Senior Golden Sneakers............October



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Sneakers ,

    Sandy, You have got a lot wisdom. And you are so right.

    Nothing going on around here.Will be busy tomorrow with the family.

    Chris sound like you will have a busy weekend. Enjoy?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: today was a busy day so I didn't get to making applesauce until after supper

    :bigsmile: Sandy, have you ever gone to an Al-Anon convention for the whole weekend?

    :bigsmile: Chris, my husband, Jake, sits with me and watches TV while I cut the apples for applesauce and nibbles on apples as I cut them up. He is careful about his eating so he doesn't ask me to make anything sweet out of the apples.

    :bigsmile: Becky, I love having a plan for my mornings. The dogs know the routine. They know that Sasha goes out first so Brandy stays in bed until I walk Sasha. Bernie know that I feed him before I walk the dogs so he starts walking around the kitchen counter when I come out of the bathroom. Both dogs know that we go for a walk when I finish my breakfast shake so when they hear me scraping the side of the glass, they get off the couch and follow me to the bathroom:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: they have a favorite route when we get outside but now that it's dark when we start the walk, we go on my route first and then they can choose when it get light.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Marie, enjoy your day with your family :bigsmile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Barbie, this convention is 5 minutes from my home and I really wanted to go for the three days but because of my company I couldn't.
    I did go today and went to two meetings in a row and loved it. I hope to go back tomorrow night with my son for the group talk of all three AA, Al Anon and Alateen. I really enjoyed the whole concept and it was something I needed with the stress in my life right now.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, it's 3:30 on Saturday morning, and I couldn't get your sister Shirley or your dear husband's latest problem out of my mind, so I thought I'd just let you know, as I'm sure you do, we are all with you in any way that we can help!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Thank you Buzz, that means a lot to me, I know I can always count on this group to help get through tough times.

    On a lighter note, there are ten of us going to Fright Fest Great America today and the weather is supposed to co operate and be in the sixties with sunshine. Since Marisa (6) gets scared once it starts getting dark I hope to bring her home early enough to get back to the convention for more meetings.

    To all of you I say:

    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    I'm poppin in today to let you know that I am still alive and kickin! Sandy: I have your sister and husband in my thoughts and prayers. And, you are in them too. From my own experience, the one watching needs as much support as the ones who are sick. :heart:

    Mama Buzz: You never cease to amaze me! You are truly one of a kind :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

    I have nothing but "apple crisp" on my mind right now. Thank you very much!!!!

    I have decided not to log my food. I have been eating like "normal" people do. Three meals, some small, some bigger....and maybe two snacks. I am removing the thinking, counting, logging, thinking, counting from my mind. I made a promise not to binge eat! Lost 5 lbs. :smile:

    Both little grandsons here for the night. I feel exercise coming on. My body is still not right since I fell, what, 3 or 4 months ago already. Aging sure does slow things down.:ohwell:

    PS: It's 51 degrees and breezy. My neighbors across the road are out in shorts and tee shirts. HUH!

  • Thx Maddie, for your post. I think you are on the right track too.

    Sandy have a great day in whatserville

    Hi everyone you're
    be safe

    P.s. where Phyllis?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    No time to post. lost 2 already . Will talk to you later

    :heart: :heart: Marie:heart::heart: Sending my love tho!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Went shopping yesterday and bought a nice top and dress pants for the
    Christmas Party in November. Also a sweater coat for a wedding in
    November. I hope it doesn't snow then a coat will have to do. :bigsmile:

    After leaving the store I thought gee my bag feels awfully light. I looked inside
    and only had the sweater coat. I had to go back and pay for the outfit.
    I had two women looking after me and they were not communicating.:ohwell:
    Anyway I got the rest of my clothes and went to Walmart to spend some
    more money. All in all good day shopping. :bigsmile:

    Doing yard work today just finished the front yard and it took an hour an a half.
    Now going to do the backyard. Tired already and already had my coffee. :yawn:
    Picked up some B12 supplements yesterday because feeling kind of tired.
    Very cold outside in the 40's. Winter is looming .

    Will read other posts later.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • We r in ok city ok in the shop with a water leak. I think they will get it repaired and we will be on our way. Hope you are all having a fine weekend. Shirley, if I was doing all that you have been doing, b 12 would be necessary for sure! Lol, at least you have a good reason for feeling tired.
    marie, have a great time with your family. Becky, hope you are doing the same.
    did I tell you we left five kitties indoors this time? Lol, I may just let them have the house!
    have a good weekend
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MADDIE wrote<"I have decided not to log my food. I have been eating like "normal" people do. Three meals, some small, some bigger....and maybe two snacks. I am removing the thinking, counting, logging, thinking, counting from my mind. I made a promise not to binge eat! Lost 5 lbs. "> and I'm starting to feel the same way! And good for you, that just acting your own sweet self, you shed those 5 #s :flowerforyou: ....I can tell you are getting back in control of your own life again, DD!

    Hello all, have a great weekend, and a healthy one, please :drinker:

    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member

  • Maddie, thats not a test, thats a temptation!
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Phoebe, you're right, I should have picked something else...but really, doesn't it look like a pile of brown poop???? Really???? After all, it will be a pile of brown poop in the future and you wouldn't eat that would you??? :noway:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member

    I just finished reading an easy to read book called “Food Rules” by Michael Pollan. Here are some of the rules:

    What should I eat?
    eat food
    What kind of food should I eat?----mostly plants
    How should I eat?---not too much

    Avoid foods you see advertised on television.
    If it came from a plant, eat it. If it was made in a plant, don’t.
    It’s not food if it arrived through the window of your car.
    It’s not food if it is called by the same name in every language (think Big Mac, Cheetos, or Pringles.
    Don’t eat breakfast cereals that change the color of the milk.
    The whiter the bread, the sooner you’ll be dead.
    Eat all the junk food you want as long as you cook it yourself (how many chips or French fries would you eat if you had to make them yourself?).
    Don’t get your fuel from the same place your car does.
    Break the rules once in awhile.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. Just watching a movie with Neil and catching up on posts. Have a wonderful Sunday.
    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Good one, Barbie!! :wink:

    Both grandsons are here, AHHHHHHHHH, They are both behaving very well. The little one (Nate) slept with me most of the night and I can't believe how much space an 18 month old needs in the bed. I was hanging on the edge, unable to move. :laugh: At one point, he moved and picked up his head and it came down right on my nose! :ohwell: I thought it was broken, but no, it wasn't. The 6 yr old (Mathew, almost 7) came down as soon as Nate and I were up. He said he couldn't sleep because the smoke alarm had a light on it. He sleeps on an air mattress in a tent and there is no smoke detector in there....he must have really looked around to find a reason to get up so early! :love: Grandkids, ya gotta love em!!!!

    Eating and I are still getting along....I think it's going to be slow but it is going to be!!!

    Later, Maddie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    :heart: Happy Sunday Sneakers:heart:

    I'm still struggling to find the time to relax at the computer and catch up with you all but decided this afternoon to break into my emailing and typing of minutes for the association I do voluntary work for just to read a few of your posts and do my best to at least post a little bit of news.

    The last time I was here regularly I was struggling with an injured cat and yes Phoebe, because you asked me way back when, it was Jasper. He damaged a paw that then became infected so had to wear bandaged dressing and stay in the house. Well, he is so used to going out whenever he wants he went mad at that and very rapidly destroyed the carpet and doormat next to his catflap. I could hear him picking away at it at 2am in the morning and would have to get up to persuade him to stop. I also have 2 other cats that had restricted access through the catflap and usually wanted to get out in the middle of the night. It was rather like having a baby in the house, or several actually, that needed my attention through the night. Anyway, after so many visits to the vet in 3 weeks I lost count, Jasper is back to his old self except he doesn't trust the catflap to operate and often sits looking at me through the glass rather than trying to push his nose through!!

    Here he is feeling sorry for himself before the dressing was removed.


    Phoebe ~ I thought of you when a friend showed me this website because you will have seen such antics from your new family. The cat and mouse cartoon is so much like my Boris it's untrue!

    Barbie ~ I think you should show them to Bernie too for some indoor entertainment!!

    Marie ~ Thank you for your messages and forgiving me for being absent for so long. Once the dark evenings arrive next weekend I'll have much more time to play!!

    Sandy ~ I was so sorry to read about your sister Shirley and to have missed being around for you. With her strong determination and you as a sister I'm sure she will have every opportunity to come through this and your philosophical outlook will give you all the strength you need. It never rains but it pours so I'll be thinking of you and praying.

    Buzz ~ When you have a moment can you let me know how you are getting on with Slimfast and why you've substituted a meal with a drink? The friend I swim and walk with has struggled to lose weight for one reason or another and has talked of switching to a few weeks of Slimfast to kickstart her weight loss campaign.

    I saw your post about my garden because of all the hours I've been putting in. Lots of my time is also spent at the allotment I share with my neighbours which is about a mile from home. We've had a good season of veggies and hope to extend into winter with turnips, parsnips, leeks and celeriac.

    This was the allotment a couple of weeks ago when we had a glorious Indian summer


    and this my garden earlier in the year and the view extends down towards the allotment.


    I've been pruning back and weeding as much as possible before winter hits us but at the moment even after several hours work I look around and wonder what I've been doing all that time. My plans are still those of a 20 year old but try to tell my body that!!!:laugh:

    Well Sneakers this is going to have to be all from me for now because the cats are fussing for their tea and I still have to clean out the hen house before dark. We've a howling gale blowing which isn't going to help as I can imagine the bedding will fly everywhere.

    Buzz, at my previous home there were goats in an adjoining field and I used to climb over the wall and walk over for a chat. Such friendly little creatures but I always felt sorry for the boys that ended up in the freezer!! I'm such a softy when it comes to that side of things! Veggies are so much easier because they don't talk to you quite so loudly!!

    Take care everyone. I'll do my best to get back to you all soon.

    Jackie xx:flowerforyou:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member


    My inside and outside decorations.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member

    One more during the day.