
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I love Arnolds Sandwich Thins, use them all the time, the multi grain.
    I am on a bologna (beef) kick, on them, with a bit of mayo, sounds awful huh?

    I am having leg cramps now, will go to doc in the morning... stopped Valtoren, too many tummy problems, so now I am on Advil and Tylenol, alternating....for pain for the knee.

    I lost one of the lbs I had gained last week, so only need to drop one more, then I will be even again, ... whatever..

    Going for mexican tonight.. a little chips, mainly will eat beef and veggies.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good Evening all.
    Benji 49.
    i know the pain you are going thru.My son was in Afghanistan for almost a year.He is my oldest son.We missed all the holidays with him..I remember mailing parcels,and hoping he would get them(some disappeared).Know the time you will see him will be special when he comes home.
    Natalie,sorry you are having trouble with the meds. and leg cramps,no fun!
    I am waiting for the dr to call about scheduling the mri.The dr has me walking ion the deep end,tho I wasn`t sure the 1st time and was in the middle.Said walking in the shallow end puts more pressure on the back.I had no idea,never had back issues,only knee and shoulder.The pain medicine helps,but have chronic pain.
    Everyone that I missed have a good night.
    Time is limited on computer due to the pain.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Evening all.
    Benji 49.
    i know the pain you are going thru.My son was in Afghanistan for almost a year.He is my oldest son.We missed all the holidays with him..I remember mailing parcels,and hoping he would get them(some disappeared).Know the time you will see him will be special when he comes home.
    Natalie,sorry you are having trouble with the meds. and leg cramps,no fun!
    I am waiting for the dr to call about scheduling the mri.The dr has me walking ion the deep end,tho I wasn`t sure the 1st time and was in the middle.Said walking in the shallow end puts more pressure on the back.I had no idea,never had back issues,only knee and shoulder.The pain medicine helps,but have chronic pain.
    Everyone that I missed have a good night.
    Time is limited on computer due to the pain.

    Thanks Jane, Is this your first MRI? If you have questions I've had 7 of them so far. Just waiting on the results of the last one.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I had a great day today…. Again weighed in with a lower weight and in “onederland”. When I went to my weight loss challenge tonight, I was down three pounds on that scale (we didn’t have our usual scale last week so this was a two week comparison). I’ve made some changes in exercise and watching my meals…just gotta keep going.

    Cathy….What a weekend…the time with your son and family to a root canal!

    Benji…. It is so hard to see the kids grow up and realize the distance. Last night, my godchild (they are like our kids) called me around midnight because her dog was sick and she wondered what to do. I was so happy that she needed me! And the best part….her dog was fine…just must have eaten something that he shouldn’t have.

    Natalie…I hope your pain stops. I take Tylenol for Athritis (at my PCP’s suggestion after I had a meniscus repair) and it worked for me better than Celebrex.

    Jane…I hope you are feeling better.

    Have a good night!
  • Hi my name is Lucie. I am 54. My goal is to reach 195 pounds by Oct 1, 2011. I was at 245 pounds in March 2006. I do not loose fast but the good news is that I have not gained any weight in the past 5 years. I have lost about one pound a month not by dieting but by eating reasonable portions and healthy food. Have a great day. Lucie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    :bigsmile: we're getting ready to go away for the weekend and it seems to be taking over our lives. also the new furnace and heat pump will be installed tomorrow and we decided to have an air cleaner installed with it. It is all very exciting, but my goal of working in the yard has gotten lost in the shuffle.

    :cry: Jane, I'm sorry to hear about all your pain........don't give up......there will be a solution
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good Morning

    Where does the time go???? It's 5th October already, and I've just go around to finding you all this month.

    :laugh: I did a silly thing on Monday I went for my dental appointment only to be told I'd arrived for it two days early!! :huh: :embarassed:

    (This will be a short post because I have to get ready to go to the dentist in a few minutes.)

    :flowerforyou: Enjoying my week off work so far, I've done a bit of shopping, rearranged my living room yesterday, but may have to change it back again as it doesn't "work" this way. Both hubby and daughter have said it hasn't improved the look :grumble: :grumble: I have another idea so will have a go at them when I get back,

    My weight is still up from my holiday, but down a few pounds. I've been eating lots of veggies, but still eat too many sweet things in between meals. Need to get that under control.

    I love soup, so maybe I'll have to look into making my own soup and taking it to work with me and drinking as a snack instead of biscuits/sweets etc..

    Will give some thought to my October goals, I seem to have got myself so far off track it's hard to get back on. All my old bad habbits have surfaced again, when I thought I'd (almost) burried them.

    Hey Ho! A new month A new start.

    Must dash - need to get to the dentist.

    Thanks for being here and thanks to Barbie for keeping us all together :heart: :heart:

    Viv x
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Hi all,
    this is just a friendly lurking drive by.:bigsmile:

    Please know that I read everyday and think of you all often. Just no real time to post. I have lost 10 pounds since labor day so things are getting better.

    Have a great day.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Isn't is surprising what happens when you start back getting on track. I've been trying not to snack after dinner, which is my downfall, especially when I have calories left, I start on the snacks and then go over because once I start on the 'stuff' I can't stop. Last evening I had dinner and then had a peach and managed to stop at that. I was under the 1200 calories, but I wasn't about to look for things to eat when I really didn't need it. I felt quite content so if I'm under occasionally it doesn't worry me. I don't use my exercise calories (unless I've been pigging out), but try to stay around or just over the 1200. If I'm up to 1500+ than I maintain and don't lose.

    Viv - take little steps to get back on track it is so worth it. It has taken me a couple of weeks, but now the results are starting to show and it is soooo good when you see the scale moving in the right direction (which mine is for the first time since early August)..

    Off to aquafit this morning, and then home to work on getting ready for my weekend away and to make up the beds in the spare room as a friend called yesterday evening to ask if she and her hubby could stay over Thursday night. They have promised to leave early on Friday, as I'm leaving that day, so have things to get sorted before I leave. WIll need to run the swiffer around under the beds and find somewhere to put my things that are spread out on the bed, ready to be packed. Perhaps I'll need to pack early and hope they have an iron at the hotel.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Dear Ladies!

    I am back in SC after a long day of airports yesterday. It is nice to wake up to sunshine and some crisp, sunny air! I have absolutely nothing in the house as I got in after midnight, so I will have to take off soon before I eat something I shouldn't!

    Cathy: I hope that your root canal pain has gone away. What a day!

    Benji: We have 2 boys and I so remember when the first one left and the other was "left behind". He did not appreciate all of the sudden attention on him! Thinking of you:-)

    Viv: Good for you for chipping away at your extra pounds right away. Strange how quickly they come and slowly they go!

    Genelace: Good for you for targeting one area to improve. And to see results. It is often just one little thing each day that keeps us from losing. Changing it is the difficult thing!

    Barbie: You do so well with traveling and dining out. I am sure that your 2 pounds will be gone in no time. Good for you for nipping that in the bud before it is more. That is the key and, as usual, you are showing us how to do this!

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome, welcome! I meant to remember your names but now, of course, I am afraid that i will forget one. This is a great place for friendship and support! Come back often!

    Got to go get food in the house. Take care all,
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Welcome to the newcomers! We love more company!
    Kackie - glad you made it south okay.

    Just a quick post before I have to get serious about this being at work thing. (What's up with that, anyway?) I did make another short walk last night, so maybe I will get back into the exercise groove. Of course, my schedule is still packed. Bell choir and choir practice tonight, band rehearsal tomorrow night (concert on Monday so I can't miss), and then I'm leaving with a group of women Friday after school to go to a retreat for the weekend. If it doesn't rain, I may be able to get in a walk there on the beautiful grounds. Everyone keep on keeping on!
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    I've changed my ticker to reflect my newly adjusted goal weight.:bigsmile: ..even at that weight I will not be in the acceptable BMI range though. But, I know that I cannot go lower than my new goal weight or I am skin and bones and I don't like feeling that way and get comments that I am too thin or asked if I am feeling ok etc, etc.

    I made a HUGE mistake last week.:cry: .I bought Russel Stover chocolate covered marshmallow and caramel pumpkins...they are like dope to me, worse than crack.:tongue: ..stopped in the store again for fruit on Monday and I can't believe that I actually bought more of them, and to make it even worse it was on our way home from the gym!.:noway: ..This is ridiulous and it has to stop, what am I doing to myself? :drinker: So now 15 days from leaving for our cruise I am having this diet and will power meltdown, what's up with that, I have been on the straight and narrow for months and then I fall off the wagon one (1) pound away from my original goal weight for this cruise!!!!..I decided to go public with this and openly confess to you in an effort to document it and hopefully make me more aware and face how I am jeoparadizing all the progress I've made in the last few months. I've mentioned how badly I want to wear a particular dress of mine on the cruise, the slinky Asian styled one and I tried it the other day and decided I was almost happy with the way it fit and decided to take it with me, this was my personal reward for losing 20 pounds...I have 15 days until we leave home and I have to get with the program and right this wrong so I can wear that beautiful dress..I just love this dress and I am determined that I am wearing it...I've written down my food for today and told my husband we are not buying anymore of those evil little chocolate goodies. Please think about my struggle today as I stop in the store for milk.:flowerforyou: ..LOL..xoSissy:heart:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    I've changed my ticker to reflect my newly adjusted goal weight.:bigsmile: ..even at that weight I will not be in the acceptable BMI range though. But, I know that I cannot go lower than my new goal weight or I am skin and bones and I don't like feeling that way and get comments that I am too thin or asked if I am feeling ok etc, etc.

    I made a HUGE mistake last week.:cry: .I bought Russel Stover chocolate covered marshmallow and caramel pumpkins...they are like dope to me, worse than crack.:tongue: ..stopped in the store again for fruit on Monday and I can't believe that I actually bought more of them, and to make it even worse it was on our way home from the gym!.:noway: ..This is ridiulous and it has to stop, what am I doing to myself? :drinker: So now 15 days from leaving for our cruise I am having this diet and will power meltdown, what's up with that, I have been on the straight and narrow for months and then I fall off the wagon one (1) pound away from my original goal weight for this cruise!!!!..I decided to go public with this and openly confess to you in an effort to document it and hopefully make me more aware and face how I am jeoparadizing all the progress I've made in the last few months. I've mentioned how badly I want to wear a particular dress of mine on the cruise, the slinky Asian styled one and I tried it the other day and decided I was almost happy with the way it fit and decided to take it with me, this was my personal reward for losing 20 pounds...I have 15 days until we leave home and I have to get with the program and right this wrong so I can wear that beautiful dress..I just love this dress and I am determined that I am wearing it...I've written down my food for today and told my husband we are not buying anymore of those evil little chocolate goodies. Please think about my struggle today as I stop in the store for milk.:flowerforyou: ..LOL..xoSissy:heart:

    sissy, i am smiling as i read your post....but also i can relate because i too, for some reason sabotage myself as i am lossing weight(or when i start getting nice comment) i dont know why i do this...but DO NOT buy any more of those evil chocolate(i LOVE them too)remember the dress and the cruise...
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I had a great day today…. Again weighed in with a lower weight and in “onederland”. When I went to my weight loss challenge tonight, I was down three pounds on that scale (we didn’t have our usual scale last week so this was a two week comparison). I’ve made some changes in exercise and watching my meals…just gotta keep going.

    Cathy….What a weekend…the time with your son and family to a root canal!

    Benji…. It is so hard to see the kids grow up and realize the distance. Last night, my godchild (they are like our kids) called me around midnight because her dog was sick and she wondered what to do. I was so happy that she needed me! And the best part….her dog was fine…just must have eaten something that he shouldn’t have.

    I did have Mexican food last night, chips and guacomole. Salsa too.
    I got on the scale and was down a pound... go figure, we had fahitas, they were good. I am going to the doctor .. have had leg cramps, so going to internist.. not OS.
    I am back on Celebrex, couldn't take the advil or the valtoren, tummy problems... maybe taking just too much stuff... plumbing is back to normal at least.. we leave MONDAY for AZ, looking forward to the warm weather.


    Natalie…I hope your pain stops. I take Tylenol for Athritis (at my PCP’s suggestion after I had a meniscus repair) and it worked for me better than Celebrex.

    Jane…I hope you are feeling better.

    Have a good night!
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Sissy - How about hanging the green dress in your kitchen or maybe putting the candies, or other goodies that are calling to you, in a bag and hang it on the same hangar as your dress? Or maybe put a picture of yourself that you absolutely hate on the problem cabinet door? Those would be big reminders that you have an immediate goal. Maybe your brain is already in vacation mode, as it is getting so close now. Good luck! :smile:

    I found some onion sets and got them planted yesterday. They aren't Vidalias but they will do until I can get some. I eat onions at least twice a day - yum.

    Oh, Kackie - welcome back to the east coast. :happy: It must be hard to leave MT it is so beautiful out there but maybe the nice weather here now can make up for the loss in scenery. I have a soft spot for open spaces, wildlife and mountains too.

    I would love to comment more but the windows are calling me. I have 8 done and 9 to go. Then there are the garage windows... and I need to paint the outside doors; they are getting kind of shabby. What is it about beautiful weather that gets us going on projects?

    As for October goals - my usual listed below and I'll add totally eliminating white flour for the month, so far so good. I want to see if it will have an effect on arthritis inflammation. I would add sugar as well but the cherries or cranberries I have every morning in my oatmeal are sweetened and I am not ready to give that up. But I will not be eating anything else with added sugar this month either which means no red velvet birthday cake here in a couple weeks. I always make one for my GD. She will be 21 this month. Where the heck does the time go? :huh:

  • gerink
    gerink Posts: 50
    Been reading your postings and was wondering if anyone has the issue of eating late at night? I'm fine during the day and don't feel hungry but about 10pm I get the munchies and snack on energy bars, sllm bagels, and or crackers. I need to watch the carbs so this is not helping. Any suggestions?:flowerforyou:
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    I am sitting here laughing at the suggestions regarding the evil candies, put a note on the cupboard where they are etc..Because those candies are long gone, there is no way chocolate has a shelf life in my house....they are just a sweet, delishious memory now. BTW, the dress is not green, you are probably confusing it with the emerald green jacket I had to return for a smaller size (chalk one up for me) and if I tell you what color the dress is the picture you will get will make you wonder why I am so in love with it...the dress is a sheer black sheath over a spaghetti strap black slip...it has royal blue and purple flowers on it and has sparkles scattered on the dress...LOL, I know you must be thinking OMG, it sounds horrible, but trust me it is not and I will have to post a picture of me wearing it on our cruise and prove it. The thing I love most is the style of the dress, sleeveless, with a mandarin collar and a diagonal seam across the top of the bodice with Chinese frogs and buttons across the seam line, the dress hits just above the ankle with a slit in the dress and slip up both sides a little above my knees...the authentic name of this style dress is a cheongsam, but it is sometimes referred to as a Suzie Wong dress made popular by the old movie... this is not an original cheongsam made in Asia, but an American designer knockoff of one.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Gerink - you have hit my problem right on the head. I get the munchies late in the evening, and it isn't helped by the fact that the med I take at night says "Take with food". NO, I DON"T WANT TO TAKE IT WITH FOOD WHEN I"M GOING TO BED!! So, the last few evenings (since beginning of Oct) I'm consciously trying not to eat after supper. Or a little later, I'm saving a piece of fruit for about 9:00 or 9:30 and one evening I had plenty of calories left, so I had half a cup of grapes. They are little wonders because you can eat them one at a time and make them last for absolutely ages. The same goes for cherries - love those, too and a cup of them lasts me an hour or more.

    In the last 5 days, I've got rid of the extra lbs that I'd gained during September plus 2 more. So I'm finding that it is working. I've also stepped up the exercise even little bits. Just got back from aquafit and I'll be going for a walk this afternoon.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just checking in to say hi ladies! Mega busy and not had time to do much but post my food and exercise. Still here though and thinking of you all.

    Amanda x
  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm new today, definitely 50+, and would love to join this support thread. I was just told yesterday that I can't hike for awhile and this is killing me. I'm not sure what to do, activity-wise, to keep burning kcals and to maintain sanity (hiking is as much mental fitness as physical fitness for me). Any suggestions would be welcome. I'll be speaking with my MD later today and get to see a specialist in a couple of weeks. My goals for the month of October...which is my favorite month of the year, btw...are:

    >work to stay carefully within kcal goal of 1500/day
    >explore alternative workout activities...
    >and get at least four in a week
    >pack away summer gear, in preparation for winter activites