
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I finally did it! I went for an intentional walk to get some exercise! I have been struggling to find time to do anything! If I had not promised you all that I would start somethung this week, I'm not at all sure that it would have happened. Thank all of you for being here. And welcome to newcomers!
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    My goal for Oct. Is to be 160 something

    Mary-Just walking is important. I park in the last row whenever I go somewhere. Every little bit helps.

    Kalley1959- I too have bad knees. I my only walk 2 to 3 mph. But I try to keep moving.My calorie intake is usually 1500
    a day.

    Jeannie- Best of luck with the contest.

    Brenda- Welcome

    Genealace- new month new goals.
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!!!! :grumble: The chain on my spin bike came off with only 9 minutes left to go. It's good enough for today and will need DH's help to fix it by Wednesday (next time I plan to use it). The thing is probably 13 years old. Worse case it is finally cool enough to walk outside again without having to get up too early.

    Randy, thanks so much for sharing your story. We need to remember that a healthy loss means slower, not Biggest Loser numbers.

    Rebel. Good to plan ahead for the holidays.

    Waving to everyone else :--).

    Not much went on for me today. I'll end within my calorie goal, which honestly is the only one other than calcium that I really track. While I do eat fish and dairy, my diet mainly seems to be on the vegan side of things so some days I have to take a calcium supplement.
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Hello all, I'm BAAACK. I have been too ashamed to post because I have gained back almost all of the weight I lost. It has been one hell of a year and now I'm ready to get down to business, AGAIN. I have lost 8 pounds so far and am trying to keep track of my calories. I am really busy with MIL and Grandbabies so I might not get to visit everyday, but will try. It is so great to read the posts. I need to say a special hello to barbiecat, I really appreciate all your messages. TTYS, Rose
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope everyone had a good sun.Welcome to the new people and people who have returned.
    Wt loss is a very difficult thing to do.One of the hardest things ive done.There has been lots of ups and downs.
    But the ultimate goal is being healthy.There`s no race for me.I`m learning a new way of life.eating right and exercising right,not the over exercise so I can eat more.I`ve been working on this 2006.I have lost 100 lbs.It`s an ongoing process as I`m not at my goal yet.I thought when I 1st started that once i got to my goal,I could go back and do what I did before.Boy,was I wrong.All it would do is make me unhealthy and risks to my health and back to 300+ lbs.
    Just felt i need to post this for anyone who is interested.
    Have a good night.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Just lost my big post...marking my place...I'll be back

    Thanks Barbie for getting us started.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Today is my Isagenix cleanse day. We do this about twice a month, usually on Sundays so I consume fewer calories, do my body a great service, and usually rest more than I do on other days. Of course, the dogs don’t know one day from another so they got me out for enough neighborhood walks to get my pedometer past 18,000 steps. They would have liked to walk more.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Faye, I have always liked Jamie Farr, too, how great that you got to see him. You explained exactly why I don’t like to eat in restaurants---all the sodium.

    Randy, how great that your daughter was receptive to doing a weight loss program with you. I don’t know anything about the Quick Weight Loss Center, but I do know that MFP has been a great help to me and countless others.

    Joyce, wow, I like the idea of your exercise center in the garage. Will you have a TV or CD player or something for music or something to watch while you exercise?

    Genealace, do not be discouraged. Just keep coming back and make each day a new beginning. You can succeed. Your lace conference sounds like fun. I hope you learn a lot of useful stuff.

    Rebel, that’s a great idea to plan your food ahead of time so you can have your treats. I can easily avoid wine and cheesecake, but cheese, cashews, almond butter, and peanut butter are my “treats”

    Brenda, we welcome you here. We share a lot about exercise as well as healthy eating. I’m sure you’ll have a lot to share with us. Do your adult sons live with you?

    Jeannie, you are so great about getting back on track and encouraging others to stay on track. Good luck with the contest.

    Kalley, welcome. There are lots of women on this thread with pain issues and they’ll be able to share some good ideas with you about exercise. How great that you and your daughter can exercise together.

    Mary, going for a walk is my basic exercise……..inexpensive, no special equipment needed, can be done alone.

    Cynthia, I’m so sorry about your spinning bike. My stationary bike broke last spring and I was sad to the point of tears.:cry::cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: It turned out to be not fixable and it forced me to go out walking more and now I walk a lot and don’t miss the bike at all. I eat a fair amount of dairy and still take a calcium supplement.

    Rose, I am so happy to hear from you again. I hope you’ll be posting often. I know it’s hard when you are the “sandwich” person
    in between the needs of parents and children.

    Jane, you said it so well about the challenge of the weight loss journey. I reached my goal a year ago and I haven’t stopped posting food and exercise. I can never go back to the old ways. It took me until I was over 60 years old to figure that out.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Rose - please don't hesitate to post. I think most of us have had those periods when we went backwards, but if you hang out with us, we can try to encourage you! :flowerforyou:
  • I would love to join! I'm a few months short of 50 and presently weigh 143lbs. I lost 10 lbs since joining MFP. Finding the support from others very helpful and look forward to logging in each day to see how everyone has done.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Hi to All and thank you for the special hearts for this October thread, Barbie!

    Muchos gracias to all for reminding me to get off the CNN, move it, and even then...patience!

    My goal for October is to get to spin class three times per week and lose 5 lbs while feeling better. I can recall a time a few years back that when I exercised I overexercised and would get ill - a lot. Too run down. I was not trying to lose weight at the time - just feel better.

    :noway: I see, for me, eating my exercise calories back, is not an
    option. TG - because I have better things I want to do than slave over some hm.mm....screen trying to find something to eat that fits into
    that amount, etc. = blimey blinding!!

    Still having tech. difficulties with the goal - ticker - pic thing. My new computer can sense how much I miss ......:sad: the other one.

    Okay, nigh nigh -( cruise dreams to Sissy)

    p.s. thinking of getting a exercise bike for home - like having one here to hop on during the l - o - n - g winter.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Welcome qofsheba! We all slide now and then (I just did), but you got back on the bandwagon and that's so very good. We're here to help and support you. Tell us more about yourself.

    Donna - hearty congrats on quitting smoking. I know that's hard to do, you have a lot to be proud of. Which of Jillian's tapes do you do? Which one(s) do you like best?

    Welcome litish! How do you count calories but not write down your food? I know that I have to write things down in order to be sure to remember I had it and then I'm able to figure out the calories, so I'm curious, how do YOU do it????

    We had our neighborhood picnic tonight (Sat). They had hamburgers and hot dogs, I didn't have either. I brought a chicken pesto salad, had that, someone brought this bean soup with chicken so had some of that (but I did think it was a bit on the salty side), had a few multigrain crackers, and for dessert had some baby carrots. But when I got home.....I had some of the banana chocolate chip muffins, Dove ice cream nuggets (70 calories each), Dove miniatures (well...it WAS dark chocolate...but that doesn't negate the calories) and some fruit rope. Right now I feel so full.

    Plan to do a pilates DVD tomorrow, then go to church. Went bowling today, bowled 6 games and broke 100 all 6 times. Admitted, a few times just barely broke 100, but I broke 100 just the same. There was trouble with the scoring board on one of the lanes, and almost every time I was on that lane, I had to manually adjust the score.

    Oh, at the neighborhood picnic I was asked to assemble the neighborhood directory. Shouldn't be too hard to do. I'm almost afraid those will be words that I will have to swallow....lol

    Welcome janipi

    I'm ever so glad that I took my form to order the bathing suit to the Y this past Sun. along with a snack for the birthday party on Wed, since I wasn't sure if I would be there Wed or not. Anyway, it seems that the gal who was collecting for the bathing suits wasn't there yesterday (Fri) which was the last day she was collecting the money. I really want to get one of those suits so I'm glad I got the money in

    randy - congrats on buying those skinny jeans! That's awesome!

    I got this iced chocolate chip cookie for Vince. I'd been resisting, but finally today I had to give in and have a piece. The calories really aren't worth it. But he did finish the cookie so now it's no longer going to be beckoning me. I made Vince some beer bread. This is the exact same recipe that a friend of ours used, so I'm hoping that he'll like it. I don't care for beer so it won't be a temptation for me.

    Welcome 79smudge!

    Did 45 min of pilates today. Tomorrow I'll take the extreme pump class.

    Oh, I asked at the Y branch that I usually go to if I could go on their board and explained that I'm not a fundraiser. See, I don't have a problem donating money, but a few years ago we were away and I get this letter in the mail with two tickets to their fundraiser and the letter telling me that I must buy the tickets or sell them, that they know the numbers blah, blah, blah. Well...that rubbed me the wrong way...totally. The only thing in life that I must do is die. So I returned them, the executive director at the time says to me "well, as a member of the board I would think you would want to". This was the one and only time I was ever asked to do anything as a member of the board. Then I was asked to call people to ask for donations (this was the next year). I was still steamed from the previous year so I wouldn't do it. Come on....I don't want to buy these tickets but I'm going to have my friends do it? I don't think so...... I went to thier annual meeeting, and was I ever shocked! I was told "that'll be $7". Now I've been to lots of Y meetings, and never once was I charged to have them say "thank you" to me. Well, I was told that they used this as a fundraiser, I wasn't even told that. The next year I mentioned to the executive director that I've never heard of being charge to be thanked. He said that the board members wouldn't be charge, yet when I went I was told "that'll be $10". Not like the food was anything to write home about. Catered by Outback Steakhouse, butter on green beans, fries with cheese, cheesecake (that was still frozen). Now that we have a new executive director, this past annual meeting was a decent affair. A decent meal, not being charged.

    Jeannie - I wish you all the best in the world with your challenge

    Kelly - welcome. You are a good role model because you are modeling the fact that you WANT to do something about your weight and are trying. To me, a horrible example is a person who is overweight but continues the same old life style. But you aren't, so in my eyes, that makes you a great role model.

    Cynthia - let's hope you get that chain fixed. I know how frustrating that can be, but glad you only had 9 more minutes to go!

    Rose - welcome back!

    Charly - Welcome! You've come to the right place for support

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Well,I didn't expect this day to go well but once I finally got rid of my horrible thirst last night I slept great. Let's just say that breakfast was more like brunch today. :laugh: Fortunately DH likes to stay up half the night and sleep in, so I didn't have him wanting breakfast early. I always beat him out of the bed no matter how bad a night I have.

    Today was a perfect day weather-wise. It's the first day we have had the windows open and the AC off. I was torn between gardening and attacking my horribly grungy windows. I decided on windows. It took me ALL afternoon to get two windows done to my satisfaction. :huh: At this rate, I will have to start over once I'm done with them all because the first ones done will be needing it again.

    The reason it took so darn long is that I was trying to find a way to get the lime spots off from where the sprinkler hit the windows in my office in addition to the new sod. We set it to run every day for two weeks when we were at the beach and it left a mess on the windows. We sure have a lot of lime in our water. :ohwell: I tried a utility knife to scrape at the lime - some progress. Then I tried the cleaner I have for my Corning ware - again some progress, then back to the knife again. I did this four times and still had spots! :explode: Then I remembered I had some CLR - tada! Clean windows, finally! Tomorrow I will try for more than two. We get lime spots just from the rain for some reason but the rest won't be as bad as the ones I did today.

    I got a couple squash in the store the other day from my home state of Michigan. I steamed one of them for dinner. I have eaten a lot of squash but I never heard of one called sweet dumpling. They sure named it right. It was so yummy and tasted very sweet. I wasn't even tempted to add anything to it except garlic pepper, which I put on just about everything. I will be buying more of those! Actually I think I will get my SIL to look for them at a farmers market and I can pick them up when we go to MI in November. Maybe she can get me some turban squash too. They were in the store the other day as well but they wanted a fortune for them. I balked at paying $7 for something I used to have in abundance from the garden. I wish winter squash grew well here in FL but it doesn't.

    TechnoSwami - (I think I got your handle right) It's odd I remembered that name and not your real one - sorry about that. I agree with another poster that MFP is very generous with it's exercise calories. I solved that question/problem by getting an HRM and using those numbers. It works better for me.

    Has anyone heard from Chiclet lately? It's been quite a while since she has posted.

    Wishing you all a great week!

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Just quick late night note to catch the thread. Home from work, finally. What a long weekend.
  • Is it too late to join? I think I really need the motivation.
  • Monday weigh in: 191. Hooray. Finally back on track.

    Donna: CONGRATS. I quit a long time ago and still remember every day of the first months.

    About me: Two sons: 21 and 28. A grandson: 2 yrs 3 months. Light of my life of course. Husband: truly nice guy, supportive of counting calories. Has put himself on his own regime and probably dropped 20 lbs in past 18 months. My goal is to look as good as he does.

    Work in a stressful job that may not last past January. Already lost my job of 15 years in 2009. So--in the same place as a lot of America.

    Love myfitnesspal. I need a community but have to say I hated Weight Watchers--not sure why as I had success there over the years. But it felt like I was always learning a new program. What I've learned about me is that I eat pretty healthy, just too much. Always too much. So counting by meal is very helpful to me.

    Have a great week everyone.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning all,

    welcome all newcomers, this is a wonderfully supportive group,,,,

    @sallyjce,,,,i spin most days i love it ,,,,hope you enjoy it as well...

    @cynthia,...i agree with the other poster(faye i think) i thought MFP were generous with the calories, so i am using my HRM(though i would adjust the calories like you are doing, so the numbers would be more accurated)

    had a nice weekend, quite....some football yesterday(the dolphins sxxks),,,catching up on last seasons GREYS...i have DVR the season primier and probalby this esp. coming....

    well off to the gym,....and having some work done at home(not fun having repairs done)

    have a beautiful day all...forgot to add my weight this morning...177, stay the same from last week....

  • Loseforb
    Loseforb Posts: 18 Member
    Good morning. I would love to be part of this group. My goal for October is to lose 10lbs and do at least 30 minutes on the treadmill everyday
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    qofsheeba, you and me both girl, I eat very healthy meals for the most part, but my downfall has always been portion control, I was super skinny when I was younger and portion control was never an issue so I felt you could never get too much of a good thing, HA obviously you can because it added up to great detriment to my one time girlish figure. Just want to add that my long lost waistline has been found since I lost this weight...yes, it was hiding under all that tummy fat, who knew!

    We cleaned our house from top to bottom this weekend and will both try to keep it as clean as we can so we only have a little bit of housework to do before our cruise, it's a thing with me, I can't go on vacation and leave a dirty house, just hate the idea of coming home to a house that is not clean..we have to pack for a 28 day cruise and a 10 day visit at our daughter's house over Thanksgiving next week, not easy when we have so many different climates to consider.

    Going to the gym today and will keep on doing what I've been doing as it seems to be working. I am already thinking about when we come home from this cruise, I can temporarily accept a few pounds that I know I will gain on the cruise, but we are both planning to continue MFP because it really works well for us....Robert is not officially on here but we do eat the same things,he just eats a little more than I do and of course he doesn't have to have a gluten free diet so he gets things I don't eat.

    It's another perfect fall day here and the windows will be open and fresh air with no AC going ...I love this time of the year, wish I had time to go to some of the fall festivals and craft fairs this year.

    Everyone have a great day today and a successful week. :flowerforyou: xoSissy:heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Welcome to newcomers, and no, it is never too late to jump in here with us! Come back often ~ we love to see you!

    I checked Chiclet's page, and she last logged into the site 5 days ago, so she was on fairly recently even if she didn't post.

    I hope everyone has a great Monday. Mine will of course be busy, as I am running the clock for another volleyball meet after school. Here's to smart choices, everyone!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning!:flowerforyou:

    Wow...we have been busy here. WELCOME to our new members! I look forward to getting to know you!

    Mary: Good for you for getting in the walk. You are so busy, I know it is difficult, but hope you can keep at it!

    Jane: You have done great and you have the best attitude! You are doing this for all the right reasons.

    Laurel: Welcome back! Most of us have done what you have done. You're in the right place here!

    Rebel: You're thinking ahead, which is ssooooooo important. Keep that up!

    Well, this is my last day on the mountain. I am sad and happy as I look forward to getting back to SC and seeing my parents, friends there and my garden. My scale here has not worked...I tried a new battery and that wasn't it...so I am a bit nervous about weighing in after being here so long. I have gotten in my walks, hikes and other exercise each day. I did the Gut N Butt on a regular basis...though I don't think I got my 3x in this past week, so need to work on that. Anyway, I will be curious to see the number. I usually don't weigh in as well as I expect to when I have been away. :grumble: I'll find out!

    Everyone have a great week. I am so happy to have you all here. You all inspire me!