Team UK - October 2011



  • cathoult
    Hi all, Can I join please??? I've only just found the UK board(after 2 weeks on here)..and thank god there is one, I'm confusing myself translating the american measurements..amazing how different they can be!

    It's erm...'brisk' here in the East Mids and I'm trying to find ways to stay on track while fighting the urge to eat everything in sight, don't know what it is about the cold that makes me want to eat..bizarre!
  • lynns3gs
    Hiya all

    Ive just found this uk team and would love to join. Been on here a couple of weeks and loving the site and the results, motivation is high and hope to keep it there.

    Would love some more friends for support so add me if you fancy


  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    Thanks kyle4jem :)

    Cathoult - it's the hibernation instinct I think. I always want to load up on stodgy carb heavy food in the winter, and lots of it too. Stews, roasts, anything that can be put in the slow cooker and left to do its thing all day...lovely!
  • rdpixie
    rdpixie Posts: 96
    How cold is it this week!!! Not making my running fun....brrrr!
  • Molly_Louise
    Blimey how expensive are trains!! Had to fork out £101.90 in the past 48 hours for trains next weeks. Only 2 days worth of trains might I add, with one return journey being on Monday and the second return journey being on Thursday. Prices must have shot up due to it being half term that week. How expensive!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Blimey how expensive are trains!! Had to fork out £101.90 in the past 48 hours for trains next weeks. Only 2 days worth of trains might I add, with one return journey being on Monday and the second return journey being on Thursday. Prices must have shot up due to it being half term that week. How expensive!
    Yup, unless you're travelling off peak, trains are bloody expensive.

    Mind you, if you are travelling long distance, it's sometimes cheaper to split the journey and buy separate tickets for each... even though you get the same through train both ways. It's a pain and the rail companies don't make it any easier to work things out.

    My weekly ticket costs £122.50, £386.40 for the month or £4K for the year. Thankfully I don't have to commute into London too often now, so get by with a couple of weekly tickets per month. Still eats into the budget though :grumble:
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    How cold is it this week!!! Not making my running fun....brrrr!

    I know, right? I've been going to the gym but the 45 min walk to get there is just so much more annoying when I have to wear my winter clothes then change haha! We have to stay strong though, so much of our year is cold that we can't possibly just let ourselves go a bit for all of it, huh? :)
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Blimey how expensive are trains!! Had to fork out £101.90 in the past 48 hours for trains next weeks. Only 2 days worth of trains might I add, with one return journey being on Monday and the second return journey being on Thursday. Prices must have shot up due to it being half term that week. How expensive!

    I know, right? Last year I worked in Scotland for a while and I was commuting back to London every weekend which was fine if I booked in advance - it was about £100 return (I was getting paid a lot as a locum so it was ok) but if I got sick or something delayed me coming back it could be £150 one way!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    sorry for being so quiet. It is freeeeeeeeeezing, I am sat here shivering with a hot cup of tea. I've been up since 315 as I am having childcare traumas :explode: On the up side, I have done my workout for the day - JM's 6w6p for 35 mins and my own circuits for an additional 25. I really noticed not skipping, that's usually a good 10 mins of it but I didn't really want to go outside and do it at 3 am!!

    Trains are expensive, cars are expensive, its a nightmare! I'm sure like most people I don't need a fortune, just enough to keep the roof over our head and foods on our plate without stressing but these days that seems unobtainable :frown:
  • Caz2678
    Caz2678 Posts: 49
    Brrrr i agree! How cold is it?? My poor wee baby woke up with cold hands this morning :grumble: Looks like the central heating will need to be on 24/7 now! That's not gonna be good for finances either! lol

    I live in the countryside, so i don't have a train station anywhere near me, so i NEED to use the car... and the petrol is mega expensive here :mad:

    Thinking about a nice hot cup of coffee, before i attempt going a walk in the cold.... better wrap up :tongue:
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    Ooooh is it chilly! I just did my long cycle into work. Last time I did it I was in shorts and a tee shirt - and that was only a couple of weeks ago... Today I was in my longs and a thermal top and my cycling coat and wooly socks and so on. Needed my lights for the first half hour too...
    Now having a latte and a muffin (gotta eat those exercise calories... :wink: )
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Morning all!

    My room was sooooooo cold last night I'm contemplating buying a onesie! Brrrrr! Haven't worked out how to use the central heating in the new place yet so it was slightly arctic. Doesn't make getting up any easier!

    Gym day today - I always try and eat my exercise calories but because I get home late I can't face a massive dinner, so I tend to go slightly over the calories on non-exercise days, and slightly under on gym days. All add's up I guess!

    How is everyone doing on the various JM dvds? I attempted 30DS but the press-ups killed me! Plus I quite like the gym (weird I know) as it gets me out the house and away from snacks!

  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    I like the gym as well, although I'm on strict petrol rationing this week in the run up to pay day so I can't go as it's out of my way. My knees are getting better gradually as well, definitely not as painful as they were! Hopefully I can start doing full body work outs again soon.

    I'll be restarting 30DS when I get back from my honeymoon mid November. I figure I'll need it after a week in Sandals!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Yeah!... it's almost the weekend!

    Does anyone have anything special planned? I think I might go get my old clothes out of storage and see what fits and what's waiting for me to drop a few more inches :wink:

    I certainly think it's time to ditch a few old shirts that haven't been worn in ages to make some room.:happy:
  • Molly_Louise
    Yeah!... it's almost the weekend!

    Does anyone have anything special planned? I think I might go get my old clothes out of storage and see what fits and what's waiting for me to drop a few more inches :wink:

    I certainly think it's time to ditch a few old shirts that haven't been worn in ages to make some room.:happy:

    Woo for the weekend! Tomorrow is my last day of sixth form before half term, working on Saturday and on Monday I'm going to visit a friend who is at uni in Luton, so Sunday will be spent getting ready for that!

    I had a clear out of my wardrobe this evening and threw a lot of old clothes away. Went out and treated myself to a few new bits after I'd cleared out and managed to fit into size 10 jeans!! I was shocked, I was only throwing things out to make room! Have a try on of your older clothes, you may be surprised what fits :)
  • Caz2678
    Caz2678 Posts: 49
    Yey... It's Friday! :smile:

    I will need to do a wardrobe clear out soon too! I still have some maternity stuff hanging in there!! Also all my small clothes are stuck in a suitcase. I doubt i will get into any of them but i guess its good motivation to get them out and see where i want to be! Remind myself of my goals etc..

    Having a busy weekend decorating before xmas. Painting and DIY! Hoping that will burn some calories as it's taking my exercise time away! Hopefully i will be finished before monday so i can get back on track :)

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend.
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    Half-term starts today for my family. They have strategically placed a staff training day today! So the next week will probably be tougher than normal as will be hard to get my workouts in! And with the days getting shorter, I am fearing for my runs next week.

    I guess it may be time to invest in a torch? Any recommendations?

    Happy Friday and happy weekend!
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    Morning All,
    Cold here in Hertfordshire. Start of my working days today so I have made a Pasta Bake with Turkey Mince to take to work for dinner tonight. Off the Aqua Aerobics soon. I'm not starting work till three today.
    Have a good weekend everyone
  • roseygogs
    Hello there! Would love to join your lovely bunch :) I am on a mission here and I'm trying to lose 2 stone by january so I need all the support I can get!

    Yay its half term which means....... no traffic getting to work :) I am ready for my first weigh in this weekend, sooooo excited!
  • 147lbme
    Hello everyone, never thought that there would be some many people on here - it always felt like I am the only one on a diet - especially when people are passing round the cake!! I think I have just found my support!!! yay feeling very inspired!!!:laugh:

    please add me as a friend yayayayayayayay