

  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member

    I love this blog! The words of wisdom go far beyond just motivation for weight loss and it's wonderful to read. The first day of my restart is going well. I'm sad, though, that my treadmill seems to be having a problem. It shuts off after 5 min. :sad: I planned what I would eat...hubby even helped by making my lunch salad for me to take to work. I'm happy to say he didn't bake anything today to tempt me...he cleaned out the chest freezer and cleaned the yard instead. He likes to keep busy on his day off.

    Barbie....Happy birthday to hubby. After being on vacation and eating out alot....there's nothing better than a home dinner.

    It sounds like everyone had a great weekend....and may the fun continue through the week....busy though it will be! (Mary, how do you do it?? )

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello, All!

    Today we are having the rain that Florida has been getting. I did Leslie's 4 Fast Miles inside and that was a nice change. The rain kept me from being able to pull weeds in my over-grown vegetable garden. Oh, too bad:bigsmile:

    I have had all my meals at home and stayed with fresh, real food, so I feel good. Tomorrow I will have been back home for a week so I have to post my weight...it will be up from my time in MT, but I am hoping it is just a little bit.:frown: DH comes home this Thursday, so I am trying to let this time be my health food time! I have not been tempted to have wine except the one night, so hopefully I can stay on track now and move the scale DOWN for a change!

    Barbie: I like your metaphor...so true!

    Chris: I made pumpkin soup last night. I had a recipe I have been meaning to make and your post reminded me. It was pretty good but I feel like it needed something...not sure what. Maybe a bit of apple? If you have a chance, please post what was in yours. I have some left over and think I will cook and mash an apple to add to it.

    Rita: I hope that you get your treadmill fixed...and what a nice husband to make a salad for you to take. It's nice to have support!

    Mary: Glad that you got such a nice walk in during your retreat.

    Has anyone heard from Mary? I know that she went to Tahoe and was busy with her new place, but it's been a long time. Hope all is well.

    Everyone have a wonderful week and take care, Kackie:heart::heart: :heart:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    i have to be good tonight but I am really really cranky. I worked 11 hours today and i come home to a husband watching football reruns while the crockpot he promised to clean is crusting over on the counter. the house is a disgusting place and I have come to the end of my rope but I have not time to clean and he will stop me if he is home anyway (think he feels guilty) I am really annoyed and pissed right now and I think that some wine might make me feel better but I am way up on the scale and I am going to lose my competiition weigh in on Wednesday. aarrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhh!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Just a quickie this morning - slept in :yawn: :yawn:

    Just got back from walking the dogs and need to get into the shower, a horrible wet dark day today, and it's my first day back at work after having a week off.:grumble:

    I went over my calories yesterday, I'd done so well too, but I ate a largish piece of Birthday cake after tea (which I should have checked calorie wise first) which sent me over :embarassed: :embarassed:

    Today is another day! I WILL do better and say NO to cakes!

    Wish me luck - and determination - thanks.

    Catch up again soon
    Viv xx
  • saturn2002
    saturn2002 Posts: 12 Member
    my name is Angie looking for support to push me through this healthy weight loss journey.5774336.png
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning all,

    welcome to all the newbies....its been crazy the last week or so, having some work done at home and living in a bit of a mess(which both emotionally and phsycially i dont like)....i have been doing well(food and exercise wise)and saw a half pound loss this week(my pounds sure do love me)anyways i am a little worried as one of my sons and his long time girlfriend have split up....so i am sad for him and for her....on a positive note i will be traveling next week to las vegas with my oldest(he's going to a conference and invited me along)i have never been to las vegas so looking forward, iam hoping we can go to the grand canyon then i'll be on my on during the day ,,,we might have a few evenings together, looking forward to a nice show and dinner......during that week i will be walking mostly for exercise and wont be workouting as much, so i will need to watch my food intake closely.....i hope you all have a lovely day and i will check in before i leave...

    to all those that are going on cruises have a GREAT time, to all returing home from different travel, welcome home....
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Angie - Welcome! Come back and see us often. We want to get to know you.

    Robin - You sound so much like me some days. I trust that you got through the evening and woke up to a new day this morning. Hang in there!

    To those who ask how I stay so busy - I generally tell people that I will sleep in my next life. The concert last night went well. I am into my marathon day today: before school tutoring, school all day, volleyball quad scorekeeping, then a meeting. I left the house with all three of my meals for the day in my bag. Deep breath, and here I go!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning!I got the results back from the MRI.The back has some damage,but no nerve or fractures,Yeah!
    However,they found something in the pelvic MRI that I have to follow up with another dr.Praying it`s nothing serious.
    Have a good day.Let`s get to our goals and make it happen.
    Have a good day!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: We had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday. Our oldest son got his hands on a super8 movie projector and we watched old family movies. What fun. We want to get the movies transferred to DVD's one day.

    -Robin, sorry to hear you had a bad day. I feel for you. :cry: ((hugs)) :heart: today is a new day.

    I am planning to go to flow yoga today, however I did something to my right thumb yesterday and it is hurting.

    Have a great day
  • FLGatorGrl
    So glad I found this board for 50+. I am 52 and this is a long journey for me. I am now watching my calorie intake and have started with the C25K program. Also do Julian Michael 30DS on days that i do not walk/run.

    I have one son (30) and am married to a very supportive husband and want to get back to my former self. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's after about 4 years of the doctors telling me everything was fine I was just getting older and needed to accept this. BTW this was a female doc who was just totally unaware of the Thyroid issue. Changed Doc's and found the reason for a 40lb weight gain and no energy to move off of the couch after work.

    Enough of the drama. Just I am so glad to part of MFP and am looking forward to success.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I have a wonderful husband. My friends little girl has been in intensive care at the Children's Hospital with leukemia for the past five weeks. Claudia really wanted a Thanksgiving supper, so Peter stuffed a turkey with home made sage bread stuffing, cooked some scalloped potatoes, made a spinach salad with guacamole for dressing. Then she came and picked up the food. We thought she and Dimitri would be having supper at home with her mother, but instead, she took everything back to the Children's intensive care unit. And wouldn't you know it, they shared their meal with all parents on the floor. It was a United Nations up there, and everybody's cares were forgotten as they all shared a Canadian Thanksgiving meal together. I told her to pay it forward, and she sure did!

    Today, I'm busy boiling up the turkey and duck bones for soup stock! Good eating on the way!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I went to the library today to return some books on the way to my mammogram and had some extra time so I looked at books about eating and health and checked out one that looks interesting. It's called "Food Rules: An Eater's Manual"

    :bigsmile: the table of contents says:
    What should I eat?
    (Eat food)

    What kind of food should I eat?
    (Mostly plants)

    How should I eat?
    (Not too much)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: It looks like it will be fun to read :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Jake was happy today because he got to buy some new shirts for his birthday and we ate healthy yesterday.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: the dogs were happy to walk on their trails this morning:bigsmile: we took an extra long walk but by 11:00 they were ready to go again.

    :bigsmile: Bernie, the cat was happy to be home with all of us:bigsmile: he was so happy that he woke me up at 4:30 to tell me how much he loves me and how much he missed me :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: welcome to all the new members......it takes awhile to get to know us and for us to get to know you but it's worth it.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: this is a great group and I've learned so much from them:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Ahhhh...I'm slightly over calories today....hubby made ribs for dinner. They were so yummy looking...I couldn't resist...and I only ate 2. I am proud of myself, though, cause I fended off a chocolate attack today. I'm a commercial photographer and have samples of chocolates that I need to photo for the Val. Day catalog. I had 2 bars staring me in the face all day....and I didn't cave! I have to shoot cookies tomorrow. Pray for me.....

    Barbie....It must be great having the whole furry family back together. I miss my pets horribly when we're away.

    Robin....I hope your day today was much better than yesterday.

    Grassette....That's a truly wonderful story. Thanks for sharing!

    (it's taken me over 20 minutes to write this little post...Eric (hubby) keeps interrupting me w/Halloween trivia he's reading on the Music Choice Sounds of the Seasons tv station)

    Chat with ya later...
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Hi everyone....

    I have just got in from my first day of the C25K program (I have put up a separate topic if anyone wants to join me).... feeling very positive! But it was hard..... still getting over a bout of flu so my lung capacity is a bit light on.... but I did it!

    Mary - what a busy life you lead.... I am exhausted just reading about all your activities... you are definitely a great mentor and a great example of what we can achieve if we just get up and moving, thankyou.

    Pam - have a great time in Las Vegas.... I went there on my 30th birthday (before kids, slim)

    Angie - welcome... you will love this group.... very supportive

    FLGatorGrl - welcome.... how far into the C25K are you.... are you finding it ok? I can't imagine myself running 5k in 9 weeks.

    Grassette - what a wonderful husband you have and so lovely to share such a lovely meal with so many people who really need some joy in their lives.... it really does feel good to give doesn't it..... and that soup is going to be fantastic!

    Barbie - love hearing about your gorgeous pets.... our wonderful old dog died a few months ago and we are missing her so very much....I have photos as screensavers on my computer so I can still see her every day.... we are planning on getting a puppy early next year.... and hopefully I will be fit enough to take it for runs every day.

    Rita - good luck with the chocolate temptation.... be strong.... you can do it!

    Have a good day (probably night time for most of you now.... but I'm just getting moving)

    Lisa x
  • DianaJaneD
    DianaJaneD Posts: 157 Member
    Hi all! I'd love to be in this group. I suppose it would have been better if I'd found it before starting a post earlier about looking for motivated women in my age group:) Glad to know where to find you now! I've been using MFP for 2 1/2 weeks so far and am just thrilled at how much it's meeting my needs. The give and take of support is just wonderful. My goals for October are to continue to log all food and exercise and continue the increase in exercise that I've started. Happy Fall to all of you!!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: I did not go to flow-yoga today, given my sore thumb. However, instead I went to the gym and did elliptical, running and stretching. For dinner I had turkey leftovers. So yummy.

    :smile: Happy happy!! Tests on little grand baby came back that ALL IS NORMAL. No sign of epilepsy. Yay :smile: :smile:

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    :flowerforyou: I did not go to flow-yoga today, given my sore thumb. However, instead I went to the gym and did elliptical, running and stretching. For dinner I had turkey leftovers. So yummy.

    :smile: Happy happy!! Tests on little grand baby came back that ALL IS NORMAL. No sign of epilepsy. Yay :smile: :smile:


    great news about the grand baby,YAY!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Busy day today on this board. I was up a pound at my Weigh in tonight at the Challenge. I hope I am down in the morning for this weigh in. We'll see. In looking over my numbers for last week, I see my carbs were up a bit and I didn't exercise as much...so I know what I need to do for next week....

    Have a good night,
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    barb - happy birthday to Jake!

    Mary - thanks for the sugggestion for the butternut squash. I'll give that a try the next time I'm using one (which will probably be pretty soon)

    Hey, there, Angie! Welcome aboard!

    Pam - have a lovely trip! Looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back. How nice of your son to invite you along!

    Jane - Yea, no fractures! Fantastic. But I'll keep you in my thoughts for the other doc. Hoping it isn't anything

    FLGatorGirl - welcome! You certainly don't look like you would have a son who is 30!

    grassette - What a wonderful thing for your hubby to do! And Claudia is so very thoughtful, too.

    Did an hour on the treadmill today (Tues). Don't know exactly what I'd call it. Fitness magazine had these workouts, each 30 minutes long. I tried them today. The one I wasn't too crazy about, it had you changing the inclines and intensity too often, at one point every 30 seconds. I don't think I'll do that workout again. But the other one, that was more of an intensity interval. Even tho it's ony 30 minutes, it got my heartrate up which the other program didn't do as much. It seems that whenever I'm on the treadmill, after about 10 or 20 minutes I have to go to the bathroom. So what I might do is do this workout, when the first 30 minutes are done, go to the bathroom and then do the next 30 minutes. Then went to play mahjongg.

    Tomorrow is the Newcomers general meeting. Then senior bowl, we have about 3 or 4 hours and then the Newcomer bowling. So tomorrow will be pretty packed. Before the meeting, tho, I think I'll do one of my spin downloadable workouts.

    Rita - oh, I feel for you. I wouldn't mind if it were candy that I didn't like...but something that I like....my heart goes out to you. Good luck tomorrow. Let us know how it goes.

    Lisa - I'm so sorry about your dog. I know how hard it is, some things you just never really get over completely.

    Diana - welcome!!!!

    Rebel - it's a shame you weren't able to get to your yoga, but its great that you got to the gym anyway.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening

  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Whew, just finished reading the posts since my last post. You guys were busy and I didn't realize I was gone so long. I read them all but don't have time for shoutouts.

    I did not make it to the truck food fest, friend was feeling poorly. Sunday was brew day and we now have a nice looking red ale sitting in our closet fermenting its heart out. It was a fun way to spend the tme with hubby away from tv and computers.

    I fixed that spin bike (knock wood). I found a way to tighten the chain and we'll see tomorrow if it lasts the 50 minutes I need it to.

    Yesterday and I today I was super busy with school and trying to figure out my new tablet. Still some bugs but I'll get it figured out. Looks to be very busy the next two weeks. I'll be reading posts, but probably won't have time for any shoutouts again. I'll make it up to you guys at the end of the month. I want to find a balance where I average 2 lbs for month, at least until I get under the 200s.

    Had a great dinner from Mediterranean Vegan Kitchen. First time I had fennel. It was a fennel, orange, and nicoise olive salad and the dressing was orange juice, lemon juice, and olive oil. Very yummy. Had a kind of chickpea, spinach, and potato stew with it.

    Today was my WI day and I lost 4.5 lbs this week for a total of 12.5 lbs in three weeks. If I have another large loss next week I'm going to stop handicapping my exercise calories and counting them fully, except for the elliptical trainer. I think MFP is stupidly high on that one. I