Senior Golden Sneakers............October



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just a quick check-in to say hello, I'm still around. Kind of busy since my dear friend is back in the hospital and we're the only ones near, as her family is in Hong Kong and the northeast, and she's all alone and nearing 89!
    A word to the coumadin takers; do not use Aleve or any other pain killers except some Tylenol without consulting with your MD! My friend almost killed herself through internal bleeding! She'll be OK, as we got her to the emergency in time to stop the worst of the bleeding, but what a mess. There's so much to take care of at her home, since it was so sudden, but all will be normal by next week!
    So hello, take care, and goodnight everyone!
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Buzz, your friend is so lucky to have you near her. God bless you for taking her to the ER when you did, and thank you for the info.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz what a great friend you are. So kind of you to watch out for her.My doctors will not let me take alieve at all.

    I did not see a post from me.y et? Where have I been? on the putor and sewing.
    I got all of the blocks made and ready to sew them together tomorrow. I have another one I am working on.bout time for bed.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from rainy Saskatchewan! I, too, have been missing but still thinking of you. Once again I am watching tennis. I now have my exercise bike in the family room, I just have to remember to get on it!! I made baked beans today and tried to lighten them up a bit. Dave loves beans but wasn't terribly impressed with todays effort. I agree they needed more salt. But they are cooked and I can now throw them in to soups or just eat them as they are. I am wondering how they will do if I freeze them. I don't see why they wouldn't freeze well.

    I think I shall go to bed a little earlier today. I have been yawning all evening. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :yawn:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Gayla..................... was thinking about you this morning. Well actually thinking of Neil. How is his foot doing. Anymore problems? Beans freeze really well. I usally alway have some in the freezer.. I cooked 2 lbs at a time overnight in my crock pot.. Easy as pie.

    hope you all have a wonderful day. Good morning all of you sneakers.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :bigsmile: Cooler weather today but the sun is shining and they did say it will go to 60. :flowerforyou: The play was great, it was Snap Shot, just a little theatre with no big names but still very good. We had dinner first and I had the parmesan tilapia which is probably not the best choice but my weight is still holding so I hope it maintains. I will be more careful today and hopefully get some exercise done.

    On a sad note my niece called and told me my sister is diagnosed with non hodgkin's lymphoma stage 4. They are admitting her to the hospital on Monday to try and build up her immune system for some strong chemo on Tuesday. The doctor is pessimistic and told my sister to keep a positive attitude. Please keep her in your prayers.

    Daisy has a bad tummy with some diarrhea so I am making her some boiled chicken and rice.

    Hope your day is going better than mine.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Sandy -- so sorry to read your news. Some people respond very well to chemotherapy, even stage four. Staying positive is so important. I will remember her in my prayers. Be strong. :heart:

    Marie -- thanks for the bean information. I am adding some to soup tonight so I better get busy. Tennis is over for today. Tomorrow's final should be a doozy. Neil is seeing the podiatrist Monday although it seems like the foot is a bit better. The following week he has his neurology review. I am glad about that as these new seizures are very annoying to him. He stays alert but his arm shakes or strikes out. Often whatever he is holding hits the floor which causes him great distress. I really don't want more drugs added to his regime but he has maxed out the ones he is already on. Mostly he is happy. He stayed at his house this weekend with a little encouragement. Lots of phone calls but not unhappy. :heart:

    Time to get the soup on. Take care. :heart:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    GAYLA, beans freeze beautifully. Keep them in small batches and you'll be so glad to have them! Hoping for you that things work
    out well for Neil.

    MARIE, you are always so beautifully organized. We have a lot to learn from you!:drinker:

    SANDY...what's to say? We feel awful about your sister, and I can only offeer that my sister is living proof that
    miracles happen with cancer patients, as well as other conditions!

    BARBIE, we love Greek food, and my souvlaki and pork gyro were delicious and I could just feel the salt coursing through my
    veins! And the servings are so humongous we brought home enough for 2 more meals! This place looks like a diner in
    need of an upgrade, and yet the wait is always minimum 1/2 an hour no matter when we arrive! Always packed
    because the food is fabulous! I hope your Mexican food was just as tasty! :wink:

    We'll be picking up my friend tomorrow, and she's doing nicely, though a bit weak. We hops she stays well now that this hurdle is over!
    :yawn: Somehow, I can't seem to get to bed early any more, but I'm about to retire right now! Wish you all a happy Sunday:bigsmile:

  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning Seniors,

    We had some friends over for dinner last night, and I ate a little extra but it was worth it. I made white chicken chili, corn bread muffins, raw veggies and dessert was marvelous, apple crisp from my own apples with 1 scoop of van ice cr. Our friends had 2 helpings of each.
    Recipe for apple crisp:
    1/4 c unsweetened dried cherries
    1/2 water
    1/2 old fashion oats
    1/2 c flour
    1/2 c margarine
    1/4 c + 2 Tablespoons splenda
    10 c apples sliced
    2 Tbls lemon juice
    2 Tbls cinnamon

    Soak cherries in the 1/2 c water

    Combine oats, margarine, 1/4 c flour,1/4 c splenda,1 Tbls of cinnamon, and stir.

    Toss apples and lemon juice together in large bowl, add 1/4 c flour, 2 Tbls splenda, and 1 Tbls cinnamon, stir and combine.

    Place apples in baking dish, pour cherries AND water over mixture, toss gently to combine. Spinkle oat topping evenly of fruit.

    Bake about 40 mins. at 350 degrees.

    150 cal, 7g fat,23 carbs, 1g protein, 5g fiber, 60 gr of sodium

    Hope you like it.
    My day today, we are waiting for the contractor to finish the window project, cleaned house really good yesterday so maybe laundry today. Then we are going grocery shopping and to the organic store. I read the paper so I think today is going to be a lazy day and watch a movie since its raining outside. I may have to do a dvd walking tape today or stationary bike.

    May your day be a good one and praise the Lord for all his blessings on us.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member

    Dream on!!! (it's calorie free, sugar-free, non-fat, of course!)

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Oh buzz you would post that Sundae.

    Thanks Chris for the apple ccrisp recipes/ One serving would not be bad. Is your husband on this 17 day diet plan with you.?

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Had a great time last night at the Club Party and turkey dinner. The band was awesome
    and I'd say I danced for about an hour and 15 we figured out. I logged it in today and then
    we walked to breakfast which was another 60 mins. I am good for exercise and will just
    die today because I am so tired. :yawn:

    We stayed overnight on a friends boat and I didn't get much sleep it was too warm for me.
    I like a cool room at night I sleep much better. So I am dragging my *kitten* today. :yawn:

    I was going to do some laundry but I said forget that I am just plain too tired.
    So I will veg today until I have to make dinner.
    Dave decided to stay and help some friends with their boat and I went home. So he will
    get a ride back when he is done.

    Pouring rain today and windy as hell. Good time to stay in.

    Will catch up on all the other posts later. :flowerforyou:
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Hi again,
    Marie your quilt look so nice, I am starting back to my quilt guild again on Monday evening, we are suppose to bring our machines and some Christmas fabric. I can't wait. Yes my husband is on the diet with me but he has almost lost the 6 lbs he wanted to, but we like the diet so well that we are going to stay on it and I will give him more to eat. First you do 17 days of accelerate diet, then you do 17 days of activate diet, then you do 17 days of achieve diet, and finally 17 days of arrive diet. But we like the menus so well we will stay on it and splurge one day a week. The food is great.

    Buzz your graphs are so cute, I am not that good to do those things on the computer.

    Well, the contractor is going to leave soon so we can go to town and shop. I kept my calories down so that I can have a piece of the apple crisp tonight. Then there will be no more lying around to tempt me, but 150 calories isn't bad + the 1/2 c ice cream.

    See you all tomorrow.
  • Marie, your quilt is so beautiful, a treasure and heirloom for your family. I like it a lot more than the quilt I won and gave away.
    I have some quilt squares from about 20 years ago. They are probably mouse eaten, or squirrel.
    Still in the doldrums. Hope you are all well.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley sound like a great time was had.

    Chris, Typical what do you eat.on those difference days.? Jerry went to tom Thumb and got us a meat loaf. It was pretty good. I had 3 oz They had them on sale.. 1/2 c frozen mixed veggies and the salad, I buy the thick and light lemon or lime yogurt with a dollup of cool whip Make me think I am eating a lemon or lime pie.for my bedtime snack.

    myhusband help me get my quilt pin together so now Io see If I can quilt it. I think Sammy done claim it. He does like his blanket. Hope it is big enought to cover him ans me up this winter.DH set up a table out on the patio and we just pin away. It was so nice. outside today.

    Phoebe where id you go?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: it was 37 degrees this morning at 6:30 when I took the dogs out for their morning walk.

    :bigsmile: marie, your quilt is beautiful......I admire your skill

    :bigsmile: Buzz, your Greek food sound delicious:bigsmile: I had a spinach enchilada last night and it was delicious and a modest sized portion
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    GRRRR !!!!! I hit the wrong key again. I will be back later to try again.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Ok, going to try this again !!!!:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, we are warmer that 37 here but still colder than it has been. It was in the middle 40s when I got up.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, it is wonderful that your husband helps you with your quilts. You must have a great relationship.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, I hope that you get to feeling better.

    :flowerforyou: Chris, 150 calories for a dessert is really not bad at all. It is less than the two cookies I am having today for a snack. I know that cookies are not a good choice but my husband makes the best ones ever. I just can't turn them down. Only brought two of them.

    The beginning of another work day. I am really glad to have a job with so many people unemployed.

    Tonight at the YMCA I am signing up my daughter for the woman's health center. She can take most of the classes for free this way and she can use the whirlpool, sauna and steam room. She had to be 18 to join and she had her birthday Saturday. I think it is so special that she turned 18 on Sweetest Day.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Hello Seniors,

    Marie, This is the first day of the diet, First you drink hot water and lemon.
    Breakfast- 2 scrambled egg whites (I use egg beaters most of the time.) + fruit, green tea.
    Lunch- Large salad with tuna, balsamic dressing, green tea
    Dinner-Grilled chicken, with lots of steamed vegetables or raw veggies, green tea

    Snacks for the day: 6 oz plain yogurt, with sugar free jam ( 1 t), and 1 fruit.
    You have to drink 8 glasses of water too.

    I bought the book at Kmart and I am following 95 % of the time, once in awhile when I have company or go out I have to adjust my diet. We are in cycle 2 now, today we added oatmeal for breakfast which we haven't had for 17 days. We each lost 5 lbs in the first 17 days and I read that we may not lose that much in the next 17 days, we will see what happens.
    There are 4 cycles and I am going to stick with it for all the cycles.
    I hope this helps, buy the book to learn more.

    My day today is, I got up at 5:45 with hubby, made breakfast, going to read the paper before we go to visit friends in town. We have some shopping to do so that will take the morning. This afternoon I will take my walk and use the stationary bike today for exercise. My meals are planned out and I have made the turkey patties already so dinner is ok. Then I go to my quilt guild meeting tonight, we are going to work on a project, don't know what yet.

    Have a great day,Chris:drinker:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I had good intentions of walking at lunch today but winds were too strong.
    I went back upstairs and started to read again.:noway:

    We are in for some more rain this week and the temperatures will be in the 50's.
    November is looming and the cold temperatures are right around the corner.:tongue:

    Still trying to get back down to my ticker weight. I have to reevaluate my eating.
    I started on the South Beach but got off track again. I am easily swayed. :cry:
    I plan on working harder at it this week.
    So today we had cake in the office for one of the attorney's and Boss's Day.
    I just can't win. :tongue:

    :smile: Becky: Good luck with your new employee, it will be better once they are
    trained and free up some of your work.
    :smile: Buzz: Your friend is lucky to have you and to help her get the treatment she needed.
    :smile: Marie: Love the quilt, you are so talented.