Challenge for october



  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Wow what a CRAZY week! Was able to complete all of my goals except I did not exercise today. Otherwise feeling good. I see that everyone is doing a GREAT job also!!! Already have my goals and meals planned for next week. Grocery list is completed and will get everything cooked up for the week on Sunday. No sugar all week and it went really well. Did eat a little bit of flour but that is okay. Will do better next week. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK everyone!!!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello Dee bear , So you have had a good week good job !!!!!! I have did mostly good, I ate thearer popcorn again today, I never go to the show been to 2 this week, Its so hard not to eat the popcorn, I was buying some for grand daughter before I knew it I was buying me some to 900 + calories, no more shows for me for awile : /
    I will do good tommorow. Thanks dee bear:smile: Lets have a great day tommorow everyone !!!!!:wink:
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    As of October 7th this is how I am doing with my challenge:

    1. I had 100 oz of water (out of 128oz)
    2. I exercised for 72 mins (out of 60 mins a day)
    3. I have gone over in calories as it is Friday night football and I HAD to have a hotdog!
    4. I did complete my food diary as honestly as I could.

    my starting weight is 192 and I have a cute red shirt I would like to fit into. Thanks for this challenge that I will report on daily.

    I felt good about myself today after completing 3 miles running on the treadmill.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member

    1. Drank 32 ounces water
    2. Exercise 0 mins
    3. Did not Stay within Daily Calorie Goal
    4. Log in

    Well that just sucks....... :grumble:

    I'm proud of you for checking in! Tomorrow is another day and I am happy to be a part of the challenge with you! Chin up, you're beautiful!
  • Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying this challenge!!! Today was pretty good for me as far as making my goals. Hope you succeeded too!!

    My goals:
    1. Keep under my calorie goals every day
    2. Exercise 20-60 minutes every day
    3. Cut out sugar that isn't naturally occuring - yikes!!!
    4. Lose 5lbs by 10/28
  • MrsHazra
    MrsHazra Posts: 105 Member
    Up for the challenge.

    My Goals
    1. Drink 4 litres of water a day
    2. Exercise 30 mins a day
    3. Eat all my calories (as I am breastfeeding and need to meet 1800 cal to keep my milk supply)
    4. Log in Everyday
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    welcome mrshazra !!!!! those are some very good goals .Working toward goals with others make it so much nicer ,and They say people are more succssesful.

    Have a great day :happy: thanks for joining us
  • 10/07/2011:

    The only goal I met on this date is that I logged in. I had an interview and it took longer than expected. Not an excuse, a reality. two days in a row..... may need to re-evaluate my goals. Thank you for the support and hugs. :-)
  • ladyrayado
    ladyrayado Posts: 57 Member
    I hope everyone is having a great weekend! I finished my week strong and am striving for a good weekend too! I weighed myself yesterday morning so I can hold myself accountable for any gain on Monday. I think I did really well with my goals this week, and am looking forward to getting back on the treadmill next week!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Gbeth, So glad you loged in :smile: . If your goals need to be modified no problem , This is for you :happy: so what ever helps . Just keep trying dont give up, I think the weather change can be a big part of struggle for alot of us.

    Thank you lady!!!!! so gladf you are doing well keep up the hard work you will be a t goal in no time :bigsmile:

    I will log my progress latter its still early :wink:
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    May I join... I'm looking for daily accountability buddies, this looks like the place.

    This is what I am working on

    Drink at least 80 oz.
    Stay within my calories by 300.
    10, 000 steps
    No junk food/No late night snacking after dinner
    CLX strength training or cardio if not a rest day.

    OOPs ... great challenge Thanks!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    :flowerforyou: Fitj , Of course you can ,we would love to have you , The month is still new lots of time to reach some goals. It really helps me to be doing a challege for the same reason ,I litteraly reached for a dougnut one day that someone offered {more than once} then I remembered the challenge {that does not normally happen} :noway: I still have ups and downs but alot less downs :bigsmile: Have a great morning,afternoon evening depending on where you live !!!!!!
  • japaneseatheart
    japaneseatheart Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone! I am new to the message boards, but I would love to join your challenge! I am having trouble being consistant with tracking and staying motivated. This past summer I worked at a whitewater rafting company and I was able to run everyday. I lost 10 pounds this summer (yay!), but now that I am back to my regular job (teaching) I am having trouble keeping up (boo!) So, here I go!

    SW 197
    CW 191
    GW 145

    1. Drink 64oz of water a day
    2. Track diet everyday (I am really not consistant with this!)
    3. Work out 5 times a week
    4 Lose 5 pounds by the end of October (ah!! I love candy!)
  • Kelene616
    Kelene616 Posts: 166 Member
    Hi all.. I'm new here and love the idea of supporting each other! Ok so my starting weight is 157.4 and my overall goal is 130.

    1) Stay within my calories
    2) Cut out bad garbs (except maybe some halloween candy)
    3) Exercise 30-60 minutes 4-5 times a week
    4) Lose 1-2 lbs a week
    5) Log everything I eat and do
    6) Log in everyday

    It's so inspiring to read all of your stories :-)
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello Kelene and japenese at heart, Welcome to our challenge :happy: . I have found MFP really helpful ,and it doesnt take long to get in the habit of logging in. You both have really good goals that will help you get to where you want to be. Looking forward to hearing from you both :smile:

    I did good all day then realised I forgot to log something urgggggg, :ohwell: I excersised 50min. and Im still working on water so im pretty happy with my day :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend ........ goodnight :yawn:
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    Thanks for the welcome elimay59 :smile: Yes challenges like this one do help keep you more mindful. Good job with the donut... thats a tough-e!
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    Sat 10/08

    Drink at least 80 oz.
    Stay within my calories by 300.
    10, 000 steps
    No junk food/No late night snacking after dinner
    CLX strength training or cardio if not a rest day.
    Log in everyday...I just added.

    I did good on all my goals. The No late night snacking after dinner is the MOST difficult. Its day by day!
  • Kelene616
    Kelene616 Posts: 166 Member
    So I went 100 calories over yesterday but since I started my diet/exercise plan a week ago I have lost 2lbs! 28 more to go. Will log in tonight with my daily :-) Good luck everyone and keep up the good work :-)
  • Kelene616
    Kelene616 Posts: 166 Member
    That's a big challenge for me too Jorden.. But we can do it together:-)
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    Hi Kelene Here is a thread... much like this one that has been helping me. Ive been taking it night by night. Going to bed with a rumble in my belly.. but waking up feeling good. Congrats on your -2 lb loss!

    Hope to see you there and anyone else that might like to :smile: