Arrogance vs Self Confidence



  • dieseljay74
    Everone handles jeaulousy differently!
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    This is not related to the original post, but I think it's kind of odd that when one person has a different opinion than the majority of the crowd, everyone attacks said person.

    Kind of sad.

    I didn't see much of any attacks, more questions of confused people, myself included as to how he arrived at his response. Nothing more. :flowerforyou:
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    This is not related to the original post, but I think it's kind of odd that when one person has a different opinion than the majority of the crowd, everyone attacks said person.

    Kind of sad.
    I disagree with people all the time and i rarely get attacked.

    (This is me disagreeing with you, thus attacking you. I didn't want you to feel left out)

    Because no one dares attack you! xD
  • ebramlett
    ebramlett Posts: 306 Member
    You know how I feel Shan!! I am proud of your hard work. Its not arrogance when you feel good in your own skin. You made a lifestyle change to better yourself, and you succeeded!! Go tell it on the mountain tops!! I'll stand right there beside ya!
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    We were on each other's friends list at one point OP, or from what I understand your name is "Shan" or "Shannon"..apologies if I butchered it. Getting straight to the point. I would read your wall posts everyday that you'd make and it just showed not only your arrogance (wow look at the topic of the thread), but how full of yourself you are. What's even more amusing is how many men would just buy into your self-righteousness and swoon.

    So...I removed you from the friend's list. It's nothing personal, it's just you aren't the kind of person that I want to be around because of all the "look at me" energy that you put off.

    Granted, this has absolutely nothing to do with your progress you've made in your nutrition and fitness goals.

    This has to do with your preserverance of how your *kitten* don't stink basically. =)

    But..this is fun...your turn.

    Nah...Im not going to entertain you because that is what you want. I simply had a question......You answered in the best way I assume you knew how....Putting down others or pointing out how you think of them is fine.....I only defended myself....I will not continue to do so with you because with people like you ....there is no will continue to come back and the thread will get heated and probably locked .....So Have a great day.....And thank you for deleting me.....It was the best thing you could of done I am sure you agree with that
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    We were on each other's friends list at one point OP, or from what I understand your name is "Shan" or "Shannon"..apologies if I butchered it. Getting straight to the point. I would read your wall posts everyday that you'd make and it just showed not only your arrogance (wow look at the topic of the thread), but how full of yourself you are. What's even more amusing is how many men would just buy into your self-righteousness and swoon.

    So...I removed you from the friend's list. It's nothing personal, it's just you aren't the kind of person that I want to be around because of all the "look at me" energy that you put off.

    Granted, this has absolutely nothing to do with your progress you've made in your nutrition and fitness goals.

    This has to do with your preserverance of how your *kitten* don't stink basically. =)

    But..this is fun...your turn.

    I see you have obviously read the forum rules. :noway:

    Forum Rules
    4) Do not attack/slam/insult other users. The forums are here so that members can help support one another. Attacks or insults against each other takes away from the supportive atmosphere and will not be tolerated. You can discuss the message or topic, but not the messenger - NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, YOU will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself, defending a friend, etc. are NOT excuses. Violations of this rule are taken very seriously and may result in being banned without warning! If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

    That's acceptable. I've said what I had to say. I'll take my licks now.

    Edit: And honestly it wasn't an attempt at attacking her. She asked a question in the original post, and I answered it honestly and upfront. She may be the nicest person in the world outside of MFP, but since this is all I have to go on and from what I've noticed from her...I made my opinion. And that's just opinion.

    If this causes me to get a warning, or be banned then there's nothing I can do about it now.
  • ElissaNP
    ElissaNP Posts: 19 Member
    Frankly I think your coworker feels threatened by your accomplishment. It's her problem, not your's. Be proud!
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    Bah im proud of you and what youve accomplished dont sweat it. People misconstrue me as arrogant but anyone who knows me knows this is far far from the case. Even with as much as i joke about how great i am most know its just thst me joking, hell im usually so over the top with it you cant help but know that but some people.... Anyhow just do you
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    Self-confidence crosses over to arrogance when you have to put down others or put them in a position of subservience in order to justify or call attention to your position. Nothing wrong with being confident and acknowledging the fact that you put in work to get where you are physically and fitness-wise. However, doing or acting in a manner that belitlles the recipient of your conversation or behavior crosses the line.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    Leonidas was arrogant and self-confident. That's what made him a great king.

    This is Madness? No, this is Sparta!

  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    Just out of curosity, what does the coworker/friend look like?

    Everyone is assuming she is "jealous" etc, but what if she's actually smokin' hott?

    Could it be possible that you aren't confident at all, but rather need further reassurance?

    Just playing Devil's advocate. It's a good question.

    Post a picture of her :)
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Leonidas was arrogant and self-confident. That's what made him a great king.

    This is Madness? No, this is Sparta!


    OMG what movie is that pic from?!?
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Ha! Ha! It entertains The Koosdel when the little people quarrel.

    You may continue.
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    I tend to lean towards shyness and modesty a bit more than the average person. So I have to say I wouldn't have said that to anybody. But most people aren't me. Haha.
    I will tell my boyfriend or my mom whenever I fit into a pair of pants or shorts I previously was unable to wear but thats about it. If someone else brings up my weight loss to me I'll say thanks and I'll tell them how much weight I've lost so far because their compliment makes me excited/happy. I never say anything about thinking I look good though or bring it up first to ppl.
    Just because I wouldn't do it though, doesn't mean it makes you saying it arrogant. I don't think the comment alone is arrogant at all. I think it would only be arrogant if the person who says it also tends to talk about theirself quite a bit. Which I'm assuming you don't. ;)

  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    Leonidas was arrogant and self-confident. That's what made him a great king.

    This is Madness? No, this is Sparta!


    OMG what movie is that pic from?!?

    Spartacus: Gods of the Arena, no, not really I just miss the show.... *sigh*
  • horizonflight
    I suppose the original subject here is interesting. I don't know. Do people find it arrogant that, every time you finish an exercise on MFP, it logs it on your wall? Or every time you close out your diary (if you have it set for public view), your "friends" look at your diary and find that you eat something that's maybe more expensive or see that you're eating a ton of foods that they cannot eat? I don't know if you could really call it arrogance.

    If I was in your situation I would just ignore her and not confide in her with your hard progress. It's YOUR progress, she clearly doesn't place any interest in what you're doing for yourself so just ignore her and move on. That's MY opinion. :D

    Great job though, with toning your legs! I think THAT'S what MFP is for, a tool to help you track your intake and exercise and a tool to help you find people who are in similar situations as you, with similar goals as you, who will support you and keep motivating you! That's just my two cents though :D
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Context has a lot to do with it.

    On here, we're all striving to be stronger, fitter, healthier, so talking about it among people with similar goals is expected and encouraged. We're here for encouragement and inspiration, as well as to encourage and inspire others.

    But outside of the MFP world, a lot of people don't give a darn about our muscles or our calorie goal or how fast we can run or how much we can press or bench.

    Obviously, we don't all know the OP personally and know what she's like, but I'm sure we've all known people who always talk about their diet or exercise and know how tiring that can be. Where a question like, "Do you want ketchup or mustard?" at a barbecue turns into a 45 minute monologue on evils of condiments. :laugh: Some folks genuinely want to know, in detail how you're getting fit and how your progress is going, but for the most part, they just want short answers so they can talk more about themselves. :tongue:

    The coworker in question here, in hindsight, didn't want as much info as she got. Now, that could be that the OP was coming off as bragging, or it could be her own issues. Either way, though, I believe that *telling someone* they sound arrogant is a little bit more rude than someone getting caught up in the moment and bragging a bit.

    And now you know that the coworker isn't your audience for that kind of discussion, so... no skin off anyone's nose. :smile:
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    I have been called condecending for asking questions when my intent was knowledge gathering/learning. I am sure some people think of me as arrogant, others as self confident (I'm also sure there are more titles). Their titles do not bother me. I learned a long time ago that "YOUR OPINION OF ME IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS' so I let all that BS go a long time ago.

    I am my worst critic. Nothing you can say or do will put me down MORE than I can put myself down.
    I am my biggest cheer leader. Nothing you can say or do will boost me up MORE than I can boost myself up.
    I am NOT perfect, but I strive to be better than the day before.
    My **** STINKS; and so does yours.
    If you think you are better than me, you are not. If you think you are less than me, you are not.
    I am THE BEST at being ME. There is no better ME than ME.
    I am PROUD of the MAN I've become. Call it what you want arrogance, self confidence, whatever you want.
    If you like me great, if you don't great. I don't need you to like me. I like me, and that's all I need.

    So let me tell you this Shan: It is not how SHE feels about your statement, but about how YOU feel about your statement.

    And I agree with the others. That is not a person that I would continue to share myself with. I'd be professional, a true coworker, but that's as far as it would go.
  • horizonflight
    I have been called condecending for asking questions when my intent was knowledge gathering/learning. I am sure some people think of me as arrogant, others as self confident (I'm also sure there are more titles). Their titles do not bother me. I learned a long time ago that "YOUR OPINION OF ME IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS' so I let all that BS go a long time ago.

    I am my worst critic. Nothing you can say or do will put me down MORE than I can put myself down.
    I am my biggest cheer leader. Nothing you can say or do will boost me up MORE than I can boost myself up.
    I am NOT perfect, but I strive to be better than the day before.
    My **** STINKS; and so does yours.
    If you think you are better than me, you are not. If you think you are less than me, you are not.
    I am THE BEST at being ME. There is no better ME than ME.
    I am PROUD of the MAN I've become. Call it what you want arrogance, self confidence, whatever you want.
    If you like me great, if you don't great. I don't need you to like me. I like me, and that's all I need.

    So let me tell you this Shan: It is not how SHE feels about your statement, but about how YOU feel about your statement.

    And I agree with the others. That is not a person that I would continue to share myself with. I'd be professional, a true coworker, but that's as far as it would go.

    *Like button* if there was one. I completely agree.
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator

    There is no place for personal attacks on the forums.

    "4) Do not attack/slam/insult other users. The forums are here so that members can help support one another. Attacks or insults against each other takes away from the supportive atmosphere and will not be tolerated. You can discuss the message or topic, but not the messenger - NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, YOU will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself, defending a friend, etc. are NOT excuses. Violations of this rule are taken very seriously and may result in being banned without warning! If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."

    There's also a rule that's borderline being tread on here:

    5) Topics which are started with the intent to denigrate, belittle, or disparage another MyFitnessPal member, either directly named or through enough descriptive commentary to be possibly identified, are prohibited. Such topics will be instantly deleted and may result in the banning of the original poster. This includes following another poster around in the forums, posting about past events gone sour, divulging personal information, spreading gossip or rumors, posting email exchanges between users, etc. Keep the drama off the forums!

    The thread didn't start this way, but talk posts about past interactions and airing of old laundry are not within the forum guidelines.

    I'm going to delete some posts here, and let the thread run. Please remain respectful.

    MyFitnessPal Staff