff off the market, and it's about time!






  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 123 Member
    Dear Posters,

    The staff of MyFitnessPal is actively reviewing our stance on topics that recommend or promote dieting methods that run counter to our site's own weight-loss recommendations.

    In the meantime, please make sure to refrain from attacking or insulting other users.

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    Thanks for your understanding,
    MyFitnessPal Forum Staff
  • sherrylhoward
    sherrylhoward Posts: 26 Member
    My parents and my sister did this diet. They ALL lost weight, but once they stopped all the weight they lost PLUS more came back, FAST.
  • alaskagrly
    alaskagrly Posts: 10
    I did HCG for about 6 months. I lost 85 pounds. In the 9 months following i gained it all back plus about 25 more. You will lose weight. It does happen quick. you DONT have to excercise. BUT, everyone i know that used it has either gained all the weight back plus, or are having to stay very very very low calorie to maintain. I wouldn't do it again but i know how it feels to be so desperate to lose weight you do anything. I think everyone has to make their own choices but research the long term effects and make a well considered decision.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    I wish the FDA would follow up on their efforts to get all the over-the-counter HCG diet stuff off the market.

    They made it illegal to sell in December, but unfortunately, HCG diet junk is still available all over the place.
  • paulasue145
    paulasue145 Posts: 157
    well, I've had 2 friends that did it. they both lost a lot of weight really fast.....ate Really fatty foods and tons of it on certain days...seems like they rotated eating only apples on other days..... yeah, they both lost....but gained it all back and then some with a vengeance. I wouldn't do it. but, that's just me.
    I better say...they used the drops...Not the shots.
  • nutandbutter
    nutandbutter Posts: 447
    Actually, the protocol says that, if non-rigorous exercise (such as walking or light jogging) is part of your normal daily routine, you may continue it as long as you up your caloric intake to replace the calories burned during the workout.

    I feel this heating, so I will bow out. I've said my peace. Take from it what you will.

    How is cardio going to help you maintain muscle mass?


  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I wish the FDA would follow up on their efforts to get all the over-the-counter HCG diet stuff off the market.

    They made it illegal to sell in December, but unfortunately, HCG diet junk is still available all over the place.

    FDA is too busy with 1,3D to deal with HCG right now.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    So, Fish, MFP has been "actively reviewing" their stance on HCG for a long while now. When does the jury get out?
  • jackiecroberts
    jackiecroberts Posts: 115 Member
    Yuck!! I would rather be slow and steady eating real food and doing it the old fashioned way instead of starving myself. Learn good eating and exercise habits and the rest will fall into place!!
  • skydivelife
    skydivelife Posts: 83 Member
    Any input on this diet?


    I posted on this about a month ago.....yuck!

  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    Good luck with your weight loss, but the HCG diet has done nothing but HARM to people I know that used it.

    The only reason people lose weight on that plan is you are only allowed to eat 500 calories a day. HCG has been scientifically proven to do NOTHING to help with weight loss or to make it safe to eat only 500 calories a day. It will not protect muscle, reset your metabolism or do anything else the snake oil salesmen that sell it claim. Dr. Simeons was a quack doctor. His "HCG protocol" has absolutely NO scientific backing and is not worth risking your health on.

    Any doctor that pushes the HCG diet plan should be stripped of their license to practice medicine because they are being totally unethical and giving advice that goes against the conclusions of all reliable scientific research on the subject.

    The HCG diet has been studied by many scientific organizations, and they all concluded that HCG, even the "real" injectable version, is no more effective than a placebo, and eating only 500 calories a day for weeks, as recommended by that plan, can cause more health problems than it solves.

    I know some people that put their faith in the HCG diet, and became very ill from malnutrition as a result. Then they regained more weight than they lost. Now they wish they never heard of HCG.

    The Government is now in the process of getting all that fraudulent stuff off the market, and it's about time!






  • MsVJP
    MsVJP Posts: 11
    My physician of 15 years referred me to another physician for HCG injections. Both are qualified MDs. I have been under their care since Nov. 2010 and had great success losing 56 lbs. Before I started the HCG I was under the care of a cardiologist for PVCs. I took heart meds every day. I had high blood pressure, sore knees, back problems and more. Since losing 56 lbs with 17 lbs to go, I no longer take heart meds and no longer have any PVCs. My knees and back feel great and I have so much energy. I have lost the weight and kept it off.

    Also, I initially thought it was just the 500 calorie a day diet. It's not. I tested it by staying on the 500 calorie diet without the HCG. I did not lose weight the way I did with the injections.

    So, slam the diet and the doctor who developed it, if you like. But I am a believer...a happy, healthy believer.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    My physician of 15 years referred me to another physician for HCG injections. Both are qualified MDs. I have been under their care since Nov. 2010 and had great success losing 56 lbs. Before I started the HCG I was under the care of a cardiologist for PVCs. I took heart meds every day. I had high blood pressure, sore knees, back problems and more. Since losing 56 lbs with 17 lbs to go, I no longer take heart meds and no longer have any PVCs. My knees and back feel great and I have so much energy. I have lost the weight and kept it off.

    Also, I initially thought it was just the 500 calorie a day diet. It's not. I tested it by staying on the 500 calorie diet without the HCG. I did not lose weight the way I did with the injections.

    So, slam the diet and the doctor who developed it, if you like. But I am a believer...a happy, healthy believer.
    I hope in another 6 months you're still lighter. Good luck.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    It's an unhealthy fad diet. That's all.
    Try MFP since you're already on here. MFP actually works.
  • jules0516
    jules0516 Posts: 158
    I lost some too with the under the tongue method...but both legs felt like I was carry 20 lb water bags on them (no swelling-just the feeling) and they ached really bad..my experience-not knocking anyone for using any of it. Just be careful of side effects-the leg thing was a listed side effect-for me-not worth it. I have enough of my own aches/pains with help.
  • MsVJP
    MsVJP Posts: 11
    I've made it 1 1/2 years, I'm pretty sure I can make it another 6 months without a problem.
  • MsVJP
    MsVJP Posts: 11
    To each their own.....
  • mzbatson
    mzbatson Posts: 27 Member
    My sister just went to the emergency room yesterday because she tried this diet! The ER doctor told her the diet definitely does more harm than good! It is a fad diet and can be very harmful!!! Not a good idea at all!!!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    My sister just went to the emergency room yesterday because she tried this diet! The ER doctor told her the diet definitely does more harm than good! It is a fad diet and can be very harmful!!! Not a good idea at all!!!

    I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope she makes a full recovery. Thank you for sharing your story, I hope it saves someone else from this dangerous fad.
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