Reboot boogaloo October - Open group



  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hey! I'm back! Wow. I haven't been in the isolated of a place for a long time! We had no phone or internet service. It was actually nice not to have it, except for two reasons. I don't like being so out of touch with the world that no one can reach me in case of an emergency. And second, it would have been nice to know thunderstorms were coming last night. :tongue: Lots of lightning, thunder and rain, thankfully no wind. Kids mostly slept right through it. Our tent kept us mostly dry. Only our belongings on the floor got wet, including sleeping bags and pillows. :ohwell: But we had a good time. Irina was pretty much her self, so yes she was being unruly but she wasn't any worse than usual. We were thankful she did that well.
    The doctor appointment went kind of as expected I guess. Although he didn't want to put her on the antivirals that Alex was on that helped so much. The doc said I would hate him if he put her on that right now because it would make her go completely crazy. He does want to put her on it eventually, just not yet. So I was a little bummed because I really believe that will help, however, I am glad he took me into consideration and trying to spare me. He did say lots of brushing therapy and spinning therapy (otherwise known as astronaut therapy), which are things we did for Alex. I have to brush her every three hours and spin her twice a day. We were suppose to be doing this the last two weeks. Oops. He also gave us three bottles of pills. I believe he said they are folic acid. I'll have to double check, but he said it helps with aggressiveness! Hooray! He said it might take a couple of months. He also suggested putting her on D3 as well, since kids don't get much vitamin D from being in the orphanage all the time. Also he strongly suggested putting her on the elimination diet, which eliminates all typical allergen foods. That is going to be difficult since Alex and Steve don't really need to be on it. I will try to do it with her so she doesn't feel singled out. I regret not starting this from the moment we got her so she wouldn't already be used to all the foods. There could be foods triggering her moods just as Alex has had problems. And me. I will go on it to see if there are foods causing me problems. I know there is. So that's what I am working on preparing for this week.
    The place we went camping was great! We will go there again for sure! It was quiet, peaceful, and just so nice. I had not seen that many stars since I lived on a farm in Nebraska 25 years ago! Gorgeous! We walked a lot yesterday. I lost a pound and a half. :smile: It was definitely a great place to go. There are pretty places in Texas! Ha! :tongue:
    Glad to be back home...I think. Not looking forward to getting back to the routine tomorrow or having to clean up our camping mess. But a nap in my bed felt great! And it's great to be back in touch with my Pebbs! I was having withdrawals! We climbed a tall hill and was able to get on the "edge" network long enough to bring up the main page, but it shut down after that.

    Changes coming boogaloo.
  • 11th week weigh-in tomorrow for Weight Watchers. I really miss pigging out. *sigh*
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy Monday, pebbs,

    I did go meandering yesterday, which was absolutely the right decision. Now, the rain is back. Boo to it. I think we're supposed to get a few more sunny days this week, so I hope that does happen. Meandered all afternoon, and then came home and spent quality time on the yoga bolster doing my homework poses. Bliss.

    Glad camping went well, MM.

    Today is:

    Dance class at 10 (I haven't been to this teacher's class in a hundred years, so should be fun)
    Work, work, work. Have made a list of must do, will work until finished. This is the week of deadlines, so every workday has a thing to complete on it.
    Eat and drink real actual food and water.

    Get it done, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Aw, SJ. I had to chuckle a bit at your comment about missing pigging out. I know that feeling at times, but think about the good you are showing towards you and your body by not pigging out. And I think if you did pig out, you'd regret it and feel awful (physically, mentally and emotionally) afterward. Because you aren't pigging out right now, you don't have those feelings. Isn't it much better to feel the way you do than to feel regret and depression for overeating? Just think. You are breaking a very bad habit and doing a very good thing for yourself. I am preaching to myself here as well.
    V, glad you got some sunshine yesterday and I hope you get more!

    I wanted to get up and work out this morning but I couldn't seem to get up. We stayed up watching the Rangers game and no it wasn't that late when we went to bed but it was after our normal bedtime. So I have to work out at nap time today.
    Goals for today: clean the house, school, tumbling class, work out, and not pig out (see SJ, I'm with ya!). I also need to not stress out. My mom is coming to visit this weekend and I don't want her to come. I don't remember ever feeling that way. I always want to see family. But because of what happened between her and Irina and I, I don't want her to be here. It's only over night, but I still should have told her not to come. So now I have to call her and talk to her about her boundaries with Irina, which she says yeah yeah it won't be a problem. Then it is. When she comes I will have to talk to her about the holidays and tell her we may not make it. She will have 15+ people at her house, with gifts (for Christmas) and that will be too much for Irina. It will be too much for Steve and I to handle. We will have to calm her down and deal with consequences. I know we can't isolate her (although I want to at times), but we don't need to put her in situations we know are going to be bad. Anyway, I'm a bit stressed about it. My mom is big on tradition. Three years ago when I was on bed rest over Christmas because I was pregnant and bleeding, she couldn't figure out why I couldn't be there like I am every year. Hello? Really? So it's not something I am looking forward to talking to her about. Anyway, I went off on a tangent.
    Work out, not pig out boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Glad camping went well, MM. I'm thinking of going off-line weekend after this. Charlie will be away at a mediation retreat, and I think it will be good for me to get some time away from the computer. I did think about my "checked in ___ days in a row" going back to zero :laugh:

    V - still wishing we could change out the wet Canada, dry Texas thing. MM got rain, but we didn't.

    Today - teach and take yoga. I'm thinking I should ride my bike to yoga. Yesterday ended up being a walk fest - 138 minutes - good enough for anybody. Also, my dad wants to do a ride called "the Wurst ride in Texas" in a couple weeks. It's 60 miles. I need to get some strong rides in before that to get ready. We are only doing it if we have a tail wind (it's one way) - I've heard it's a great ride with a tail wind, horrid with a head wind.

    60 miles, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Quick post.
    I can't believe it's already the end of October. Goodness.

    Busy day today. The usual Tuesday errands. We stayed up late watching the Rangers game so we slept in late, so no work out this morning. That means I'm going to have to juggle school and a work out this afternoon. We are planning to eat dinner tonight with friends so I NEED that work out today.
    Yesterday I didn't get as much cleaning done as I had wanted. However I did complete the full hour of P90x, except for a couple of moves that are too hard on my wrists right now. So small victory! Also Irina was totally awesome yesterday! Totally! Not one tantrum! Amazing! She even went to bed with out a problem (except getting up three times "to go to the bathroom"). Yay! And she drew a square, triangle and rectangle during school without being asked and they were great! She is learning, or at least showing me she can learn! :bigsmile:

    Hoping for another great day boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs,

    MM, whenever you say "small victory" I usually think " that sounds like a pretty big victory" :wink: that sounds like a great day to me.
    Mary, I wish I could air mail you some rain. I would even pay the postage.

    Today the sun is back! I will resist the urge to play hooky and go run around nekkid in it.:tongue: Instead, I will do my work sessions (right now I am enjoying my diligence from earlier in that I am on top of the game, and ahead of all the deadlines, so big victory there, as no panicking.)Today I have to finish up some packets and send them off and then start a final editing pass, then start editing/practicing conference presentation. I've even scheduled in a manicure for this afternoon. Self-care victory.

    So, short version: work, quality time in restorative poses on my new yoga bolster, manicure, food, hydration.

    No panicking, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Make sure you get some sun too, V. You never know when you'll see it again.

    We may get rain on Thursday - which would be doubly awesome. It would set a great mood for the bookclub party and water the plants. The hurricane down by Guatemala is foolishly moving east.

    Today, get the house clean, ride bike, yoga.

    Silly hurricane, boogaloo.
  • just checking in to brag. Since July 15th, I've walked a total of 98.3 km.

    today I walked 4 km and had no joint pain. a major victory for me. still miss carrot cake a lot though.

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    just checking in to brag. Since July 15th, I've walked a total of 98.3 km.

    today I walked 4 km and had no joint pain. a major victory for me. still miss carrot cake a lot though.


    That is awesome, especially the "no joint pain" part. No joint pain is awesome. Also, unless it's a binge trigger, someday you'll get to have single portions of carrot cake again. Unless it's a binge trigger (which is why I never again will lay hands or spoon or mouth on nutella. And, that's just the way it is.:wink: )
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good job SJ! I agree with V. One of these days you can have a small serving of carrot cake again with out overdoing it.

    V, I wish I only had a couple of binge triggers. No, I can pretty much binge on anything I think. :frown:

    Any rain coming your way Mary? We have a slight chance today and 80% tomorrow. High of 60 so it's going to be a little cool!

    The alarm went off to early, like at 5:45. I heard DH in the shower and decided I'd better get up thinking it was almost 7. Since it was barely 6, I got P90x done (about 25 minutes) and my quiet time in. A nap may be in my near future. :ohwell:
    Alex has a chest cough and I coughed during the night and woke up with a slightly sore and swollen throat. Great. We will probably be taking an unplanned trip to the store to get Vick's and cough medicine for Alex and maybe for me. He sounds awful. :frown: It could be allergies but I am kind of doubting it.
    Other goals for the day: school, and cleaning. My house is a wreck.
    Yesterday I was reminded that I have some blood sugar issues. I didn't get lunch till almost 3 and I was in a foul mood because of it. Can't let that happen again. I hope that going on the elimination diet will help balance that out. However if we are all sick then there's no point going on the diet till we are all better. If it's delayed too long then it will have to wait until after the holidays. :ohwell: We are not going on a strict diet during the already stressful holidays.

    Not feeling well boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    We only have a 40% chance, MM. I sure hope we get some though. Looks like another gorgeous week after the front.

    Good for you, SJ!

    Today, after teaching yoga, I'm making the graveyard cake. I think it's going to take awhile. Cakes always take longer than you think they will - mix, bake, cool (longer than you think), frost ganache, cool/set, decorate buttercream, set. I'm not sure if the 5 hours I have today will be enough. Well, I finish whatever tomorrow. I'm also making baked apples - as shrunken heads. I don't know if I can make them the day before or not. I need wine glasses too. This has been a problem anytime I have book club over. I don't drink, so I have maybe 5 wine glasses. I'm expecting 14 people total. I should make sure the glasses are all clean as well - I can do that today. Hosting a party is a lot of work. I did think, after I bought all the ingredients, I should have just bought a cake from the bakery. Would have saved loads of time. Next time. I brought this on myself though. I decided to make a decorated cake.

    Anyway, yoga tonight. Hopefully a walk in while the cake cools. I did a mini-Mary triathlon (never get the spelling of that one! I pronounce it with an extra "a" tri-ath-a-lon) yesterday. Lots of fun.

    Party plans, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Mary, I am trying to channel this rain south for ya'll, I really, really am. It's just not working. On the upside, I get to wear my super-cool rain boots today. Also, Mary, just reading the word "buttercream" triggered a food craving. So, that's how suggestible I am.

    I slept in a bit due to a late night (CD release of friends of ours, actually a very good show), so no yoga this a.m. I'm going to try to get a practice in this afternoon after my therapy downtown. Sort of mopey (I'm blaming the lack of sunlight). I'm going to start taking Vitamin D again, acknowledging that winter is coming. Sigh.

    Other than that, maybe having a friend over this evening, finishing up a few more work things, (sent my first article submission ever off yesterday, eep.) and trying to stay upbeat despite the lack of sunshine re-charging me. This is always a tricky time of year for me emotionally.

    Tricky emotions, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Mary I always add an a in triathlon as well. How did you cake turn out? Are you finished with it? Alex's birthday is in about three weeks. I have no idea what to do about the cake. I would love to decorate one for him again but I don't know if I have the energy or the time this year. It has to be a gluten free cake, so I will either have to special order it or make it at home. I don't even know what he wants. I'm sure he'd be uber excited if it was a traffic light or something. :wink: Seriously. He would.
    Hope you get some sunshine V. I need sunshine too, or I get really down.
    Today is going to be cold (55* dropping to 40's by 5pm) and rainy, so it will be an indoor day. I really need to go to the store, but I don't feel like dragging the kids out in this weather. I don't feel like getting out. I'm still feeling blech and my husband and daughter kept me up awhile during the night. She was up playing with the cat a couple of times. Really? Go to bed! I'm not wearing her out enough during the day I guess. I am tired today. I didn't get up early enough to work out. Goals today: get a list/menu plan together for the diet we are suppose to be starting next week, school, keep the kids busy, finish cleaning and laundry, work out or take a nap. I'd like to work out but the nap might win. I don't know that I can do both.
    Did you see my story on the main page or on FB? I have a super sweet son and I thank God for him!

    Walking zombie today boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Doesn't Alex like clocks, MM? Pretty easy to do a round cake and put numbers on it. For a traffic light, you could do a rectangular cake with red, green, and yellow M&Ms.

    I got up kinda late today - maybe then I'll have more energy to get stuff done. I made a list last night - it's long - and has the added thing of needing more soup, as we had it for dinner last night. I'm going to bike to the store, the bakery, and the library. If I have time later I'll walk as well. There are a lot of little things on the list, but if I stay focus, I won't have trouble finishing it.

    Gotta love lists, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    MM, I was feeling super down last night, so Alex's message was needed for me, too. What a kid you have there. :heart:

    Today is yoga, then work. Goal for work is finishing touches on the second article and perhaps sending it off. Then rolling change for the bank, maybe another job packet and more rest (super tired I think from stress right now, and trying to listen to the need for rest so I don't push into exhaustion/chronic fatigue again. Don't need that.)

    Also, lots of water, as I'm feeling dehydrated. Cold now, but it looks like no rain today, fingers crossed.

    Rest now so don't crash later, boogaloo :flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    MM, how about a cheesecake? Pretty sure you could do that gluten free. I always get my husband a little cheesecake for his birthday.

    I'm still reading your posts, obviously. If you are wondering what introverted depression looks like, this is it.

    Radio silence, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Mary, Alex does still love clocks. In fact when I gave him options for cakes he said he wants a digital and analog clock. Then when I looked at pictures on the web of clocks, stop signs and traffic lights (all cakes) he said he wants all of them. So I don't know what we are going to do. The theme might be "Time to stop for Alex's party." :laugh: Did you get the stuff done on your list yesterday?

    V, I'm glad Alex could cheer you up. :wink: Did you finish your second article?

    CP, I wish we could get a cheesecake for Alex, but he can't have dairy either (only in very small quantities). :frown: Steve would be very happy with one though! Sorry you are depressed. I think you just need to check in with us more often. :wink: We miss you! I hope things get better soon. You have to fight. If you quit fighting then it's just going to overcome you. We're here for you. :flowerforyou: :heart:

    SJ, how are you doing?

    Well, yesterday was the worst day in my "mom history". I pretty much made everyone mad at me. I want to blame Irina, but I did not handle her well at all. I put myself under a lot of stress, and I took it out on her. You know what? Today is a new day. I'm putting yesterday behind me and moving on. I'll have to put in extra snuggles today I think. I did love doing Kenpo X on P90X though! I would love a kick boxing class!
    Today: I have to try to get to the store with the kids. I don't feel like it. My throat is still swollen and just feel kind of gross. It's not getting worse so I assume it's allergy/sinus. :grumble: I may have to move out of Texas. The store is my goal (if I get through that with my kids then all will be well. If not Steve said he'd bring home dinner.). Second is getting the house clean. We're taking a day off from school except for Alex's spelling. Other than that I am just going to be resting and hanging out with the kids.
    Oh and after yesterday, I am convinced Irina and I need to be on this elimination diet. :ohwell: So I think I got the list made and I'm ready to tackle it on Monday after my family leaves town.
    Leaving behind and moving on boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Kick boxing is fun, MM - but I think it's one of those exercises where you can get hurt a lot.

    I agree with MM, CP - you should check in more - we're not here just for your good days.

    No rain :frown: much cooler though.

    I think people must have a planned way to cope with stress. You will cope with it whether you have a plan or not. We have so many ways we can cope with it badly, that are so easy: watching tv, eating, turning on those we love (all of which I have done, of course). I find the more I practice yoga, the more balanced my life is. I think everyone should have something that helps them with stress - and I think you have to have a physical and a mental stress reliever (reading, crosswords, praying, meditating). There are a few people in my life that I would love to give this advice to, instead, you guys get it.:laugh:

    Today - two hours of stress relief this afternoon (yoga), 30 minutes of stress relief this morning (bike ride).

    Oh, party went well. Everyone loved the cake - would have tasted better if I made it the day of. Can't have everything.

    Stress relief, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs. CP, I relate. I find it's super important for me to force myself to be "among the humans" (my term for it) but I understand how hard it gets.:heart:

    I sent the second article off yesterday. And now, I wait and move on to the next thing. Sort of tricky, having so much that I've just sort of given over to the world right now. I move forward. I have one more job packet to assemble, and then I'm not working until November 2nd, as all of these things were on my "do by Nov. 1st" list. Also, today the sun is out, which means I'm going outside later, after I teach a voice lesson in a bit. So, that will mean some walking, at least. I always feel super tired after restorative yoga, always amazing, since I'm just lying on the floor, but I know it does stuff.

    Sunshine! Boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
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