

  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Hi guys, sorry about not checking in the last few days. I've been honoring my goals this week and taking time for me and my family. So, here is my progress:

    My goals:
    1. Keep up with Chalean's schedule per my modifications with the cardio. -yep, including Zumba today so yay!
    2. Take some time each day for myself. -have been spending tons of time away from the computer but relaxing.
    3. Spend some quality time with the hubby and child. We don't get much time these days all together, so when I can, I'm going to take advantage of it. -yes, it's been great. Today we're going to see an ice show, so that should also be fun.

    I will start the new thread tomorrow and be back in the game. I've read all of your progress and you guys are amazing. Lttee, I'm jealous of the stomach and Mak, 60, WOAH. How inspirational you guys are!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Sorry no check in yesterday. I didn't log anything or exercise; my sinuses are horrible so suffering from sore throat, congestion. :sick: Needless to say no goal progress yesterday. We did get out this morning to the farmer's market and walked al ittle along the river. Maybe a mile but not sure. It was nice. I'd like to know when farmer's markets became more sweets and baked goods than fresh fruit/veggies?? :grumble: sheesh!

    ladygloria - Glad that you are taking some time for your family. It's important to do that! I am looking forward to our 'date night' tonight. have fun at the ice show.

    Ittee - WOW! I wish I had a tummy like that!

    Welcome ladylu! This is a great group! :bigsmile:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Mrogers “Having a new principal at school that I admire and respect has recharged my soul this year” That is SO fantastic! I’m envious and definitely in need of a soulful recharge at work. So sorry to hear about your mom. I know how that feels. Sending you lots of internet love. Hang in there. <<HUG>>

    La_nanita—Way to pull yourself back on track! I always make my week Mon-Sun because Sunday is usually a rest day for me, so I don’t always feel in the right frame of mind to get serious. Monday works for me because I have to get my game face on for work. I have my fightin shoes on, so I’m ready to tackle my lifestyle too :D You’re doing great!

    Ladylu11—Welcome! Yes a new thread usually starts on Sundays. There will be a link when it goes up (thanks to the lovely ladygloria and MAK) Just think of a couple or a few goals that you would like to focus on and jump in! Lots of support here. You’ll love it.

    Ladygloria—Congratulations on meeting your family & you goals! Transitioning to a new job can be so stressful even when it’s a positive change. I know that I have workaholic tendencies, and it’s so hard to keep your balance. WTG for your awesome efforts for yourself! BTW, love the new profile pic.

    MAK—Thank you for the encouragement and inspiration. 60 is so tremendous. It gives me hope that I can hang in there, work hard, see good results and build a healthier lifestyle overall. I used to be really bad about BLTS, especially eating off other people’s plates at restaurants. I just wanted a little taste so I would know what I was missing. It was weird too because sometimes I wanted to try other stuff just so that I could be happy that my own was better, but if I liked theirs better, then I would be sad about eating my own. It was a vicious cycle. I still do it to some extent, but not to the level that I used to. Maybe if you think about them with the intention of trying to figure out how to log them (even your 7 M&M’s), then you might have your breakthrough moment. I KNOW YOU CAN OVERCOME THE BLTS! Or at least develop a healthier relationship with them. As for the macros, I don’t really know what I’m doing except that I front load most of my food into breakfast and lunch, then I kinda pick my dinner based on what I’m missing the most, although I’m always higher on fat than I should be. And I have a handy little spreadsheet that I made that I use to calculate everything so I don’t have to think hard. :P

    Friday’s check in:
    1) Exercise 5 days including 1 workout video (probably ChaleanX)--check 5/5 & Chalean Burn 2! I wouldn’t have met this goal if it weren’t for Ittee’s motivation and willingness to wait until 7:00 at night to workout with me. Thank you Ittee! GOAL ACHIEVED!
    2) Keep macronutrient ratio at 50:25:25 for Carbs/Protein/Fat—49.5/21.4/29.1 pretty good today
    3) Sodium under 2000--check 3/7 Still a few toe cramps, but not as bad as Thursday
    4) Get at least a 3500 calorie deficit total for the week-3004 so far. I can totally do this!

    I did weigh in early this week. However, I did not weigh obsessively, and I put the scale back in the drawer when I was done. I had a feeling that I had lost something over the last couple of days because of the cramping and other physical signs, so I just wanted to check. Sure enough, two pounds down. I am not working for super fast weight loss, so I’m not going to sweat it if I go a little high on calories or low on exercise this weekend.

    Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend. I will be spending some time on homework for my new online class followed by some quality time with bf & friends and hopefully another friend’s new baby (still waiting for the “She’s here!” call). Happy Saturday everyone!
  • littlemount
    Saturday- 10/8

    Ladygloria wonderful new profile picture.

    Lttee -I think I need to look into this charlean dvd's

    mrogers- I am sorry to hear about you mom.

    Nice to read all the posts by papillon22, hearts desire,bhurley,krispage la nanita.

    Calories- barely managed to stay under I have some rocky road icecream sitting in the fridge calling my name, I need to get away from it.This week only 4/7 days managed to stay on goal.

    Water 7/7 did well.
    Exercise -kept 3/3 cardio goal /1 zumba goal.
    Tomorrow starts a new week, I think papillon 22 I might start similar goals to yours except no charlean. I feel stressed if I keep a calorie goal.
    12 weeks to the new year. Need To refocus,12 more hours the rejuvenate myself for the new challenge with more focus.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Hubby got up with kids and dogs and let me sleep today.:embarassed: And WOW I needed it, got up around 11AM I never do that. I felt so refreshed. :happy: Then we went to a special restaraunt Fritz's for a late surprise for our son, it is a dinner style place that has model trains running all around and a train delivery system that brings your meals to the table. I was so fun to see the kids expressions and excitement.:heart::heart: :heart:
    SO my goal of 10 miles complete FAIL I just could not get out of my funk from last week and got NO exercise this week :sad:
    But my meals were better so I did ok
    Deficits according to BodyFit Media Armband Sunday + 433 with a family reunion, Monday -885, Tuesday -1226, Wednesday +116 son's BDay, Thursday -1169, Friday -49, with out today that gives me an average of -463 calories a day.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hello all my fellow mini goalers, I hope you all are having a stellar Saturday!

    Ittee – Thank you so much :happy: I still can’t believe I’ve lost 60 pounds. Great job with chalean! Yeah the weather has been so nice here lately, I’m going to miss it when it’s gone. Way to look at the positive side of the emotional eating those two days. Keep up the great attitude!

    Papillon22 – Great job checking in, even if you think didn’t have the best day. But the good news it’s only one day and you get another chance to rock it tomorrow! And you are totally rocking so I know you will come back strong

    Mrogers52 – I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. My heart goes out to you both. That’s so wonderful that you have a new recharged attitude for teaching. Lasagna rolls sound wonder… do share the recipe!

    La_nanita – WOW tow P90X’s in one day! You are one tough chica! Rock it girl. Great job on your NSV’s and scale victory today :cheers:

    Ladylu11 – Welcome! Keep an eye on this thread, we will post the link to the thread for next week, and we love to have new people to join in!

    Ladygloria – No need to say sorry, family time and time away from the computer are very important. Keep it up! We love to hear from you and see you nailing your goals, even if it mean less time with us :smile: Hope the ice show was fun.

    Bhurley1424 – So sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I know all about fall alleriges and the congestion that comes with it. Have a great time on your date!

    Philosohoe – Thanks for the advice on the BLTS, you are right I need to change my mindset on them.
    I love how you and Ittee motivate and get each other working out. That’s so great. You are doing so great this week! When I saw your loss pop up on the wall today, I was like… hey it’s not Monday :laugh: Great job, all your hard work is paying off. YAY for spending time with bf and friends, and for new babies on the way!

    Littlemount – Ohhh tell that rocky road ice cream to stop calling to you! I know all to well how that goes!! I didn’t even realize 12 weeks to the new year!! WOW, where did 2011 go! I tried doing a calorie goal too, but I did get stressed out about it as well.

    KrisPage – How wonderful that your hubby got up with the kids and you were able to sleep in. What a great feeling that must have been. Next week you have th chance to get out of your funk and get your miles in. I know you can do this. That restaurant sounds like so much fun! I watched an episode of Just Desserts today, Jonnie was as yummmmy as some of the desserts :blushing:!!! Those chef’s have some AMAZING skills. I might be doing a mini marathon to catch up :laugh:

    Saturday check in:
    1. 30DS – Day 16 CHECK.
    2. Get in 3 non 30DS workouts in – 4/3 for the week. Pretty happy about this one.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – no work today.
    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – Did really good today. I will admit did have a fry from my husbands lunch.
    5. Get my weekends under control – so for Saturday
    Part 1: eat out only 3 times – ate out 2 times today so that’s it for me this weekend.
    Part 2: pre-plan meals – Mc Donalds for lunch got the bacon ranch salad with grilled chicken, and I didn’t use the ranch. For dinner we had sushi, so I made pretty good choices and didn’t over order, which I tend to do.
    Part 3: stop eating off everyone’s plates (more BLTS) – With the exception of the fry didn't try anything else.
    Part 4: work out – DONE.

    Feeling pretty good about my results for Saturday. Time to log off and watch a movie with the husband. Have great rest of your evening and I’ll see you all on the new thread!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Sunday Check-in:

    1. Great water intake today! Not so good on food/logging as I'd hoped today.
    2. Rest Day but did a TON of cleaning at my Sisters house..whew!
    3. Still working on Refocusing.......:laugh:
    4. Here I am checking in despite the food not logged completely and less than stellar choices. BUT I have kept this goal all week long!:drinker: :tongue:

    Looking forward to a brand new week with newcomers and regulars alike!:smooched:
    ....I plan on keeping the same goals for another week..:heart:

    **My Goals for this week (10/2-10/8)**

    1 - Track food daily, make healthier choices
    2 - Workout 4-5 days this week
    3 - Stay FOCUSED on the Game!
    4 - Check in EVERY DAY no matter what type of day I've had

    ** Monday Check-in**

    1. Tracked my food, wasn't grandly happy with my choices today but it is what it was.. logged in the a.m. Creating healthier choices......I feel SO much better when I do, much more energy! Great on the water though!
    2. Great workout and run after
    3. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    4. Checking in, so glad I'm following through with this one faithfully, even if I'm struggling a bit with the food choices at some meals, knowing #4 is getting done daily feels awesome!!

    Hope everyone had a good start to the week, love being here with you all it keeps me more accountable!:smooched: :flowerforyou:

    **Tues. Check-in**

    1. Conscious eating, some good choices, some less than healthy food but still feeling in control. I love the fact that I'm learning I CAN be and that it is possible to stay in control with less than healthy food. Though it's a fine line I'm finding and sometimes not worth the balancing act in case I tip to the other side.:tongue::laugh: Still working on the water and will continue drinking into the night. :laugh: Since I'm not much of a drinker, it's water that I'll be drinking into the night...just saying.:wink:

    2. Pilates today for my workout, my knees started bothering me after due to some extra :blushing: sodium eating yesterday (amazing how I now can tell more than 1500 mg for me begins to effect my joints and my body simply doesn't need for more than 1500mg of it. I used to keep it at 2500 or below but once my body got used to the lower amount it showed me how appreciative it was and that it really does much prefer 1500 or less (which I'm finding without processed food is not all that hard to stay under, I typically am under 1000 easily). I found the same thing going on with sugars, they really effect my joints if eaten in excess. Painful? Heck Yea! But guess that's how my body reacts and sends it's signals so I listen!:blushing: :laugh: I love the lessons it's been teaching me on my journey to a healthier life. I imagine it's been yelling at me for some time now, so glad I've decided to finally listen!!:wink:

    3. Every day my goal is to REFOCUS and begin anew, good day or less than good I want to make it a daily thing, to be aware & very conscience of my choices.

    4. It's that time again, me keeping my Goal of checking in daily:drinker: This goal has really gotten me to push through many a night I've wanted to head to bed, put off logging etc., so...yay for this group and our goal setting!!!

    You all are the best, the best group I've ever been apart of on here because it's been kept simple, friendly, kind and encouraging. I've never heard a negative word toward another yet & doubt I ever will on our Mini Goal Challenge group!

    Love you guys:smooched: , really you make me smile when I come to check-in and when I read and when I go about my day thinking more consciously because of this group.


    **Weds. Check-in**

    1. Did some logging, want to get more water than today but did OK. Still battling a bit with food choices. Not sure if I'm expecting to much from myself (perfection?) or I'm simply having a few 'days' being off kilter. :ohwell:
    2. no workout (wow, did I ever miss it!)
    3. I think it's time I sit down and reevaluate my goals, might help me focus a bit instead of simply typing the word. LOL
    4. Checking in here and heading to bed.

    Love you guys, big hugs!!!:smooched:

    **Thurs. Check-in

    1. Logged all the food, still working on my water. Sodium was way higher than typical for me. EEEK! I try to keep it under 1500 and it was 2300 and I didn't eat all that much. Looks like the TJ's stuff is going back, usually I'm very good at checking sodium on foods but this time, I guess not so much. I can't see eating a plain ole flour tortilla for nearly 500 mg of sodium.. all tasted weirdly salty too..little did I know! Glad they take things back if you don't like them.

    Since cutting back my sodium some time back I can sooo taste the salt in foods, so if there's a lot in it, it's nasty to me now. Strange way back when I was eating junk I never noticed things were so salty but I sure do now. Anyone else notice that? Same with sweet...

    2. no workout :( so sad.... Friday I'll be working out though! YAY
    3. hm... got nothing (to type here.. lol)
    4. Checking in for the night, Good night all!:smooched:

    Woo's almost Friday!:love:

    **Friday Check-in**
    Popping in for a quick review of Friday

    1. Good foods all day and good water intake, I'll finish logging tomorrow as I'm not feeling well so I'm going to bed.
    2.Great workout and then ran in the water for awhile after, exhausted me but sure felt great!
    3. FOCUS'd again!!! & boy oh boy does it feel good!:love:
    4. Really proud of myself checking in with you all every single day ..gonna keep this goal for next week as well... it helps A LOT!

    You all are the best cheerleaders, I'm very grateful for each of you on this list. Together we are strong and continue to encourage one another!! :drinker:

    I'll catch up on comments to me and check in to see how everyone else is doing tomorrow if I'm feeling a bit better!:smooched:

    Sat. Check-in

    1. Good food choices today, got my water in.
    2. no workout (well, guess I did some cleaning and rearranged the furniture)
    3. Feeling Focus'd and wanting to put some dates to my losses. I currently write down mini goal losses and the date but I think I'd like to push myself and hopefully be even more motivated by adding deadlines. No idea why I've not done that up to this point. I think it's important gonna try that.
    4. Feeling good about keeping my goal of checking in with you all for the entire week, most definitely kept me from not logging my foods or going MIA for a couple days on my food choices.

    Thanks all for that! I really appreciate you all being a part of this group.

    Here's to a brand new week beginning tomorrow! xo

    ETA: I think I'll keep my goals the same as this past week when the new week starts..I think it works for me so I'll go another round with the same ones to reinforce them even more.:wink:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    My goals:
    Follow chalean schedule adding in 3 abs, and 5 swims: day 2 of following a schedule- did a chalean burn interval, wow. Finally completed it all at one time. Then followed by a swim this evening. yay!! About time the weather agreed with this goal.
    3 fruits/veggies: Right on, and the corn on the cob at the pumpkin patch is so amazingly delicious!
    Calories, with fat less/at 25%: today, while calorie high (but not over) was just right :heart:
    Don't emotionally eat this week: yep, and today would be a day to do it too!

    Tomorrow is Disneyland, hope to stay in healthy eating but eating all meals out. Also don't know if I'll get home early enough to check in. Love you all, you've given me the courage to actually post a picture. Thank you for your support and encouragement.
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Quick Saturday night check in:
    1) Exercise 5 days including 1 workout video (probably ChaleanX)--check 6/5
    2) Keep macronutrient ratio at 50:25:25 for Carbs/Protein/Fat—49.5/20.2/30.3 another higher fat day, but I think I'm done with pie for a WHILE!
    3) Sodium under 2000--check 4/7
    4) Get at least a 3500 calorie deficit total for the week-3406 so far. Tomorrow I will meet this goal! Yay!

    Looking forward to the new week with the bestest challenge group around! Happy Sunday everyone!
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    4) Get at least a 3500 calorie deficit total for the week-3406 so far. Tomorrow I will meet this goal! Yay!

    Philo... explain this one to me. How do you look up the info besides going to each day and are you counting workout calories burned?
  • littlemount
    Philo ... even I would love to know how you do it. I want to get a 2000 calorie deficit atleast.
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Did not get the 2nd workout done last night but P90X was done this morning. I have one more work out today and will have done all of this week's work outs! YAY, after a mid week slump this is encouraging.

    So for this week:

    1) P90X: 5/6 - This is for the week only = 6 workouts and one rest day. The plan is to get the 6th this afternoon.
    2) Water: 6/7 - Being optimistic on this one, I already have 4 cups in so I am sure I will get the other 4
    3) Bed: 4/7 - Will be chaning this one up to only when I have to work the next mornin
    4) Breakfast: 7/7
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    So I finished yesterday with a -611 calorie deffice so fo the week that was a -484 ave/day. Not bad for me being so LAZY this week.
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    la_nanita & littlemount: I'm not sure how KrisPage does her counting, but what I do is add my BMR and exercise calories together, then subtract total calories consumed. I have an excel file that I keep open when I'm closing out my food diary for the day. This is the first week that I've tried keeping track of it this way, and I like it. I'm going to keep the same goal for next week too.
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Ok.. did half of my Kenpo work out! I am still going to count it!...

    Have a great night everyone.

    Link to the new thread?
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    my numbers come from my Body Media Fit arm band similar the the bodybuggs worn by contestants on Biggest Looser, it calculates the calories burned by activites during the day, it looks at moderate activities and vigorous activites # of steps taken and sleep quality. It meassures by sweat production body temp and body motion. I have the bluetooth model so I can check my #s any time with my smartphone.
    BodyMedia FIT data for October 9, 2011
    Calories Burned - 2797 | Calories Consumed - 2606 | Total Activity - 0:58 | Moderate Activity - 0:58 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 10737 | Sleep Duration - 7:47 | Lying Down - 8:18 | Sleep Efficiency - 94%
    here is my data so far today.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Sunday Check-in:

    1. Great water intake today! Not so good on food/logging as I'd hoped today.
    2. Rest Day but did a TON of cleaning at my Sisters house..whew!
    3. Still working on Refocusing.......:laugh:
    4. Here I am checking in despite the food not logged completely and less than stellar choices. BUT I have kept this goal all week long!:drinker: :tongue:

    Looking forward to a brand new week with newcomers and regulars alike!:smooched:
    ....I plan on keeping the same goals for another week..:heart:

    **My Goals for this week (10/2-10/8)**

    1 - Track food daily, make healthier choices
    2 - Workout 4-5 days this week
    3 - Stay FOCUSED on the Game!
    4 - Check in EVERY DAY no matter what type of day I've had

    ** Monday Check-in**

    1. Tracked my food, wasn't grandly happy with my choices today but it is what it was.. logged in the a.m. Creating healthier choices......I feel SO much better when I do, much more energy! Great on the water though!
    2. Great workout and run after
    3. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    4. Checking in, so glad I'm following through with this one faithfully, even if I'm struggling a bit with the food choices at some meals, knowing #4 is getting done daily feels awesome!!

    Hope everyone had a good start to the week, love being here with you all it keeps me more accountable!:smooched: :flowerforyou:

    **Tues. Check-in**

    1. Conscious eating, some good choices, some less than healthy food but still feeling in control. I love the fact that I'm learning I CAN be and that it is possible to stay in control with less than healthy food. Though it's a fine line I'm finding and sometimes not worth the balancing act in case I tip to the other side.:tongue::laugh: Still working on the water and will continue drinking into the night. :laugh: Since I'm not much of a drinker, it's water that I'll be drinking into the night...just saying.:wink:

    2. Pilates today for my workout, my knees started bothering me after due to some extra :blushing: sodium eating yesterday (amazing how I now can tell more than 1500 mg for me begins to effect my joints and my body simply doesn't need for more than 1500mg of it. I used to keep it at 2500 or below but once my body got used to the lower amount it showed me how appreciative it was and that it really does much prefer 1500 or less (which I'm finding without processed food is not all that hard to stay under, I typically am under 1000 easily). I found the same thing going on with sugars, they really effect my joints if eaten in excess. Painful? Heck Yea! But guess that's how my body reacts and sends it's signals so I listen!:blushing: :laugh: I love the lessons it's been teaching me on my journey to a healthier life. I imagine it's been yelling at me for some time now, so glad I've decided to finally listen!!:wink:

    3. Every day my goal is to REFOCUS and begin anew, good day or less than good I want to make it a daily thing, to be aware & very conscience of my choices.

    4. It's that time again, me keeping my Goal of checking in daily:drinker: This goal has really gotten me to push through many a night I've wanted to head to bed, put off logging etc., so...yay for this group and our goal setting!!!

    You all are the best, the best group I've ever been apart of on here because it's been kept simple, friendly, kind and encouraging. I've never heard a negative word toward another yet & doubt I ever will on our Mini Goal Challenge group!

    Love you guys:smooched: , really you make me smile when I come to check-in and when I read and when I go about my day thinking more consciously because of this group.


    **Weds. Check-in**

    1. Did some logging, want to get more water than today but did OK. Still battling a bit with food choices. Not sure if I'm expecting to much from myself (perfection?) or I'm simply having a few 'days' being off kilter. :ohwell:
    2. no workout (wow, did I ever miss it!)
    3. I think it's time I sit down and reevaluate my goals, might help me focus a bit instead of simply typing the word. LOL
    4. Checking in here and heading to bed.

    Love you guys, big hugs!!!:smooched:

    **Thurs. Check-in

    1. Logged all the food, still working on my water. Sodium was way higher than typical for me. EEEK! I try to keep it under 1500 and it was 2300 and I didn't eat all that much. Looks like the TJ's stuff is going back, usually I'm very good at checking sodium on foods but this time, I guess not so much. I can't see eating a plain ole flour tortilla for nearly 500 mg of sodium.. all tasted weirdly salty too..little did I know! Glad they take things back if you don't like them.

    Since cutting back my sodium some time back I can sooo taste the salt in foods, so if there's a lot in it, it's nasty to me now. Strange way back when I was eating junk I never noticed things were so salty but I sure do now. Anyone else notice that? Same with sweet...

    2. no workout :( so sad.... Friday I'll be working out though! YAY
    3. hm... got nothing (to type here.. lol)
    4. Checking in for the night, Good night all!:smooched:

    Woo's almost Friday!:love:

    **Friday Check-in**
    Popping in for a quick review of Friday

    1. Good foods all day and good water intake, I'll finish logging tomorrow as I'm not feeling well so I'm going to bed.
    2.Great workout and then ran in the water for awhile after, exhausted me but sure felt great!
    3. FOCUS'd again!!! & boy oh boy does it feel good!:love:
    4. Really proud of myself checking in with you all every single day ..gonna keep this goal for next week as well... it helps A LOT!

    You all are the best cheerleaders, I'm very grateful for each of you on this list. Together we are strong and continue to encourage one another!! :drinker:

    I'll catch up on comments to me and check in to see how everyone else is doing tomorrow if I'm feeling a bit better!:smooched:

    Sat. Check-in

    1. Good food choices today, got my water in.
    2. no workout (well, guess I did some cleaning and rearranged the furniture)
    3. Feeling Focus'd and wanting to put some dates to my losses. I currently write down mini goal losses and the date but I think I'd like to push myself and hopefully be even more motivated by adding deadlines. No idea why I've not done that up to this point. I think it's important gonna try that.
    4. Feeling good about keeping my goal of checking in with you all for the entire week, most definitely kept me from not logging my foods or going MIA for a couple days on my food choices.

    Thanks all for that! I really appreciate you all being a part of this group.

    Here's to a brand new week beginning tomorrow! xo

    ETA: I think I'll keep my goals the same as this past week when the new week starts..I think it works for me so I'll go another round with the same ones to reinforce them even more.:wink:
    Thanks all for being so supportive this week! See you on the new thread:smooched: :drinker: