Senior Golden Sneakers............October



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbie, lucky lady. You most certainly raised your kids right.:laugh: A big YUM for your applesauce.

    :flowerforyou: Jeri, of course you are not eating junk. You know what is right and what is wrong. You are a wonderful inspiration for all of us.:heart:

    :flowerforyou: my gosh Phoebe, do our homes look like a safe haven for kitties? I found four kittens on my front porch this past weekend. They are so cute. My daughter found the owner on another block and returned them. I think one of them made it back to our house before my daughter did. :laugh: No keeping any of them. We already have three. One who stays mostly outside, one very cute kitten that my son rescued from a crack in the sidewalk and our "basement" cat.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I hope that Neil gets to feeling better.

    :flowerforyou: buzz, got to love your graphics. :bigsmile:

    My husband had to come in early this morning so that meant that I am here at 5:30. This is great as we can use the over-time money.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just got time for a quick Hello. Come on Rangers Lets go.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, did you do the carving? There is a pumpkin at work with the mathematical symbol for PI taped onto it. :laugh:

    Husband has to be at work an hour early again tomorrow. So, I will set the alarm clock for 4:30 again. I actually have so much time before work that I can get bored. Not too many people here at that time of the morning. So, I will sign off now and will be back about 5:45 AM.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PHOEBE, bless you for answering a question I never asked, but have been thinking about!
    ---"We got our new stove today, and cooked on it tonight. I must say, I like it better than the glass cooktop.. the old coils heat up quickly, and I don't have to guess what type of pan to use.. they all work on the coils!! "
    I think I'll just replace the coils in my beautiful old stove. And new cups-runneth-overs!

    GAYLA, the cruise is happening in December; I'm slowly shopping Chico's online sales! My only other cruise was special, too;14 nights from San Diego on the Pacific, through the Canal via Celebrity Cruise Line , stopping in Cabo San Luca in Mexico, Costa Rica, Aruba and ending up in Fort Lauderdale. This year will be 11 nights in the Western Caribbean,Cancun, Belize, Cozumel, Costa Rica again, Panama, Colombia, Grand Cayman; leaving from and returning to Ft Lauderdale FLorida. We'l be on the Celebrity Equinox. I love that line. Join us??? I suggest Googling "Vacations to Go" And scrolling through for some great bargains in cruising!

    BARBIE, shiny and clean stove tops! You've convinced me...I'm keeping my old stove, new coils! My dear friend up near you also feels as you do about seasonal changes, especially after spending 50 years in Florida! I've learned to appreciate the minimal changes here, so I can detect seasons by what's thriving; orchids now, strawberries and oranges soon, vinca doing beautifully along with the colorful tubers whose leaves are just gorgeous all winter (starts with a C I think). I agree about your kids; like birds, they do best leaving the nest when it's time! :wink:

    BECKY, you early bird, you! 5:30 AM? That's about the time I take my 3rd P of the night!

    MARIE, did YOU carve that pumpkin??? How fabulous!

    SANDY, love your Cahoots clever. I think I'm being driven to insane sometimes myself :laugh: !

    JACKIE, good to see you; saw a story in Time Magazine about a fellow who raises chickens, goats, etc and thought of you immediately! Back to the soil in a green manner! I LIKE it :drinker:

    JAKE, love seeing you take the time to appear here and post! We need that Male touch!

    Well, after my lobster dinner tonight, I'm really a sleepyhead, so...[img][/img]3104124khrdqcweik.gif forgive me as I disappear for the night!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, I couldn't sleep for thinking about that leaf I mentioned to BARBIE in my last post, so I searched and searched through all my photos, and even restored photos from before I got a trojan virus (had to replace laptop, and restore photos!) and finally find the photo I'm using as an avatar today...and the leaf? CALADIUM, of course! We have them in full bloom for about 7 months of each year. They are tubers, and multiply, and look gorgeous with vinca, or almost anything! This photo was taken in June of '09; and they are just starting to shoot up here in my front garden in mid October! I no longer do that much gardening as the bending is rough on my arthritic knees, but I've certainly had wonderful memories of gardens from the past! Where I now live, I have only that small edging infront of our home, since the rest of the land is considered "communal property".
    Now I'm really off to sleep!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: buzz, your new picture is breath taking. I would love to have that in my front years. I don't have a green thumb.:sad: Whoo Hoo !!! Lobster for dinner. Lucky girl !!! I had sea scallops. They are delicious also. Love your graphic.:heart:

    I am still holding off on weighing in for the challenge. I think it would be best to wait til the last day and hope that I can lose a little bit more. My home scales showed me a pound less last night than it did this morning. Go figure.:noway:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    :glasses: Buzz: Lobster dinner is my favorite, especially the whole lobster that you
    get in Nova Scotia. MMMMM!
    :glasses: Becky: Getting up that early is not in my vocabulary :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    :glasses: Marie: Love the pumpkin so did you really carve it everyone is waiting to hear. :wink:
    :glasses: Barbie: I love the change of seasons also and now we are getting alot of wind and rain. :cry:
    November is coming, The temps are in the 50's so far but you have it much colder.

    Back at work today and looking forward to the weekend. I have a wedding and a Christmas Party in
    November so shopping is in order for tomorrow.

    Have a wonderful day Ladies.

    Oh I just wanted to use the glasses icon they never get used enough. :laugh:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
    Happy Thursday! :bigsmile: Just wanted to check in and catch you up on my life. My sister went in the hospital Monday for chemo but her blood count was low they gave her a blood transfusion with two bags of blood. Tuesday they did the first start of chemo giving her Rituxin which is an antibody to help her with the chemo. She had the chemo during the night this morning and she also had some physical therapy to help get her stronger. She will go home with chemo pills and have another treatment in 21 days.
    Her spirits are good and she is fighting hard but she is totally exhausted. She did tell me that the doctor told her with her age, etc it might only be a 25% chance of chemo working. She of course will beat those odds because she has so much support and determination to live. I must admit I am in some what a state of denial because I can't believe this is happening. She has 5 girls and one boy and they are all such good kids and there for her every minute. i have these visitors coming so I can't be there as much as I would like but will certainly be there when needed. Keep praying, I think it is the best medicine.

    Daisy was also sick and we took her to the vet because she had diarrhea for three days. They did all kinds of test and blood work because we insisted and the doctor said she had a colon infection known as Clostridium. She gave her a powder medicine to stop the diarrhea and we already had her on chicken and rice bland diet. The medicine made her vomit so we stopped that immediately. My husband then realized that Daisy was eating the fertilized dirt from our flower pots and we told the doctor about this and although she said it wasn't toxic it could irritate her stomach. We moved the pots and Daisy seems fine now other than the fact we are waiting for her to poop. (sorry)

    So it has been and will continue to be a busy week and that is why I am missing in action. I have not done well on exercise and I am eating some comfort food so I expect to gain a few pounds. Come Monday I will be back to recording and exercise.
    Thanks for letting me vent and for always being there.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Sandy, so glad you found out that it was the soil that was affecting Daisy. bless her heart, and yours! it might take a while for her to go potty again, since she is probably all 'cleaned out' right now.

    We haven't heard from Phyllis or Maddie in a bit, I miss Deb too. So glad Jackie is still with us.

    Thinking good thoughts, and prayers for Irene, Jeri, and Sandy's sister.. BTW, Sandy, I'm not sure if you gave us your sisters name, can we have it again, so I can mention her by name in my prayers?

    Marie, my guess is you didn't do the pumpkin yourself, just borrowed the photo, not that you couldn't have.. just that you are too busy to do it.

    I think it was in Barbie's recipe for something that she said to bake the butternut squash to make it easier to peel and cut... thx so much for this tip.. I loved my first taste of this squash, but I didn't want to go thru the peeling and chopping process again!! Now I can, thx to your tip!!

    Buzz, the allure of the glass cooktop will always be there, and they clean up, fairly easily..not exactly super easy though. I am surprised at how much better I like the coils now. I guess it is one of those 'don't know a good thing when you have it' situations.. but now I do!! Of course, I haven't boiled over anything none too easy to clean yet :wink:

    we will find out tonight or in the morning when we are to leave, today I am going to focus on laundry, and cleaning up all the leaves shedding from houseplants.. I just cannot kill a houseplant on purpose.. it makes me feel bad, but I don't really want them (or some of them) either... what could I do with them??

    Becky, I would have to bring a pillow to work and take a nap before everyone got there lol!! Yes, it sounds like someone, cat or human, has your 'number', house number, anyway, and you get the responsibility of finding the kitties places to go. I would have taken these to the shelter, but dh wanted to keep them, lol, he may rethink that plan when he has to clean the litter boxes!! lol, they all spent the night indoors with us, but before daylight, one began to 'yowl' to go out.. so I let him go, he was surprised by the cold temps, and wanted back in.. but he is out for now. I'm starting to train them on using the pet door.. they think it is a toy.

    be safe today,
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, I have a mental picture of kittens playing with a pet door. So funny. I love kitties.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, how old is your sister? I know you probably mentioned her age before. It sounds like she is quite a fighter. That is so good.:heart:

    :flowerforyou: Shirley, thank you for mentioning weddings. I have one the end of this month that I have not shopped for yet. Also, thanks for the cool shades.

    Shoot, lunch is over.:sad: After reading the posts today, I am thinking that logging in here and reading while eating lunch may not be a good idea.:laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    No I did not carve that pumpkin/. Never in my life Have I carve one I swipe it off the internet.

    You all sound pretty wonderful today.

    Sandy, Irene Jeri you and your families are in my prayers and any one else who may be having a baving a hard time right now..

    My grandaughter and her Husband are coming in for the weekend to go to the Cowboy and St. Louis Rams game We are surpose to all go out for lunch Saturday.

    My mind is not on Posting right now. So see you all later
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Hello Seniors,

    Barbie sounds like you have plenty of applesauce. I canned some and I made 3 large pans of apple crisp, and I froze some. I gave some away to my son, daughter, neighbors, and friends. We have some out to eat and only a 5 gallon bucket of apples left. We have about 40 pears left for eating, the rest I shared with friends and family. I have about 100 cherry tomatoes left too. I put the squash in the pantry and it should keep for months.

    I have been sewing like crazy, I made some christmas dinner napkins that look like christmas trees when they are folded. I also worked on the king size quilt for my granddaughter, I should be done soon. Maybe.

    We are going to visit my daughter tomorrow for the weekend. I am bringing dinner for Friday and a large apple crisp. On Saturday we have a birthday party for my granddaughter. Sunday we will go to church and then come home.

    It looks like fall here, the air is crisp, the trees are turning, and our remodling is done.

    Take care, Chris:happy: :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Chris, is your apple crisp low calorie. What I mean is, have you found a recipe for it that I would be able to eat? I love apple crisp. Especially the brown sugar and butter.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, your weekend sounds great. Have a wonderful time and let us know how it went.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    well goodnight everyone, we leave in the morning, turning off my pc. will talk to you from the road
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :wink: Buzz, the photo and the flowers are beautiful. We live in a similar neighborhood with very little yard to call our own----that’s why we moved so we wouldn’t have a lot of yard to take care of.

    :wink: Becky, I get up at five almost every morning and put on “dog walking clothes”. I take the dogs out one at a time, then eat my breakfast and shortly after six leash both of them and go for a walk for about 90 minutes. It’s so dark in the morning that I need a flashlight when I take them out individually to the big field behind our house and then when I walk them together, we stay on the street to have light until the sun finally comes up
    sunrise today was at 7:40 and it will be as late as 8:05 by the shortest day of the year. The dogs would rather walk on the trails and in the fields but we can’t do that until it starts to get light. Jake sleeps later and by the time the dogs and I get home, he has made tea for me and we spend time talking before I take my shower and get ready to go to line dance or do my chores.

    :wink: Sandy, you’ve had some big stuff to deal with----both your sister and Daisy. I’m glad things are resolved with Daisy and I send hugs to you and your sister through this trying time.

    :wink: Phoebe, if our neighborhood didn’t have a limit of how many pets we could have, I’d be inclined to take in more cats and Jake would want more dogs.

    :wink: Chris, all your projects sound great. I will give away some of the applesauce, but I like it for snacks alone and in oatmeal.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbie, I love how you are so scheduled. And, lucky you to have a man fix you tea every morning.:heart:

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, have a safe trip. I will be looking for you to return to online.

    Final weigh in is today. :angry: I have put two pounds back on.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just saying Hi! have lots to do today will talk more later. :flowerforyou:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
    Happy Friday! :bigsmile: My daughter and granddaughter are here and last night we had game night with the girls. :bigsmile: It was a lot of fun with lots of finger food and wine. Between playing different games and keeping Marisa (6) occupied playing Wii it was a busy but fun time. At this rate I am going to put all the weight I lost back on since I have gained about two pounds. I will put myself back on track Monday but there is no sense in fighting it this weekend with all this company. :noway:

    My sister's name is Shirley and she is 71 going to be 72 November 5th. She did well with the chemo and sounded stronger when I talked to her yesterday. My niece said they moved her to a new room and she also had physical therapy to make her stronger. She should be going home by the weekend and then will take pills until her next treatment in 21 days. Thanks for all your concern and prayers.

    There is an Al Anon convention near my house at one of the hotels and my group is donating a basket for their raffle. I will bring it there this afternoon and possibly stay for a meeting or two. I have to pick up my Step SIL from the airport this evening so still very busy.

    My hubby had a biopsy on a sore in his mouth that was not healing even with antibiotics shots from the oral surgeon so he had his tongue frozen and they snipped and stitched so needless to say he is not feeling great and is in some pain. The doctor is optimistic that it is not cancer but wanted to be sure. More prayers friends......when it rains it pours. For those who know the Serenity Prayer, I have been saying it a lot. For those who don't please let me share.

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
    The courage to change the things I can
    And the wisdom to know the difference.

    I can't change my sister's cancer, my husbands new health problem or any other disaster that comes my way. I have to let go and let God. It isn't easy but I have to trust that things will work out or that I can at least accept what ever happens.

    Take each day, one day at a time and enjoy what you have for this day only.

    Thanks friends!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Holding down the fort, no time to post.:frown:
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning Seniors

    Becky, I posted the recipe for my apple crisp and this past weekend, but if you go under south beach diet and enter apple crisp thats where I got it. It was 150 calories, (without the ice cream). It tastes so good. Hope you enjoy it too.

    Barbie, I give a lot of apples and applesauce away too, I love the smell of apples cooking in the fall. I made some yesterday and the house smelled so good and my hubby could not wait to eat the apple crisp. My line dancing class was cancelled yesterday but she will make up another class. I hope she does 2 days of dancing per week instead of 1, I enjoy it like you and it sure is a workout.
    Today I went to town for coffee with friends, we got gas for trip too. I loaded the care full of apple crisp, casserole, iced coffee, books and magazines and a t- shirt for my daughter and granddaugter. We will leave right after lunch and when my granddaughter comes home from school we will meet her at the door. I will post again on Monday. Have a wonderful day.