Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - October Challenge!! (One year



  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member

    I'm not sure what's wrong with me...maybe someone here has an answer?

    I have noticed that about an hour or two after working out (I use the term loosely as I have just been trying to walk to build stamina back up after being injured), I am completely exhausted. And I get these "groggy-like" headaches. Overall, I just don't feel good. I'm not achy like I'm getting sick. I drink water through my walks, I eat within and hour of my walk ending. Today was simply a 25 minute walk at 3mph and 20 oz of water (about 5oz before, 15 oz during). Anyone else have this problem? Could it be a vitamin deficiency? Electrolytes (no sweating THAT much though)?
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Thanks Cynthia for cleaning up the list! :bigsmile: I've only got a few mins so here goes...

    Welcome Kayla! :flowerforyou: and Welcome back to everyone else that's just joined in again! Im so happy to see some posts on the thread and really hopeful that we can keep things moving this month. I find this thread so motivating when people are active and participating. Obviously I'm a food junkie so I encourage you folks to post any new recipes you try. I'd love to see what you're eating!

    Miss_Amy - Welcome back, dearest! Very happy to see you indeed :bigsmile: I am sure you're going to kick some *kitten* this month and get right back on track. You know how it's done!

    jyop - Hollah! Welcome back to you, as well! ROCKTOBER - I love it! Kick some *kitten* girl :drinker: And congrats on the certification. That's awesome! Instructing fitness classes is a great way to get a good burn and give back, so enjoy it!

    imarunner - Not exactly sure what the problem could be, but my guess would be that you should check with a physician. Walking should not cause you to be light-headed, dizzy or feel faint if you are drinking enough water and eating enough. I'd have to take a look at your diary to be sure, but it's possibly a symptom of something else and shouldn't be taken lightly. Do you feel faint or exhausted while you're walking or only hours afterward? Are you working out when you are already "spent"? Could also be a symptom of major life stress seeping into your physical routines - there's a limit to how much we can handle before we just burn out. Give me a bit more info and I'll try to help in any way I can. But yea - definitely consider a visit to your Dr if things don't get better very soon. Could just be a matter of iron deficiency, as well...

    AFM - Just ate some yummy oats w/ apple, cinnamon, PB and greek yogurt and am drinking my coffee before heading out to work. I got in 3.4 miles this morning (ran 3.07 in 30 mins) and it felt OK. My blisters are finally healing. My yogafit was cancelled AGAIN last night, which made me a huge grouch. So aggravating that it's nearly always cancelled and no one fore warns us. We just show up and there's no instructor. What gives! Tonight I've got a dentist appt and then I have to go out and try to find some fall/winter appropriate clothing for work. It's going to be a long day!

    My very sweet boy is coming to meet me for lunch for 30 mins or so today to try and help with my "taking a lunch break" goal. I just have to hope that I can get away from my desk and don't make him wait for ages to meet me... My boss better not come at me with too much work, or I'll be none too impressed. How is it that I feel guilty about taking a lunch break at work? :huh: Grrr...

    I need a new job!

    You may have noticed, I deleted my exercise ticker because it wasn't keeping proper counts on my runs. I've been in the 300mile range for a better half of the year and I know that's not right, since I trained for and ran a 1/2 marathon. Screw it! RunKeeper can tell me with some degree of accuracy how far I've run and that's good enough for me!

    Alright, off to work. Make today great, ladies! :heart:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Glad to see so many faces back and at it in the thread! I am super busy at work this week so I will keep this short and sweet. I am loving the goals from everyone and I think ROCKTOBER is the best name ever! This morning I had spin and it was a killer class. A class that normally takes us about 45+ minutes to complete took ws 40 minutes because we had about 2 breaks, it was just drill after drill, really pushing my legs. I definitely need to commit to my 10 minutes of stretching goal for this month. Then I just ate a delicious breakfast of 2 soft boiled eggs, a string cheese, 12 grian english muffin with peanut butter and a small cup of coffee. So yummy!! Now it is time to put my nose to the grindstone and get some serious work done today! Busy busy busy! Keep up the amazing work everyone- I have a feeling October is going to be Faboulous!

  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 694 Member
    imarunner - sounds like it could maybe be low blood sugar...are you eating enough throughout the day??

    meag- I was just going to add a milage they not work right?? I have never used one before?

    Megan - Awesome work on the spin class...I have never tried one, but I hear they are brutal!!

    AFM - taking easy today....first 5K race is tomorrow!! I'll let you all know how it goes
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    good morning ladies!

    i have a question for you all. how much protein do you eat on average? have you changed the MFP settings to add more protein/less carbs? i know a lot of people have said MFP has their protein levels set low, but one thing i struggle with quite a bit is getting enough protein in my diet. it's usually either i have really good fiber levels and low protein or decent protein and ok fiber levels. anyone have any advice? i've been starting to incorporate protein shakes into my diet to help, but i'm just curious what is a good level i should set my protein to.


    I'm not sure what's wrong with me...maybe someone here has an answer?

    I have noticed that about an hour or two after working out (I use the term loosely as I have just been trying to walk to build stamina back up after being injured), I am completely exhausted. And I get these "groggy-like" headaches. Overall, I just don't feel good. I'm not achy like I'm getting sick. I drink water through my walks, I eat within and hour of my walk ending. Today was simply a 25 minute walk at 3mph and 20 oz of water (about 5oz before, 15 oz during). Anyone else have this problem? Could it be a vitamin deficiency? Electrolytes (no sweating THAT much though)?

    could it possibly have to do with TOM? sometimes when i work out during/around my TOM i will get light headed... otherwise i'm not sure? i'd probably check with a doctor if it keeps happening.
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    imarunner I would definitely get checked out asap by a professional, that should not be happening,

    Meagan I still want to try the spin classes but I'm happy with the bootcamps so far. Like the new pic BTW! :happy:

    Meag Your welcome! I definitely will try and put some recipes since I have been cooking 4/7 days of the week and want to be more creative/healthy in my cooking, your recipes look delicious I haven't baked bread in a looong time but I want to try the inside out PB low cal. desserts this weekend for sure! Hope your day goes smoothly and definitely make time for that lunch break you need especially if the BF will be waiting for ya :wink:

    Abby My ticker works fine , I would check it out anyways ( it might work for ya and Good Luck with your 5K, I have mine on the 15th! :smile:

    AFM I plan on running this evening, yesterday I was so exhausted I only ran 2.5 miles I just wasn't feeling it, but I know today will be better! I made some chicken with a bunch of different veggies and a baked sweet potato with cinnamon, looking forward to the hot cocoa a co-worker is bringing since it has been raining here in CA. Have a long day as well work, run then school, already looking forward to the eventful weekend and it's only Tuesday. Hope you all have a great Tuesday!
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 694 Member
    Miss Amy - I changed my levels to 40/35/25 carbs/protein/fats. I needed to up my protein and I try to get at least 90gm a day, but I have a hard time decreasing my carbs, I am a total carb lover!!! The only way I could go it was to add a protein shake pretty much every day. I try to have it post workout each day, since I hear its also good for muscle recovery!!

    Greenhumanclay - I started a ticker....trying to do 100 miles in october!! And good luck to you also in your 5k...I know you'll rock it!!!

    I will post tomorrow after my race (its at 6pm) and will let you know how it went...kinda nervous already!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Macros.... OHHHH Macros!

    The long and short of it is - Don't obsess! I had much too easily fallen into the trap of obsessing over my carb/fats/protein breakdown, to the point where I basically never eat bread or any processed carbs apart from occasionally a 90 calorie yellow corn tortilla, a whole wheat pita (from pita pit only) or around 80g of homemade bread on a 9mile run day. Otherwise I eat all my carbs from oats, dry whole grains, fruits and veg, and popcorn. It's so incredibly limiting to feel like I can't eat anything out at restaurants. I don't eat potatoes, rice, pasta, or any bread items, so basically every meal out is a challenge :ohwell:

    I eat a 50/25/25 diet for the most part, and even with those fairly reasonable levels I still find it really hard to hit my macros most days and stay under my carbs. I know that as a runner I should be fueling up with carbohydrates, but it's definitely tough having a "no-carb" mentality to contend with. I eat boat loads of protein thanks to whey isolate, lots of lean meats, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, nuts and other sources, but it's still a challenge. Eating 100-125grams of protein is tough stuff and it gets even harder on long workout days...

    As for tickers - Mine was just not updating properly. Maybe I'm just "slow" but I would add in my distance after every run and it just didn't seem to be adding up. I track my exercise here + on RunKeeper so that is good enough for me! I just got a notification that since the beginning of Sept 2010 I have logged 1000+ miles on RunKeeper, including my running, walking and recent cycling excursions. Not too shabby given several months of "rehab" on my foot :bigsmile:

    Alright it's definitely way past my bedtime. I'll be back to update on the rest tomorrow morning. Sleep well! :heart:
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Quick post before bed, gotta open in the morning and I MUST get sleep tonight before I hit sleep deprivation!!!

    Today was day 8 of staying at or under my calorie goal!!! I am going to finish out the week strong and have a little fun this weekend taking my little sister to Taylor Swift concert for her 18th bday!!! Next week I want to add a regular workout schedule in, but with work,school,dance practice, and sorority duties, I needed to focus on food foremost.

    Hope everyone's week has started out well!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Lalonmeg- Sometimes tackling one thing at a time is what works best. You seem to really have your diet on point lately so making sure you stay focused on that and not stretching yourself to thin by forcing a workout. Keep up the great work!

    Cynthia- I totally have not feeling it run days, so don't worry about it. The key is getting back out there! You have been doing amazing with all the different workouts you have been trying and keeping your exercise fresh! You should be really proud.

    AFM- Had a short 3 mile run this morning, its weird that I now consider 3 miles short. My legs are still really tired from the race on Sunday. I think between those miles and spin yesterday it just made them feel super heavy. But I powered through and got the miles done. Tomorrow is bootcamp and then I have 6 miles on tap for Saturday. Which happens to be the start of a 3 day weekend! Yeah Columbus!! Just trying to get through the work week which is creeping by even though I have a ton of work to do! I hate when that happens. Hope you ladies have a wonderful Wednesday!

  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    thanks meag & abby! i have a hard time with carbs too, so i try to focus on good carbs so i feel better about when i go over my limit for the day. i've been really sore lately from working out, and i think it's because my protein levels are always pretty low. definitely going to work on that! :)

    hope everyone is having a great week so far!
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies. I'm not lightheaded, I just get these weird headaches...the same ones I get when I'm sick...and feel VERY tired. And it's never during the workout. Only after. About an hour after I workout, I could literally go back to bed. I workout around 11am or 12pm before work as I am a second shifter and can't workout after work. If it happens again, I'm calling my doc...this is ridiculous. I just hope it's nothing serious:indifferent:
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member

    how's everyone doing? this is an amazing week for me - in many many ways! i had a meeting on monday and was basically offered my dream job - working for a company that has created a 6 month weight loss program that has great results (it focuses on the diet and nutrition aspect, encouraging exercise of course but not incorporating it into the program specifically) where i would get to help counsel the group weight loss members in addition to actually help develop new and advanced programs (e.g., for children, for pregnant women, for people with gluten allergies, etc) and then do outcome research on their effectiveness! i am SO excited! tonight i am meeting with the owner and business partner of the company (basically an interview - ive been asked to give a 5 min presentation on a topic of my choice :embarassed: - so im talking about my dissertation work which i am forced to talk about constantly so can do so quite well! :wink: ) and THEN i get to sit in on the group session for the weight loss program tonight at 7:00! i am SO excited!!!! (did i mention im excited yet??) i would be BEYOND happy if i am offered this position - it's everything i could EVER want and together with teaching fitness classes at night i would be focused on health and helping people all day every day :happy: WOOT WOOT!!!

    i don't like like the whole "good luck" saying that people get for things like this (it might be cheesy, but i make my own luck - i control my life, it's not in the hands of some unknown powerful others for goodness sake!) but i would love to ask for your support and good thoughts that all my dreams come true :bigsmile:

    sorry for a rather (aka incredibly) selfish post - i am just on cloud nine about this possibility :love: and i am simultaneously giddy like a school child! :bigsmile:

    sending happy & healthy thoughts to each and every one of you and hoping that today is a totally kick *kitten* day for all of you!!!! :flowerforyou:

    (ok and for me too hehe) :glasses:
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    jyopchick- Good Luck lol JK! That definitely sounds like an amazing opportunity, let us know how it goes, good vibes have been sent your way!! :bigsmile:

    mkingraham Thanks, I have been trying to really change it up, limited on time but I do what I can with the time that I have. I am signing up for the 10K Turkey Trot so it's definitely an extra push, which I can use. I totally agree on the whole short 3 mile run I feel the same way too, and think wow this wasn't short a few months ago lol. I have 5.5 miles or so scheduled for Saturday also, and a definite Hell ya for the 3-day weekend which hope the 3 days go by super slow. :happy:

    AFM I went to the gym this am and ran a bit but slept like 5 hours, ran out of GU and it was pouring rain but still got up even though my bed was much more appealing, all because i knew I was having Pan Dulce (mexican sweet bread) and hot cocoa. Im meeting a couple girlfriends for an evening jog/workout session in about an hour or so. Don't usually do double workouts but I do if I over indulge a bit! Which I totally enjoyed BTW! Plan on running 5.5 or so miles this Sat and have an eventful weekend planned including celebrating my BF's 28th b-day! Love girls night out! Other than that I have been hitting all my goals so far except sleep which I know should be a priority. Until tomorrow hope you ladies have a good evening or night depending where you live and a fabulous Thursday!!! :wink:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Ok ladies I've got myself on "notice" tonight. it's already 11;20pm and I have my alarm set for a 530am run... So this is going to be quick (and not my usual 5 paragraphs quick lol)

    Megan - I know what you mean - I consider 3miles "short" now too! :noway: Look at us crazy runners! I go out in the AM and if I'm back within 45 mins I consider it a "quick" run. Oy vey... No wonder my time seems so fleeting!

    Jyop - Holy smokes girl that sounds AWESOME! Very best of luck to you, but I agree. We make our own luck by being positive, determined, working hard and generally kicking some *kitten* at life - So I doubt you'll need it;. Please let us know how it goes. I'm terribly excited for you! If I could find a way to make a living off all of "this" instead of wasting 9 straight a day at a job that makes me miserable, I'd be one damn happy woman. I am sending you my most positive vibes tomorrow! :flowerforyou:

    Cynthia - If you are short on time, try doing shorter more intense runs like fartleks and speed intervals. It will hep you become a stronger, faster runner and will help you get a good burn in limited time. 30-40 mins of hard tough running, and switching things up will keep it interesting...

    AFM - I think I'll take some of my own advice! Running in the AM and I'm going to do some variation of a fartlek. I saw some suggestions in the most recent edition of Runner's World... Perhaps I'll see what I can do !

    Food's been alright lately. Just doing what I can. I made protein brownies tonight and posted the recipe here:

    We also had this AWESOME stewed veg and edamame in masala topped with poached eggs for dinner. Sooo good. I'm back to being hooked on smart-pop w/ cinnamon and mini-chocolate chips at night. So worth the 175 calories, despite all the carbohydrates. I guess it's better than a giant bowl of ice cream :blushing: But boy do I have a problem with moderation and going through phases. I pretty much have the same night-time snack every day!

    Alright my time is dwindling. G'night y'all. Have a splendid Thursday if I don't speak to you soon! :heart:
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 694 Member
    Jenelle - congrats on the sounds wonderful!!!

    Meag - protein brownies sound great....I will make those this weekend, I always need ways to sneak in extra protien!!! And I need to start researching how to do some interval training my self.....I realized running last night that I have NO IDEA how to pace myself or how to sprint!!! I have only been focused on increasing my distance!!!

    AFM -- Ran my first official 5K last night 27:03......which I am very happy with!!!! My only goals were to finish without walking and get under 30mins...So I finally fully accomplished one of my goals!!!! Just hope I can keep the momentum up as the season gets colder!!!
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    S.H.I.T! so happy it's thursday :laugh:

    how's everyone doing?? it sounds like you're all killing it! sounds like we've got a lot of runners in this group! i wonder - do you all continue to run outside when it gets chilly and only stop once the snow starts? :wink: i was really enjoying running this summer, i normally workout inside at my house, but when it's nice out i just want to BE outside, so i definitely understand the love for running :smile: im so impressed by all of you and your dedication to continue to sign up for race after race! i think i may set a goal for myself to run my first race a month after i defend for my phd :happy: thanks for the inspiration ladies!

    AFM - WELL yesterday was fantastic! (thanks meag and greenhumanclay- sorry i don't know your real name! for the support) the "interview" went so well - it was just so conversational and i could really see myself working for this company. the work is so important and their ideals are all in the right place! i then got to sit in on a weight loss group session - AMAZING! it was all women last night (the men in the group were out of town) and they have all lost at least a pound a week and it was the end of the their third week - some people had lost up to 8lbs! it was just so awesome to see them start to see the real change. and listening to susan (the creator of the program who was running the group - and hopefully my future boss! :bigsmile: ) was amazing - everything she said was based on all her nutrition science research and it was so cool because it was both a confirmation of what i have learned myself over the last three years BUT i still learned SO much too! i am so excited to learn from this woman, she's truly amazing! i want SO much for everything to work out!!! im pushing hard for this one :happy: keep those positive vibes coming my way if you can! :heart:

    have an amazing day my healthy virtual friends!! :flowerforyou:
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member

    Meag thanks for the tip i want to try that! I will google some infer after I post here and go in the AM and see what I can do!!!

    jyopchick I like that "healthy virtual friends"! Sounds like an amazing job opportunity, both giving to those on such an important part of life but also rewarding. I usually run outside most of the time even if it's chilly I just layer up but i do live in California so what i consider chilly might be comfortable weather for others, but i do run in the rain at least twice this week which is awesome, i just have to be extra careful! Wish we would get some snow but not sure if I would run in it, I'm pretty clumsy! Positive vibes will definitely be sent your way sending, sending, sent. :wink: BTW I'm Cynthia!

    Abby Congrats :flowerforyou: That's awesome! Do you normally run faster than 9:00 min./mile or did you find an extra adreline rush running with so many others? I'm curious since I have mine next Saturday, it seems most people finish faster than they expect, I just want to finish and do it without stopping!

    AFM I had a good day had way too much salt had soup and a 1/2 turkey sandwich which was okay! Drank all my h20 took my pup out to jog and I definitely don't run as comfortable with him as I do with my self but a few times a week with him is good since the BF takes him running 5-6 miles per day sometimes more, it's funny how our dog has lost a bit of weight too! Looking forward to tomorrow might do a short run in the am and a run with my girlfriend in the afternoon/evening before our mani/pedi date, then off to look for an outfit for her B-day Saturday night! And it's finally going to be FRIDAY and a 3-day weekend which I can totally use! Did dome weight training Tuesday and Wednesday and plan on weight training at least 2-3 times per week. Need to start researching on some costumes since I love Halloween! Hope you all have a great night and a Fantastic Friday, until tomorrow Good Night MFP'ers! :bigsmile:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey ladies... Well I was up at 530 am for my run today, as promised, and had a freaking killer day at work (so many people are out of the office right now, it's stupid) and so I am fading fast. It's midnight and I'm dragging - as I should be! 5 hours sleep is just simply not enough for anyone to be getting on a regular basis. So this is going to be quick.

    My speed work this AM was dicey, as it was pretty much pitch black out when I left. I couldn't see my watch properly for timing intervals well and I was just way too tired so I used the city blocks instead. Warmed up and then did 2:1 city block intervals sprinting:jog recovery - so twice as much sprinting! That lasted about 1.5 miles until I was totally spent and then I just ran the rest around my usual 10:00 min/mile pace. I ended up averaging 8:59 for the whole run, so my sprints must have been quite fast. I ran 3.34 miles in 30 minutes. Not too shabby! :bigsmile:

    Food's been tough and I was STARVING today. Seriously. I still finished under my cals but just barely. Weigh in tomorrow should be interesting...

    Cynthia - Do whatever feels good. Any running is good in my books. If you want to try some speed work just figure out sensible intervals that work for you and do those. If you work better with a strict workout regimen, then sure - find a "workout" and follow it. I'm pretty miserable at speed work so I usually don't set my standards too high on my speed runs. I just hit the track without thinking too much about it, to avoid talking myself out of it, and make myself run at least 2 intervals more than I feel like running. I usually want to quit after 3 or 4, so yea... It's not usually a "feel good" workout for me :laugh:

    Jyop - Fabulous on the job front! So happy to hear it went well! WOOT!

    Abby - Rock on girl - Your time and pace are amazing! Beat the heck out of my 5K PR - that's for sure! I am/was never good at that distance. Girl can run but damn if this girl can't run it fast. Ah well :wink: Can't be great at everything, right? You're definitely giving me something to aspire to! I wonder if I can't cut my best time down to 27:00... Hrrrmmm Perhaps I should sign myself up for another 5K? :tongue:

    Alright. Bedtime ! Weigh in tomorrow AM and fingers crossed for a short day tomorrow. My office is SUPPOSED to finish early the day leading into a long weekend but in the past it's usually been that everyone but me and my one coworker leave early and the two of us (who do a lot of the "crisis intervention" at work) end up working a full day... And surprise! No one offers to help us out :grumble: But, considering my week and not even meeting my goal of 2 lunch breaks yet this week (1 was all I could find time for) - I damn well better finish early! I'm leaving by 3pm whether they like it or not! :sad: (imagine me stomping my feet)

    Have a great Friday, y'all!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Hello Ladies!!

    Its been a busy couple of days here at work and I am just sooo ready for this three day weekend. The weather is suppose to warm up a bit here which will be nice as I am suppose to run 6 miles this weekend. If I get my 6 miles on Saturday I will run 3 on Monday which I might take my dog with me to get some good exercise as well. She is a hound though so she likes to sniff at EVERYTHING so we shall see how she does running. Otherwise I am just trying to finish out this crazy work week. I am going to spend some time catching up this weekend. I hope you ladies have a fabulous Friday!