40+ Workout Challenge (October)



  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Yes! I am back at it! Today I did:

    20 minutes of my mini-tramp, 30 min. of resistance band cardio, and 10 min. of yoga. Tomorrow I have to do TJ since I'm psyched to do my next kick-boxing day.

    Gigi - Jillian is tough. I have a few of her DVD's. She does give an all over body workout. I'm going to add her in next week.
    I'm so glad you like TJ. It is a fun workout. I find myself missing it if I take off for a while. You have to enjoy your workouts, otherwise you won't want to.

    mspix - I'm glad this challenge is helping you too. 40+ is not easy, but it seems like we are figuring it out! If you don't want to wait for the DVD to start, I'm sure there are tons online.

    Sherrill - I saw your post and it is amazing what is happening for you! If you missed it, she is fitting into a lower size! That is the best feeling.

    Adding Yoga at the end of my day seems to balance everything out. Even just 10 min. helps me feel stretched, focused and centered. Breathing helps! :laugh: I have done my 3 rounds of the Tony Robbins breathing, and it does work.

    Eating wise has been weird today. I did not eat so much, but feel okay. I ended up with a fairly healthy salad though. At least it wasn't a pig out day which I think would be worse.

    I have a little over a week before I leave for the conference - next Saturday. I don't know if I can kick it up a notch or cheat a bit with protein shakes. I really want to make sure I am looking good! Any suggestions would be appreciated! :happy:
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Checking in to end the day. I did 10 min. of mini-tramp/20 min. TJ/33 min. of Pilates. I did my breathing work two times, so I can end the day with 10 breath cycles. My meals were not so good. I don't know why this is such a problem for me. I guess I get too involved with work. I probably need an alarm or something.

    I hope you all had a great day and have a fantastic weekend!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Sounds like you had a good week :) I think an alarm might be a good idea, at least until you can create the habit of eating every three hours or so.

    I had a fairly good week, didn't hit 60 minutes every day, but did get the ST in for 40 minutes! Yoga dvd arrived, along with a new dance dvd, I am really looking forward to blending the Yoga in to my schedule!

    Week 1:
    Monday: 40 min TJ
    Tuesday: 20 min TJ, 20 min Ab Jam, 20 min ST
    Wednesday: 40 min TJ, 10 min Circuit, 10 min Stretching
    Thursday: 20 min TJ, 40 min Turbo Sculpt
    Friday: 40 min TJ, 10 min Ab Jam
    Saturday: 40 min TJ
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Week 1:

    Sunday: 20 min. Kettlebell
    Monday: 20 min. Kettlebell/20 min. rowing/20 min. Yoga
    Tuesday: 30 min. TJ/ 20 min. mini-tramp/20 min. kettlebell/15 min. Yoga/8 min. stair climbing
    Wednesday: 20 min. Yoga/5 min. stair climbing
    Thursday: 20 min. mini-tramp/ 30 min. resistance band cardio/10 min. cleaning/10 min. Yoga
    Friday: 10 min. mini-tramp/ 20 min. TJ/ 33 min. Pilates
    Saturday: 15 min. walking/25 min. Yoga/ 20 min. rowing

    Next week I will focus more on my eating. I found this book called Eat to Live by Joe Joel Fuhrman, M.D that I will be starting. I also found a Bollywood workout. This should be interesting! :laugh: I do love the joyous dancing so I hope the instruction is good. A friend of mine told me it is a great aerobic workout.

    I still need to finish the Tony Robbins book before I get anything else. I did see that Kathy Smith is turning 60 soon. 60! She has the body of a 20 year old. Crazy.

    One more week before the conference. I'm bringing it next week! :drinker:

    mspix - I hope you enjoy your Yoga. The set that I was working with today took it a little fast for my taste, but it was a good workout.
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    wk 4
    Wed - rest day
    Thurs - ST: 30 mins weight machines; 60mins - walking, 15mins - running, 8 mins - HulaHoop
    Fri - ST: 30 mins weight machines; 15 mins - walking, 12 mins - running, 25 mins - bike

    wk 5
    Sat - 12 mins - running, 15 mins - walking, 10 mins - jacob's ladder
    Sun - 15 mins - AMT, ST: 30mins weight machines, 15 mins - jacob's ladder
    Mon - 30 mins - AMT
    Tue - 12 mins - running, 15 mins - walking
    Wed - ST: 30 mins weight machines; 30mins - AMT
    Thu - 15 mins - running, 7 mins - jacob's ladder
    Fri - 60 mins - walking

    wk 6
    Sat - ST: 30mins weight machines; 10 mins - running, 15 mins - walking
    Sun - 30 mins - AMT, 15 mins - running

    Great week (or two)!! Bought a size 8 pair of capris!!! and then the scale kept dropping too! Happy me!

    I'm headed to Japan on Thursday to visit my hubby for three weeks. This will be a test as I won't even attempt to track my food (since half the time I won't be able to pronounce what I'm eating let alone know anything about it's nutritional value!). I will try to keep my exercise up and there will be a LOT of walking as we will be sightseeing all over the place and going to Mt. Fuji.

    When I return, I am scheduled for foot surgery. (I had my left foot done in January and the pain relief has been WONDERFUL) So that will put me out of commission for exercise for a few weeks! Any exercise suggestions for not using my foot?? Most of my ST will be fine. I've seen two machines at the Y (that I've never used). One is like a sit down "elliptical", feet and arms move but you are sitting. The other reminds me of a bike that you pedal with your arms??? Anyone know anything about these??? I know the staff will help me but I don't have time before I leave and I'm going to be pushed when I get back so I'd like to gather info beforehand!

    Everyone keep up the wonderful work! And have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'll check in as often as possible!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi Sherrill - I broke my foot last year, and I was not able to work out normally for about 9 months. The arm pedals work pretty well to get your heart rate up. I was able to do Pilates floor work, and I also did kettlebell from the floor. I have no idea about the sitting elliptical, but that might hurt your foot a bit. I still cannot do elliptical that well since it puts pressure on my foot in the area I broke it.
    You can also do chair strength training.

    Have a blast in Japan, and I hope the surgery goes smoothly too.

    Today I felt a lack of energy, but I still did 15 min. of mini-tramp, 20 min. kettlebell and 33 min. of rowing machine. I found a Bollywood dvd that I will try tomorrow. Looks fun.

    Monday I need to create a plan through Saturday as the last push week and then from Sat - Tuesday, I'm not sure I will have much opportunity to workout. I will have this be some time off since I haven't had time off for a while. I will work on my eating at this time. I think I will be eating lots of salads. I'm trying to eat more fruits, veggies and beans, which is the main message from Eat to Live.

    People are getting sick due to not getting enough nutrients. There isn't enough nutrients in meat and green leafy veggies actually have protein. Spinach has more protein per calories than a glass of milk. The USDA uses a weight system that doesn't give the entire story and hides the fact that meat and dairy are not supplying as many nutrients as veggies and fruits. He recommends this pyramid instead:

    Enjoy your extra hour today!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Sherrill: I hope you have such a wonderful time in Japan!!! Congrats on the size 8's :) I think your ideas and Fitn's are good for your recovery period, I hope that the surgery gives you the desired results!

    Fitn: Great job on your week! I am rooting for you, I know you have specific goals in mind for your upcoming conference.

    I had a somewhat rough weekend, calorie wise. This time of year is such a challenge for me, as the days get shorter/darker, I just want to curl up on my chair in my jammies with good books, and assorted yummies of the season. This challenge is going a long way toward helping me overcome myself, lol.

    The fact that, not only was I able to put on and button up my 4 year old Levi 501's, but actually WEAR them all day yesterday is a *huge* motivation to keep moving! These jeans are the last ones in my possession that are pre-stretch jean (and I am referring to today's stretch, not the horrid stretch of our mom's closet! :noway: )

    Started the week with good ol' TJ

    Monday: 20 min TJ + 40 min Sculpt

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153

    Monday: 20 min TJ + 40 min Sculpt
    Tuesday: 40 min TJ + 20 min Yoga (lower body )

    The 20 minute yoga was amazing! It surprised me, how NOT limber I am! LOL! Really looking forward to working on this new challenge to the body, and the mind. The breathing is a real challenge, too.
  • guessgigi
    guessgigi Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Everybody! This past weekend was a challenge for me too. Realizing how fast 1200 calories goes by and so I see the benefits of working out and eating some of your calories to maybe eat a little more and not gain the weight. That being said Monday I didn't workout but did a little house cleaning. Today I did TJ 43 min. Wed-Sunday will be another challenge because I will be driving my parents to visit family out of town. So I hope to log in daily but I'm sure it will be a challenge. As far as excersize I hope to be able to walk around hotel or use gym but I am going to take my TJ DVD and see if I can get in a work out now and then. High hopes but its worth a shot. Take care everyone if I don't talk to you sooner. :flowerforyou:
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Mspix - you are doing great. Awesome about the jeans too. That has got to feel good!

    Gigi - Do what you can. Something is better than nothing. Enjoy the time with your folks too!

    Well, today I started the newer diet, and I obviously didn't eat enough. I was snacking on fruits and veggies and eating light meals - yes, that is good. At the end of the day, I felt so sluggish. It's the feeling I get when I don't have enough calories.

    I am so not used to snacking throughout the day and eat more fruits and veggies and it requires more eating, not less due to low calories. You get better nutrition eating this way, but you do have to eat more. Eat more? LOL! I never thought that would be a problem.

    I was too exhausted today to do a normal workout. I managed 15 min. of bouncing and 20 min. of kettlebell.

    I'm a little disappointed in the last few days. I hope I have the energy tomorrow to get in a great workout. I know I need it.

    Have a good day tomorrow, and I'll check in during the evening.
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I managed to squeak out a workout late tonight. I'm glad I did it, but I feel like it lacked a little energy. I did 12 min. of mini-tramp, 14 min. of my new Bollywood (which wasn't bad- very different) and 11 min. of Funk dancing from a dance DVD. I added 30 min. of strength training to get that time in as well. I'm exhausted, but it feels good not to miss out on a workout again.

    Life has been a little stressful. I think tomorrow I need to make sure I meditate or something.

    How was your day today?

    :yawn: I gotta go to bed. Night all!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Congrats on getting that workout in, I know how challenging that can be!

    I was able to do 40 min of TJ and the 20 min Ab workout this morning. Tomorrow will be challenging as I have a very early meeting that will go all day. It is hard for me to get a workout in during the evening hours, but at the very least I am going to shoot for 20 minutes of Yoga.

    Good luck tomorrow!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Yesterday I did 20 min. of Turbo Jam and 20 min. of Kettlebell. I ran around shopping for an extra outfit for my conference. I am sure I burned a few calories here.

    I'm not such a happy camper today. My body is rebelling again, and I think I am up a size. I don't know what is happening, and the doctor has no answers at the moment. I guess I could get an ultrasound when I get back to see if something is going on. I'm not looking forward to that test. It requires you to drink tons of water and hold it for an hour before the test. My bladder is tiny. LOL! TMI!

    Today I did 50 min. of a cardio resistance band workout and I will add 10 min. of kettlebell tonight. I will be packing my band to workout with at the hotel.

    Have a great weekend, and I hope everyone checks back in!
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Monday: 20 min TJ + 40 min Sculpt
    Tuesday: 40 min TJ + 20 min Yoga (lower body )
    Wednesday: 40 min TJ + 20 min Abs
    Thursday: Nope, nada, zippo!
    Friday: 40 min TJ + 20 min Yoga
    Saturday: 40 min TJ

    I think I am going to shake it up a bit next week...seems I am very TJ heavy and even though I love the workout, variety is the spice! I think some HIIT mixed in with some dance type cardio will be the focus of the cardio portion of my workouts next week.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    I am finding that I am a creature of habit, more so with each successive birthday, lol. My goal for this week is to mix it up a bit, as I feel I am getting to comfy with TJ and not challenging enough of my body parts. So what do I do on Monday? Out of reflex/habit, I put in the 20 TJ followed by the 40 min Turbo Sculpt! Ah well, today I forced myself to look away from Chalene, and explore some other options...

    This week (week of 11/14)
    Monday: 20 min TJ + 40 min T Sculpt
    Tuesday: 20 min Cardio Circuit (Muffin Top Meltdown) + 20 min dance w/Jennifer Galardi+ 20 min Yoga

    I look forward to seeing everyone's week!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    I have another cold :/ This makes the third one since September. Very annoying! However, I was able to get through my workout today, we will see about tomorrow.

    This week (week of 11/14)
    Monday: 20 min TJ + 40 min T Sculpt
    Tuesday: 20 min Cardio Circuit (Muffin Top Meltdown) + 20 min dance w/Jennifer Galardi+ 20 min Yoga
    Wednesday: No workout
    Thursday: 40 min TJ + 20 min Yoga
    Friday: 20 min TJ+ 20 dance w/Jennifer Galardi+20 min Ab work

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I am back from my conference. I returned on Tuesday night. On Wednesday, I was extremely jet lagged. I took a rest day. In fact, I rested until today aside from some stair work. I weighed myself on Thursday, and it turns out that I did lose 2 pounds during the conference. Here's why:

    During the conference, I did not do any regular workouts. I did eat more on the light side with a little bit of dessert (I took small portions). I did happen to walk a ton! Walking around the big hotel. Walking around the city. Walking, walking, walking.

    This proves that even though I have been working out like a fiend over the past few months, due to a sedentary lifestyle that comes with working at home at my computer, no weight could be lost. It must be lots of movement or lots of movement with workouts.

    So, for the rest of the month, I will continue with the schedule we have set, plus make sure that I am adding break times to go for walks during the day. My one excuse has been the cold, and my ear muffs were broken. Today, I bought a new pair of ear warmers. I have no excuse. So until it gets really cold with snow, I can walk the trails that are close by. After that, I need to find a walking track. I will do some research in my area.

    I'm so glad that I finally figured this out. I was literally going crazy. It was frustrating working out so hard and not having the weight budge. I need to find that article again that warned me about this, and I will post for anyone to read.

    mspix - You are being so good at checking in. I'm so sorry you have another cold. Are you getting enough vitamin C? My mom takes it religiously, and she has not had a cold in 3 years!

    How are you liking the Galardi workouts? She is really good! I have about 3 of her dance workouts.

    Haha on the Nope, Nada, zip. Sounds like me on those days.

    In regard to TJ - yes, our bodies can get used to exercise. I took a long break from TJ, even though I like it, because of the same reasons. You can put more HHA in too!

    Okay - so next week I need to do as much as I can before I leave on Wednesday for Thanksgiving. Aside from walking, I doubt I will get much chance to workout. This time, I will bring the resistance band. I swear!

    Sherrill and Gigi - I hope you both are doing well. Check in when you get the chance. :wink:

    I will post my Sunday through Wednesday plans tomorrow! Have a great weekend!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Oh! mspix - forgot to ask you how you like the book?
  • guessgigi
    guessgigi Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone! well I feel like it took a whole week to feel back at home after trip to phoenix. It was nice to see family after so many years. I did pretty good the first 2 days and then days 3-5 were tougher. Monday went back to tracking but I was afraid to weigh in this last Friday. So a few days this week I did cleaning and at work for two days I was helping with boxing which was a lot of bending lifting sweating. So I counted that as workouts but this week I plan on doing my 40/20 six days.