Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Rayna - Those Uggs are super cute! Love that you knit.

    Holly - Haven't tried the abs (yet...soon!) but if I recall correctly after #1 there was some discomfort during ab exercises initially. It didn't take long before I was right back where I'd left off however. Muscle memory after 9 months?! ;-)
    I also have spotting if I overdue it. After #1 I spotted for the whole 6 weeks.
    I have started spotting again as well since my stroller walks have up'd the distance, speed and incline. Sucks but just part of it!

    Well gotta run - Little Annie is ready to eat. Colby is having a late nap. There's dinner to be made!!! Never been busier but I love it.
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    OMG 10 days left. I hope less... much less. I have found this last week my IBS has started to act up giving me severe stomach cramps that are only made worse by having a baby on top of me lol. So now I am all about the high fibre foods, although its hard. I love my junk and carb and I never eat veggies so this will have to be an adjustment. But my cramping was so bad I could barely walk the other day so this has to be done. I don't want labour pains, plus IBS issues , no way!
    On a happy note I am still working out 30 min kettlebell a day, plus walking either at the mall or wherever. My last midwife appt I was told the baby has dropped very low, so I am thanking my workouts for that lol. I hope to continue the workouts up until I go into labour. My weight gain has stopped at 30lbs and just as I was hoping is all baby. Its really nice to hear how great you look when you are due in less than 2 weeks, so I am really proud I kept up my workouts and eating. So for you soon to be moms on here, when you have an off day- keep going because it will be worth keeping up your health. I am not too concerned about losing the weight after, as I know its going to fly off and I have set myself up for success, as all you are!
  • msheldon88
    msheldon88 Posts: 71 Member
    I would love to join this group. We are pregnant with our first child and due in June. I have been on mfp since Feb 2011 and have lost 35 lbs. I would love some support through my pregnancy and am planning on being completely active and healthy during my pregnancy. I can't wait for the little one to get here!
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 342 Member
    Hi! I've been on MFP for not that long and just found out we're expecting #3 in June! Super excited and really want to have a healthy and fit pregnancy. My first ob appt is in a few weeks- until then I upped my calories to "maintain" and trying to exercise (really hard since I'm so wiped out!) looking forward to getting to know everybody!
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    good morning all! hope you all had a great weekend!!!

    so i finally got into the closet in the extra bedroom (which will be our nursery) and cleaned it out!!!! it was seriously such a relief!!! i have been meaning to do it for so long and yesterday i just put my nose to the grind! so having spent a lot of time in the room...i was thinking a lot about the color scheme and what color paint i want to do on the walls...and i think we're going to go with a light light sage green. there is already a darker sage green in there now which i like...but i want to bring as much light into the room as i can because we have a mongo tree in our front yard that steals the sun! so i think this girl is going paint shopping soon! i have a couple rooms on my list...our bedroom, the nursery and our upstairs bathroom! i love having projects lined up for the winter!!!

    other than that i have been feeling great...we had a dr.s apt on friday which i was a little disappointed with. I was scheduled for 3:15 and by the time i got in there the dr told me that he had a conference call at 3:30 so i literally spent 10 minutes with him (not my normal dr - and happy about it!)...i just felt so rushed and it was super rude. he also pressed really hard on my lower stomach to the point where i was like 'ouch!' ... so overall...not a good experience at all! praying at this point i dont meet up with him in the delivery room in february!!

    hope everyone has a great day!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning to all of my fit and fabulous friends! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and got in lots of healthy foods, some exercise, and some good rest!

    Welcome to the newcomers! Please read the intro post and jump right on in!

    Andrea I hope you can get the IBS under control before your labor starts! I too am stuck at about 30-32lb gain at this point without the scale moving...and I'm okay with that. And I totally agree with you that about setting yourself up for success! The several women who have had their babies so far from this board already look fantastic beyond words and like they never even had a baby! Good luck with everything!

    jchecca sorry your doc appt sucked...hopefully you won't have to deal with Dr. Rude again!

    Holly I'm so happy you are getting to run and spend that special time with Ellie! And thanks for the empathetic words...You are right, the end is hard mentally and physically. I just want to meet her and I just want my body to feel somewhat normal again. Soon...I know...soon...

    Rayna super cute!

    Kim glad you are feeling better. Hope you got your cleaning done AND got to relax! :)

    Misti hope your weekend wasn't too crazy and you got some time to relax.

    Lexi I hope all is well...haven't heard from you in a while. I'm sure things are crazy busy, just know you are in our thoughts.

    Elce hope you are doing well too.

    This weekend was pretty good. Saturday I felt amazing in the morning and Al and I went into the city to do some shopping and then we met some friends for dinner. But by 4pm I was in so much pain with my ribs and so uncomfortable with the rest of my body all I wanted to do was go home. I sucked it up but our 6pm dinner plans turned into 7 because they were running late. I was beyond uncomfortable but I felt horrible about canceling (even though they were running an hour behind....but it was because the husband was driving back from a funeral from a coworker who had killed it wasn't because they were rude or anything). So I toughed it out and we raced home and I got in my pj's and put the heating pad on immediately. Yesterday I started putting heat on my ribs around noon and did it off and on all day and that helped. Last night I struggled with going hiking/walking with my friend today or doing a solo workout....I hate admitting that I can't anymore so Al talked some sense into me and told me I will be back to my "hardcore" workouts in no time.... So this morning I'm gonna do a walk (haven't decided whether I will go outside or on the treadmill), and then go do Tracy Anderson method.

    On another we speak my next door neighbor who is due a week after me is in labor right now cause she went on a stroll last night....AARGH!!! That's all I have to say! She didn't workout her entire pregnancy, restricted her calories at the end cause "the baby is too big...", and now at 37 weeks she takes a stroll and gets to have her baby... Just slightly annoying.

    Anyways, hope you ladies have awesome workouts today, eat lots of yummy, healthy food and give those babies all they deserve! :)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies and new peeps! Heather and atynk, hope your babies get here soon! I was thinking about ya'll this weekend. Rayna, OMG, those boots are too ctue. Send me some to KY! :wink: Hi to everyone else and hope you're all feeling fabulous! I have a hard time keeping up with everyone!

    My weekend was fun but exhausting. I had a couple friends in from out of town. We shopped and had lunch and hung out and had girls night Friday. Saturday one left after coffee and hanging out and then there was more shopping, food and hanging out. I was up till around 1am both nights and up around 8am both mronings. Yesterday we started registering and I had a mini breakdown. It was overwhelming to pick out all this stuff and know that there is so much to get before Baby GaGa comes. And the walls aren't done and we don't have furniture, and I didn't get hardly anything done this weekend yada yada yada. Eric of course told me everything woudl be fine and we have plenty of time. On top of it all, I was just tired. I sucked it up and did laundry and went grocery shopping desptie me being tired and was able to get some lazy time in yesterday. I love having company but I am getting to the point where I feel like I need weekends to get stuff done around the house and time to just relax. Not to mention I have GOT TO start studying for my exam. This weekend we have another house guest. Ahhhh!!! Don't get me wrong; I love that we have out of town friends visit often, but it puts a damper on productivity. All that being said, I am going to still focus on my activity and nutrition this week, but I feel my time may be better spent painting and looking for baby stuff than spending lots of time working out. It's kind of one of the other for me. After work and before dinner and a couple hours of down time at night there isn't a whole lot of time left over. So here are my goals for the week:

    Monday - walk some at lunch (6pm meeting
    Tuesday - finish painting the nursery, maybe a walk/run
    Wednesday - yoga
    Thursday - go to the gym and get a quick workout in and cancel membership
    Friday - walk/run or strength if I have time

    I also want to find furniture this week to order. I also will schedule my exam so I have a date set so hopefully I'll start studying. I also want to not eat out at all this week during the week except Friday lunch. No eating out until the weekend either. On top of being better, it saves money. Cost of baby stuff was also overwhelming also.

    Hope you all have a great week!

  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning :flowerforyou:

    I finally got that **BURST** of energy that everyone keeps talking about!! I'm right at 20 weeks and what a world of difference, energy makes!! Managed to walk a couple of miles Friday night, we spent all day Saturday spring cleaning, organizing the baby's room, seperating the baby clothes out, organized my spring/fall/maternity wear closet, got some Xmas shopping done, got some groceries and still managed to have a house full of peeps for the Rangers game!! Can't remember the last time I felt this good!! :love:

    SONOGRAM IS TODAY at 4pm CST, awaiting axiously and I can already tell I'm not going to get a thing done at work!! Hubby was already worthless by 5am this morning!! :laugh:

    Finish Halloween Costumes
    Pick paint colors for the nursery
    Call the pedatrician and confirm prenatal consulation appt
    Continue eating well, specifcally more protien
    MORE water (majorly slacking in this area)
    and if the energy continues, I will be hitting the soft trail for an hour every day this week!!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Heading to the dr this afternoon. I had some funkiness going on with my left vision this morning. it's better now but they want me to come in so they can check me out. My left vision slowly got worse this morning. it was making me kinda dizzy, so I thought maybe I put my contacts in wrong. I switched them and that made it worse so that wasn't the problem. I decided to wear my glasses today in case it was the contacts. I went downstairs and it was like I was slowly losing my left peripheal vision and it was flickery and almost like water was in there floating around. I don't know how to describe it. I was almost scared to drive to work. Well, it's better now, but they still want me to come in. I still feel a little off, but my vision is better. Didn't get a headache so I don't think it was an onset of a migraine. They're going to check my blood pressure and stuff. It was 130/84 this morning when I checked it, which is a little high, but not TOO bad.

    My goals of working out last week didn't work out so great. I walked once and did yoga once. :( We shopped yesterday so I did walk a lot with that and then was so tired when we got home that I napped for a couple hours. I'm hoping to get in a walk this afternoon after the dr (depending on what they say of course). I had planned on jogging, but that may not happen. Hopefully though!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    So it’s been several days that I’ve not been on here, and sadly I haven’t been doing so great either. I didn’t get to go on the hike this weekend because Bobby came down with a cold and it was in full bloom this weekend. So besides the inactivity, I didn’t eat so great either (I kinda attacked the Halloween candy) but this is a new week and I plan on doing better, that’s if I can fight off this cold that he gave me.
    Hope everyone is doing well, and I’ll try to catch up!

  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Morning all!

    I hope everyone had a fab weekend! Mine went by WAY too fast as usual...but it was really good.
    Friday I got to have lunch with a friend who is due in December and it was really nice :) Friday night I went over to my sisters place to see her and my nephew Jack and my parents ended up coming and we all had dinner together. It was really great :)
    Saturday my husband and I started cleaning the house and getting things organized, then we went out for lunch (a super rare event for us! lol) we went to Mongolie Grill and it was fantastic, then we did some browsing at a kids/baby furniture store - man were the items there $1600 for a baby nursery set (with just the crib and dresser...WHAT?) yeah needless to say we promptly exited that store lol
    Saturday night we just stayed in and watched tv and I worked on we're so cool like that ;) Sunday was a busy day we got started on reorganizing the basement so we can move the furniture from our office upstairs downstairs and get started on the nursery. It feels good to finally be getting some of this stuff done. Then I met with my mom and another pregnant friend and we went shopping to some maternity stores...gotta say I love H&M Maternity! So well priced and so cute! Got a new dress/tunic that is so comfortable and was only $24!! Then I met a friend for coffee at Good Earth, then I got some groceries and then I went home! WHEW! Busy weekend! I started reading about birth plans last night as well in one of my books...gotta get started on that!

    2 weeks until we go to Calgary for our prenatal course that we won :bigsmile: I'm excited, it'll be a nice little getaway for us ;) Plus we'll get to learn more about what's to come and labour/newborn care etc, which is always a plus!

    I have my personal training sesh tonight at 5:00 with my mom. I'm looking forward to it.

    My goals this week:
    Workout at least 4 times this week - really hoping to just put in some time with my spin bike at home and i have personal training tonight and yoga on Thursday so should definitely be do-able!
    Keep up with the veggies
    REALLY watch my sodium intake and sugar intake - need to get those under control
    Keep up the water intake
    Possibly try an aquasize class this week.

    Anyway - hope everyone has a fantastic Monday!
  • batgirlrox
    Happy Monday too all the Fit and Fablous soon to be Moms!!

    H-82- Yay for a healthy baby boy!

    Missconfidence- Welcome!

    Amy-Welcome! I hope your spotting stops soon and you are able to keep up with just walking through your pregnancy. Being healthy is so much better for us and baby in pregnancy. I hope this babe stays put longer then your last daughter and that you have a great pregnancy.

    Rayna- I wish I could be as talented as you those are super cute!

    atynk- I hope she comes soon for you as well. I have Ulcerative colitis so I have always been worried about it acting up during pregnancy. I have been told by most it either doesn't bug you at all or it's a living h***. I hope the fibre has helped and you are more comfortable today. I know how much those doubling over pains hurt and I can't imagine having a full term baby sitting on top of it. Hang in there!

    msheldon & ybowden- Welcome. That's what we are all about here. Supporting each other in our healthy and active pregnancy's. Feel free to jump right in!

    jchecca- Eeww. I hope too you don't meet him again!

    Heather- Thanks for the motivation and the light being that more energy will come hopefully within the next 4 weeks. I'm sorry to hear you're still having so much rib pains. Charlee needs to drop for you already!! As for the neighbour I understand how frustrating that would be but keep your chin up in the fact that you AND Charlee have benefited significantly to your maintenance of a healthy life style before, during, and after pregnancy. Don't be surprised if she has a tough labour because she's spent almost 40 weeks being sedimentary in her lifestyle and this will be a huge amount of energy for her to do.

    Ashley- That does sound like a busy weekend. I hope you are able to get some productiveness accomplished between your visits for your own sanity!

    babeed- Yay for energy and a bigger yay for your ultrasound! I know I wouldn't get anything done at work either! Let us know how it goes!

    Kristy- Hope everything checks out ok!

    Rayna- Yikes that store is a little to rich for my blood too! I wish I had got the thrill of picking out my own baby furniture set but my aunt and uncle decided before I even got pregnant that they were buying me a set and so they did...No consultation on what we liked or wanted just went out and bought it. The thought was nice but it was something I was really looking forward to do myself. So I haven't decided if I want to spend the hours it will take to sand it all down and stain it or just suck it up and live with it.

    On that note what is everyone opinion on being exposed to paint and stain fumes during pregnancy? I too live in Alberta and wont be able to get my windows open much longer to air the space out.

    Well on my end I am VERY excited I finally get my first doctors appointment today. (I scheduled it 4 weeks ago and found out my doctor was on holidays) So today is finally the day. It seems silly to me that I'm excited to "confirm" the pregnancy because there is no way I'm NOT pregnant but I am. The all day nausea has subsided significantly the last few days (Thanks for the tip of protein in the morning Heather it REALLY helps although sometimes its a huge struggle to get it down.) Still lacking on the energy department. I'm hoping to get a membership this week at the pool so I can start that exercise regime. I have been doing light walks but I get so cold outside so quickly these days. I have finally stopped loosing weight which I'm glad about since it was beginning to worry me. Anyways I better stop rambling now this is already a ridiculously long post. Hope everyone has a fantastic Monday!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    On that note what is everyone opinion on being exposed to paint and stain fumes during pregnancy? I too live in Alberta and wont be able to get my windows open much longer to air the space out.

    I've been a painting fool between the basement and nursery. I kept windows open and if I felt dizzy at all I'd stop and leave the painting area.

    There's been a lot of talk about furniture. We looked at some at Babies R Us and the stuff seems to be OK quality. I know you get what you pay for and I have been on the look out on Craigslist for sets of nicer more solid stuff to no avail. I found a crib I like that we can order online from Amazon and several other places for about $200. I am skeptical it will last through all the phases (toddler bed, etc.) but it seems that is pretty much what all of the stores have (Target too). Those of you who have set up your nurseries, did you go for something a little higher end of the stuff you have to assemble from the big box stores?

    Alright, off to talk a walk. Even though I'm not feeling it today.
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Happy Monday, yall. Im usually MIA over the weekends. I managed to get 2x 5kms runs this weekend. Sunday weather was beautiful fall running weather. We were family central this weekend, had the inlaws and grandma over for lasagna dinner on sat, and my mom came down yesterday and stayed the night. I never eat 100% healthy but about 85% this weekend. Baked a ton of cookies for the kids to decorate at the Halloween party this sat. Hubby and I are going to the Foo Fighters on Thursday, so flippen excited. We went to a ton of concerts before our first was born, we knew theyd be few and far between after baby, it will be fun. Did ok last week with goals but no strength training! I have to do this at least twice!

    Goals this week
    eat out once
    strenght train 2x
    cardio 3x
    walk on lunch breaks
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Heather- I worked out my entire first pregnancy and walked like 2 miles every day but when I was overdue, I had my husband take me to this HUGE mall nearby and made him walk every floor with me twice. At 5am (about 12 hours later) I was in labor. I'm sure it doesn't work for everyone, but I did get the idea from hearing similar stories from several other women, including my own grandmother.

    On a different note, How often do you guys eat tuna salad?????
  • KTGator
    KTGator Posts: 78
    Happy Monday everyone!

    Hope you all had a great weekend! I spent my Friday night dodging glasses of wine at a celebratory dinner for my stepmom's mother. And Saturday night I was watching my co-workers get drunk during a Halloween party -- watching them, I'm very glad I didn't have to feel like they were all going to feel in the morning, hahaha! The nice part about the part, though, is I have another co-worker who is pregnant, and one who had a baby about a year ago, so hubby got to talk with dads in a similar position as him -- he seemed excited about it =)

    I have my first appointment on Wednesday! I'm so excited! That's also going to be the day I tell my dad and stepmom, which I can't wait for. So it's a big day all around!

    Goals for this week:
    Continue monitoring my sodium intake -- I've been feeling so much better since doing so, and actuall dropped 1.2 lbs. I now can recognize which bloat is from the pregnancy, and which is from sodium, so I'm glad I figure that out. I don't mind being bloated from the pregnancy, but the added bloating is just way too uncomfortable.

    Exercise 3-4 times -- got two new workout videos I'm looking forward to incorporating, in addition to doing zumba and walking.

    Hope you all have a great week!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hi Great Mommies!

    I slept in this morning, really needed it. :blushing:

    I didn't walk Sunday but the rest of the week we did, 6 days * 20-30 mins. Sat I worked 4.3 hrs, and we went to my son's game in the afternoon-Lost game :sad: . Poor kids. Sunday I had my me time and got my Halloween spirit black nails done. :glasses:

    Heather-Sorry to hear the rib pain is still bothering you. Hang in there!!! Yes, you will be back on track and burning calories in no time.

    Rayna- Wow that is expensive baby furniture. How exciting on your mini trip.

    taldie- Awesome job on your runs. You Rock! Jealous on the Foo concert, I just missed Smashing Pumpkins & some Spanish rock bands I :heart: .

    Sabrinafaith-I can relate with the walking with my first, I was already dilated to 4, and my mom arrived immediately so that night we walked on the Vegas strip and the next morning my water broke. I agree it's different for everyone.

    Ashley- We also went with quality over price, but ended up getting a decent deal at Burlington Coat vs Babies R Us and it's the exact same furniture. Oh yeah careful with that paint smell.

    Jchecca-Best wishes for a better DR next time around.

    Atynk-Good luck too, for your baby to come soon. You & Heather are really close.

    babeed-Sending some blue baby dust over! Good luck! Don't forget to post. We'll be anxious as well.

    Kristy-It's ok, somedays i get my walks & yoga & S/T but last week wasn't succesful.

    BatgirlRox-Awesome! Let us know how your appt went.

    Welcome to our newer members.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! :)

    I had a good weekend, and the bleeding from Friday has reduced to just spotting, and is now almost non-existent, thank goodness! I have been taking it easy, not sure if that helps or not, but hubby insists that I do, so I don't argue. :) Did manage to make it out to church yesterday and a school picnic yesterday afternoon, where we got to tell a few more friends and teachers our big news. My 8th grader went to school in her Big Sister t-shirt today, she was so excited to tell all her friends.

    Had labs over the weekend and this morning to check that hcg level - I am hoping for good results this afternoon or by tomorrow morning! If those results are good and the bleeding stays at bay, I plan to get out for a couple easy laps around the block this week - I miss exercising!

    batgirlrox & atynk - Wow, I feel for you both dealing with IBS & UC at all, let alone during pregnancy! My hubby had UC, & had to have surgery several years ago to remove his entire colon. Not fun. Hoping you feel better atynk and the symptoms subside quickly!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member

    Has anyone else suffered from restless leg syndrome? What have you done to help??
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member

    Has anyone else suffered from restless leg syndrome? What have you done to help??

    I have RLS even when not pregnant (started with my first pregnancy and never went away... and it's worse now, during the second). The only thing that helps me, personally, was decreasing my caffeine (really easy now), increasing my potassium (decaf coffee has quite a bit, btw) and stretching.

    BUT... RLS is tricky, different people have different triggers and different "treatments". I googled RLS home remedies and experimented until I found the right combo for me.